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August 23rd: “Some Observations on our Overseas Trip,” by Mr. Cockayne. September 27th: “Maori Art,” by Mr. W. J. Phillipps. The attendances at the Society's meetings show a slight improvement over last year, but members are urged to take a more active interest in the Society. As has been the custom in the past, supper has been served at the conclusion of all General Meetings. Sections: With the exception of the Astronomical Section, which has continued to meet in the Observatory at Kelburn, all meetings of the Sections have been held in the new Library Room at the Dominion Museum, and general satisfaction has been expressed with the appointments. Change of Name: By special meeting held on April 26th the Society resolved to change its name from “Wellington Philosophical Society” to “The Wellington Branch of the Royal Society of New Zealand.” This change has met with general approval and satisfaction. In order to widen its field the Economic Biology Section subsequently on the 12th July resolved to change its name to “Biology Section.” Library: The re-arrangement of the Library at the Dominion Museum has drawn numerous complimentary remarks from members, an increasing number of whom are making use of the Library facilities. Twelve periodicals are now received regularly at the Library, and during the year a number of new publications, mainly of the popular science type, have been pruchased and placed on the shelves. The monthly publications from the Scientific Book Club have been regularly received, and have proved a popular addition. A catalogue of the Library is in course of preparation and will soon be available. A start has been made with the binding of back numbers of books and periodicals, the cost of which has been provided for by the sale of £150 of New Zealand Government inscribed stock. Epidiascope: The epidiascope unfortunately arrived somewhat late to be of much use during the 1939 session. It is, however, an excellent instrument, and should be a valuable and useful addition to the Society's meeting room. Observatory: The Observatory has been repaired and painted during the year, and is now in a satisfactory condition. Science Congress: In response to a request from the Royal Society of New Zealand, a sub-committee of the Council made considerable progress during the year with preliminary arrangements for the holding of a Science Congress during May. 1940. in Wellington, but on the outbreak of war it was considered in-advisable to proceed, and the arrangements were cancelled. Nelson Philosophical Society. President: Dr. H. O. Askew. Secretary: Mr. O. B. Pemberton. Session 1939. The Committee submits the following report of the work of the Nelson Philosophical Society for the year ending 30th September, 1939. The Statement of Receipts and Expenditure shows a Credit Balance of £7 15s. The Membership of the Society consists of 29 Ordinary Members and 23 Associate Members, Making a total of 52. Meetings of the Society have been held as follows:— 1938. 15th October: Lecture by Sir Thomas Easterfield, “Kidney Calculi and a New Type of Stone in New Zealand Cattle.” 1939. 16th May: Lecture by Mr. J. Muggeridge, “A Quest of Diamond Back Moth Parasites Through Europe.” 20th June: Lecture by Dr. H. O. Askew, “The Alchemist, Philosopher or Fraud.” 18th July: Lecture by Mr. L. J. Dumbleton, “The Southern Alps.”