horo te ana, ngaro atu ana nga tamatane nei i a Molly ma.
Katahi ratou ka huri ki te whakaoho i a Harata, a no te ohonga ka timata tana keri kia puta, mai ai nga tama tane nei.
Ko te mea tuatahi ko Chum, no muri mai ko Darky a i haria ki te wai kia horoia.
He Taniwha o Te Reinga
He taniwha? E hia nga rau o enei tu mea, a kei nga wahi katoa o tenei motu e taki noho ana. Etahi he ngarara, etahi he toka, etahi he rakau me era atu mea, a etahi hoki ko etahi o nga rangatira e maharatia nei o ratou ingoa i to ratou taniwhatanga.
Nga whakatupuranga e ono mai i a Iwhara ki a Hinekorako kahore i te tane i te wahine tuturu engari kotahi taha he atua, tetahi he tangata, a ko o ratou kainga noho ke i. Whakapunaki ko Te Reinga. He wahine penei hoki a Hinekorako o Ngati Hinehika o Te Reinga, engari na te kaha o te taha tangata ona, katahi a ia ka moe i a Tane Kino tetahi o nga tupuna o Ngati Hinehika. I te whanaunga o ta raua tama ka tapahia te ingoa ko Taurenga.
Mermaid of Te Reinga
by Te Reinga Maori School
Taniwhas? There are hundreds of them, inhabiting all areas of this country, some, fierce living monsters, others, merely rocks, trees or other objects, and sometimes great chiefs whose names were kept alive by this form of preservation.
Such is the story of Hinekorako, taniwha and goddess of the Ngati Hine Hika of Te Reinga.
Tane Kino, great ancestor of Ngati Hine Hika, is said to have inter-married with a race of taniwha who originally inhabited Whakapunaki, a hill in the vicinity, and also Te Reinga itself.
The story as told, states that the first six generations from Iwhara to Hinekorako, were not quite men and women as we understand the therm, but a species of man-god, or water spirit. However the human side got the upper hand when Hinekorako fell in love and lived with Tane Kino, bearing a son whom they called Taurenga.
Prior to the birth of their child, Hinekorako told Tane Kino that to break the spell of taniwha and god, cast over her through her ancestry, he would have to care for the child, and nurse it, until it was old enough to care for itself.
Now Tane Kino, on the spur of the moment,