A special meeting of the Council was held yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, for the purpose of electing a Chairman, and considering matters in connection with the approaching visit of his Excellency the Governor. The following members were present; —Messrs. J. Ollivier, I. Luck, E. B. Bishop, W. H. Lane, J. Bailey, E. Burnell, and W. D. Barnard. Absent —S. C. Farr and C, W. Bishop. The Town Clerk read the return of tbe names of the new members as received from the Ch»***man of the election meeting on'the llth instant. Mr. E. B. Bishop was called to the chair. Ho pointi:d out that the first duty of the meeting was to elect a Chairman for the ensuing year, upon which it was moved by Mr. Luck, seconded by Mr. Bailey— " That J. Ollivier, Esq., be the Chairman of the City Council for the ensuing year." Carried » em. con. ' Mr. JtCB. Bishop vacated the chair, which was taken by Mr. Ollivier. He returned thanks to the members of the Council for electing him to the office of Chairman, and assured them that his best endeavors would be used to merit a continuation of their confidence. The minutes of the last meeting were then read and confirmed. The address to his Excellency was then agreed upon. It tvas resolved that the Hon. Mr. Weld, Colonial Secretary, be commuuicated with, requesting him to state tho day on which his Excellency will receive the, address} and also the evening on which hia Excellency would receive the invitation to dinner from the Council. * The meeting then adjourned until Monday next.
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Press, Volume VII, Issue 690, 14 January 1865, Page 3
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Press, Volume VII, Issue 690, 14 January 1865, Page 3
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