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Solution to No. 39 Crossword Puzzle 40 DOWN 1 September 2 Enter; join 3 Hand, arm 4 Cramp, stiffness; benumbed 5 Breath 6 Fixed, settled; satisfy 7 Fly; sail; flow 8 Revenge; price 10 Your (pl.) 11 Throw away, reject 12 Two; pit, den 14 Nose 19 Trap for catching eels and other fish 20 Beg, cadge 22 Burn 23 The day after tomorrow 24 Stamp; dash; strike 26 Fish 27 Leaf 30 Allow, let 32 Mount Cook; a variety of Kumara 33 Olden times 35 There is; beget 38 Omen; in trouble 39 Those (near you) 42 Sea egg 43 Be reached; be achieved 44 When? (fut.) 45 Grey 46 Horizon; perch; margin; sill 47 Yes 50 Calm; at peace ACROSS 1 Feather; hair; bristles 9 Board 13 Elizabeth 15 Clay 16 Spoon 17 Fern root 18 Current 21 Look after 24 Very many 25 Chief 28 Towards the speaker 29 Vine 30 A spear 31 Man who chants out the time 33 Whistling sound; asthma 34 No 36 Where? 37 Forehead 40 Ask 41 A prick or stab, and a young brother together give a lake near Rotorua 46 Perhaps; surely 48 For, since; when 49 One side 51 Open 52 Noise, screech; thicket 53 Int. in poetry 54 Avenged, paid for 55 Root of a tree 56 Day; world