On Thursday the 12ih inst, iv the We«leyau Church riiristchurch." l>y the Itev. Wro. Kirk, Wesley an Jlinister. John, "eldest son of Jacob Itarnett, Lower Liiicoln-ronct. Cw'ferJmrr. X. Z., to Gertrude, third dai'jrMor of 3Hr. Walter Lawrcy, fo: tnerly of jiodmin, Cornwall.
On Thnrsdav, the 12th inst. at St. Michael's Church, Christehnreli. W the Itt-v. Honrv Jacobs. M,A., Incumbent,' Henry Whitehead, third "surviving son of f{. H. Mytton, Esq., of Garth, nenr Welshpool, ' North Wales (b Judge of the Bengal Sndilcr Bench, retired, a Chairman of Or. Sessions and IVpnty Lieutenant for the County of Montjromerv, Xorth Wales) to )faria Mnrv, only daughter of the late A. J. Jackson, K«i-, of I*J»el I.o<Ur<\ Cautcrbnry, X.Z., formerly of St. Petersburg, Russia.
Press, Volume III, Issue 325, 14 November 1863, Page 2
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