I hinga mai i Tunihia,
Ka ara mai i Tunihia,
Ko te tohu nui,
Ko te wikitoria!
He fell in Tunisia,
when he rose in Tunisia
it made a great mark
it was a victory.
Te hokowhitu toa
Mauria atu ra
Te pueru o koutou tipuna e
Te mana me te wehi e
Te mana me te wehi e
Hei hoa ki tawhiti nui
Ki tawhiti pamamao,
Aue! Aue! te aroha
E ngau kino nei,
Otira i tenei wa
Haere ra
Ma te kingi o nga kingi!
Koutou e manaki e
Ko te tangi tenei a te ngakau e.
Twenty times seven braves
take away hence
the capes of your ancestors
the awe and the power
the awe and the power
to go as your protectors, to the great far-away
to the far-away infinite.
oh oh the love pain
bites deeper inside me,
but, now,
To the King of Kings
this is your homage-rendering,
this is the heart keening.
E nga rangatahi
O Aotearoa
Nga purapura
I mahue ake
I nga tupuna,
He karauna Maoritanga
Ki te ao
Puritia e nga iwi
Ahakoa Tangaroa,
Ma te maia ma te kaha,
Ka tutuki nga wawata e.
He aha te painga
Ki nga matua,
Ki te kore rawa
Ki te reo Maori?
E ara taki
Te karauna Maoritanga
Ki te ao.
Oh youth
of Aotearoa
may the seeds
our ancestors
left behind them
be gathered in—
a crown of Maoritanga
for the world.
May the people persevere
in spite of Tangaroa,
fulfilled are men's desires.
What satisfaction
would the old people have
if all
were ended
in the Maori tongue?
Make a path
for the crown of Maoritanga
in the world!