Dit-Dah masthead




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Dit-Dah was a weekly typewritten camp magazine published by the 2 New Zealand Divisional Signals from Trentham Military Camp between 1939 and 1940 during World War II.

A message from Commanding Officer Major S F Allen in the first issue from December 1939 stated ‘may the journal be a true chronicle of our community life, a means of maintaining our morale in times of stress, and a permanent record of our illustrious (we hope) achievements’ (01 December 1939: 1). A call was also made to help ‘Dit-Dah grow and flourish by feeding it with raw material – no matter how raw’ (01 December 1939: 1).

Features included information about the camp structure, notices, songs, cartoons and even a joke menu.

It is not clear how far the journal ‘took on’ as there are currently only four available issues. However, from January 1940 the title appears to have been published ‘at sea’ suggesting it may not have continued once Signals reached their destination of Egypt as part of the First Echelon of troops sent to Europe.