Gisborne, Thursday. Wi Pere's election for the Eastern Maori district is now assured. The following are the returns so far :— WiPere 2424 Henare Tomoana 683 Te Heuheu Tukino 472 Hamiora Mangakahia ... 196 Tunuiarangi .. ._. ... 1188 Paratene _Ngata 946 Twelve more returns have to come in, bub tbey cannot affect the result. THREE GOVERNMENT SUPPORTERS. Oub of bhe four new Maori members, three will be supporters of bho presenb Government. Hone Heke, who is elected for the Northern district, is a strong supporter of the Government, and so also ia Tamo Parata, the member for the Southern district. Papene Eketone, whose return for bhe Western Maori District is regarded as certain, is also a Government supporter. He is _t young man ahoub 33 years of age, and is a chief of bhe Ngatimaniapobo bribe. He is an asseaßor of the Native Land Court, and was educated at the Three Kings. Wesley College. Wi Pere is a supportor of the Opposition. The Maori elections thus resulb in an reinforcement by three members of the Government forces. *>
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Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 303, 22 December 1893, Page 3
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Auckland Star, Volume XXIV, Issue 303, 22 December 1893, Page 3
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