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HCN. E. P. LEE DEFEATED.^ THE PARTIES' STRENGTH. WRITS RETURNABLE TO-MORROW. With the election writs returnable to Wellington to-morrow the majority of the official counts were available to-day. The most important result received is that from Oamaru, which announces the defeat of Hon. E. P. Lee, the Minister of Justice, by Mr. MacPherson (Lib. Lab.). Yesterday's returns gave Mr. MacPherson a majority of 7, with twenty absentees" votes to come, and the final count has given Mr. MacPherson a majority of 25.
The chief feature of the count "is the confirmation of the election day indication that a high percentage of those on the rolls availed themselves of the right of the franchise, and in the Auckland Reats, particularly, the percentage was high, being as much as 9.3 per cent. It was also shown that some of the electors still risk jeopardising their vote by the adding -of little personal touehoe, while some cannot differentiate between this poll and the municipal poll, in which it is the custom, for the convenience of the returning officers, to signify one's choice with a cross. Many electors did this in the recent poll, but so long as the intention was «lear the polling officer allowed the vote. One elector, who voted for a Labour candidate, not content with striking out the other name, added alongside "Poor old Bill." The Registrar was only human, and appreciated the humour of the irrelevancy and allowed tlie paper. In one of the Auckland goats, Manukau, a. candidate. Mr. Adnams. failed to poll one fourth of the votes credited to the successful candidate and consequently forfeits his deposit, £10. Any candidate is permitted to move for a recount of the votes, under the supervision of a magistrate, on d-positing £20 within three days ol the official declaration. Should the ground on which he moved for the recount be substantiated and the count reversed, this sum is returned, and the Registrar again officially declares the reeult of the poll. The Oamaru seat has be«n the most closely contested, and, by reason of the small majority, this is the only electorate where a recount might be applied for. The official count of the I licensing figures will take place as soon I a* the electoral figures are completed. The position of the Awarua seat, which was doubtful, has now been definitely settled in favour of Mr. Perelle (Lib.Lab. I. The position of the parties is: — Reform 38 L irbera! 20 •Labour 17 Independent 5 (Messrs. Poland, Bell, Murdoch, Witty, Statham). The official counts received to date are: — THE AUCKLAND BEATS. WAITEMATA. A. Harris (R) 458« f. H. Burtmeh (Lib.-Lab) 3315 R. F. Way (L) 2047 Informal 81 Majority for Harris V 271 Total votes polled 10.029, or 33 per cent of eligible votes. GREY LYXX. F. X. Bartrani (L) 5648 W. .1. Holdsworth (1).. 4241 Informal 126 Majority for Bartram 1407 Total votes polled 10,015, or !»2.7 per tent of eligible votes. EDEX. Hon. C. .T. Parr (R) 38<>3 H. G. R. Mason (L) 32-2G P. S. Morton (Lib.-Lab.) 1390 > In-formal 78 Majority for Parr 667 AUCKLAND CENTRAL. ■VY. E. Parry (L) 4786 A. E. Glover (I. L.).... 378.! Informal 136 Majority for Parry 1003 Total votes polled 8705. 'MAXtTLAC W. J. Jordan (L) 4620 I Sir F. Lang (R) 4+ll ■YV. V. Adname (0) 301 Informal 88 Majority for -Tordnn 209 Adnams forfeits his deposit. SOUTHERN RETURNS. (By Telegraph.—Press Assocle'.lon.) PATEA, The official count for the Paten seat lias been completed, with the exception of six ab-entee votes. The result was: — .T. R. Corrigan (0) 3383 T. T)ixon «i) 3228 <i.'V. Pearce lG) 103S Majority for Corrigan l-*>-1 YVAIRAL". YV. .1. Girling (R) 3901 R. McCallum (Lib.-Lab) 3305 Majority for. Girling IS6 ! DUXEDIX XORTH. I .1. W. Munro (L) r>oo3 I J. .). Clark (R) 41M0 Majority for Munro 63 DUNEDIX SOUTH. T. K. SMey (Lib.-Lab) .. 5450 .». E. Mc Minus (L) 3750 Majority for Sidey 1730 DI'XEDIX CENTRAL. ( . K. .Statham m 3ft»l .1. Gilchrist (I.) 4364 \V. S. Mapliil (Lib.-Lab.) 370 Informal f*-" . Majority for Statham "17 CHALMERS. J. MiC. Mckson (Tt) - - 364+ .1. Stephens (L) 2065 Majority for Dk-kson 67!) CLUTHA. J. Edie (LbVLab.) 3770 A. S. Malcolm (Rl 3676 Majority for Edie «4 OROU'A. ! Hon. D. H. Outhri? (Rl.. 3 r >34 R. L'c-bbe (Lib.-Lab.) 3511 j Majority for Guthrie 43
KAIAPOI. - The final count including all absentees gives the result: — D. Buddo (Üb.-Lab.)...-* 3328 D. Jones (R) 3263 R. D.-Martin (L) * 756 Majority for Buddo 65 .Absentee votes were distributed as follows: Buddo, 67; Jones, 46; Martin, 33. OAMARU. MiAiCPH'ERSON BEATS MINISTER. J. A. MacPherson (Lib.-L) 4072 Hon. F. P. Lee (R) 4047 Majority for MacPherson 23 SIR JOHN LUKE RETURNED. (By Telegraph.— rrass Association.) WELLINGTON". Tuesday. There are 12 absentees' votes to come for the Wellington North seat. Of those counted, including seamen's declarations. Sir John Luke received 280. Mr. Coombs 262, and Mr. Young 94. The present position is: — Sir J. P. Luke (G) 4614 H. E. Combs (L) 4243 J. Young (O) 1525 Majority for Luke 371 t THE AWARUA SEAT. MR. PERELLE CERTAIN. The latest figures for the Awarua seat give Mr. de la Perelle (Lib.-Lab.) a lead of 55 over Mr. J. R. Hamilton (R>There are some absent votes still uncounted, ibut these cannot affect the result. THE PARTY POSITION. LEADERS STILL WAITING. EARLY SESSION CERTAIN(By Telegraph—Special to "Star "). WELLINGTON, this day. Leaders of the Reform and Liberal parties atill preserve for the benefit of 'pressmen a "wait and see" attitude, while rumours .minimally con trad; c-tory fkat around. Reform supporters, woo are talking more freeUy in general terms than Liberals, contend that the Premier is quite easy as to the fate of the Government owing to the number of Liberals and Independents who. while not prepared to support a Reform (Government under normal conditions, are certain to vote in the direction of preventing any combination holding office by the goodwill of Offi.ial labour. Tiiey anticipate an ultimate arrangement, a* •the result of this factor, in the new House. it is significant tfeat, while a dissolution completely scouted, an early session is regarded in official circles as definite.
STILL NO DEVELOPMENT. AN INCORRECT REPORT. (By Telegraph-Special to "Star"). WELLINGTON, this day. The Liberal-Labour executive is meeting in Wellington to-day, but there is no definite development of the political [sOßition. The Premier is still reticent, as the electoral returns are incomplete. A report that (Government supporters will meet in Wellington this week is incorrect, being probably based on the fact that a complimentary dinner to Sir Francis Bell on his return from England, is being held on Thursday night. LABOUR PARTY'S CLAIMS. EMANCIPATION OF WORKERS. WELLINGTON. Tuesday. The Labour party has issued a statement on the result of the elections.' claiming that "Its success bears full relationship to the movement for the emancipation of the workers throughout the world. The prime cause of Labour's advance is the desire of the people for a more reasonable social system. Capitalism has failed and the hope of the future is contained within the principles expounded by Labour. There are also several more immediate and local causes. such as the effort to brand all Labour candidates as disloyalists, and the cry of confiscation." The statement also alludes to the policy of the Government in reducing wages and making rebates of taxation to wealthy corporations, and failing to face the housing problem.
The most significant fact, it is claimed, was that Labour polled a substantial majority in electorates where its party candidates were standing, figures being: Labour, 139.045 votes; Reform, 113,320; Liberal. 40,414: Independent. 40,766. The problem of unemployment and the immigration policy were also responsible for many votes in favour of Labour. Allusion is made to Labour candidates opposing |the committal of the country to war without the people having the full facts at their disposal. The party claims that the result of the eieciion is: Reform. :>S scats-. Lauour. 17: Liberals. 16: Independent Liberals, (i: Independents. 3. NEW COUNTRY PARTY. ! FIND TO BF. MAINTAINED. The matter of a new "country party"' in the political field was discussed briefly hy the provincial executive of the Farmers' I'nion last evening. Mr. R. D. Duxfield presiding.
Tlie chairman stated that the practice of placing certain questions, before candidates for Parliament by the executive was useless and farcical. If the farmers wanted to conserve their interests and the interests of the Dominion as a whole they would require to take more direct political action, and steps should be taken immediately to form a new party. The existing partieo, be declared, were out of touch with farming interests.
Mr. .T. Garton declared that the FarI'nion had sadly ''missed the 'bus" It Mas a nitv the opportunity of the recent elections had beep missed. He agreed that farmers now allied to the old parties would be glad to have their views represented by a country party. Other speakers urged that action should be taken to promote the country political party in ali parts of the Auckland Province. Tt was decided to maintain a fund for the party with a view to future political action. LIBERAL PARTY MEETING. (By Tele<— Pre" WELLINGTON, this day. The executive of the Liberal party will hold a meeting this afternoon, but it will not be a meeting of the whole party as announced in some quarters.
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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 295, 13 December 1922, Page 5
Word Count
1,562THE OFFICIAL COUNT. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 295, 13 December 1922, Page 5
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THE OFFICIAL COUNT. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 295, 13 December 1922, Page 5
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