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He Aha Te Matauranga What is Education Hei timatanga atu i ēnei pito kōrero me huri atu aku whakaaro ki te ahuatanga o te take nei mo te reo Māori i roto i ngā kura. Kei te aha rā tēnei take? He maha ngā pukapuka kua oti te tuhi hei hoa mo ngā kai-whakaako. He maha nōki ngā rekoata mo te reo Māori. Kō ētahi nei kō wā Roka Paora, kō wā Bruce Biggs, me wā Wiremu Ngata hoki. Nā kō tētahi tikanga ināianei, hei āwhina i ngā māhita ko tēnei e kiia nei ki te reo Pākehā, he Teachers' Refresher Course. Ī tū tētahi kura pēnei ki Waiwhetu marae i te 11 me te 12 o Aperira i te tau 1972. Kō ngā mea i tirohia e mātou ā i mahia hoki, kō te reo Māori kō te mahi raranga kono, ko te tangotango i ngā kōrari, ko te ako i ngā waiata-a-ringa a tātou a te iwi Māori. (kō Kēri Kaa te kai-whakaako mo tēnei taha) kō te peita pikitia ā ko te kanikani hoki hei whakaahua i ngā whakaaro o te ngākau me te hinengaro. Tino pai rawa atu tēnei hui o mātou ngā māhita i Pōneke nei. Huihui katoa mātou ki te whai i te mātauranga o te Māori, hei whakatikatika i a mātou ngā kura māhita. Keri Kaa leads an action song Ani Bosch leads a quick-fire question and answer session in Maori language To begin this short essay I would like to direct my thoughts to the topic of Maori language in schools. What is being done about this? Many books have been written to help teachers. Many records of the Maori language are available, including Roka Paora's, Bruce Biggs', and those by Wiremu Ngata. A scheme now available to assist teachers is that referred to in English as a Teachers' Refresher Course. A school of this type was held at Waiwhetu Marae on 11–12 April 1972. The things we studied and participated in were Maori language, weaving food-baskets, flax handling, learning our Maori action songs, (Keri Kaa was the tutor for this) painting pictures and miming and moving to express ideas and emotions. This was a very good course arranged by us the Wellington teachers. We all met to study Maoritanga, to improve ourselves as school teachers.