FINAL COUNTS DECLARED. VOTES CAST IN MANUKATT. EOSKILL RETURNS TO-NIGHT. Final results continue to be announced in connection with the Parliamentary general election on Wednesday last. The official count of the votes recorded in the Manukau electorate has resulted in a larger majority than was previously announced for Mr. W. J. Jordan. The increase is 312 votes, and the final majority 3394. The result is as follows:—
W. J. Jordan (L) 7401 S. Rickards (CR) 4007 Majority for Jordan .. 3394 Recounts for other seats are proceeding, and Roskill, which has created considerable interest, should be declared this evening. On the initial count Mr. A. S. Richards (Labour) was leading Mr. W. J. Holdsworth (Independent) by 173 votes. The absent votes number 721, including 62S absentee papers, S3 postal, and 10 seamen's rights.
EDEN. MR. STALLWORTEY'S LBAD. The official count of votes in the Eden electorate was announced to-day, the figures being:— A. J. Stallworthy (CU).. 4560 W. T. Anderton (L) 3590 W. H. Nagle (I) 1823 R. Glover-Clark (IR) 574 V. H. Potter (I) 352 Informal 169 Majority for Stall-worthy 1270 MID-CANTERBURY SEAT. MR. CONNOLLY'S MAJORITY 136. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) CHUISTCHURCH. Monday. The official count of the voting in the mid-Canterbury electorate at the general election gives Mr. J. Connolly, the United candidate, a majority of 136 rotes over the Hon. D. Jones, Minister of Agriculture, who previously held the seat. The count on the 'night of the election gave Mr. Connolly a majority of 106. Of the absentee and postal votes, 282 went to Mr. Connolly and 251 to Mr. Jones.
The final figures axe- — J. Connolly (U) 4437 Hon. D. Jones (CR) .... 4301 H. Hunter (L) ~ 310 R. W. (I) ... 258 Majority for Connoßy 136 GISBOBKE FINAL. MAJORITY FOU LABOUR. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) GISBORNE, this day. Tie final returns for the Gisborne electorate were declared this morning. They are:— D. W. Coleman (L) .... 4436 H. de LautoTir (CR) *210 W. D. Lysnar (I) Sl9 Majority for Coleman. 317
OAMAB.U KESUI/T. COALITION LEAD OF 1046. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) OAMARU, this day. The Oamaru final count gives the totals as follow: — J. A. Macpherson (CU) . 3992 J. C. Klrkaess (R) 2946 P. Malthus (L) 2688 Majority for Macpherson 1046 CHRISTCHURCH SOUTH. MR. HOWARD'S MAJORITY. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) CHRISTCHURCH, this day. The election recount gives the final result in Christchurch South as follows: E. J. Howard (L.) 7344 C. S. McCuUy (CU.)....-... 4546 Majority for Howard 2798
Auckland Star, Volume LXII, Issue 290, 8 December 1931, Page 3
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