I mua o te whanautanga o ta raua tamaiti, ka mea atu a Hinekoraka ki a Tane Kino e pakaru ai te makutu heke iho i ona tipuna i runga i a ia, me matua tiaki a whangai, e Tane Kino ta raua tamaiti, Ka whakaae hoki a Tane Kino kia pakaru ai te makutu i runga i a Hinekorako.
I tetahi rangi katahi a Tane Kino raua ko Hinekorako ka haere ki tetahi hui i runga i te marae. Na raua hoki i hari a Taurenga a e ngoi ana i tenei wa. I a ratou e hui ana katahi a Taurenga ka paru whakama tonu atu a Tane Kino karanga ana i a Hinekorako ki te horoi i te tamaiti nei. Ka maranga a Hinekorako katahi ka hari i a Taurenga ki te awa katahi ka horoia ka whangaia hoki.
Mohio tonu atu a Tane Kino kua he a ia haere ana ki te rapu i a Hinekorako me ta raua tamaiti. Ahakoa pehea tana inoi kia murua taua he kahore i taea te pehea.
Ka tangi a Hinekorako ki ta raua tamaiti katahi ka hoatu i te tamaiti ki a Tane Kino ka mea, ara, i te mea kahore i rite tana i mea ai, ka hoki ano ia ki tona kainga i roto i te wai i Te Reinga. Kei reira tonu inaianei hei awhina i ana uri e te karanga ki a ia.
I tetahi wa, katahi ka waipuke te Hangaroa (tutaki ai i Ruakituri i te Reinga) a mau ana a Ngati Hinehika i roto i te waipuke i te waenganui po. I runga ratou i o ratou waka a haria ana ratou ki te nga rere i te kino o te wai. Mahara tonu atu tetahi tohunga ki a Hinekorako karanga ana i a Hinekorako hei awhina i a ratou. Mutu tonu te haere a nga waka ki nga rere nei ora ana nga tangata o runga.
promised Hinekorako that he would do as she wished, and so break the spell. The real test came sooner than he expected.
Taurenga by this time was old enough to crawl. Following the custom of the Maori people, Tane Kino and Hinekorako, with their child, went to attend a meeting of the tribe on the Marae. As often is the case with babies, when least expected Taurenga, in the midst of a large gathering, disgraced himself. His father left so ashamed of him that he forgot his promise to his wife, and called her to come quickly and clean the child. From the midst of the gathering Hinekorako came, picked up her baby, and took him with her to the stream which now flows past the Te Reinfa Marae. There she washed and fed him.
Tane Kino by now had realised that he had broken his promise and went to look for his wife and child. On finding Hinekorako, he begged forgiveness for his thoughtless action, but there was no remedy.
In reply Hinekorako wept over her son, then she stood up and handed the babe to Tane Kino. She told him that since he had been faithless to a promise, she was doomed to go back to her watery home under Te Reinga Falls. To this day she remains there, watching over the interests of her descendents whenever called upon.
On one occasion, during a heavy flood in the Hangaroa River (which joins the Ruakituri River just near Te Reinga), Ngati Hine Hika were flooded out in the middle of the night. Down swept the canoes to the dreadful falls, now a raging cascade. Just at the right time, one old Tohunga who had maintained his presence of mind, called aloud on Hinekorako for help, and immediately the rush of the canoes towards the Falls was stopped, and all the occupants were saved.
Ko Waiomio te kainga o Ngatihine, engari ko te mea nui o tenei wahi o Waiomio ko nga pari raima. E mohiotia ana hoki, ka nui nga ana i nga wahi pari raima a he pera hoki a Waiomio. Te nuinga o enei ana he tapu ina hoki he urupa katoa, engari kotahi ano tetahi e taea te matakitaki e te tangata ko te Ana-a-Roku. Ma te pakiwaitara e whai ake nei hei whakaatu i pehea i tae ai a Ngatihine ki Waiomio me to ratou aroha ki te tangata ke.
I whakahuihui a Torongare raua ko Hauhaua i a raua tamariki, whakarere ana ratou i Waimamaku ki te rapu kainga hou mo ratou. I to ratou haeretanga i haere ratou ma te taha rawhiti. Ka haere mo tetahi wa poto, ka noho, ka tirotiro i te whenua mehemea e momona ana, a mehemea kaore e momona ana, ka haere ano. E maha nga tau e penei ana ka tae ratou ki Waiomio. Tenei kainga i nohoa e Ngatiawa engari i te taenga ki reira kaore kau he tangata i reira. I a ratou e haere mai ana ka mate a Hauhaua a i te taenga ki Waiomio kua tino koroheke a Torongare. Toko-
The Story of Roku
by Waiomio Maori District High School
Waiomio is the “home” of the Ngatihine, and the most obvious physical feature of the district is the presence of massive limestone formations. Where there is limestone there you may fiind caves and so it is at Waiomio. Most of them are tapu, having been used for burials, but one cave through which the sightseer may be shown is Roku's Cave. This is the story of how the Ngatihine came to Waiomio and of the mercy they showed towards a stranger.
Torongare and Hauhaua gathered their family about them and set out from Waimamaku to find a new home. Towards the eastern seaboard they set out, moving short distances, trying the ground for fertility, and not being satisfied, moving on Many years later, they came at last to Waiomio