| MRS. R. BLEASEL. j The death occurred at Te Kuiti on I Tuesday, after a long illness, of Mrs. j Raymond Bleasel at the age of 28 years. I Mrs. Bleaeel, who was popular among I the younger married residents, was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones, the former having contested the Waitomo electoral seat at the recent election. Mrs. Blcaeel came to New Zealand from Wales, about 20 years ago. She ig survived by her husband and two little girls, Rae Marie and Doreen. MR. H. F. EDWARDS. Advice ha« b?en received from Samoa i of tlu» d -ath mi November 14 at Apia ' Hospital of Mr. Herbert Fairfax Edward*. only eon of Mr. and Mrs. 11. G. K.l>vni'd . of Vaiala. Mr. Edwards is the manager of t'>e Bank of New Zealand's 'tvnw-li. Mr. Herbert Edwards, who wjtK I:) vrars old. had arrived in Samoa a yvr ago. after having completed his ei'.ion at the_ Takapuna Grammar .Mi ■'■ land. He had been under tr at" at the Government hospital | for r*'\ v. ck< for a blood disease and i had been si-king rapidly in spite or several blnmf tra iiT-fueions. MISS CARRIE PATERSON. The death has occurred of Miss Carrie Patcrson. eldest daughter of Mrs. and the late Rev. George Paterson, formerly minister of St. James' Presbyterian Church, Auckland. Arriving in New Zealand in 1021. Misri Paterson completed her education at St. Cuthbert's College. From that time on her main interests lay with the missionary and social service activities of the Presbyterian Church. As organist of St. James' for some years and secretary of the Girk' Auxiliary, besides acting as accompanist at innumerable church functions, Miss Patcrson led a full and active life until illness developed some months ago and caused her death at the early age of 31.
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Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 277, 23 November 1938, Page 4
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume LXIX, Issue 277, 23 November 1938, Page 4
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