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Lyttelfon, April 8. AKIiIVKD. Dove, schooner, Williams, from Heatbcote, in ballaet. Emily, ketch, 14 tons, Clarke, from Kampox. Blaekwall, barge, 26 tons, Munro, from Saltwater Creek. Isabella Jackson, schooner, 42 tons, James Sheppard, from Picton. CIiEAEED. Mermaid, ship, 1233 tons, Rose, for London. Passengers —Cabin: Mr and Mrs Weld, five children and servant, Misses L. and S. Martin, Alias Ellis, Mrs Lee, Mr H. Watson, Mr. and Mrs Luck and five children, Mrs K. Townsend and Mr Ward's two children, Mrs D. Murray ; second-cabin : Mr W. Pitcaithly, Mr E. Bickard, Mr George ITinloy and lour children. IMPOSTS. Per Canterbury, Peacock and Co, agente : 1000 cases kerosene, 50 do axes, 25 halfbarrels apples, 50 qr-do do, 100 cases lobsters, 80 do brooms, 100 cases prepared corn, Peacock and Co ; 1 case, 15 do maizena, 60 neste pails, 1 case samples, G. Tayler. Per Emily, Master, agent: 102 bags flour, 66 do wheat, 4 bales wool, Walton, Warner and Co. Per Blaekwall, Master, agent: 94 bale* wool, Miles and Co. Per Fawn, Peacock and Co, agents: 280 tons coal, 374 gunnies sugar, 34 half round piles, 8 pieces hardwood timber, order. Per Isnbella Jackson, J. T. Peacock and Co, agents : 2 qr-tierces tobacco, 4 qr-casks port ■wine, 38 cases do, Poacock and Co ; 189 bags flour, 2 cases tinware, order; 20,000 feet sawn timber, Peacock and Co. Per Canute, J T Peacock and Co, agents : 3 hhds hardware, 1 cask tools, 1 do garden tools, 79 kegs nails, 1 package hardware, 1 cask do, 59 kegs nails, 1 case machinery, 2 do ribbons, 1 do furs, 4 bales, 1 case flannels, I do felt, 1 do silks, 11 do currants and figs, 6 barrels raisins, 1 do muscatels, 2 bags paper, 2 bales, 2 casks brushware, 1 bale paper, 10 cases chocolate and cocoa, 8 do almonds, 15 barrels nuts, 15 cases raieins, 20 barrels currants, 10 cases haddocks, 75 do etout, 10 bales corn sacks, 5 do candle wicke, 6 qr-casks whiskey, 200 bags salt, 20 boxes soap, 5 oases confectionery, 7 crates earthenware, 10 kegs sulphur, 5 qr-casks brandy, 23 cases cheese, 50 casks ale, 5 cases vestas, 1 case skins, 20 casks whiting, 10 drums oil, cases whiskey, 20 do wine, 10 do black lead, 10 do salad oil, 25 do sardines, 5 qr-casks whiskey, 10 do old torn, 100 cases old torn, 60 do whiskey, 4 bales, 2 cases, 5 do hats, 3 bales carpets, 30 do mantles, 1 do worsted, II cases apparel, 1 do muffs, 3 do alpaca, 4 bales carpets, 2 do blankets, 1 bale, 25 cases, 6 bales, 1 package, 6 iron tanks, 1 galley arid hearth, 280 bags coke, 6 cases apparel, 8 do drapery, 20 qr-casks sherry, 1 case hoBiery, 1 do hats, 2 do drapery, 3 bales drapery, 4 cases prints, 120 boxes candles, 20 cases corn flour, 15 do vestas, 1 bale flannel, 2 cases haberdashery, 3 do hats, 1 do prints, 10 packages rope, 11 cases merinoes, 1 do hoeiery, 275 do stout, 1 do apparel, 50 do currants, 10 do muscatels, 10 do sultanas, 25 barrels raisins, 15 cases figs, 5 do almonds, 10 barrels nuts, 5 cases apparel, 5 do olives, 200 cases whiskey, 6 barrels lead, 3 cases, 11 kegs, 1 caek nails, 1 case, 50 kegs nails, 1 bag chain, 2 bundles spades, 3 boxes plates, 1 cask hardware, 8 cases, 2 casks, 2 hhds, J T Peacock & Co; 20 kegs paint, 2 bales, 6 cases, 255 do ale, J D Macpherson ; 27 do vestas, 1 do matchee, Owen and Graham ; 19 sheep, Reice and Tancred .•■;-.■ 13 cases, 5 bales, 4 casks sherry, 200 boxes, 20 qr-casks wine, 1 case samples, Oobb and Sawtell; 2 casks seeds, J T Brown ; 1 case, Webb ; 2 do, Eev. J Wilson ; 1 do, J Wildermoth ; 2 mill-stones, 1 case, E. Woodfbrd ; 1 bale, 8 cases, 1 iron drum, order ; 2 casee, order ; 1 cask zinc, Gourlay ; 60 half-barrels, 14 casks, 330 cases, 25 qr-casks, 997 bags salt, Walton, Warner and Go.; 2 caees, Kennaway ; 1 drum, 1 case, £fcdy&»>—-8O -«jijpa_ ae&ef •„ 2Q k«J«m.~.l. bales, L G Cole and Co; 1 case, Herbert Belfield ; 1 do, Mrs Hornbrook ; 5 packages, W A Knapman ; 6 runlets, 8 drums, Greenwood and Co; 3 cases, E Mills; 1 puncheon, Dixon and Co; 1 cask, J A Lane ; 2 boxes, addressed ; 227 bundles wire, 59 do do, Miles and Co ; 3 boxes, 1 bale, order ; 1 qr-cask, 2 cases, F Weld; 19 cases, Washington Irving; 1 bale, 9 cases, order; 1 case, Herman; 6 cases, 1 package, order; 1 case. J L Baiestiee; 6 do, C Bonnington; 1 box, J Jenkins ; 13 bales, order ; 1 case, J G Wilson ; 1 package, Cunningham ; 1 case, Woolcombe : 10 cases, 1 package, order; 1 bin malt; 20 hhds, 300 cases ale, 150 do stout, 50 do ale, 1000 bags salt, 18 cases, 25 bales, 13 casks, 53 iron pipes, 921 rails, 1750 fish plates, 2 packages, 46 cases, 13 casks, 193 packages, 6 eete joints and crossings, 1729 fish plates, 18 girders, 26 bags, 20 bed plates, 29 cases, 306 braces, 171 pieces, 5 packages, 5570 railway chairs, E S Dulgety and Co; 32 cases, 40 drums, 4 casks, order ; 1 case, W Cuddon ; 10 cases, 1 cask, order ; 3 cases, In wood and Bilton ; 32 cases, Hilton and Co ; 1 case, Buckingham; 1 do, Key. J Gow; 5 cases, 20 drums, 104 bundles, 454 bare, B T Blakesley; 12 packages, Dixon ; 2 cases, Rev. J Buddie ; 2 do, order; 1 do,. Hicks and Moore ; 40 cases beer, 10 tanks malt, 4 casks, Montgomery and Co ; 40 hhds ale, Symington ; 6 qr-casks port, 1 hhd sherry, Montgomery and Co ; 1 case, C Flocton ; 1 do, F W Matthews; 1 do, J Morton ; 1 do, Captain & C Lanauze ;'5 hhds, Mullock and Lance; 159 cases, 40 boxes, 45 qr-casks. 5 packages, 32 casks, 5 liege, 24 cases, 10 drums, J M Hey wood and Co; 1 case, W B Jones ; B' puncheons, W. Wilson ; 6 cases plants, J W Robinson ; 6 packages, 8 bales, order; 2 qr-casks, J Studbolme; .1 bale, R Black; 1 case, Hardcastlo ; 5 trunks boots, J Percy ; 75 cases beer, order; 8 hampers, 2 bags, T Williams; 11 cases, 8 kege, J M Heywood and Co; 27 cases, 1 balo, W Pratt; 10 bales, H Mfttflon and Co; 1 case, Isaacs; 128 packages, 656 bars, 4 bundles iron, 20 casks, 3t cases, 6 boilers, 1 package, 26 kegs nails, 20 casks, 38 bundles tubes, 396 do wire, 3 sheets lead, 1' crate, 12 bundles spades, 21 rollers, 2 wheels, 18 pair do, 2 arms, 2 packages iron, 1 cross, 1 axle, 1 package shafts, 2 tnbe spindles, 2 checks, 17 notches, 44 bundles todls, 4 boxes, 12 bundles, 18 stores, 4 machines, 1 strop, 1 keg skins, 6 bundles spades, Reeee and Co ; 3644 bars iron, 183 do wire, 12 iron gates, 1 box fittings, 4 casks eeed, 11 hhds "tobacco, Rhodes and Wilkin ; 2 packages stationery, A J Stevens; 1 case, G Picteriug, 3 do, 1 bale, R Black ; 3 cases, Mrs. Butler ; 1 case B M Martin; 4 do, 2 bales, J 11 Ward; 2 cases, J Harlcr; 13 cases, Dunesm and Son; 1 do, Harper; 7 do, 81 packages, order; 1 case, Wngstaff; 113 packages, 45 cases, 5 qrcaeks, 120 casks ; 4 hhds, 20 kegs, 4 i-ates, 200 boxes, 54 chests, 10 hhds, 10 qr-casks, Bargreaves and Co ; 3 cases, Mrs Campbtil ; 1 do, C C Bowen ; 193 packages, Morrison and Co ; 1 box silver pl«t*. J C Lodge; 1 bin malt, order; 2 box«s, 30 kegs, 1 cas<>, 2 casks, 22 bales, WJieeve ; 11 packages, Mrs Williams ; 21 do, order"; G cases, 2 cask?, oruer ; 1 case. W H Pow; 23 do, 1 do samples, 1 parcel do, 5 bundles, 5 barrels, Taylor and Co ; 6 cases, Ellgood ; 17 Beatb, Kirby and Co ; 54 do, Fisher, Booth and Fisher ; U9 bundles wire, 50hhds, 10 barrels, 15 kilderkins, Mathe'eon's Agency ; 1 case, Hruuewill ai:d Munday ; 38 cases, J Baldwin; 1 do, Heiusley; 2 do, Lewis: 200 do, order; 1 bale, 10 cases, 10 kegs, 170 drums, 50 bundles 3 casks, 490 deals, order ; 5 bales, S casks, 21 cases, Gould ; 1 case, Mrs Percival; 400 bags ealt, Moliett; 4 paekeges, 24 cases, 4 bales, Strange and Co; 24 bundles, 1 crate, 1 case, 3 casks, 4 bandies, Geo. Tajlerj 150 boxes, 100 cases, 15 hhds, Nathan and Co; 6 pkgs, E Isaacs; 1 case plants, Angus, 21 chests 21 haU-cheste, 200 bags, D DavU ; 100 cases, 100 boxes, 5 bundlee, 30 H Marks and Co; 1 case, JEmerson; 12 barrels 10 caees, 4 casks, 7 barrels, 10 boxes, E Isaacs • 10 mau Bugar, 1 cask, 8 J White and Co ; 1 parcel, Williame ; 7 trunks, order - 3 cases, D Hoyt; 2 caees, 1 bundle, WNeove • 49 casee, order; 5 casks, W Wilson; 1 iron
drum spirits, 100 cases old torn, 50 cases whiskey, 2 hhds gin, E B and F A Bishop ; 200 boxes, 39 cases, 5 bales, 9 cases vestas, 1 truss, L E Nathan and Co; 4 cases cartridges, 1 case, 19 packages hardware, 5 tons pig iron, Hawkes and S treats ; 3 cases, 1 cask, 1 bale, S Moliett; 60 camp ovens, 71 covers, 2 cases, 8 kegs, Garwood; 9 cases, 2 bundles tubes, W Walker ; 386 pieces iron Newton and Barnes; 2 cases ploughs, 6 do stout, 6 do pale brandy, 12 do wine, 6 halfchests tea, 1 case, 40 do geneva, 20 do wine, 12 casks sherry, 10 hhds ale, 10 qr-casks cherry, 5 barrels rum, order; 1758 flooring boards, 65 kegs nails, 5 cases currants, 1 case sultanas, 10 packages tea, 8 qr-casks wine, 1 case kerosene, 1 cask chain, 1 strong-room door, 1353 bars iron, 60 bundles do, 53 do wire, 3 kegs staples, Birch and Co ; 10 drums oil, 12 crates earthenware, 1 cask bellmetal, 97 boiler plates, 167 bundles iron, 3797 bars do, 3000 bricks, J Anderson. EXPORTS. Per Mermaid, Miles and Co, agents: 1494 bales wool, 8 do skins, 1 caee, 6 casks tallow, Miles and Co ; 414 bales wool, 2 do skins, G. Gould ; 20 bales wool, J. and G. Tinline ; 55£ bales wool, J. T. Peacock and Co; 70 do do, 1240 bushels wheat, Birch and Co; 56 bales wool, Montgomery and Co; 54 do do, H. Mateon and Co ; 13 do do, 1 bag, E. S. Dalgety and Co; 22 bales wool, J. M. Heywood and Co; 28 do do, Walton, Warner and Co ; 11 do do, D. Davis ; 45 do do, E. C. Latter; 18 do do, Laurie and Gannon ; 7 do do, 1 pocket, E. Recce and Co; 7£ bales wool, J. White and Co ; 140 do do, 1 bale skins, Kinross and Co ; 56 bales wool, 2 bags do, Krull and Co ; 1 case, Mrs Little, 2LO bale» wool, Ido plans, Matheson's Agency; 32 bales wool, 1 euso, Deßourbell and Co ; 1 box cancelled notes, Bank of Australasia ; 1 case, J. E. FitzGerald; 1 case cheese, Woledge and Co.
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Press, Volume XI, Issue 1379, 9 April 1867, Page 2
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1,856Shipping. Press, Volume XI, Issue 1379, 9 April 1867, Page 2
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Shipping. Press, Volume XI, Issue 1379, 9 April 1867, Page 2
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