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Union News...

Welbford. Annual meeting presided over by Mrs. D. Browne. Retorts of trork very satisfactory and many dept*, being undertaken. All Officers and Supts. re-elected with tinaddition of Mrs. A. Gubb, Maori Dept. November 26th, closing social. Mrs. Singleton presided over large attendance, visitors and members. Varied programme presented by many artists and successful, happy function concluded with afternoon tea. Collection for Korean Fund, £5/11/. Auckland District Exec., 3rd November. Mrs. Richards presided and devotions taken by Miss Appleby. Mrs. trussing rejiorted on the Maori Hostel work. Th» Piano Fund had reached over £u). The N.C.W. monthly rel*ort wa* given by Miss Appleby. At the School of Method* meeting, prior to Exec., Mrs. Sherman gave a talk on the “Good Citizenship" Dept. Mrs. Richards api«tnted delegate to Dominion Convention. Auckland District Christmas Party. Mrs. Mount joy who was present for the first meeting since her illness, wa* varmly welcomed; also Miss J. Campbell on her return tom overseas. A good programme of vocal and instrumental items was given by Mrs. D. McMahon, Miss N. North and Mrs. Ecccrsall. Miss J. Campbell gave a brief talk on her travels. A Christmas Cake, presented by Mrs. Kasper, was also cut by her. Function closed with the singing of the Doxology and the National Anthem. Takapuna. Mrs. Petchell in the chair and Miss Cullen led the devotions. Guest sjieaker, Mr. E. Roberts, member of our local Licensing Committee, who gave a very interesting resume of the management of hotels under the new regulations. Some good results achieved in the conduct of these places. A splendid rei>ort and we feel our representatives arcguarding well the interest* of the immunity. A lieai ty vote of thanks passed. Henderson. A social afternoon held on December 17th. Mrs. Phillips presided over a good gathering of members and friends. Items given by Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Leman and Mrs. Mackay. Presentation of 30 year*' service badge to Mrs. Barton who had been a member of this Union for 38 years. The President had the pleasure of extending a welcome to four of her daughters. An interesting talk wa* given by Miss Appleby. Otahuhu. November. Annual meeting presided over by Mrs. Hughes. A talk on "Lessons from a Garden and Flowers" was given by Mrs. E. J. Mears and a solo bv <Mrs. C, Jamieson. Annual lejxjrts showed that meeting* had been interesting and helpful and much good work domin the way of visiting and taking flowers to sick and elderly people. A small flower show- was held and flowers taken to sick friends. Officers elected-for the year: President, Mrs. H. B. Hughes; Secretary, Mrs. E. J. Mears; Treat., Mrs. Beaumont; W.R. Agent, Mrs. C. Jamieson. Retnuera. Annual meeting, when Mrs. Laird presided over a very good attendance. Members presented with a spray by the President, who also received a bunch of flowers. Officers elected as follows:—President, Mrs. Laird; Vice Presidents, Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Ibbetson; Secretary, Miss Tozer; Corr. Secretary, Mrs. Robinson; Treas.. Mr*. Arnold; C.R., Mrs. Proctor; W.R. Agent, Mrs. Gane; IVmI>eraiice Fact, Mrs. Gane; Pianist, Mrs. Cardwell; Bible in Schools, Miss Harlow; Tea Committee, Miss Bond, Mrs. Arnold and Whyte, and Trading Table, Mrs. Mackey. Tauranga. Annual meeting with excellent attendance. Miss Mildenhall of Hastings, and Dr. and Mrs. Poole of America were present as visitors. The Union reports, including White Ribbon, C.R., Work Among Seamen, Literature, Evangelistic and Youth work were all showing good progress. Miss Mildenhall chaired the election of officers, all being re-elected. After tea, Dr. Poole gave a cheering talk on our w-ork, urging its necessity and value in the world. Greeting* sent to the Hastings Union and to the Berkeley Union, California, at Dr. Boole’s home town. Members stood- in silence remembering Mrs. Hunt, who had been called to Higher Service during the month. Te Kuiti. Annual meeting. Good attendance. Appointed Mrs. Joseph, our representative to Convention in Blenheim. Arranged to purchase six copies of Conv. W.R Christina cake made by Mrs. Stratford much enjoyed. tepertii read. Election of Officers as follows: —President, Vo. Str? * f ord; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Bruce; See.-Treas., Mrs. J E. »ott; H sp til Visitor; Mrs. Smith; C.R., Mrs. Christensen; Y.s£. Age it, Mrs. Coyle.

New Plymouth. Annual meeting. Mr«. Exlev presided over a good attendance. Miss Petersen took devotionl. Two • new members received. Mrs., R. Hawkins presented a beautiful lace tablecloth to the Union in memory of her mother, the late Mrs. Loveridge. Annual reports showed satisfactory progress. All Officers re-elected. Seamen's Rest report showed satisfactory returns. Several musical evenings, htld for the men, were well attended. A Christmas Tree and Carol singing wer<* enjoyed by all. President, Mr-. Exlev; Treasurer. Mis« P^teiscn.

Hawera. Maori Day observed with an address by Rev. Rakana, who si>oke on the work of the two Methodist deaconesses and himself Tn South Taranaki. Reference was also made to the life of Princess Te Puia. Stall run byMrs. Walker realised £3/10/11 for Korean Appeal. Annual meeting presided over by Mrs. Hurrell in absence of the President. RolJ call answered by verse of hymn, text or Testimony. Six thirty year badges presented by the Vice-Pres., Mrs. Hanna to Mesdame* Hayward, Hurrell, Gare, Gould, Collins and Mrs. Barron. Annual rejwrts and balance sheet showed good w-ork and progress. Election of Officers:—Pres., Mrs. R. Goldsmith; Vice-Pres., Mesdame* Hanna and Hurrell; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Hayward; Corr. Sec., Mrs. Gane; Treas., Mrs. Barron. C.R. and W.R. Supt*. through ill-health did not seek re-election, so jositions left in abeyance. Afternoon tea hostess and organist, Mrs. K. Johnson. Nelson. Annual meeting. Mrs. Walker presided. Visitor from Papauui and one from Oxford welcomed. Devotions taken by Mrs. R. J. Hay. Tribute paid to memory of late Mrs. Cropp. Good retort* presented. Membership, 1%. C.K., 4M. Election of Officers a* follows:—Pres., Mrs. A. G. Rankin; Vice-Pres., Mrs. J. H. Walker; Treas., Mr». Toomer; Assist Treas., Mrs. J. Andrews; Sympathy leaver writer, Mi** 1). Knapp. All other Officers re-elected. Airs. Walker was thanked for her work as President during the year, ami Mrs. Knapp Sen., for her many years as sympathy it tter writer. Christchurch Union. November. Mrs. Hunt presiding. Miss Thomas presented with flowers on her being welcomed back after illness. N.Z. Alliance rej>ort given. As it was World’s W.C.T.U. Day, attention was directed to w-ork of the Union in other lands. Also to that of the Alliance oi the Methodist, Presbyterian and Baptist Churches. Christchurch. Annual meeting. Mrs. Hunt presided. Annual ret>ori read and financial statement received. Election of officers resulted as follows: —President, Mrs. H. Hunt; Vice Pres., Misses Lovell-Snmh and Musgrove, Mesdame* Lennon, 11. James, Martinelli, Neutze, and Farquharson; Sec. and Treas., Mrs. l-arquharson; Assoc. Sec., Miss M. M. Thomas; W.R. Mrs Neutze; C.R., Mrs. McGregor. New Brighton. Annual meeting, when all Officers were re-elected. Mrs. Griffiths, Dist. Pres., gave an interesting reitort of the N.C.W. Conference. A Bring and Buy held to provide a Xmas Tree for Mental Hospital patients. Rei>ort' showed steady work done during the year. Christmas greetings sent to sick and elderly members. Spwydon. A warm welcome was extended to Mrs. J. Gem me 11 at the Annual meeting. All sitting Officers were re-elected for the ensuing year. All rejiorts showed some good work being done in C.R. and Philanthropic Depts., also in Temperance Quiz for local schools and the placing oi the White Ribbon in libraries and barracks. Papanui. October 22nd. Attendance good. Mrs. Nevillm the chair. Mrs. Elliott led devotion*. Mrs. Hampton welcomed hack after a year’s absence.. Five patients visited at the Mental Hospital. C.R. Party to lie held on November l*t. Maori Day obsirved and the sjteaker w-as Mrs. J. Moss, Matron of “P.ehua’’ Maori Girls’ Hostel, on social life among the Maoris in Christchurch. Peggy squares brought for Corso and £ 1/1/6 collection for Korean W.C.T.U. Relic! Appeal. Papanui Cradle Roll Party. / A very successful Party held on November Ist. A varied programme of song*, recitations, dances, and piano and mouth organ solos wa* enjoyed and a talk on Temperance work by Mrs. Osborre. District C.R. Supt. Each £hild received a paper hat, ba!loo;> and a bag of sweets. This successful function concluded with the serving of afternoon tea and to Mrs. Tillman, C.R. Supt., is due all the credit for arranging such an entertaininu afternoon.

Sydenham. Mrs. J. Filer presided and Mrs, Archer led the devotions at our meeting on >tov. 6th. Rei>orts on the year’s work were given by the Secretary ard Treasurer. Tokens in the form of gifts and flowers, in appreciation oi many years of faithful service, rendered to the Union, were presented to Mesdames Filer and Seivers, while Mesdame* Archer and Drewett received dainty jiosies. Mrs. Atkin* kindly consented to act as Secretary (the position being rendered vacant through the departure of Mrs. Drewett from Christchurch). Tlie meeting closed with the hymn, “God lie with you till we meet again," and prayer by Mrs. Archer. Riccarton. ' Annual meeting November 13th. Mrs. Griffiths presided over good attendance. Miss Hughes led devotions. Bouquets presented to ‘.he President and Secretary. Annual reports showed a year of steady work ami progress. Mrs. Ray chaired the election of Officers ami previous Officers were re-elected. Donations to be sent tc U.N.O. Api>eal. Korean Relief Fund, Lej>er Funds and to the Council for Christian Education. Inspiring extract read bv the President from “Life’s Healing Solitudes.”

South Canterbury Executive. November 12th. Sister Mildred presided and took - donated bv Unions sent to Organising Fund. Mrs. Sole to write to ren-friend in Papua. Mrs. TVnseni’s resignation ha vim; lieen received earlier, a minute expressing appreciation *of her services over so many years, was recorded. Appreciation

~f Mrs. Dellow’s services as Secretary was also recorded. Election of Officers Pres., Mrs. S. Dellow: Vice Pres., Mrs. Densem; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. ti. K. Sole. Timaru. Meeting on October Ist, combined with ladies 0 f St. John’s High held Church. Mrs. Holdgate sjioke on the anus of the W.C.T.U. and the progress made over the years. Pastor Salisbury of the N.Z. Alliance, also gave an inteffcst* i,g talk. October 28th. Maori Da\ ob-erved. Interesting article on the Maori Hostel read. Ixrtter front Dom. Officers read. Mrs. Dellow gave interesting reixtrt of District Convention and a discussion followed. Annual meeting. Mrs. Densem led devotions. Annual rt ports showed departments have done much work. Some members from Temuka and Eairlie now linked with us. All G.L.B. entrants instructed by our members, were successful tn the exams. A discussion took place on the report of the Council in approving the issuing of licenses to erect three hotels in the .new suburbs, and a protest sent in. Letter to go to the Ministers’ Assoc., and the N.Z. Alliance asking them to support regular Youth Rallies in place of Hand of Holies, to get tenijierance teaching to teenagers. Election of Officers^-Pres., Mrs. Smith; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Holdgate, Cave, Densem, and l ursdon. Other Officers re-elected. Dunedin. Annual meeting. Sjiecial mention of the death o* Mrs. Thomas in her 103rd year. President urged members to make Dom. Temjierance Quiz as widely kn.wn as possible. Children in the Dunedin area, who entered for it tms year to Ik- entertained by the District at a Party. Mis Bischoff and Vi*s Farquhar -ipjointed delegates to Don.. Convention. Two duets were rendered by Mesdaines (’. K. Clark and A. J. Symornls, accompanied by Mrs. F. Clark the piano. Dunedin South. Annual meeting with Mrs. Jtiutt, Dist. l’:es., as guest chairwoman. Minutes of appreciation passed the retiring Secretary, Mrs. M. Hi ppm and the Trearurer, Mrs. Graham, both of whom are giving up on account oi ill-health. service t-aJgcs were presented to Mrs. J. J. Brown, 30 years, and Miss F. Bruce, 20 vear*. Election of Officers resulted as follows:- Pres., Mrs. J*'. Jones; Vicel’res., Mesdames L. Pago and Donaldson; Secretary, Mrs. M. lies; Treasurer, Mrs. F.. Fltk-ry; W.R., Mrs. J. Lett/; C.R., Mrs. E. Flurry; Hostesses, Mesdames Lythgoe, Morton and Miss Bruce .Mrs. Jones delegate to Dom. Convention. Mataura. Devotions conducted by Mrs. Maslin. Rev. \V. J. Wallace addressed us on the Curse of Drink in the social, economic and spiritual realms of our locality, and urging the use of the weapons of prayer, legislation and literature. October 2nd. Books, magazines, sent to lighthouse, ]>er Gore Union. Collection to pay for Y.P. Supplements.

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White Ribbon, Volume 24, Issue 10, 1 January 1953, Page 8

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Union News... White Ribbon, Volume 24, Issue 10, 1 January 1953, Page 8

Union News... White Ribbon, Volume 24, Issue 10, 1 January 1953, Page 8

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