. VISIT OF BOOST. J. G. COATES TO AKAiROA. ADDRESS ON WEDNESDAY AT 2.15 P.M. rn KE Hon. J. G. CDATES will -■- address a meeting at the Oddfellows' Hall, Akaroa at 2.15 p.m. when the Mayor, Mr G. Armstrong, will be in the chair. All Electors are invited to attend. NOTiUE OF NOM/iiNATiIiONS RECiiIV.ED AND PQLLIN'G-PLAOES APPOINTED. IN pursuance of the Electoral Act, 1927, F, James Nathan Neville, Returning Officer for the Electoral District of LyltelU'n do hereby g'ive notice that the following nominations have baen received by me:--FREEMAN, Frederick Willie. McCOMBS, James. FACE, William Lin;.',. and th/.t the poll will be taken at the following polling-places between the hours of 9 a.m. r.nd 7 p.m. on I WEDNESDAY the second day of December, 1931. Fo!!in!,- hour.-; at Chatham. Islands arc 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Lyttelton Electoral District — Akaroa, the Courthouse. Cashmere Hills, Room in Middle S ip.atorium. 'Cashmere Hills, tic Masonic Hall. Chi'tlnm Islands, Waitangi, old lVist-oll'ke Building. Chatham islands, Kaingaroa, The Schoolhouse. iChuthniii Islands, Cwenga, the School. J Coh.mbo Street, at foot of Cashmere Hills, Cashmere Stores, Ltd. Diamond Harbour , (Tea Kiosk). Davachelle, the Public Hall. ! r.ove'-nor's Bay. the Public School. I Ho ilhcote, the Public School. ' Lo Bon's Bay, the Public School. j i-ittle Akaloa, the Public School. LyiteHon, the Colonists' Hall (principal). Lytti'llon, the Si. John's Presbytei'ian Hall. Ly'telton West. the Anglican Schoolroom. >M< iint Pleasant Garage attached lo the Mount Pleasant Store, j h'umner Road. Okaiifs B.iv, the Pnbl'c Hall. Opawa, the Pu-xlie' school, Ford Road. J Op'iwa, i evidence of A. W. j '."'.fcKny. :jil Hills Road, St. I ?ravtiiis. j Vli;con Bay. the Public School. !\.-:-t Levy, ;he Public School. K:.-.dclilV.s, the L'r.'lic Library. • S.imner, the 'i\>\:~\ ll'A\. '] ak:!ma;ua, t!v ''übiii , . School. ' ■■ iho Public School. ' : \\:;inui, the Public School. ■ \"'ooiston, :\LD>:;aid Hall, Aldvvin's Road. V.'colston, the Public School. ■ ! AVo<i]sUt., St. John's Anglican S -:hoolroom. i lilted this 2(;lh day of November, J. N. NEVILLE, ; i'eturning OfTicer. ;>:;/;■■(■!•: v-v xvAii\<.A'noxs rki C/'VE!) AXi) rO'l.il.-IN.C-PLACES J APFC-'MTF.D. ' IK !j;i-.-iia..ce o> , the Electoral Act, , 1'!:.7, J, Albei - Freeman, Returnjing Offictr r "r th'? Electoral District '<■:'■ Kicca:-t( ;i, c!o l:ercby give notice ithnt the f:>ll<;wi!-;v nominations have ' been received by me: I!;vbci! Seton Stewart I :.!<•] A: LI LAN, Archibald Albany. 'I H L'RSTON, G ..iir-3 Th.-mas. ;,i >'. tlial the pjll will he taken at the {■(■!! owing polling-places between the heurs of 9 a.:- 1 , and 7 p.m, on WEDNESDAY the second day of Decembor, I'.KJI. Riccai'ton Eleitoral District— Addin.gUm, i'i'.r<juee Leamington , ;: tiC-el, near Clarence Road. Ataahua, the "üblic School. L'roadiieki, Pub]it* School. Brookside, the Public School. Bryndwr, Maiijuee, corner Idris and Taylor's Roads. Burnham, the Public School. Ellesmere, the Public School. Eendalton, the Church Schoolroom, Clyde Road. Fendalton, Marquee, Mr W. A. White's Store. Greenpark, the Public School. Halswell, the Public School. Hilmorton, Mr F. Harrojrs Marquee, Wright's Road. Tiwell, the Public School. Ladbrooks, the Public School. Lincoln, the Public Hall. Little-River, the Courthouse. Motuka'rara, the Public School. ' Papanui, Anglican Church, Schoolroom. Papanui, Mr Chapman's Motor-shed St. Andrew's Terrace, near Norman's 'Road. Poranui, the Public School. Prebbleton, the Public Library. Puaha, Little River, the Public School. j Riccarton, Town Hall, Clarence Road. RicearUn, Mr Pye's Shop, corner Division and Elizabeth Streets. Riccarton Road, Mr Hanna's Store. Riccarton, Pi'esbyterian Church Schoolroom, Puriri Road. Rolleston, the Public School. ■Sockburn, Paparua County Council Office. iSpreydon, the Public School. Springston, the County Council Office. Springston South, the Public School. Tai Tapu, the Public Hall. Te Oka, Little River, Mr J. Glynan's wool-shed. Upper Riccarton, Oddfellows' Hall, (principal). . : "" Dated this 20th day of November, 1931. •■''/: , ADBBEIT FiRTJEMJAiN, , (Returning Officer. :