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■ JUDGE C. E. BUTTON. The life of an exceedingly interesting personality and of a gentleman whose high integrity and lofty ideals marked him for honourable place in the service of his country, came to a close yesterday liy the death of Judge Charles Edward Button. The late Mr. Button, who was appointed to the Supreme Court Bench in 1907, was the seventh son of the late Mr. Thos. Button, of Launccston, Tasmania, where be was born on August 23, 1838, so that he was in his 83rd year. Educated at the High School, Hobart, he afterwards studied law and practised for a period in his native town before settling in New Zealand. Arriving at Invercargill in 18(53 he soon made a name for himself, winning golden opinions from the Bench, respect from the Bar, and popularity from the public. In 1865 Mr. Button moved to the Coast, becoming a partner of Mr. W. S. Reid, who afterwards became SolicitorGeneral, and he quickly achieved the distinction of being recognised a-s the best authority on mining law in the colony, Tn 1868 he was elected to a seat-on the West land County Council and anout the same time was chosen for the mayoral chair of Hokitika. A few years later, in 1876. Mr. Button was induced to Btand for the House of Representatives as member for Westland, and inflicted the only personal defeat upon the late Right lion. R. J. Seddon, which that statesman ever suffered. Mr. Button resigned his seat after the second session, however, and in 1880 moved to Christchurch, in which town he practised his profession for a couple of years before coming North to join the law firm of Messrs. Whitaker and Russell. In 1894 he was again drawn into the field of national politics, being elected for Auckland City, but in the general election of 1896 be was defeated, though polling over 4000 votes. Like his uncle, the late Hon. W. Button, who was the first mayor of Launceston, he also had the distinction of being a premier mayor, the borough of Birkenhead electing him as its first mayor, keeping him in the chair for 12 successive years. Mr. Button, despite his busy professional life and activities in local and national politics, found leisure for scientific studies, chemistry and electricity being his favourite subjects, and for nearly 40 years he lectured to interested audiences. As early as 1803 he lectured and gave experimental demonstrations in voltaic electricity, delighting large audiences with the novelty in those ''dark days" of a brilliant electric light. Mr. Button always took an active part, also, in the religiou» life of the community, and though adherin" generally to the Congxegationalist denomination he had filled the offices oi elder in the Presbyterian Church at Hokitika, and at St. Paul's, Christchurch, and he was also leader of the choir at Hokitika under Bishop Harper. Lately he had not been directly attached to any particular church, but was a libera] supporter of all, and was widely known in Auckland for tiis active work in support of the V.M.C.A. movement. In 1862 Mr. Button married a daughter of Mr. Henry Coweil, of Cullenswood, Tasmania, his wife predeceasing him several years. He leaves a daughter. Mrs. Arthur Taylor, who, with her husband, is engaged in missionary work in Chcfoo, in connection with the China inland Mission, and a son, Mr. E. H. Button, who is farming in the Waikato. The funeral left his late residence, Prospect Terrace, Mount Eden, this afternoon, for Waikaraka Cemetery, interment, being private. MRS. MARY F. DEAN. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Dean, wife of Mr. George Dean, of I'acroa. passed" away at Mater Miscricordia- Hospital, Auckland, after a very brief illness. Mrs. Dean was the eldest daughter of Mr. John Poland, of Tuakau, Lower Waikato, and was born there fifty years ago. She was buried at Pacroa on Sunday, 26th inst., the funeral service, which was a most impressive one. being performed by the Rev. Father Dunphy. The funeral took place from the residence of her brother, Mr. Hugh Poland, and was one of the most representative ever seen in the district. The nail bearers wire the Mayor of Pacroa. the Deputy-Mayor, and two of the Councillors, who desired to thus mark the town's appreciation of the mativ and i-ignal public services rendered by the deceased lady during her residence ill Taenia. Mrs. Dean was always prominent in every movement, which was fur the benefit of the district, and -he wa- an energetic worker in all patriotic movements throughout the war period The deceased was a trained mir-i'. having been for several years nurse in the Auckland Hospital, and later at the Thames Hospital, and during the terrible epidemic of 1918 «he rendered service-, as matron of the temporary hospital in Pacroa. which will nut- soon be forgotten. She leaves a husband and son nnd daughter t« mourn their loss.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 309, 28 December 1920, Page 5
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816OBITUARY. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 309, 28 December 1920, Page 5
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OBITUARY. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 309, 28 December 1920, Page 5
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