(By Telegraph.—Special to "Star.") WELLINGTON, this day.
The appointment of Mr. A. H. Johnstone of Auckland; Mr. J. B. Callan, of Dunedin; and Mr. C. H. Weston, of Wellington, as King's Counsel is announced.
Mr. Alexander How at Johnstone is the senior partner in the Auckland firm of Stanton and Johnstone. Ho was born at Milton and educated at Tokomairiro District High School and Victoria, College, Wellington. He gained his B.A. degree in 1903 and his LL.B. in 1005. Before coming to Auckland he
practised in New Plymouth, and for some time "was president of the Taranaki Law Society, a member of the New Plymouth Borough Council, and Now Plymouth. High School Board of Governors. He has been president of the Auckland La w Society and a member of the council of the New Zealand Law Society. MR. CLAUD WESTON. Mr. Claud Horace Weston, D.5.0., ■was born at Hokitika in 1879. He is a son of Mr. Thomas Shailer Weston. He was educated at Christ College and Canterbury College. He gained his LL.B. in 1003. He took up practice at New Plymouth in 1002, and became Crown Solicitor there. He resigned in 1931 to
come to Auckland to practice. It is only recently that he left Auckland to practice in Wellington. He served in the Great War and gained the rank of lieutenant-colonel. He received the D.5.0., and was mentioned in dispatches. He was chairman of the Repatriation Committee at New Plymouth, and commandant for New Zealand of the Legion of Frontiersmen. He is the author of several books, including a legal work on workmen's and contractors' liens.
Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 59, 10 March 1934, Page 10
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