HQ Highlights



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HQ Highlights was a weekly typewritten camp magazine published for the 30th Battalion of the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force in the Pacific (2nd NZEF IP) between January and May 1944 during World War II, possibly from the Solomon Islands or Nissan Island.

HQ Highlights incorporated previous titles the Cactus Courier and Weakly Muse. Previous 30th Battalion titles also included the Momi Meteor and HQ Muse. HQ Highlights was published around the same time as another 30th Battalion publication Nissan Nonsense.

According to its first issue, the ‘initial copy of HQ Highlights has been printed after much time and consideration, but such could not have been attained without valuable thought and assistance from many enthusiasts’ (22 January 1944: 1). It goes on to thank V S Blomfield and J W (Jim) Yearbury for their designs and C R Adams for reproducing them.

After the last issue was published 20 May 1944 along with Nissan Nonsense, the 30th Battalion were shipped off to New Caledonia publishing Nautical Nonsense on the way and continuing their long publication history with Bonjour in June 1944.