flew Advertisements. AND CHRISTCHURCH T **£SIWAYT?ME TABLE:- On WEEK DATS. m Christchu re h-Ba.m.--9a.m.-10a.m. a.m.-9.30 a.m.— Froffl Chri B tchurch-9a.xn.-10a.m; 2p.m. 9 - 30 a.m-10.20 a.m. ? 2 .80p^-* SUp a HoIiMEB & Co . 4-17 ______ —— JaND FOR SALE. I A£7BE3 OF "GOOD AGRIOULI 092 (ffTBAL LAND for sale, at Rangiora, r °rut orinblockß of thirty acres and upaudited. Terms very easy. Apply to pbßotobbi, k Co. * "" MUDIE'S LD3RARY. *TH!W BOOKS, Ex Talbot—Miss Berry's N* !joX Grasp Your Nettles, Boyle's A«ta. Andrew Ramsay, Buckyn Shaig, grid CUntrey, Dr Harold, Fides GaySv'fc God's Providence, H. Holbeach, Maffer". Brigand Life, Klffi Hobby, Mr Hogarth's Will, 2£ Forrester, Naval Lieutenant, Rhoda KP' * Skye, White's Extern England. TO FARMERS. fAUTED— Theuse of a piece of land of fiom 50 acres to 160 acres. The land ! must haw been ploughed and fallowed for i joins months. The tenant will leave the land bid down in grass. A few soil is desired, but one that does not teooine dry in the summer. Cite will be paid for any operations already ft* farther terms and particulars apply to j Geo. Packs, Matson & Co.'s Buildings, 840 Cathedral square. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, Isaac Luck tod Charles Clark, carrying on busiMM as Auctioneers and Commission Agents, ia Colombo street, Christchurch, under the Afro? firm of 'Luck and Clark* have this day Stored our said partnership by mutual conIM outstanding accounts due to thalate frmsnut be forthwith paid to Mr Jsaae Look, 9bo s »a^N*argeaUliabilities. c ~_, ,_ _ r ,.... BiMftiiilhirty-arstdayof August, 1866. Isaac Lxxcx. CHABIBS Ceabk. Witness—Seymour H. Saunders. 9.-1 • ME. CHARLES CLARE, (Late Partner in the firm of Luck and Clark,) AUCTIONEER, XAKB AND ESTATE AGENT, I- 1 Has removed to his new offices in ':"«», tt COLOMBO STREET, . ■ Opposite High street, Cbmstohttboh. 9-1 FOB SALE, SEVERAL EARLY SHARES IN THE FBEEHOLD LAND SOCIETY. The abow shares will be sold at a great reduction. S« particulars apply at the office of this paper. 91 BREWERY, TO BB SOLD, by private; contract, situated in the centre of one of the most rising loataets in' Canterbury, and distant sixty miles wm say similar business. .^ H» property consists of a brewery of fiveipwto plant, most conveniently arranged, and *Httpl«to in all details, three dwelling-houses, j*™** tad store, and commands a business eUfsqfltable and extensive character. *M proprietor is placing this property in «* .a««k«l, being desirous of returning to %lfto 800 Cobb & Sawteii, ** Christchurch. W**? 0 TO PURCH ASE, for cash, (*) good accustomed to W»°g< Apph/ Golden Fleece Hotel. "•Bsoiwnr. • 8-31 & CLARK haTe been SU"*™?** b 7 Mr A. W. Money (who ftsrtf 0 !* his present busi*feL„r w ,% 8sa °' by P riTate trea, 7» the SSISS?"!? and well-known Premises, situated in the Market SSi i™ Wwttdl » witn back entrance from vS.r? 00 - together with the GoodJJ™ Bnsiness, and the Leasehold Inthe Land. A*f Moommodation for stabling thirty<£**f?> ter and room <br at least twelve in the coach-house; lofts for hay, taj^T. coa "wrnia, horse-power chaffevery other convenience for a l»ge business, cottage is on the land, dethe stabling, suitable for the oc- « owner or manager. > ?S o^rhaßbeendora g a lar ge «»d 1688 ' and *"> w "l be prepared to to any bona fide intending No. 200 Christchurch, 8-25 I)V ttt Sg B TAUQET IN EIGHT Sjfcns. on the Semi-angular *t guaranteed also on the *?iT aUO ItaUan angular Btyle r^iaSJr™ 8 ; Pu P aa visited at their 10 ! 1 rf preferred. Bookkeeping 5 P«SSl 81, l! le l entl 7 tau g» fc - A lecture be had of aU booksellers. Sydenham House, ■ ■ w! Bokrf «»j * gentleman, Partial * Bedroom. Private family ftp*. Addres, B. R., office of th i ß \viiiS^^l^ , — * — ll . Una . to the 9-1
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Press, Volume X, Issue 1192, 1 September 1866, Page 1
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