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Bulletin of Union News

NORTHLAND DISTRICT Dargaville, November 9th: Annual .Meeting. I'rcstucut, Mrs. Jolly, in the chair. Devotions, Mrs. liill-lay lor. Miss Edrncd reported the sending ot a parcel ol clothing lor overseas. Mrs. Jolly rejorted on a Social evening held during the month tor Headquarters Lund. Uom which 11 had been torwarded., Ollicers elected as loliows: President, Mrs. Jolly; hecretary, Mrs. F. 1. Moorhead; Treasurer, Mrs. b. I’hilhps; VicePresidents, Mrs. Hill-Taylor and Miss Edined. bupenutendciits also appointed. Te Kopuru, November. This month the meeting was held at the home ot Mrs. Win. Godirey, when Mrs. bickers presided. Two new uicmbeis were initiated .and welcomed. Long Service badges were presented to Mrs. Godirey in recogmtion ol her years ol service in ollice; and also to the becretary, Mrs. A. J. Wordsworth.' The President presented a report of the District Convention recently held at Maungakaramea. AUCKLAND DISTRICT District Executive, November 29th. Mrs. F. \V. Mouutjoy, President, m the cluir, ovci 100 members and visitors attending. Mrs. Long led m prayer alter the singing of the National Anthem and Doxology. Excellent musical programme presented aud thormighly enjoyed. 'The gucst-si<caker was Dr. Mavis Mortimer; who gave a most interesting address on her work in Northern Rhodesia as a medical missionary. A reply was received from the Acting Prime Minister, the Hem. Walter Nash, in answer to the letter seut to him by the District Executive ou the Licensing bill. Afternoon tea was served under the convenership of Miss J. Campbell; which brought a very haj>py afternoon to a close. Ponaonby, November 18th. Annual meeting, Mrs. K. A. Joiner presiding; aud welcoming all present. Devotions led by Mrs. Christopher, were appropriate to the closing of the year. The usual official reports aud those ot dui*enuteudcnts were read. Dtiiceis elected were: President, Mrs. R. A. Joiner; SecretaryTreasurer, Mrs. b. Christopher; Vice-Presi-dents, Mcsdames b. Woods, E. 1 Vlds, and Sister Jessie. Departmental Superintendents were also apjouited. President wished all present the compliments ol the season. Pledge and benedictiou closed the last meeting of the year. Kohi-St. Heliers, November lJtli. Wellattended meeting at the home of Mrs. Lewis Eady; Mrs. H. Kasper presiding; and welcoming members aud visitors, beautiful bouquets were presented to the officers. Mrs. Pearson led Devotions, in which bright singing had a prominent place; a solo also being rendered. Annual reports showed progress. Donations were voted to the Maori Girls’ Hostel; and Domimos Funds. Mrs. Kas|>cr gave an address on the Licensing bill then before the House; a telegram of protest being sent to the Acting Prime Minister. Officers elected were: President, Mrs. H. Kasper; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. Ernest Eady »nd Pearson; Secretary, Mrs. bid lie; Treasurer, Mrs. Chas. Phillips; Superintendents also being appointed. Recess till March. Henderson, 'December 2nd. Annual prizegiving for the Temperance Essays written by pupils of the local school; held at the school. The officers were welcomed by the Headmaster and introduced to the pupils, over 60 of these being assembled. Mrs. Dickinson gave them a most helpful address on “ The dangers of forming bad habits ”; which was listened to with keen interest. Five prizes were then presented for the best essays; Mrs. Dickinsou thanking them for their splendid effort. The Headmaster expressed his appreciation to the Union for presenting such lovely books- Each child received a temperance blotter. Remuera, Annual meeting, November 22nd; Mrs. H. Kasper presiding. Good attendance. Temperance Fact. Miss Gane. Pledge recited. A new member initiated. Officers elected were: President, Mrs. Clifford; Vice-President, Mrs. Robitisou; Recording Secretary, Miss Tozer; Corresponding Secretary, Mis. Robinson; Treasurer, Mrs. Laird; Superintendents also being appointed. Miss Tozer presented the annual report. Mrs. Kasper was presented with a bouquet in appreciation of her work with the Union daring the year.

Onebunga, November Uth. Anuual meeting. Othcial reports showed satisfactory progress and were well received. New Secretary, Mrs. Cullen; all other othcers being re-elected. Special collection for Cancer Control Fund. November 25th. Sale of Work successfully organised by Mrs. breese, a devoted worker W ark worth, December 9th. Good attendance of members and visitors. Thought for the mouth given by Mrs. llartle; Devotions led by Mrs. *i uompsoa. Roll Call, answered by “ Good tidings. Discussion ou the Liceunug bill. Miss S. Taylor, guest-speaker, ‘.old Irom her own experience of the joys and sorrows, inspirations and disappointinent.s ol Christian work in an Indian village. She hopes to return to her work in 1W; aud was presented with a sheaf of gladioli; and a gilt ol lingerie. Trading table and tea concluded the meeting. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT Te Kuiti, November Uth. Annual meeting, Mrs. A. Joseph, President, iu the chair; and welcoming Miss C. M. McLay, who kd Devotions. Pledge aud Temperance Fact. Retorts by Departmental Superintendents. C’.R. now numbers 122. Eighteen ditty bags sent for seamen; aud other good work reported. Officers elected: President, Mrs. A. Joseph; Secretary, Mrs. Ewan; Treasurer, Mi*. M. Joseph; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Kukutai and McNaught. Mrs. Joseph appointed Con.vention Delegate. Miss McLay congratulated Superintendents and officers on their good work; explained the “ Y ” department, Sabbath Observance, and Good Citizenship, and gave information about Convention matters. Licensing bill discussed- Closing prayer. Otorohanga. Last meeting for the year, November 26th. Members from Te Kuiti and Te Awamutu Unions attended. Morning tea was served; and a very interesting talk on temperance matters was given. Luncheon was served, ifter which the afternoon session was ojieued with Devotious led by the Rev. Mr. Drown. Financial report given. Convention report given by Mrs. Joseph, President of Te Kuiti Union; and short talks given by Mrs. Alexander, President Te Awamutu; and Mrs. Coyle, for Te Kuiti Pakeha Union. A “Mystery” parcel table caused some amusement. Flowers were presented tq. severa. visitors, these being made by Mrs. Kenny. Mr. brown gave a splendid address, lea brought a very enjoyable meeting to a close. Hamilton, December 2nd. Mrs. Clark pre sided over a good attendance, of members and visitors. A vote of sympathy was carried, standing, with the relatives of the late Mrs. Stephenson Craig, President for many years. Officers elected as follows: President (acting), Mrs. Clark; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Davey, Bradley, Moore and Trebilco; Secretary, Mrs. bmek; Treasurer, Mrs. Hood. Tauranga, December 7th. Large attendance, Mrs. Christian presiding. Mrs. Williamson led Devotions. Miss Every, of Nelson Union, welcomed. Telegram of protest to loos- M.r. re Licensing bill approved. Mrs. Hunt appointed Convention delegate. Delightful address given by Miss M. Harries of the Sv riati Mission, on life and work in that held; a beautiful set of models of houses, utensils, etc. adding great interest, Special j.layer asked ou behalf of a g»rl recently converted from the religion of the Druses; who will have to face danger and hardship in upholding her faith. Bring and Buy. Te Awamutu, November 18th. Closing meeting, in form of a Flower Show and bung and buy. Mrs. Kasper w-as the speaker; and gave an interesting account of her 1947 tour and attendance at the World Convention; holding the attention of her hearers for over an hour. Mrs. Wade sang a bracket of delightful solos. Visitors from le Kuiti, Cambridge, and Otorohanga were present. Good financial result. Mrs. Kasr*r initiated a new member; and an enjoyable meeting closed with the Benediction.

TARANAKI DISTRICT Hawera, November. Mrs. Hayward, Acung President, in the chair; also leading Devotions. Treasurer reported iS 15s. raised for Starving Children appeal. All very pleased to have present the Dominion President, Miss C. E. Kirk,- who was ou holiday at Hawera. Miss Kirk spoke on “Ways of Service”; and it was a very enlightening talk. Two solos sung by Mrs. Tozer were much enjoyed. Miss Kirk closed the meeting with prayer. Tea hostesses, Mrs. Burton and helpers. Annual meeting, December. Mrs. Hayward presided. Good work for the year shown in Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports. Bring and Buy stall conducted successfully. Mr*.

Hayward was elected President, and Mrs. Barron, Secretary-Treasurer; Superintendents being also appointed. Mrs. Barron reported having sent a wire of protest to the focal M.P. regarding the Licensing Bill then before Parliament.

New Plymouth, Maori Day, October 27th. Pair attendance. Devotions led by Mrs. Tuffery, assisted by Miss Callaghan. Letter of sympathy sent to Mrs. Weils who has been ill. Extract from “ W.R. ” read. Executive emi>owered to take prompt action re liquor selling in the King Country* TwO letters of thanks received from Dr. Gilbey for parcels sent. Mrs. Stewart reported on interest taken in “ Family Week ” activity. Miss Drew reported on Seamen’s Rest; and Miss Peterson on the N.CAV. Conierence. Sister May Vime told of her work among the Maoris, stressing the force of example. Mrs. ilawkeus rendered two Solos. (Apology is made for accidental delay in inserting above report.—Editor.) New Plymouth. Annual meeting. Reports presented from all departments. A further attempt to be made to get Bible into the primary schools. The Treasurer reported satisfactory finance. Various funds were explained by Miss Drew. Licensing legislation discussed. Departmental Superintendents appointed. Beautiful floral gifts were received by the officers. Stratford. After extended reces-,, Union is now again in good standing with 20 members. Congratulations and good wishes expressed. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT Napier. Annual meeting. Mrs. Lewis in the chair. Annual reports given by Secretary and Treasurer showed a great deal of fine work done during the year. Officers elected were: President, Mrs. Lewis; Secretary, Mrs. Atherfold; Treasurer, Mrs. Thompson. Suj)crintendents also appointed. Mesdames Lewis and Atheriold were sincerely thanked for wise and consecrated leadership over a long jicriod of years. Christmas greetings were exchanged. Meeing closed w-ith prayer and Benediction. MANAWATU DISTRICT Levin, November 17th. Annual ineetiug presided over by Mrs. Kennerley, who welcomed all present. A vote of sympathy passed with Mrs. Plaster in the death of her husband. Annual reports by departments; Superintendents showed good work being done in each. The C Roll stands at 120. The resignation of Mrs. Rose as Birthday Secretary was accepted with regret, and a letter of thanks was sent to her. Letters of thanks also to Band of Hope workers, Mr. and Mrs. Muirhead, Mrs. Storey and Major Ward. Mrs. Ward took the chair for the election of officers, the following being elected: President, Mrs. Kennerley; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Plaster; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Andricksen; Treasurer, Mrs. Burnham, with Mrs. Trotman as assistant; VicePresidents, Ministers’ wives and Mrs. W. C. Bishop. Superintendents also were appointed. Votes of thanks to all officers and members were passed. Mrs. Kennerley wished members the compliments of the season, and the meeting closed with the Benediction. WELLINGTON DISTRICT District Executive Meeting. November 25th. Mr-. F. J. T. Grieg presided. Fair attendance, some Unions being unrepresented. King Country position discussed. The work of the Alliance, and especially that of Mr. Milner warmly praised; and a letter of appreciation was authorized. Agreed to use and support the leaflet on “Off-course Betting,” as prepared by the Associated Churches; who hope to get a copy of this into every home in the Dominion. A donation of £3 ss. was to be forwarded. P»ote6ts on the Licensing Bill had been seiu by most Unions. Wellington Central. November 17th. Mi-. Fired in the chair. Good reports from all departments. Large parcel of bed-socks knitted for Hospital Auxiliary. Deep regret at the passing of Mrs. Clark, one of our earliest members. AH officers re-elected. Greetings and beautiful posies presented to every member by the President; and a si*cia! welcome given to Mrs. F. J. T. Grigg, new- District President, who was present, benediction closed last meeting for the yMb'. Brooklyn, November 30th. Mr 6. Brewer presided. Greetiug from Miss Atkinson. Mrs. Toomer’s letter read and discussed. Miss Kirk, J.P., Dominion President, was the guest speaker; and gave a very interesting account of the N.CW. Conference. Miss Kirk also presented “ Long-Serv-ce ” badges

to Mesdames Gilliogs and Sawden. Appreciation and thanks to Miss Kirk were expressed with flowers. Afternoon tea was enhanced by a Christmas cake made by Mrs. Pearson; who also was thanked “ with flowers.’’ Christmas Greetings exchanged. NELSON DISTRICT Nelson, November 1/th. Annual meeting presided over by District President, Mrs. Toomer; who welcomed to our ranks a member of the English B.W.T.A. Mrs. Macmillan was elected President in place oi Airs. Sherratt who ha 9 left the district. - All other officers were re-elected. Encouraging reports read by Superintendents. Mrs. Neal, C.R. Superintendent, read a letter to be sent to all children going off the Roll. Remit for Convention re new card for C.R. Temperance Fact given. Executive members were tea hostesses. Benediction. December 7th. Closing meeting for 1948; Social afternoon* Members took part in competitions which were won by Mesdames Toomer and Luminis. Solos sung by Mrs. Toome.- and Mrs. C. Knapp; and a reading and a recitation by Mrs. Walter were much enjoyed. Mrs. Toomer told of the happy afternoon spent at the Alexandra Home; when the inmates were entertained w’ith music and afternoon tea by members from Nelson and Richmond. Birthday posies were presented, and at the close of the meeting, flowers were sent to Te Rangi Hospital. Benediction. % MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT , Blenheim, December 12th. Good attendance presided over by Mrs. Forbes. Devotions assisted b; Mrs. K. Christian. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Laue. Roll Call, a verse of Scripture, inet with a great Response. Mrs. Webster, Treasurer, was appointed as Dominion Convention delegate. Mrs. Christian’s talk on " Bear ye one another’s burdens,” referred to many of her own sad and humorous experiences as a Salvation Army worker. Good report of combined Social of Blenheim and Snringlands Union given Benediction by Mrs. Girling. Springlands, 16th November. Annual meeting. Attendance affected by bad weather conditions. President led in Devotions, speaking from • Scripture reading 2nd Kings, chapter 2, Elisha taking the mantle from Elijah. Congratulations to Mrs. A. M. Gascoigne on the birth of a son. Good responses to* Roll Call. In absence of Mrs. Green, Recording Secretary, President reported on activities and Mrs. Leslie, Cradle Roll Superintendent, Mrs. Wells, W.R. Agent, reported a busv year. Mrs. Hegglun presented a very satisfactory balance sheet. Reports adopted, the President expressing thanks to all for co-operation and good fellowship. In a brief address she referred to the Licensing Amendment Bill and to the work of the members throughout the country to secure six* o’clock closing of hotel bars. Decided to send a delegate to Dominion Convention and Mrs. J. McDougal was ap|>oiiited. Mrs. Leslie voiced the appreciation of all the members to Mrs. L’nderhill for her untiring work and leadership. Election of officers I resulted in , e-election of all except Recording Secretary, to which josition our newest member, Mrs. McDougal, was elected. The various department Suj>erintendents and Convenors were arranged for. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Spreydon. Annual meeting, chaired by Mrs. Aticall. Officers elected were: President, Mrs. Nisbet; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Horwood, Ancall, Lockwood and McKenzie; Secretary, Mrs. E. E. Bowden; Treasurer, Miss Brown. Departmental Superintendents also api>ointed. Arrangements made for a Christmas treat for the Mental Hospital patients three members agreed to collect for the Y.M.C.A. and the Y.VV.C.A. street apr >l. Reports showed good work done throug the year. Thanks expressed to retiring officers. Benediction. Christchurch, November 24th, Miss Henderson presiding. A legacy of £SO received frot,the estate of the late Mrs. Hobbs. Parcels of clothes and food ready to be sent to Britain through our Red Cross Branch. President led discussion on the Licensing Bill. Message urging delay, and protesting against the King Country proposal sent to k»cal M.P.

December Bth. Sixty-first animal meeting. Greetings sent to senior and absent members. Donation sent to Headquarters Debt Reduction Fund. Thirty Years’ Service Badges presented to Mesdames Lennon and Neutze. Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports showed satisfactory position. New member welcomed. Officers

elected as under: President, Miss C. Henderson; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames B. lames, Lennon, Neutze, Gardner-Miller; Misses Bishop, Blackwell and Gordon; Treasurer, Miss M. B. Lovell-Smith; Assistant Treasurer, Miss E. Gordon; Secretary, Miss Al. Al. Thomas; Aliss Henderson presided at both meetings. Lyttelton-Heathcote, November 30th. C.R. party arranged and held December 4th. 30 children tad many mothers attending. Mesdames Webb and Lewis carried out tins party must successfully. Officers elected as follows: President, Mrs. Tredennick; Treasurer, Airs. Coyle; becretary, Airs. J. Preston. New Brighton. Annual meeting, December 2nd. Mrs. Edmond presided. Devotions led by Mrs. Goodland. Tetnpeiance Fact and Pledge. Appreciative letter received from Postmaster lor help in sale of Health Stamps. Decided to send delegate to Dominion Convention. Parcels of soap sent to England and Scotland. Donations of various iunds decided up-on. Mental Hospital report given. Christmas visit with guts arranged for. Official reports given; and thanks expressed for work done. Officers elected as follows: President, Mrs. Edmond; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Hall, Gibb, Goodland, Gamble and Mitchell; Secretary, Mrs. G. Ellis; Treasurer, Mrs. H. Inns; Su;>erintendents also being appointed. Reefton, November 9th. Mrs. Thompson presided. Devotions on “ Service.” Acting Treasurer’s report received. Balance of cash to be sent tor Headquarters Fund. Aleeting closed with prayer. Sydenham, December 2nd. Annual meeting, Mrs. J. Filer presiding. Ojieniiig prayer by Mrs. Davies. Secretary's and Treasurer’s rcjxirts showing satisfactory jwsition. Mrs. Atkins (district Treasurer), kindly presided for election of officers. All re-elected. President extended the season's greeting to all members; and meeting closed with the Benediction. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Oamaiu. Annual meeting. Mrs. Raw soil presided, Miss Cowan leading Devotions. Splendid record of work given in Annual report. Very "iteresting address given by .Mr. Kirkness, on “ Women Tetni>erance Workers”; the speaker afterwards presenting *’ Twenty-Year Service Badges ” to Mrs. Mcllwraith and Miss Cowan; and thanking them for their public service in the town. Floral sprays, with musical honours were presented to Mrs. Raw-son, President, Miss Cowan, Vice-President, and Mrs. Mcllwraith, Secretary. Mrs. Blackgrove also received a gift of appreciation for her work on the Social Committee during 17 years. Captain a:id Mrs. Kix delighted their hearers with a •010, awl Mrs. Daniel with a recitation. Officers elected as last year, except that Mesdames Winn and Acutt retired from the list of Vice-Presidents, and Mrs. Cawley was appointed thereto. Suj»eriiitendeiits also ap|>oiuted. Waiinate, December. Arrangements made to entertain the Dominion Convention members in February. Mrs. Duckett, President, led Devotions; ami Mr. George Dash was the s[*aker; his subject being the Licensing Bill recently passed. The 72-page measure provided legislation by which the incentives to the use of alcoholic liquor would be greatly increased; ami was most regrettable. OTAGO DISTRICT Dunedin Central, November 30th. Resolutions passed that we support the protest of Princess Te l’uia against the introduction of liquor into the King Country; a breach of faith with the Maoris; and also that of the Alliance against the Licensing Legislation before the House. Mrs. Hiett, President, sjxjke on the Olympic Games* competitors. Mrs. Whittington lunr. sang very sweetly two solos. Airs. Clark and Miss Farquhar were appointed delegates to Dominion Convention. Kaikorai. Dining the last few months, Home meetings have been.held at the residences of various members, to whom we are indebted. The present membership is small hut enthusiastic. We are proud of the success of our children in the recent Temperance Examinations. On November 30t'i we bade Mrs. Ramage “ Bon Voyage ” and a safe return from a twelve months’ holiday in Scotland. Letters of protest and telegrams sent to Parliament in connection with the Licensing Bill. Mr*. Adcock gave a comprehensive icijort of District Convention. Officers elected were: President, Mrs. Flett; Secretary -Treasurer, Mrs. J. McKenzie.

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White Ribbon, Volume 21, Issue 1, 1 February 1949, Page 9

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 21, Issue 1, 1 February 1949, Page 9

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 21, Issue 1, 1 February 1949, Page 9

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