Messrs H. Matson and Co report on the live stock market as follows :—At the cattle market on Wednesday last there was an average supply of stock to hand, bnt in consequence of the incleclemency oi the weather (which was most severe) the trade only brought for immediate requirements, and the larger proportion of the entries suffered to a considerable extent. Several lines of both cattle and sheep were passed in unsold at auction. In cattle, our entries comprised 90 head for various owuers, of which we sold only 46 head, at for—Fat cattle, £7 5s to £11 per head; dairy cows and springers, -£12, £15, aud £16 per head; younc stock, £_ 178 6d to £4 78 6d per head. We do not alter quotations. The sale may be looked upon as a blank, as really there was little or no disposition on the part of those present to purchase at any price. In sheep—We yarded 1449 of all classes for Messrs Studholme Brothers. P. Grant, W. Henderson, Thos Rowe, and others, and sold—Cross-bred wethers, at 13s per head; merinos, at Us; also, second quality do, at 88 6d; store cross-breds, at 10s per head ; and withdrew at auction 1000 crossbred lambs sent forward by Messrs Studholm Bros, from '■ oldstream. These were much travel stained, having- suffered on their journey from the extreme severity of the weather. We disposed of them nrivately at a price which must leave a £ood margin for profit to the grazier. We quote prime mutton at 2*d per lb, ewe mutton Jd ncr lb lower, cross-bred store wethers, weU woolled. and in forward condition, 10s 6dtoUßp« head -inferior, 9s 6d to 10s per head ; cross-bred 2,4. and 6-tooth ewes, good, 10s 6d to 12s 6d j ordinary, 8s <d to as 6d s very superior, 15s per head » fiPl!'brts J«»ty f * * T * J ,Bj?f W -' lf W *
88 ; extra, 9s to 10s ; Inferior. 4s 6d to 5s per head; merino wethers, not in laree demand, at for ordinary, 4s 6d to 5s ; superior, 5s 6d to 6s ; merino ewes must be irood at 4s 6d to os ; inferior, 2s 6d to 3a 6d ; old cross-bred ewes dull of sale at nominal values. The demand tor good classes of sheep is lame, and although when the present restrictions are removed, a srood number of sheep will find their way to market, the proportion of good stock likely to come forward will small. Country sales— We held a clearing sale of live and dt'ad stock for Messrs Ladbrook Bros, on Friday last at Prt:bbl*ton. There was a numerous attendance, and all lots realised good prices—Fat cross-bred wethers. 15s fid to 16s per head ; dairy cows and springers, £1010s, £13 to £16 per head ; heifers, £9 10s 10 £11 per head : horses, £43, £46, £52 10s, and £9, £16, £19. £25. Ac Farm implements, &c, realised well. Sheepskins, hides, tallow, &c.—At our weekly sale held on Thursday, only a moderate supply came to hand, principally in bad condition, and prices realised were from 4d to Sd lower. Hides were withheld. DALLY MEMORANDA.— Monday, May 17. SALES— C. C. Aikman, at the Bailway Station, at 2— Timber W. H. Hargreaves, at his Booms, at 11—Ironmongery MEETINGS— City Council at 7 Lvttelton Borough Council, at 7 Board of Education, at 7 Garrick Hotel—Athletic Club Morton's —Steeplechase Meeting-, at 8 I.o.o.F.,M.U—Loyal Benevolent Lodge, at 7.30 Bangiora—Meeting re Flower Show, &c, at 7 AMUSEMENTS— Theatre Royal, at 8. St John's Juvenile Entertainment, at 8. POST-OFFICE NOTICES. Mails close at the Chief Post-office for the following- places, as under, subject to necessary alterations :— MONDAY, MAY 17th. For Dunedin, per Ladybird, at 9.50 a.m. Late letters, Post office, at 10 10 a.m.; Railway Station, 10.25 a.m. For Dunedin, per Easby, at 11.30 a.m. Late letters. Chief Post office, 12 noon ; Bailway Station, 12.25 noon. WEDNESDAY, MAY 19TH. For Northern Provinces of New Zealand, per Phcebe. Hour of elosinsr in future notict. THURSDAY MAY 20th. For London, per Warwick, at 11.40 a.m. Letters must be addressed per Warwick. Time of closing mails per Omeo, will be given in a future notice. On and after Monday next, the mails for Upper Riccarton, Prebbleton,'Lincoln, Springston, Irwell. Doyleston, Leeston, and Southbridge, will close at the Post office, Christchurch, daily, at 7.30 p.m. (Signed) J. J. FITZGIBBON, Chief Postmaster. BIRTHS. Plimmef. —May 15th, at Christchurch, the wife of Mr J. A. Plimmer, of a son. Bridge.—May 14th, at Akaroa, the wife of H. B. Bridge, of a son. DEATHS. Buckman—May 15th, at Cambridge Terrace, Mary .Buck-nan, TO years. Evans.—At the Lodge, St Alban's, March 15th, William John, the youngest son of J. Evans and Theresa A. Brown.