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Bulletin of Union News

NORTHLAND DlbiKiCT Te Kopuru, Au^uat: Mrs. 11. O. Bickers presided ana led ocvutious. lempcrauce Tact. I'm-Pact be Couiercuce literature discussed. Substantial pruc money duoaied oy two meinbeis lor pnits lor school emuiren sitting lor the fcmpcrauce Examinations. Letter oi sympathy to be se::t to Mrs. H. 11. Cole m ihe loss ol her mother, Mrs. i’oole oi Hawcra, aged Stf, who was President ol a W.C.T.U. in Dll. An article by Victoria Grigg, M.A., on John Wesley and hts attitude to luteiupetauce and the conversion ol drunkards was read. AUCKLAND DISTRICT Executive Meeting, September t>: Meeting m the 1 cmperauce Room, Oueen Street. District President, Mrs. Mouutjoy, presided over a good attendance. Devotions were led by Miss ii. Grigg. Mrs. J. W. Long retried that she had sent the letter and a beautilul spray ol Howers to Miss Helen Keller on the eve of her departure from Auckland lor Australia. The President u. the Northcote Umou, Miss Weigall, rej»orted that '„»ie o' their members, Mrs. Allely, had w*ut a cop ol an article which had ap(*eared in the "W nite Ribbon" on the occasion ol Princess Elizabeth’s marriage, to Her Majesty the <J u ee», and had recently received a reply from Miss Jean Rankin, 1 ady in Waiting, saying that Her Majesty had read the article with much pleasure, and thinking her for sending it. District Convention arrangements were finalised. Maori Girls’ Hostel report given by Mrs. J. VV. Long, and N.C.W. report by Mrs. .Nlountjov, who also announced that the N.C.W. Annual Conference would be held in Auckland dunrg the month. W&rkwortb, August 12: Mrs. K. Moore presiding; good attendance of members and visitors. After the Devotional period, Mrs. Rowe gave the Thought for the Mouth, and Mrs. Hope the Temjierance Fact. The Roll Call on "Faith” brought many uplifting thoughts. Following the genera; business, the President introduced Miss E. U. Beny, organiser for the British and Foreign Society, who, by a series of beautPui posters, held the attention and touched the hearts of all. Several members volunteered as collectors for 8.F.8.5. Aftrrnoon iea and fellowship closed a happ> hour. Remrera, August 27: Mrs. Kasj>er presiding. Devotions led by Mesdames Mackey and Laird. Te:n|»erance Fact given by Mrs. Gane. Pledge. Discussed District Convention and appointment of delegate. Pianoforte solo was given by Mrs. Cardwell and a recitation by Miss French, both ladies being heartily thanked. Choruses were %ung. Meeting took the form of a "Payup Social.” Benediction. Ponaonby, August 19: Mrs. R. Joiner, Prt dent, in the chair. Devotions led by Mrs. B. Christopher. The speaker was Mrs. F. W. Mountjoy, District President, and she gave a most interesting and enlightening account of the N.Z. Alliance Annual Meeting. The President thanked Mm. Mountjoy for her splendid report, and the meeting closed in the usual way. Wellsford, August meeting: Excellent att-nd ance presided over bv Mrs. Singleton, President. Devotions conducted by the Rev. R. E. Fordyce. Temperance Fact given, tbiion one year old. so special Bi-thday Social Afternoon held and enjoyed by all. Guest s|>eaker, Captain Smith of the Salvation Army, who gave a stirring address, much appreciated. Duet by Mesdames Fordyce and L. Bennett, and solo bv Mrs. Yates. Competitions also held. Tea hostesses, Mesdames Fordyce and Thompson. Prettily iced birthdav cake with its one candle, was made by Mrs. Phillips, and served at the conclusion of afternoon tea. Benediction. Onehunga, Sept. 2: Meeting held at Waitanri Methodist Church with the ladies ‘here, was arranged instead of the usual Home Meeting, under the Presidency of Mrs. Mountjoy. Programme of Devotions, Temperance Fact and recitations by Mrs. Hatton, followed by a bright, interesting address by Mrs. Mountjov, wh told concisely the aims and objects of the W.C.T.U., describing the Maori Girls’ Hostel, and other activities, illustrating with stories and anecdotes. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT Thames, August 4: Small attendance Subject, "Alcohol from a medical standpoint.” Several members contributed readings on

(1) "Alcohol in treatment of pneumonia,” (2) *•]» it a food?” (3) "Use in accidents,” (4) "Its effect on body and brain,” (5) "Alcohol and consumption,” (6) "Alcohol and malnutrition,” (7) ”Mri ;al Temperance Uuir ”

September 1: Annual Cradle Koll afternoon held m Methodist Hall. President welcomed mothers and children who attended in very inclement weather. Fine programme of music and recitations b> several boys and girls, and a reading by Mrs. Grey proved very enjoyable. Short Temperance talk on "Apples and Bees’’ given by the President. Mrs. Jensen also addressed the children on ‘Willie ihe Fly" and gave some good adviie to mothers. L terature distributed. Afternoon tea dispensed Hamilton, September 2: Social afternoon. Splendid attendance. Items by *'.vo Maori girls, ex-pupils of Turakina College. Addresby Miss C\ M. McLay, "74 years of warfare," an outline of the birth, growth and progress oi the W.GT.U. Three new members initiated, including the two Maori girls who had been trained in Turakina *’ i ’* lirauch. Arrangements lor District Convention and Temi>erance Rally finalised. Tauranga, September 7: Mrs. Christian presided over good attendance. Devotions led by Mrs. Williamson, subject "Prayer.” Vote of sympathy and deep respect passed in connection with the passing of Miss Klsie Andrews. Reports on Pan-Pacific Association, N.C.W., Hand oi Hope and Birthday Celebrations received. Mrs. York ap|M>inted Convention Delegate lor District Convention at Hamilton. Nomination made for Dominion Officers. Franchise Day observed by talk and reading of extracts from "W.R.” by President. Bring f.nd Huy for N’.Z. Fund realised £l/7/6. letter of thanks received from Miss Drew for "Seamen’s Parcel” seut by Mrs. Hoag. Agreed to ask for "urgency leave” to present remits at District Convention. TARANAKI DISTRICT New Plymouth. August 25: Very enjoyable meeting. In the absence of the President, Mrs. Stewart took the chair. Small attendance owing to “flu" epidemic. Visitors welcomed. Mart for Seamen’s Rest realised £4O. Letter from CORSO acknowledging receipt of a suit made by Mrs. Wood. Interesting half-hour s|>ent in each member telling where she was born and the number in the family. Prayer and afternoou tea. Wanganui Central, August 5: Mrs. Duxtield led Devotions and took the meeting. Apologies received. Reports from the Schools re the examinations papers. September 2: Mrs. Wilson took the chair and led the Devotious. Ten members present. Mrs. Mercer s|ioke on drivers being tested after an accident to see if they had had any strong drink. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT Hastings, June: Very good a’tendance. Devotions led by Mrs. Thorj*. President, Mr*. A. M. Smith, gave a welcome to member* and visitors. Letters sent to »ick members. Birthday *prays much appreciated by Mesdanies Grainger, Thorpe and Robertson. “W.R.” collection £l/2/6. A letti r compiled bv the District F.xecutive was sent to Unions for distribution tc all women’s organisations, calling their attention to increased drinking and other evils. Tempeianre posters and the Essay pamphlet sent to the schools. Speaker, Mrs. Major Miller of the Salvation Army, who gave a Temperance talk telling of the power of God to uplift the drunkard. July: Speaker, the Rev. H. Mitchell, who told of his experiences as a prisoner of war in Italy and Germany and his contact with the soldiers. 38 present. Pledge repeated. Devotions led by Mrs. Thorpe. letters of sympathy to be sent to Miss Kirk in the passing of her brother, and to Mrs. Lovell - Smith in the passing of her husband. Birthday sprays to Mesdames Buckingham, Llovd, McArthur and Pitt. Mrs. Pitt appointed a Delegate to Alliance Conference. Members asked to join up with the N.C.W. Tea hostesses Mrs. Warren and helpers. WELLINGTON DISTRICT Executive Meeting, August 26. at Karori : Rrfrrence was made to the loss caused by the death of Mesdames Crawford and Bogren, members standing in silence. The President gave thanks in Prayer for their lives of service. letters of thanks received from the relatives of the late Professor H. Kirk for sympathy exp.essed. A recommendation that the World’s Day of Prayer. October 24. should he observed as Peace Day was endorsed.

Letter of greeting to Mrs. Bickering, and thanks for donation. Mrs. Brew’er reported on the N.Z. Alliance Anuual Meeting, emphasising the interest shown by younger ministers, and the great amount of work done bv Mr. Milner. "Beacons” to be distributed by Lmous. Ho|>e for the future ol our work felt to be in the hands of the vouug who are conung on and may see the Iruit of the years of labour a> they carry on in coming years. Brooklyn: Mrs. brewer was hostess for meeting heki at her home. Twelve present. TernIterance F'act given by Mrs. Gillings. Reports on District Executive held at Karori and the Alliance Conference ivere read by Mesdames Pearce and Brewer respectively. Every member queted Bible verses, hymns, or short talks which were much appreciated. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT Springlanda, August 17: Held at the home of Mrs. Underhill. Good attendance. Message of cheer to Mrs. Leslie. Several "ditty" bags handed in for Sailors’ Rest. Good res|>oi;se to Roll Call, with very helpful quotations. Mrs. Green appointed Delegate to District Convention. Dominion Superintendent’s reports on "Organising," "Work among Seamen” and "L.T.L.” were read and discussed. Speech coni|>etition held. Subjects: "Legislation" or "Education," “U.N.0.,” “Courage,” "Good Citizenship” and "W.C.T.U." Mrs. J. Eyles the winner. Blenheim, September 9: Mrs. Forbes rrtsided. Four a[iologies and J 5 present. Mr*. P. Stephens led Devotions, reading Psalm 121. She N ive extracts to show that trust was better than worry. Five letters of sympathy and cheer to be sent. Mrs. R. Watson apimmted Convention Delegate. Franchise Day observed by Mrs. Forbes reading an interesting |><i|>er about it. Friendly cup of tea, and Benediction pronounced by Mrs. Forbes. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Linwood, August 31: Mrs. H. Graham, President, in »he chair. Devotions led bv Mr«. W. O. Francis. Mrs. K. R. Clark, District President, presented Twenty-Year Service Badges to the following Foundation Members; Mesdames S. Woods, E. M. Mackie, R. Black, F. F'uller. R. Wellcans, W. C. Francis, J. Turner, F. Bock, F. J. T. Grigg and Miss M. Snell. Mention made of the many years of service given by these members to the Rranch. Mrs. J. Sankers appointed District Convention Delegate. Social hour si*nt when songs were sung by Mrs. R. D. Brown, and recitations given by Mrs. H. Middleton. Tea brought a happy meeting to a close. Spreydon: The Rev. J. E. Lonsdale was the si>eaker at the last meeting and gave a challenging talk on the duty of everyone to do all they can in all departments of life. Mrs. Ancell, President, in the chair. Mrs. Paul gave the Temperance Fact, which was supported by other members in similar vein. Mrs. Ancell and Miss Brown, Mental Hospital visitors. * Pupils of Spreydon and Addington Schools agreed to enter for the Essay Competition. Papanui, August 26: Mrs. Tillman presided over a good attendance. Devotions led by Mrs. Elliott. Pledge. Roll Call, a text of Scripture Mrs. Hodder appointed Delegate for District Convention. Plans for future work niadt. Mrs. Hawken reported visiting seven patients at the Mental Hospital. Mrs. Neville, transferred from Shirley-Richmond, welcomed by President. Inspiring address bv Mrs. Baker of Salvation Army on Missionary Work irr China.

Christchurch: Miss C. Henderson presided at a recently-held meeting. Vote of sympathy passed to Mrs. R. Richards, who has recently lost her son. Thanks received from CORSO organiser, Wellington, for our gifts, which are to be sent to China. Our President nad extracts from the "White Ribbon." which showed that the united action of women could make war imjiossible. She also read of the celebrations in Melbourne, of the Diamond Jubilee of Victoria, which included a tem’ieTance tea and demonstration in the Town Hall. The women sang "The March of the Women," conducted bv the Women’s Musical Conductor. New Brighton: Miss Edmond presided over a good attendance. Devotions led bv Miss Armstrong. Pledge re-affirmed and Temperance Fact given. Mesdanies Hall and Graham, two stalwarts of our cause. Mental Hosnital visiting report given. Delegate appointed for Convention tnd several members to represent tl • Union at the Band rf Hope Rallv on Sei tember !9 Decided to send for 200 Vaflet* for distribution. Bring and Buy held tc “ssist

funds. President then welcomed Mrs. Mackie. who gave us a most interesting rejiort and description of her recent trip to America the N.Z. Delegate at the World’s Convention of the W.C.T.U. Riccarton, September 9: Mrs. Griffith.-* presided. Devotions led by Mrs. Ncwth, and Mrs. Goldman sang the “Consecration Hymn." Vote of sympathy passed in silence with the relatives of the late Miss Elsie Andrews. Several invitations for functions to be held shortly were received. One, from the Methodist Church, asking for a member to sjieak on Teni|>erance Sunday, was accepted in the i*erson of Mrs. Griffiths. Caravan Fund Ap|>eal received. Letters of sympathy to go to three members. Report of Executive Meeting given. Convention arrangements made. We approve of the remit from Executive to Dominion, which runs: "We urge Dominion Convention to write to the Education Board re the drinking during University Treasurer’s and Mental Hospital Re|»orts given. Collection of 12/6, Copper Trail 2/5, sale of goods 3/6. Mrs. Goldman gave an interesting talk on her tour of the Southern District, for which she was thanked. Hymn and Benediction. OTAGO DISTRICT Lawrence, September 7: Small attendance M ; s« f-'erguson »j .he chair. Devotions. Lett i from District secretary re Convention. Miss Ker.uson appointed Delegate. Present Executive renominated. Mrs. McNetlly read a paper on “Thought* on the d'ffcence between tf.'* Kingdom of God and the Kn gdom of Mali.” Hymn, Pledge and Benediction.

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White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 9, 1 October 1948, Page 9

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 9, 1 October 1948, Page 9

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 9, 1 October 1948, Page 9

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