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We have to thank Mr. C. F. H. Pollock also for a donation of over 40 volumes, including Kirk's Vovage in sixteen volumes, and other works useful for reference. Our Representatives on the Museum Management Committee have been regular in their attendance, and have taken a great interest in the work of the Museum. Two papers by members of our branch have been published in the Transactions, also a paper communicated through Mr. Hudson. Two new members joined during the year and six resigned or left, leaving the present membership 52, comprising 44 ordinary, two Honorary, four Life Members, and two juvenile members. The Statement of Accounts shows a credit of £31. We have to thank Mr. G. V. Hudson, F.E.S., for continuing to act as our Representative on the Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand. also for presenting an entomological collection to the Museum. Manawatu Branch of the Royal Society of New Zealand. President: Mr. W. A. Jacques. Secretary: Mr. S. J. Bennett. Session 1939. The sixth annual meeting of the Manawatu Branch of the Royal Society of New Zealand was held in the Theosophical Hall on November 23rd. President's Report: The season has been a successful one, and the lectures well delivered and well attended. There has been a gratifying response to the modifications that were introduced this year. It would appear that fewer meetings, with longer, not-too-technical papers, and ample time for discussion are in demand. Financially the year has been good, though no effort has been made to accumulate a large reserve fund. We are indebted to Drs. McMeekan, Reifer, Smith and Melville, and Messrs. Turner and Thomas, who so ably presented subjects that were instructive, interesting and provocative. Between them they covered a wide field. We are indebted also to the Theosophical Society, who so kindly placed their rooms at our disposal. The Wellington Branch of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Session 1939. President: Mr. C. M. Smith. Secretary: Mr. J. T. Salmon. Council Meetings: The Council held all meetings during the 1939 session, and the average attendance was eleven. Membership: The total membership of the Society now amounts to 203, of which 12 are Life Members. During the year 23 new members were elected, while 20 resignations were received. The Council regrets to record the death of one of the Society's most valued members in the passing of Dr. E. Kidson. Finance: Although the finances of the Society are satisfactory, the number of outstanding subscriptions is still a source of embarrassment. Members are requested to pay their subscriptions promptly when they fall due, and so assist the Council in the efficient running of the Society. Meetings: All General Meetings of the Society have been held in the Library Room at the Dominion Museum, and the following is a list of the addresses delivered during the session under review:— April 26th: Presidential Address, “Applied Science,” by Mr. C. M. Smith. May 24th: “Museums Around the World,” by Dr. W. R. B. Oliver. June 28th: “Earthquakes and Earthquake Prediction,” by Dr. L. Bastings. July 26th: “The Effect of Technological Change Upon Government,” by Professor L. Lipson.