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Photography by Ans Westra An impromptu action song by some of the official party on the opening night. Maori Women's Welfare League Meets at Rotorua The annual meeting of the Maori Women's Welfare League, held in Rotorua this time, was a most successful occasion; as always, the discussions were lively and most worthwhile, and the delegates and observers who attended it thoroughly enjoyed themselves. This year the Rotorua District Council and the Tawhiti Isolated Branch tied for first place in the contest for the Te Puea Trophy, which is awarded for the best annual report. Second place was won by the Christchurch Isolated Branch.

Essay on League's Aims Recently ‘Te Ao Hou’ saw an essay on the League's motto ‘Tatau Tatau’, which seemed to us to be a very fine expression of the aims and aspirations of the League. Here is the essay, written by the Whakaki Maori Women's Welfare League, which is a member of the Kahungunu District Council in the Wairoa area.

‘TATAU TATAU’ It is right and fitting that this Organisation of Maori Women's Welfare Leagues should have been destined to choose as their motto ‘Tatau Tatau’, humble words from that great statesman and orator, Sir James Carroll. Words that he may have used often in his debates and speechmaking, particularly on the marae, to rouse waning enthusiasm, or to placate impatient or even hostile minds. What would have been his reactions had he forseen that some day his words were to be the staff and guide of the women-folk of his own race? Women who have had the initiative and commonsense to realise that there was a definite need for an Organisation such as this. Steadfast in their belief that, in united effort, much can be achieved for the betterment and progress of a people. Who aim to promote fellowship and understanding between the two races of this country. Who will extend a helping hand to their lesser fortunate kin in times of distress and hardship. Who are better equipped to accept the challenges of new ventures and an ever-changing way of life. Who, though of different religious beliefs, know the spiritual uplift of united prayer. These are the fundamentals and the core upon which this simply phrased motto is founded. ‘Tatau Tatau’ means ‘Let us be united’—