New Advertisements. RAILWAYS. TIME TABLE. j ■n.vH From Chrietchurch to 10, 11 am.; 2, 4, 5 p.m. E Bi Sl'thcote' to Chrietchurch, 8.30, 9.30, 230, 430, 530 p.m. « ™.v*— From Chrietchurch to Heath?Tio ; 2, 3, 5 p.m. From Heath930,10.20 a.m.; 2.30, 480, 5.30 p.m. _. T,,,, From Christchurch to WffiSK a* a m 4 5 p.m. From Rol5 p m. k** hVtris issued on the Great Southern £E, on Saturdays and Sundays are availS^tbafollowingMonday^^^ 10-28 . — FOR SALE. HEAD OF FAT CATTLE FOR Oil gAj,E ; delivery to be given within j/nfflfleßofobriflte hurch - Apply to f,!i Dbßotjbbbl & Co. 6-14 HOUSE TO LET. A SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE TO BE LET with eight acres of land, situated on the North road, close to the Ravenswoodjn nie,Woodend,at£Boayear. Apply to g 14 Dbßoubbel & Co. WANTED, a Partner with £2000, for a sheep run. For further particulars apply to 544 Deßoubbbl & Co. BILLIARDS. rr«HESPLENDID ROOM AT THE CITY X HOTEL is now furnished with two firstrate tables for the benefit of the amateurs of thie noble game. A boy oe marker wanted. 5-14 TO JOURNEYMAN BOOTMAKERS. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Two light Boot Hands; constant work and highest wages. None but first-clase hands need apply to N. J. Suckling, High street, Chrietchurch. 514 GOVERNMENT LAND FOB THREE POUNDS PER ACRE, In Seven Years. Terms .—A small Deposit, and balance at end of five or seven years, as may be Agreed upon, bearing interest. Apply to 5-11 Ohablbb Clam. SO BE LEI AT A LOW BENT, THE FAMILY RESIDENCE known as Meriden, near to Merivale Church, as lately in the occupation of Isaac Luck, Esq. Stabling, and nine acres of good pasture land. Apply to No 90 5.11 Chables Clark. FOE SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY, OC to 30 MAGNIFICENT DAIRY Jup) COWS. YOUNG HEIFERS, AND YOUNG STOCK, all in fine condition. For further particulars apply to G. D. LOOXHABT & CO., S-15 Colombo and Hereford streets. FOR SALE, VILLA SITES FRONTING THE AVON. CIEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE BUILDO ING SECTIONS, with land attached or otherwise. Apply to G. D. Lockhabt & Co, 5-15 Colombo and Hereford streets. FOR SALE, OrtoEent for a Period of Years upon Most Liberal Terms, A NUMBER OF MOST DESIRABLE FARMS, within an easy distance of Christchureh. The above are all substantially fenced ; the land of the richest character, beautifully watered, well-grossed, and surrounded by good rosda. The homesteads are complete with every convenience desirable; the rents are low, and the purchase may be made upon easy terms. Apply to ' G. D. LOOKHABT & Co., 6-15 Colombo and Hereford streets. NOTICE. A U< PERSONS having any Claim or Demand against the Estate of Joseph Beewick, of Kaiapoi, are requested to send the foB particulars thereof to us, the undersigned, forthwith. Dated this 14th day of May, 1867. MACFABLAK & NOTTIDGE, Solicitors, 5-15 Cathedral square, Christchurch. TO CONTRACTORS. 'pENDERS are Invited by the Christchurch A City Council for Two" Iron Culverts in G&shel street. Specifications to be seen at the office of the Uty Surveyor. Tenders to be sent in before four p.m., on Monday, May 20. Cobs. Cxtpf, City Surveyor. Christchurch, May 14,1867. 5-15 TENDERS Wanted by the HalseweU Road Board for Works on part of the 7tl Lincoln road, between the Canal reserve end the foot of the Hills. Specification can be seen at the offices of tor Charles Clark, Christchurch, tenders muet be sent in, addressed to W. G. Brittan, ftq-, Chairman of the Haleweil Road Board, on or before Friday, May 17, 1867, at twelve 0 clock noon. Mce h tea° WeSt Ot aDy tender DOt necCßßarily W. Guisb Bbitian, 5 1 5 Chairman.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Press, Volume XI, Issue 1409, 15 May 1867, Page 1
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