New Advertisements. »yHEATRE ROYAL. MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 1, 1867. GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO MR. H. C. WEST, Given to him by the late Company in recognition of hie long and untiring energy in keeping open the Theatre, thereby affording public amusement ; when they trust that the public will second their efforts in endeavoring to reimburse him for losses sustained in the management of the above Theatre. The entertainment will commence French Drama entitled JOCRISSE, THE JUGGLER. (By particular desire.) Jocriflse ... ... Mr Tom Fawcett On this occasion this Drama will be mounted in a style never hitherto attempted, with splendid scenery by MR CHARLES MASSEY. Overture by Band. The whole to conclude with the screaming Farce, entitled THE TWO GREGORIES. Mrs Gregory Mrs H. C. West Box office open every day from ten to twelve. Seats strictly reserved. 3-29 AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY. LIFE ASSURANCE, ANNUITY, AND ENDOWMENT OFFICE. Established 1849. mHE ONLY MUTUAL LIFE SOCIETY JL IN THE COTONIES. The entire profits divided periodically among the Policy-holders. PROGRESS OF THE SOCIETY. v Premium Invested xeax ' Income. Funds. 1850 ... £650 ... £557 1853 ... 3350 ... 5858 1856 ... 12,550 ... 17,412 1259 ... 27,000 ... 56,566 1862 ... 56,000 ... 143,543 1865 ... 100,279 ... 310,717 Claims paid at death exceed £100,000. Proposals for Assurance of every kind, Annuities, present, deferred, or reversionary, and Endowments for children or old age, are received by the undersigned, from whom also prospectuses and every information can be obtained. John Lewis, Agent. Cookham-house Chambers, Christchurch. 1-19 Public Works O&ce, Christohurch, March 29, 1867. rjIS HONOR THE SUPERINTENDENT XjL directs the publication of the following Tenders, received for re-building, &c, certain bridges and culverts on the line of the North road, Kaiapoi Island, for general information :— Jas. W. Stewart £500 0 0 J. Bowmaker 626 12 0 The Government accepts the tender of J. W. Stewart. Joseph Beswiok, 3-30 Secretary for Public Works. NOTICE. ALL SUMS OF MONEY now remaining due to the late firm of Luck and Clark must after this date be paid to Mr. Charles Clark, as liquidator. Isaac Luce, Liquidator to the late firm of Luck and Clark. Christchurch, March 27, 1867. 3-30 NOTICE. mHE BUSINESS hitherto carried on as X Land and Commission Agents, under the style of Luck and Co., has been transferred to Mr. Chableß CiiAHK, who is fully authorised to pay all demands against the late firm, and to receive all moneys due to it. Claimants to send in their demands by noonon Wednesday, April 3. Luce & Co. Christchurch, March 27,1867. 8-30 MR. CHARLES CLARE, AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION AGENT, BEGS to inform the public that he has succeeded to the business hitherto car* ried on by MESSRS. LUCK & CO., And has removed to the offices at the corner of Colombo and Gloucester streets, Christchurch. 8-80 CHUECH OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. PERSONS desirous of Beating Sittings for the year ending March 31, 1868, are requested to make early application. Forms of application can be obtained of the Verger. WruuiAK Deambb, M.D. ) ChurohWiixiak Lowthsb, ) wardens. March 22,1867. 3-30 SHOULD this meet the eye of Hugh Campbell, who arrived by the Mermaid in January, 1867, he will hear of his brother Kenneth by sending his address to SwiHbottenb's, the Digger's Rest, Christohurch. Any one knowing his whereabouts would greatly oblige by sending hit addrvu to the aboTfl. B*Bo
Page 1 Advertisements Column 5
Press, Volume XI, Issue 1371, 30 March 1867, Page 1
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