" Peess " Office, Monday, March 25. " Great distrust is still existing in mercantile circles, owing to the continued failures of retail dealers, many of whom have been obliged to close their shops owing to their connection with the assigned estate of Messrs Thiel, Mytton and Co. This distrust is further" heightened by the practice of some firms forcing their clients to give bills of sale on over-drawn accounts, thus practically hindering their doing business, except with the holders of the bills of sales. Business generally is in a very unsound state; holders of goods are very cautious in their dealings, although stocks of all descriptions of goods are largely in excess of our requirements, and only known tradesmen are trusted. We have not heard of any speculative purchases of imports lately, although several large purchases of oats have been made to hold for higher rates. Colonial butter and cheese is coming into town from tho put'Statious, severnl ton* of eneli having been quitted during the week. Fine salted ' butter may be q"oted at 100.« to 112s per cwt, and cheese at 75s hi fl mr the m.irkt fc is quiet, prices varying from £11 f> £13 per ton Bran and sharps £3 and to 10s. S.-ilers of wheat nre 1 i"g«dy in excess of buy.?™, and great'difficulty w experia red in quitting lots, j Wo may quote 3s 3d per bushel as tho uvurage | price of sales during the week. O.iis nre j dealt in at 2-» Gd to 2s i)d, with fair sales. I Peas mny be quoted at 4s. and beans at 6s. J Tares are enquired for at Bs. Lit Mo barley has changed hands: maltsters idler 4s to) 4.3 to 4s 3d, but holders are as ret indisposed j to submit to any reduction. Tho average price of potatoes* is £3 10s, with moderate demand. Onions are changing hands for shipment to the West Coast at £9 per ton. - Last? Saturday's market was well atteuded. Tbe cattle sales wero brisker, and most lots found purchasers at fair rates. A splendid mob of draught horses were sold by auction at Mitchell's, by Mr Lockhart, and nearly all lots found purchasers at prices varying from £22 10s to £51 los.
Mr J. 0. Hubbard reports as follows : —The attendance at"the Corn Exchange on Saturday was good, but a slow sale of all kinds of colonial produce. Tlie supply of wheat much exceeds present demand—good grinding qualities at from 3s to 3s 6d per bushel; inferior and old, 2a Gd. A moderate sale for good potatoe oats, at from 2s 9d to 3s ; second-rate
samples, 2s 6d ; dun peas, 3s 6d to 4s ; partridge peas, 4s 6d to 5s 6d ; horse beans, 6s to 7s. Owing to three malt houses in the town being closed, the demand for malting barley is limited, and prices at from 4s to ss; and for seed and feeding purposes, 3s to 4s. Should a capitalist come forward now a lucrative trade might be established in malt making, as the supply of barley is ample, obviating the necessity of importing English malt at a high figure, which leaves the public but little choice or prospect beyond sugar beer. Flour, £9 10s to £11 per ton ; potatoes, £3 to £3 10s ; hay, £4 to £5.
Press, Volume XI, Issue 1366, 25 March 1867, Page 2
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