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Would Union reporter* please PRINT the NAMES of person* mentioned in reports?

Auckland District Executive, 7th May. Mrs. J. \N Long conducted devotions. 14 Unions represented. Mrs. Mountjoy rejiorted for the Maori Girls' Hostel that a new Matron and Master had been apjointed to replace Mrs. Kennedy, who had resigned owing to ill-health. A welcome sotia’ afternoon to the former and to farewell Mrs. Kennedy would be arranged later. A letter of congratulation to be sent to the Headmaster of the Edendale School on the stand he had taken regarding raffles in connection with their new Assembly Hall, recently o|>ened. A “Mothers’ Day” gathering was held by the Auckland District W.C.T.U. in May, the g lest speaker being Rev. E. C. Walsh, who spoke on "Mother Love." A hue programme of musical and ekxutionary items was presented by Mesdames H. Reece Williams, R. A. Moore, and Miss Rav Hroadhurst. Two lovely little girls, Sylvia and Glenice Wood, recited and sang resjiectively. The accompanist was Mrs. A. A. Hainbly, M.B.E. Thanks expressed by Mrs. Mountjoy to all taking part. Kohi-St. Helier*. April meeting at Mrs. Phillips home. Mrs. Pearson led devotions. Mrs. Kasjx-r gave some Convention reminders. £1 voted to N.Z. Fund. Mrs. K?sj>er read "Liquor and the Maori," and resolutions of Convention. At the March meeting, at the home of Mr*. Jones, an interesting report of Tauranga Convention was given by Mrs. Kasjier. Takapuna, May. Mrs. Petchell presided, and Mia* Cullen and Mrs. Parsons led devotions. Our s|»eaker was Mr. Downard, who gave a most helpful talk on "What d<» you know about the evils of strong drink ?" Among these were neglect of home, humiliation of the innocent, and accidents and deaths. We were urged to instruct the young, reod?r sympathetic help, not forgetting the wea|ioii of prayer. Various llible warn inf* were quoted. Tauranga, May. Mrs. Christian presided. Silent prayers. Thanks to be sent to ilaptist Church for cheque for £5, part of offering received on Convention Sunday. Mrs. (. hnstian spoke on a short study of our organisation, its methods, our local, di-trict, and Dominion conventions. Ours is the longest district in the Dominion. What the W.C.T.U. really does, and how, and, atove everything, else, the wonderful spiritual uplift it gives. Short discussion on Youth Supplements. June sth. Mrs. Williamson gave the Evangelistic address. A circular from Mrs. Green (Dorn. Evangelistic Supt.) read, resulting in a decision to hold half-hour's prayer session before the meeting once a quarter. Rejiort of the N.C.W. meeting dealing with raffles and Community Chest. This was "White Ribbon’’ Day, and various articles read from old numbers of the papers. Mrs. Delk, a visitor from Folding, welcomed, and greetings exchanged. Miss Churchward initiated. Roster arranged for afternoon teas. Gifts brought lor Seamen’s- Rest parcel. New Plymouth, May. Mr*. Brown, vice-president, presided and opened with devotions. Reports received from Seamen's Rest, Childh«ven, and N.C.W., whose remits were discussed. Arrangements discussed for Seamen’s Rest Street Day and Mart in July. A travel talk of l > A. by Mr*. V. C. Davies wa* much appreciated. A recitation was given by Mrs. Brown. Benediction and afternoon tea closed a happy meeting. Hasting*. Most meetings of our Union are attended well. Devotions taken by Mrs. Thorp most helpful. On her return from the Baptist World Convention Mrs. Thorp spoke of the Baptist Church at Colombo, where the friendliness and singing of the members would long be remembered. Members’ afternoon was most enjoyable and instructive, all members taking part. Tauranga Contention rej«»rt made members wish all could have attended. Selling 5 "W.R.s" at monthly meeting. Working to form a young married women’* group. Our Union sends gieetmgs to all.

Nelson District Executive, May, a* Nelson, and presided over by Mrs. C. V. Knapp (dist. pres.), Nelson, Motueka, and Richmond represented. Nelson reported 6 new members and 3 new L.W.R.S. A letter from the Dorn. Evangelistic Supt., Mrs. Green, was read and discussed. The Executive was gratified to hear that Mrs. Toomer had been elected presideut and Mrs. C. V. Knapp vice-president of the recently formed local N.C.W. Preliminary arrangements are wel! in hand for 1957 Dominion Convention of the W.C.T.U. in Nelson. Sub Committees set up to deal with hospitality, transport, and entertainment.

Chri*tchur:h 70th Birthday Party. Mrs. Hunt presided over a large attendance. Items were given by Mesdames Wilson, Woodcock and Miss Kathleen Mangels, with Mrs. Reeve as accompanist, and sprays were presented to them. A beautiful cake, presented by Mrs. Lennon, was cut by Miss M. M. Thomas, who joined the Union in 1922. Miss M. B. LovellSitnth was warmly welcomed. Mrs. Angus ajtpoicted delegate to N.C.W. Good wishes were brought from the Executive, and from Opawa, Spreydon, Kaiajioi, New Brighton, St. Albans, Linwood, Riccarton, and Lyttelton-Heathcote.

Spreydon, April. Mr-. Woodcock presided and devotions were taken by Mis. Hecc. Mrs. Bowden rejiorted on mental hosjntal visiting. Mrs. Murry gave the temperance fact. Mrs. Dcnzie of Nelson welcomed. Our jiresident gave a very interesting talk on the Tauranga Convention. May meeting with Mrs. Woodcock in the chair. Good rejiort given by Mrs. Ancell on vis ting at the mental hosjntal. Our guest sjieakrr was Mrs. F. R. Clark, who gave an interesting talk on impressions of her triji overseas. Mrs. Clark also had much pleasure in pinning 30 year service badges on our jiresident and secretary, Mrs. Bowden. New Brighton, April. Mrs. Kdnioml led devotions and Mrs. Wrighton jiresided. Mesdames Wnghton and Edmond represented us at Atizac Day Parade, and a wirath was jilaced on (>nota|ih. Mrs. Burgess thanked for making wreath Rejxut cf Dominion Convention |irejiared by our delegate. Mrs. Wilson, was read by Mrs. Woodcock and much apjireciated. May meeting. Very wet day with only five jiresent. invitations to Christchurch and Riccarton birthdays accepted. Arrangement* made for our birthday in June. Mental hospital jiatients had been visited. Mr*. Wrighton read an article on "Peacemakers." Riccarton. Mrs. H. Griffiths presided. Miss L. Hughes opened with "Peace" devotions. ()ne new member initiated. Constable Steritt gave a long, interesting, and instructive talk on "Maintaining jieace. law and order, in Christchurch, and the duties of a |iolice woman." Vote of thanks for interesting address. Papanui, May 23rd. Attendance only moderate as weather I«oor. Mrs. W. T. Blight jiresided and conducted devotions. Guest sjieaker, Mrs. Griffiths, of Riccarton, wav welcomed. Report of mental hospital visiting given. The temjxrance fact was given by Mrs. Karst. Enjoyable talk by Mrs. Griffiths on a Continental tour during her trip abroad. Thanked by members and Mrs. Blight thankea for her hospitality. Timaru Cradle Roll Party. Mrs. A. Wood, vice-president, jiresided. and welcomed a good attendance of mothers and children. Peasant time sj»ent in singing, games, and comjetitions, with Mrs. J. Sutherland as accomjianist. Mrs. Wood, assisted by Pastor Salisbury, entertained the adults with colour-d slides of Tauranga and Convention. Afternoon tea served and children received a TT2 and bag of sweets each. Pastor Salisbury ckised with |>raver. Timaru, Feb. to May. Our president, Mrs. Smith, has been iti hosjntal, though much improved now. Mrs. Wood, vicejiresident. has been acting for her. Excellent reports of Convention. Very successful Cradle Roll party. Five member* joined Union, making total of 7 new members this year. In February Mrs R. L. Fursdon gave impressions of her trip abroad. Dunedin Central, April. Mrs. Hiett (vice-president) presided in absence of Mrs. Garden, in hospital as result of accident, bu» who is now improving. Scripture lesson read by Mrs Hinchcl.ff, ami short devotional talk from Mrs. Hiett. One new member welcomed. Tea-concert for May 30th dismissed. Excellent eport of Dominion Convention given by Miss Farquhar. May meeting conducted by Mrs. Hiett. Letter of sympathy to Mrs. Garden in her continued illness. Mrs. I. Graham and Mrs. Luiigne delegates to N.C.W. Mrs. I. Graham, as s|ieaker, gave interesting sidelights on her recent visit to Gt. Britain. Christian work as she saw it in England very encouraging. Mention was made of a temjierance hostel for university students. Dunedin South, April meeting. Mr*. Kennedy gave a detailed rejiort of Tauranga Convention, and Mrs. Flett, District |iresident, also was present. At the May meeting we entertained church women of South Dunedin, the speaker being Major Haunaford of the Salvation Army, women's probation officer in Dunedin, who spoke on her work. Mrs. Beamish entertained with solos, and at both meetings Mrs. Creighton conducted devotions and Mrs. Jones presided. Note.—The name of the late Mrs. Heazlewood, of South Dunedin Union, was inadvertently jilaced in the Dunedin Central list in the Convention memoria service.

Balclutha, April. Mrs. Gardiner jiresided in Mrs Gill’s absence. Rev. A. Cowie, of South Clutha parish, sjxike on the word trmjK-rance, showing how it hau come to mean total prohibition in the use of alcoholic liquors as beverages. From the Bible our speaker quoted several interesting passages where drunkenness was severely condemned. He emphasised that "we are our brother’s keejier,” and thereiore must remove everything that is detrimental to their wellbeing. At the May meeting. Mrs. Gill presided. Two Dunedin ladies present, Mrs. Kennedy. Tauranga Convention delegate, and Mrs. lies, district sec. Mrs. Kennedy reported on Convention, and members were interested in the prayer meetings preceding the daily sessions, and also the einjihasis jilaced on education of youth to abhor liquor in ail forms of beverage.

Mataura, May. Miss Muir presided and welcomed Mrs. Holmes, visiting from Invercargill Union. Devon ms conducted. It was agreed to provide Deacons for local Bible Classes. Article read on results of six o’clock closing in Victoria. Pastor L. Lowe spoke on need for Christian living in the home to combat world j»roblems of delinquency, drink, and gambling.

Welllngton District Exfcutivt, April Jhth at Headquarters. HoMrv* l’m«*n. Lower Hutt, whr-se president, Mts. Alderslcy, welcomed members. Mrs. J««*ks*»n pit-sided, ami led hi devotions. A greeting *ent to elderly member, Mrs. Hancock, 92 years old. Market <lav on 19th October discussed. Parcels sent to Austria gratefully received. Annual meeting of District in November with Karon as host' ses. N.Z. Fund discussed. Pan Pacific annual rrjiort given. U|>per Hutt I’nion lapsed through lack of members, but new Union to lie organised if possible. Major Fletcher to convene meeting with S. Army there. Congratulations extended to Mrs. K. (irigg and Itngadier Marshall, new Dom. Supts. Masterton re|*orted having pictures for Boys’ and Girls' Brigades, with temperance talk and supper. Large order for temj»erance text books from Lieut.-General Cook of S. Army. Mrs. Kent, Upper Hutt Union, received long service badge. At the afternoon session Miss Jackson gave full rejiort of Tauranga Convention. Whanearei, March. Well attended meeting heard reports from delegate M'S. Bateman, supplemented by Mrs. Kr\te (district delegate), and Mrs, Lane. Plans made foi Mrs. Towner's visit on April Bth and 9th. Hrntliers delighted that our Union was awarded the Dominion Membership Vase for 1955, 34 new members having been enrolled. Re|»ortrd that the Kopuru Union were distributing 200 Beacons at the Northland Methodist Faster C’an.p, at which many local youth attended. Copies of “The Tale of the Years” now available, ami appreciation of this tine record of the W.C.T.U. in New Zealand wa-. expressed. Reference made to successful i> o'clock closing referendum hi Victoria and refus?.l of wine licence at Orewa. Wellsford, March. Meeting conducted by Mrs. D. Browne, vice-president, in president's absence at Convention. Guest speaker, Mi \\. McDonald, <>t Wellsford. Plans i"- Cradk Roll party and Mrs. Toomer's visit. Next meeting. May. Convention re|<ort to be given by Mrs. Glover, our delegate. Bring and Buy table. Warkworth, Apnl 18th. Mrs. Moore presided over gntxl attendance. Business and devotional section conducted first. Mrs. A. (iittos (sister of our late secretary, Mrs. H. Torkington) ap|w>mted secretary. Oil arrival of Mrs. Hamblv, M.H.E., of Auckland, the meeting adjourned foi luncheon and period of fellowship. Mrs. liambly then gave an interesting and inspiring account of Tauranga Convention, much appreciated and enjoyed. Auckland District Executive, 9th April. Mrs. A. T. Richards presided, and led devotions. Several more names received of women who had done years of outstanding service for the community, for inclusion in the Y.W.C.A.-sponsored book to In- published later. A Mothers’ Day gathering to lie held on Mothers* Day. The N.C.W. meeting was rejiorted on by Mrs. Mountjoy, who asked for a ruling from the meeting on several "Notices of Motic.n" to be voted on at next N.C.W. meeting. The work of the Maori Gills’ Hostel was also reported on by Mrs. Mountjoy. We agreed to assist in the annual Street Day appeal for the Merchant Navy, ami Life Saving Ap|*-al, in conjunction with the Auckland Kindergarten Association, tr. be held in May. Remuera. The Cradle Roll Party was held on Saturday, 25th Feb. Being a tine day, the children enjoyed games outside. A sit-dowi tea was provided for them, and each was given a little pa|ier basket of sweets. Mrs. Robinson thanked Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Kas|»er for their talks on Teni|>erance to the mothers and children. March 26th. In the absence of the President at Convention, Mrs. Robinson presided. Devotions were taken by Mrs. Ibbet soil, and members engaged in prayer. Sister Jessie gave a very interesting talk, and was thanked for her inspiring address. Members were notified that a morning tea at the Farmers’ Tea Rooms was being given for Miss Appleby, who was leaving on a trip to England. April meeting with Mrs. Kelsey presiding. Convention resolutions to br discussed at next meeting. Mrs. Mackay, delegate to the Tauranga Convention, gave a very fine ajxl Comprehensive re|»ort. Tem|>erance Fact given by Mrs. Jonas. Takapuna, March. Mrs. Petchell presided, and Miss Cullen and Mrs. Parsons led devotions. Welcome to our guest speaker, Mrs. Kennedy, matron of the Maori Girls’ Hostel. I here are 23 girls in residence, and are like one happy family. Pemprrance and Christian traching an important part cf Hostel life. They are taught dressmaking bv the matron, and make their own clothes. An active part is taken in Red Cross work. Mrs. Kennedy’s valuable work is much appreciated. April. Mrs. F. Prussmg, as our delegate, gave an interesting and encouraging re|»n't of Tauranga Convention, which had been a happy and piritual exj>erience for all attending it. Fienderson, March. Mrs Phillips, president, presided, ami took devotions. Good attendance, and Miss Creswell. a visitor, welcomed. Mrs. Barton reiorted on last District Executive. Mrs. Phillips gave an interesting re|x>rt on Tauranga Convention, and spoke of her happy fellowship with delegates from various places. The report was much appreciated bv all. Henderson pleased to hear of their C.R. success, and onr

M>ecial thanks g.. t<> Mrs. Gtauger, our worthy C.R. Supt. Mrs. Phillips also stated how feeiing reference wa« made to the passing of many \alued W.C.T.U. members at the Memorial Service. Tauranga, Feb. Prayer by Miss A. McLay, aud devotions led by Mrs. Williamson. Mrs. Christian gave report of National Council of Women, and Miss C. McMillan reelected with Kira. Christian as N.C.W. delegates. Miss McLay gave a most helpful talk, and after a cup of tea, final arrangements for the coming Convention were discussed. April, wi h Mrs. Christian presiding and giving evangelistic address. Mrs Hayes gave a rejort of the recent Dominion Convention. Monetary and other matters relating to Convention were discussed. A new member, Mrs. Christir, initiated. New Plymouth Union has held two well-attended meetings so far this year, both being ojiened with devotions. The President welcomed members after the holiday season, also local and visitors from afar. One new member initiated. Refiorts from Seamen’s Rest tell of hundreds of appreciative seamen using this place they prefer to call the "Mission.” Mrs. Atkins, president, gave a vital and splendid report of the recent Tauranga Convention. Our representatives to N.C.W., Bingham House, Childhaven, and Committee caring for Aged and Infirm, all rejiorted. Wanganui East, March. Mrs. P. Day led devotions. Miss V. Jarvis gave Proverbs 20:1 for the Temperance F’act. ‘‘The Happiest Day of My Life" proved an interesting topic, as members gave illustrations. April 12th. Mrs. Robb led devotions i*i the absence of Mrs. Wright. A discussion arose over the establishment of a "Beer Garden’’ m town. As the Alliance have the matter mi hand, we decided to support them. The report of the Dominion Convention at Tauranga was given by Mrs. A. Jarvis. It was agreed to held over several aprons till next meeting, in May.

Feilding, Feb. Mrs. I. Taylor (pres.) presided, aud led devotions. Members gave holiday experiences, including seeing drinking on the train. \t the March meeting, papers of interest t«» our work wet lead. April. Mrs. Cumniing, vicepresident, presided, and led devotions. Mrs. Gill gave a most interesting and lull report on Dominion Convention. At all meetings pledge rejn-ated. and a session of prayer* held.

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White Ribbon, Volume 28, Issue 3, 1 July 1956, Page 7

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UNION NEWS White Ribbon, Volume 28, Issue 3, 1 July 1956, Page 7

UNION NEWS White Ribbon, Volume 28, Issue 3, 1 July 1956, Page 7

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