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Bulletin of Union News

NORTHLAND DISTRICT D&rgaville, July 13: Miss Edmt-d, \ ice President, m the chair. Devotions, M's. Lawrence. Headquarters Fund brought to our notice. Asked to think of ways and means to help. The importance of the literature explained by Miss Edmed and all asked to distribute some. Two laige parcels fo: COKSO received. Teinjierance Fact. Memorial Da* observed by sjieeial papers read by Mrs. Hill Taylor. A letter of cheer to be sent to Mrs. Jolly, the President, who is r.ot well. Collection 6/6 and Sales Table 8/-. Benediction. Wellaford, July 27 : Mrs. Singleton presided, Mrs. Fordyce leading Devotions. Pledge reaffirmed and Roll Call answered by a Temperance Fact. Letter of thai.ks received from Mrs. Long for vegetables sent from last meeting to the Maori Hostel. Each member read an extract from a pape: or a magazine. “Bring and Buy” for local funds. Cradle Roll growing rapidly. One new member initiated, bringing roll number up to 27. AUCKLAND DISTRICT District Executive Meeting, August 2: 1 he District President, Mrs. F. v\. Mount joy, in the cha.r, Devotions being led by Mrs. Anstice. Mrs. t. Prussing rejoined that sue had sent thro’igh CORSO during the month the sum of -which had been collected by \anous organs by local Unions to help the people of China. It *as decided by the meeting to send a greeting and a word of deep appreciation to Miss Helen Keller tor all sue is doing for so many blind people belore she leaves New Zealand. Mrs. Mountjoy gave the report of the monthly meet nr* *>• «*>e N.C. V\. Mrs. J. W. Imng gave » most interesting account of the work st*>/ going on at the Maori Girls’ Hostel. F«»«ther arrangements for the holding of th~ District Convention m September weir ...ade. Special attention was drawn to the Essay and Poster Coinjietitiou to be held in September. Kejxirts were given by several local Unions of having held special “Birthday” afternoons during the month. Reinuera, July 26: Mrs. H. Kas|>er presiding. Very fair attendance. Mrs. Laird led in prayer. Pledge and Teinjierance Fact. Memorial Day observed by reference to past members wao have passed on, and the Memorial Day prayer was read by Mr*. Kasper. Some of the members attended the Memorial Service for the late Mrs. Winston, one of our members who has gone to her reward. This was held in St. Paul’s Methodist Church, Rentier*, and at the close the members came to the Union meeting. Warkworth, June 17: Mrs. Moore presided over a large attendance of members and friends. Pledge and Teni|>erauce Fact given. A roll call oil “Cheerfulness” called forth many inspiring and soul-searching thoughts. Mrs. Rowe, “W.R.” Agent, gave an interesting pajier on the “White Ribbon." A touching solo, “The Three Meetings,” was sung byMrs. Thompson. The guest sjieaker, Mrs. Singleton of Wellsfcrl Union, then addressed the meeting on the “Scientific and Medical Side of Temperance.” The many new facts, so forcibly represented, inspired members to re-consecrate their time and talents to the Teni|ierance Cause. Mrs. S. Taylor led in prayer. A happy time of fellowship over afternoon tea brought the afternoon to a close. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Rowe and Miss J. Martin. T&kapuna: August meeting well attended. Mrs. Morgan Richards presiding. Devotions led by Miss Cullen. Prayer, Mrs. F. scott. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Tremaine. Discussion on the projiosed new election pajter. Mrs. Prussing retorted on the birthday party for the benefit of those who had not been present. Other matters were discussed by a very keen band of woikers, and the me-tuig closed in the usual manner. Auckland, July 13: Mrs. Long presided. Sympathy was expressed to her on her recent illness. Temperance Fact given by Mrs. Seal, Sui>erintendent. Mrs. Long gave an interest-, ing account of the work done by different

institutions of the Salvation Army, which the District Olticers had visited at the invitation of the Army officials. District Executive Report given. Mrs. arring, who is a granddaughter of one of the early Otago pioneers, gaye a most interesting and graphic talk on the recent Contenmal Celebrations, which she had attended as a guest. August 1U: Large attendance. Mrs. Long presided. A loving resolution of sympathy was passed to our Dominion President, Miss Kirk, in the Home Call of her brother, Prutssor Kirk. Temperance Fact given by Mrs. Seal. District Executive report g.ven by Mrs. Long Mesdames Seal and Massam appointed delegates for District Convention. Mrs. Kasper was the sj»eaker, and gave a most interesting talk on the World Convention and its wonderful sessions attended by 2,000 delega»r«, Vr. K !»i>er received a hearty vote of thanks. Kohi-St. Heliers, July 15: Meeting held at the home of Mrs. C. Phillips, Mrs. H. Kasj>ei presiding. Memorial Day was observed, and the President gave an address on the outstanding past Dominion Officers and the late Editor of the “White Ribbon,” Mrs. N. Peryman. Loving reterences were made to past members of the Union who have passed to Higher Service. The Service of Memories was held. Sympathy was expressed with Mrs. Lewis Eady, our Press Rejiorter, in her serious illness. Mrs. Pearson gave a Devotional Address, which we 111 enjoyed. Thanks were expressed to Mrs. Phillips, our hostess. Pont on by, July 15: Mrs. Joiner, President, in the chair, Devotions being led by Mrs. Christopher. The speaker for the afternoon was Miss Rita Grey, a young Maori girl who assists Sister Jessie at the Herne Hay Maori Girls’ Hostel. Onehunga, June 10: “W hite Ribbon" Da\. Considered ways and means of interesting other women in W.C.T.U. work and increasing membership. Sj>ecial programme designed to interest younger women put into the hands of social committee of youngest members. Decided to each ask the Ministers of our Churches to print a Tenqierance Fact in each issue of their Oiurch l aj>er. Many rejiorts and much business being dealt with, the new “W.R.” Agent, Mrs. Ashton, took the chair. Then followed readings, impromptu sjieechcs, etc., in which most joined. These were very interesting and an enjoyable afternoon concluded with afternoon tea. July 8: L T s:ial meeting fully occupied with rejiorts, discussions, business and arrangements for future work, also the consideration of many local matters. Article from the “White Ribbon” on the “Nationalisation of the Liquor Traffic” read hv Mrs. Stacey. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT Fencourt, July 1: Miss Rickard, President, in the chair. Miss O. Clark led Devotions. Clothes were handed m by members to make a parcel for CORSO. Tins of fat were also brought along to fie packed and sent to a Temperance Union in England. The President gave a rejxirt of a visit paid by hersell and Mrs. Clark to Ward 18 of Waikato Hospital, when they di>tributed biscuits to the patients. Teinjierance Fact and Benediction. Tauranga, August 3: Mrs. Beasley, VicePresident, in the chair in absence through indisposition of the President • Devotions included prayers by various members. i>even apologies and fair attendance. N.C.W. and Pan Pacific reports read. A letter from exSufwrintendent Impdell giving information regarding the system in vogue for dealing with youthful criminals and habitual drunkards was read and discussed with a view- to formulating a remit on the subject. “Bring and Buy" and Benediction. Hamilton. ‘July 8: Mrs. Moore presided. Committee appointed and arrangements made for District Convention and “After Church Rally.” Address by Miss C. M. McLay, "The Present Outlook and God’s Call to Women." Message read from Mrs. Stephenson Craig, “We are not defeated till we stop fighting.” August 5: Mrs. Clark presiding and leading Devotions. Miss C. M. McLay reported threeday organising tour and the gaining of 15 new members. Also a meeting with Maori girls at Te Rahui Hostel and address given. Work of the “V” branch there to be revived. Prospect of Maori Unions being formed. Three new members welcomed and initiated and one

receved by transfer. Mrs. fucker expressed ihi deep gratitude of the members to Mrs. Moore tor the devotion and help she had given as Acting President during the year, and all good wishes lor her visit to Otago. TARANAKI DISTRICT Hawera, June meeting: Mrs. Hansen in the chair. Feeling reierence was made to the pasiwng away of Mrs. Poole, a former meinbe; whonad reached the age ot 97 years, and who was the holder of a “20 years’ service” badge. Sympathy was expressed by a standing vote. A letter of warm appreciation was received from Miss Dorothy Staunton, Editor •»< the F.nglish “White Ribbon” for gift parcels sent from the Union to England. The last parcel contained soap and tinned fo<xls, this being the sixth to be sent. Tea Hostesses MesdainePage and Burton. July meeting: Mrs. Page, Vice-President, in the chair, and also led Devotions, re-.ding from the “DevotionaL Period” in the July “White Ribbon." Letter of appreciation for flowers sent to the late Mrs. Poole from the family. Another letter of thanks from Miss Staunton. Letter received from Miss Atkinson for Miss Kirk in answer to a query sent from last meeting as to the position of the W.C.T.U. in relation to projiosed legislation in the present Parliamentary session. Donations and a Sales Table realised over £3 in aid of the Seamen's Rest. Hostesses as above. Benediction. New Plymouth, July 28: Mrs. Hurrell, VicePresident, in the chair in the absence of the President. Devotions included verses from each member referring to “Our Heavenly Father.” Mesdaines Stewart and Hurrell have visited N.P. Schools regarding the Poster and Essay Competitions and have been well received. A note from Miss Drew showed that it was very necessary for sjiecial efforts to he made on behalf of the Seamen’s Rest on the “Mart Day.” Extra exjiense has been incurred and there will be no street collection. Excellent paper on T. E. Tavlor’s life- and work given by Mrs. Brown, and two delightful solos given by Mrs. Hawkins. S|»ecial vote of thanks to the Conveners. Mrs. Wells in charge of Sales Table. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT District Executive Meeting, July 12: Meeting was held at Napier. Members requested that notes used for Devotions should be forwarded to the “W.R.” Ediror f or publication. District Convention arranged for September 15 at Najuer. Dannevirke, July meeting: Memorial Dayobserved. President led Devotions referring to Christ’s words, “This also that she has tkne shall be spoken of for a memorial of ne.*.” District Executive re|>ort given. Vote of appreciation of the Rev. R. B. Sjtence’s brave s and in regard to the Tem|»eraiice question. I -mperance F’act. One new member enrolled. M.*s. MacDonald sang a solo. Dainty after - no«. n tea. Napier, June meeting: Good attendance. £2/2!' to tie sent to repair the billiard table at the Seamen’s Rest. Rej>orted that the J umbe Sale realised £22 for hical funds. Arrangements made for entertaining the Blind Club t<. an afternoon and tea. Agreed to s»*'.d the “V.Su|»plrment to the Children's Home. The Rev. W. Francis, ILA.,, B.I).. gav- a particularly interesting address on the gambling evil. July meeting held in the evening, when the young women who have recently joined the Union can attend. Devotions were led by Miss Sadie Sproule (one of the young members), her theme being “Patience.” Beautiful new warm garments brought to be sent to Germany for distribution among the most needy. Guest sneaker, Mrs. McGregor, who gave a most interesting and moving account of her recent experiences' in England and on the Continent. Two ex-“Y” members initiated as full members. Simper served and a happy meeting closed with Prayer and Benediction. MANAWATU DISTRICT Levin. June 16: Mrs. Kennerley presided. Large attendance. Also led Devotions. Vote of symjiathy taken standing in silence with the relatives of a valued member, Mrs. Whiting, recently called to Higher Service. Mrs. Burnham read an article from “W.R.” suitable for “White Ribbon” Day. Fjieaker, Mrs. Captain Major. N.Z. Alliance rej>ort read and

alarm expressed at increased consumption cl all types ol alcoholic beverages, lea Hostesses, Mesuaines Heuclue ami Austin. July A: I'resident presided and led Devotions. Memorial Day observed. Koll Call answered with a text containing the word “Light.’ The >i>eaker, the Kev. ii. S. Kings, asked “Why should we he concerned about the Drink Evil?” Hearty, vote ol thanks accorded at *he close. Letter of sympathy to be scut to Mrs. Major in her illness, lea Hostesses thanked. 0 Frilding, August <*: Mrs. Tremaine in the chair, Mrs. Mew art leading in Prayer. K«l>ort ol District Executive given. Discussions on Headquarters and Peace-time conscription. Members gave verses ol Scripture from which they have received help. Mrs. Cummin was appmnted Convention Delegate. Attendance fair. Closing Prayer by the President. WELLINGTON DISTRICT Brooklyn, July meeting: Mrs Pearce received members at her nome. Devouans led by Mrs. Greenwood. All stood in silence m memory of Mrs. Dogren, a member who recently passed away. CORSO and other activities discussed. Mrs. billing* gave Icmperanee extracts. Mrs. Pearce appointed Delegate lor District Convention at ixarori. 1 he big feature of the altermxm wa> the "Question and Answer” period arranged by Mrs. Brewer, who occupied the chair. The work and prominent women connected with it since it* inception in N.Z. were the subjects of the questions. Very interesting and educative. Sigil Prayer and Benediction. Wellington Central, July: Old members and Memorial Day observed. Good attendance in spite of wet weather. Mrs. Sired in the chair. lJevotions led by Mrs. Kowntree, who gave thanks to Gt>d lor the pioneers of the W.C.T.U. Reported sick members visited and old members written to. One new member (bv transfer). Interesting address by Miss J. Atkin sot i on "Florence Nightingale.” Mrs. Sired gave excellent rejiort of District Executive held at Lower Hutt. Birthday jmsies ] -e-------sented to several members. Benediction closed an interesting meeting. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT District Lxeeitive Meeting, July 15: Hu quarterly meeting ol the Marlborough District Executive was held in Wesley Hall, commencing at 11 Mrs. V. Underhill presided over good attendance. Ajology and greetings received from Pictou Union. Sympathetic relerence made to the passing ot Mrs. E. Milgrew, Evangelistic Superintendent, since last meeting at which she was present. Members stood in silence in memory of her faithful service. The theme of the Devotional jeriod of “The Good Samaritan,” and Prayers were offered for the leaders of the Empire and for j»eace. Appreciation was expressed of the “Christian Viewpoint” column recently introduced in the “Marlborough Express" to tx conveyed by letter. Arrangements were made for the district Convention in September and the Agenda prepared. Items of news from “The Bulletin” were given. The President explained the terms of rhe Essay and Poster Competition. It was decided to i*ersonally approach leadefs of Sunday Schools and other youth organisations. A picnic lunch was enjoyed atid the meeting/terminated at 3 p.m. Blenheim, August 3: Mrs. N. Forbes presided. Good attendance. Several aixilogies. Devotions led by Mrs. Captain Christian, reading from St. John, Chapter 3, and asking for sjiecial prayers for a yout.g couple. Very interesting readings given from “W.R.” and other paper*. Sales table. Afternoon tea and social chat. Mrs. Kirkhani closed meeting with Prayer. SpringlanA, * Jul) 20: Memorial Day, at home of President; good attendance. Mrs. Gascoigne gave a cheerful message as Leader in Devotions. Roll call well resjiondfd to. letter to sick member. President read piece front “White Ribbon” written as a tribute to, and in remembrance of, the faithful seivice of those who have passed to higher service. Subject “Notable VV omen.” Profitable discussion on several women whose character revealed that spiritual courage and strength which overcame serious physical disabilities, and who through their achievements made great

contributions to tne world. Amoug these weie Miss ileieu ivelier and beignuu LPauu. .vticiiioun lea uiSj>en*eU. June la: l>evot'oual study on 95th Psalm and reauiug trout "my Mcauiast lints' couducteu uy Mrs. t. Leslie. A variety ot quotations given lu rcsixjiise to Koll Call. "vvnte iviuooiT Eui tor's anu Manager’s annual rej>oiis read, also "me 1 ree, ’ leave in our lime,'’ “with the Organiser,’ irom tne “while nibbon,’ read oy niemoers. NELSON DISTRICT Nelson: Mrs. Sherratt presided. Devotions led by Mrs. loonier. It was decided to ask Mrs. brewer to represent Nelson at the annual meeting ot the N.Z. Alliance in Wellington. President rejwrted that last month’s youth gathering had been very successful, and asked tor four hostesses ttt the July meeting. The guest speaker was Mrs. Major Moore, who gave an interesting talk on Catherine Booth, as representative ol notable women remembered on Memorial Day. Mrs. Sherratt thanked the speaker. Mrs. McMillan was appointed Devotional Superintendent. Temperance Fact given. Posters lor Poster and Essay Competition distributed. Meeting closed with prayer. August 10: “Pay-up” Social. Mrs. Sherratt presiding and Mrs. McMillan leading Devotions. Arrangements made for District Convention. Mrs. Gardner gave a short talk on the work of the Sailors’ Rest in New Plymouth, and giits were received for the same. All members asked to contribute to Headquarters Fund Tenqieraiicc Fact. Birthday posies presented. Plans made for next Youth Rally. Tea Hostesses, Mesdatnes Black and Blincoe. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Papanui, June J 4: At Mrs. Hampton’s home. Mrs. Tillman presiding. Essay and Poster Competition announcements distributer! to Sunday School and G.L.B. Leaders. Pajiers read bn the life of the Rev. William Ready ami “Too old at 55?” July 22: Mrs. Tillman presided over good attendance. Teinperance Fact at both meetings by Mrs. Hampton. Devotions at both b> Mrs. Malcolm. Roll call, a text. -Pai>ers read by Mrs. Tillman on the “Lite of John Wedev ” and Mrs. Hodder on “The value of the ‘White Ribbon’ On me." Collection for “White Ribbon” funds. Christchurch, July 14: Miss C. Henderson presiding. Sympathy expressed with Miss Sargent in her illness. Members told of District Convention arrangements. Donation sent to District Committee. N.C.W. remits discussed. Ptesident gave interesting talk from the "Vanguard” on the enormous increase of the Drink Bill. July 28: Miss Henderson presiding. Vote of sympathy with relatives of Mr. Geo. Adkins. Gifts of food for “Save the Children” Fund. Mrs. Tonmer’s official letter received. President read extracts from Scottish “VV.R.” All gave reminiscences of past active workers in our Cause. Sprrydon: Monthly meeting chaired by Mrs. Ancell Mrs. E. Bowdon appunted Delegate to District Convention. Mrs. Ancell and Miss Brown to visit Mental Hospital. Temi*erance Fact, Mrs. Murray. District Executive report given by Mrs. Ancell. Interesting items from an Engiish magazine on the Pastime Preferences of her Majesty the Queen were read by the President. Benediction. Woolston, Tune 17: Go<xi attendance, Mrs. Tomlinson presiding. Mrs. Sjwar led Devotions. Parcel for CORSO sent. Very successful Jumble Sale held. Concert party taken to the Girls’ Reformatory School. Peace Day. Mr. Horrish, Baptist ,'Minuter of Apawo, addressed the meeting, giving very interesting talk. “W.R.” Day. P'wm read by Mrs. Carrington. Several invitations received and accepted. Letters and flowers sent to sick members. Band of Hope and Cradle Roll discussed. Closing Prayer. July 15: President led Devotions. Mrs. Gardiner led in Prayer. Presbyterian Minister gave a very good “Temperance” talk. Vote of .thanks. Temperance Doxology. Riccarton, August 12: 17 present. Opened with Devotions by the President, Mrs. Griffiths. Apologies received. Press clippings on intoxicated drivers and the abortion

evil. Letters of sympathy sent out. invitations to attend St. Peter’s Mothers’ Union. Mrs. loonier s letter read and discussed. Mental Hospital ana Financial Kt|>orts given. Executive business dealt with. Mrs. Gritmhs appointed Delegate to District Convention. Mudy and discussion on “The Constitution” took place, proving very educational to mem bers. 5-ale ot go<jds b/J, collection d/to, copj-tr trail 4/3. Benediction. Rc-efton, July 13: Mrs. Thompson presided and sjioke or "Courage,'’ also reading “Headquarters” It m “White Ribbon.” Meeting closed with Players ior the young people. Sydenham, August 5: Mrs. Filer presided over attendance ot 13 members and one visitor. Devotions led by Mrs. Davies. Inspiring address by the Rev. F. G. Reddcll. Benediction, pronounced by Mrs. MacLachlan, brought a happy meeting to a close. North Brighton, June 15: Mrs. Noonan pre sided and welcomed Mrs. Cock burn and Miss Moor. 11 members and one visitor pre-rent. President reported on North Canterbury Executive Meeting. Prayer meeting at the home of Mrs. Mcllwraith attended by four members. Two members visited Mental Hospital, taking gilts as usual to seven patients. New Brighton and Riccarton birthday socials attended. Most interesting address given by Mrs. Goldman on a trip to Queenstown and Lake Manai>ouri. Benediction. July 25: Mrs. Noonan presided. Roll call answered by Scripture verse. Extracts read from the “Handy Booklet.” 11 members and three visitors present. of commendation re Captains Phillips and Hadfield (S.A.) from Motueka. Six new names on C.R. Six patients visited at Mental Hospital. Sympathy expressed with the Mayoress in her recent illness. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Timaru, Juik mawting'; Mrs. Hoi (gate pre sided. Devotions led by President. Motion ol sympathy with relatives of »he late Miss Cumuung, who had rendered valu«M c service with the W.C.T.U. and ”YV’ until prc.-ptcii by disability. Essay and Poster Competition, leaflets to lie distributed among Lite Brigades. Agreed to purchase a table tennis table for Sailors’ Rest. A posy to be sent to Mrs. Nome for her X7th birthday. Benediction. July: Devotions from Psalm •>!. Four new members initiated. Visitors from Ashburton and Waimate. Dr. Jeannie Craig brought greetings from Australia. She also sang two solos which were much enjoyed. Mrs. C. R. N. Mackie then enthralled her audience with hei story of the World Convention and her-travel-in America. Mrs. Den-etn moved a vote of thanks to the speaker. Benediction. OTAGO DISTRICT Lawrence, August 3: Small attendance, MisFerguson presiding. Reiwrt for District Convention read and approved. Letter from Dominion Secretary and also the Annual Rejmrt read. Resolved to do something for Headquarters Fund. “Twenty years’’ service badges were presented to Mesdanies ( lark. McNeilly and McKinley. Port Chalmers, July 1 : The Rev. J. B. Chambers, Youth Director, addressed the meeting, which was only fairlv attended. The Rev. F.. B. Stevenson presided and introduced the speaker, who gave a most stirring addreson the F.vils of Alcohol. A short time was spent in community singing of hvmns and items by some of the voting people. Supper was served and the meeting closed with the Benediction. Oamaru. August In the absence of Mrs. Rawson. President, Miss cowan presided. Mr«. Mcllwraith leading Devotion--.. The Secretary reported two more Chinese garments, making four for our Union, and monev for a spinning wheel for CORSO. District Convention to he held in Oamaru in September. The guest speaker was the Rev. Mr. Marshall of St. Paul’s; a helpful and encouraging talk Mrs. Daniel proposed a hearty vote of thank* Benediction. Winton: June and July meeting* well attended. Our Pledge reaffirmed, and Temper ance Fact given. Sneakers have been excel lent and much enlightenment and heln have been received from their talks. We sincerelv appreciate their co-operation and good wishe*

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White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 8, 1 September 1948, Page 9

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 8, 1 September 1948, Page 9

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 8, 1 September 1948, Page 9

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