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Bulletin of Union News

AUCKLAND DISTRICT Ooehunga, Nov. 13: Annual meeting. Satisfactory reports on year’s working given by officers and superintendents. Special congratulations to Mrs. Moore on her successful work with the Kurahuua L.T.L. Owing to infantile paralysis epidemic, children’s functions had been cancelled. Election of oflicers resulted as follows: —President, Mrs. Mouuijoy; VicePresidents, M-edames Leadley, Ashby, Stacey, Mushet and Miss Caughley; Rec. Sec., Miss Hobdcu; Assistant Sec., Mrs. Culleu; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Perrett; Treasurer, Mrs. Fordyce; C.K., Miss Caughley; W.R., Mrs. Ashby. Other suiierintendeuta were also appointed. Nov. 27: Sale of W ork in Hall arranged by Mrs. lirecse, instead of usual monthly Home meeting. Well organised, but attendance not so good as hoped for. Paper ou W.C.T.U. work and history giveu by Mrs. Mouutjoy, and items of nmsic and elocution with pleasant social intercourse passed a happy afternoon. Kohi-St. Heliers, Nov. 20: Meeting held at the home of Mrs. Kasper. Mrs. Pearson led Devotions. Mrs. Kasper read a very interesting report (Dominion). Sympathy expressed on the death of a member, Mrs. Legge. Officers elected were: President (actiug), Mrs. Kasper; Secretary, Mrs. Piddle; Treasurer, Mrs. Phillips Snr.; Vice-Presidents, Mesdatnes Pearson, * Reid and Phillips; Superintendents of Depart incuts also appointed. Thauks to Mrs. Kasper for hospitality. Warkworth, Nov. 13: Mrs. Baker presided over a good attendance at annual meeting. l>etailed reports given by Ofhcers and superintendents showing much good work for the year. Mrs. Baker did not seek re-election, and Mrs. Pole was elected; other oflicers being re-elected. Ponaonby: Annual meeting held November 2l)th, Mrs. R. Joiner presiding and Miss Appleby leading Devotions. In absence of Mrs. Christopher, Miss Appleby did secretarial duty, reading the report of the Union. Superintendents’ and oflicers' reports read. Election of oflicers resulted:—President, Mrs. R. A. Joiner; Vice-Presidents, Sister Jessie and Mrs. E. T. Olds Secretary cud Treasurer, Mrs. Christopher; Departmental SuiKrintcndeuts also appointed. Mrs. Joiner appointed delegate for Dominion Convention. Union in recess until March. Pledge and prayer by Miss Appleby •'.used the meeting.

SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT Executive Meeting, Nov. 26: Held at Hamilton, in London Street Methodist Church Parlour, Miss A. McLay, District President, in the chair. Five Unions were represented. Devotions were led by the President. Business arising from the recent District Convention was dealt with. Mrs. A. C. Lewis, District Secretary, was appointed delegate for Domin.on Convention. Mrs. Christian gave an interesting report oo her recent visit to the uew Maori Union at Tc Kuiti, at which she had received a traditional Maori welcome. Excellent progress is being made by the Union, and plans for Youth work were considered. Miss C. M. McLay reported on Maori work in the district, nd o|>emngb being made for Youth work in Rotorua. The President stressed the value of the local Union, making practical suggestions for strengthening the work. A helpful discussion followed.

Otorohanga: Cradle Roll gathering. Members of Te Kuiti Maori and Pakcha Unions accepted the invitation, and a verv happy afternoon was spent with the children and grown ips. A Christinas tree with balloons and tc, i was much appreciated. Devotions were led l Mrs. Rogers, and a most enjoyable programme was presented. Mrs. Chris* tenser, of Te Kuiti, told of hei association with Mrs. Lee Cowie, and gave her experiences of life in the backblocks. Mrs. Denney spoke on the work to be faced iu the future. Mrs. Joseph, of Te Kuiti, thanked the Union for the lovely day they spent. A rush for the train, aud hurried Christmas greetings all round, after the pronunciation of the lieuedictiou in Maori and Euglish by Mis. Bennev, brought the fuuction to a close. Sister Ntcholls, District Cradle Roll Superintendent, attended the party, which was a very suc-

cessful effort. Seamen’* ditty bags were displayed by Mrs. Wharanui. Te Kuiti (Pakeha): Six meetings held 6iuce being organised. Special “Bring and Buy" held for Delegate’s Con-'otion expenses. Letter sent to local M.P. to Masterton Licensing Bill. “Y.P.” supp’ements ordered lor 1948. Reports sent to local paper. Parcel sent to Seamen’s Rest. Committee formed to organise Band of Hope made up from all churches, W.C.T.U. and Bible Classes. Assistance by moral support to Maori Union, who returned visit paid. Devotional address at each meeting.

TARANAKI DISTRICT Hawera: Annual meeting. President, Mrs. Page, in the chair, and led Devotions, Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports showed good work done for the year. Mrs. Page presented a Long Service Badge (30 years) to Mrs. Hansen, late President of the Inglewcod Union and now President of Hawera Union. Another 22 lb. parcel of food packed for Britain. “Bring and Buy” stall. Election of Officers as follows: President, Mrs. Hansen; VicePresidents, Mesdatnes Thayer and Page; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Barron. All superintendents re-elected with the exception of Mrs. Hurrell, Mrs. Tozer taking her place as Superintendent of the Sailors’ Rest, New Plymouth. Tea hostesses, Mesdamcs Page aud Burton. Mrs. Page closed with prayer and Benediction. New Plymouth, Nov. 26: Annual meeting. No change of officers. Annual report showed outstanding iuterest in the Sailors’ Rest, 1182 having been raised by a street, aud house-to-house collection, aud many donations and gifts having been received duriug the year. A small presentation made to the tea hostesses, Mes* daines Lpveudge, Oliver and Bailey.

HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT Hastings: Annual meeting well attended Great thankfulness for 16 new members, and new subscribers to the “White Ribbon,” and added interest at the meetings. Election of officers was as follows: President, Mrs. M. A. Smith; Vicc-Presideut. Mrs. G. Martin; Secretary, Mrs. A. G. Pitt; Cor. Secretary, Mrs. C. Hagerson; Treasurer, Mrs. H. E. Grainger. Supeintcndeuts were also appointed. The President expressed warm thanks to all officers and members who had assisted at meetings through the year. Mrs. Warren and heliiers served alteruon tea. Letters of cheer and sympathy tv be sent to sick and elderly members for Christmas. Meeting closed with prayer for the work of the New Year, and the Benediction.

WELLINGTON DISTRICT: Wellington Central: Annual meeting held in the N.Z.E.I. room on November 19th. AU departments showed a good year’s work. Cradle Roll, Temperance, Literature in Sunday Schools, Seamen’s Rest, Maori Girls’ Hostel (Auckland), Bible iu Schools, “Bring and Ituy” table, and socks knitted for the Hospital Auxiliary. Used stamps also collected Officers elected were. President, Mrs. Sired; Secretary, Mrs. Andrew; Treasurer, Mrs. Reed. Special Note: Wellington Cental draws attention to the fact that it will in future meet in the Board Room of the Y.M.C.A., Willis Sreet, and not iu the N.Z.E.I. rooms. Brooklyn, Nov. 25: Mrs. Gillings in the chair. Annual electiou of officers resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Brewer; all other officers also re-elected. Mrs. Tooraer’s letter and other readings were listened to with interest. Temperance Fact. Reports presented. President wished all members a Happy Christ* mas. Benediction. Good business done at Sales table in charge of Mrs. Pearson.

Marlborough district District Executive Meeting, Nov. 11: Y. Underhill presiding. During opening Devotions (reading from St. John’s Gospel, chap. 6) several members offered prayers. Sympathy was extended to Mrs. Rodgerson in the death of her sitter, and to the family of Mrs. Hale Snr., reference being made to her work in the early days of the Union of which she was a foundation member. A very favourable report given of the Picton Union, and of a visit paid by several members to the Annua! meeting held during tht quarter. A delegate arranged for the Dominion Convention. Decided to invite the Dominion Organiser, Mtss

C. M. McLay, to visit the district in April. Other business discussed and meetiug closed at 2 p.m. Spring land*, Nov. 18: Annual meeting. Good attendance. Sympathy in bereavement ex* tended to Mrs. Green. Roll Call answered wivh texts aud verses. Secretary’s and Treasurer s reports showed satisfactory position. C.K. Superintendent reported a Roll number < 270, and the “W.K.’’ agent rejorted a Dv„e. number of subscribers than the membership of the Union—all “paid up.” Other departmental reports given. President thankee til officers and sui»erintendents for loyal sup v-rt and co-operation! A vote of special thanks was accorded Mrs. Eyles, retiring Treasurer, and a beautiful bouquet was presented to her with good wishes. Thauks expressed to the President also. Election of officers resulted: President, Mrs. V. Underhill; Vice-Presidents, Mcsdanics A. E. Gascoigne, E. Koussell, and J. Eyles; Kec. Secretary, Mrs. E. A. Green; Cor. Secretary, Mrs. L. Herd; Treasurer, Mrs. E. Thegglun. Departmental superintendents also appointed.

NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Riccarton: Anuual meeting, Mrs. Griffiths presiding; Devotions led by Mrs. Harris. Temperance Fact ana Pledge. Executive rejiort and Hospital visaing reports given. Christmas cheer to be seut to Mental Hospital patients. Resignation of Mrs. Harris from position of Evangelical Superintendent, owing to her the district, received with regret, and a gift book presented to her. Mrs. F. Smith appointed in her place. Short Memorial Service for sisters who had passed oil during the year was held. Annual reports read, good work being recoraed. Mrs. Clarke, District President, took the chair and conducted the election of officers, urst giving greetings from District Executive, and commenting on year's work. Ah officers reelected. Mis. Griffiths thanked members for their co-oi*ration, aud wished everyone a happy Christmas and New Year. Closing hymn, prayer and Benediction.

Sydenham, Dec. 4: Annual meeting, Mrs. Filer presiding. Devotions, Mrs. Aucall. Pledge aud Temperance Fact. Reports on year’s woik given by Secretary, treasurer, “W.R.’* Agent, C.R. Superintendent, ill showing good work dune. Mrs. Filer reported on two inspiring addresses given by Mrs. H. Kasper recently, aud expressed her thauks to members for loyal support during the year. Officers re-elected under chairmanship cf Mrs. Aucall, who was thanked for this service. Thauks to focal Press ior help given. Spreydon: Officers elected at Annual meeting were: President, Mrs. Aucall; Vice-Presi-dents, Mesdames Gemmell, Horwood, lxsckwood and McKenzie; Secretary, Mrs. Woodcock; Treasurer, Miss Brows; “W.R.” Agent, Mrs. Sim. Departmental superintendents also elected. Reports presented showed good work done in all departments, and increases in C.R. and “W.R.’* membership. Votes of thanks aud the Benediction closed the meet* lag. New Brighton, Dec. 4: Anuual meeting, Mrs. Edmond presiding. Pledge aud Temperance Fact. Anuual rejxirt given by Secretary aud Departmental reports given by Superintende ats. District President, Mrs. Clarke, took the chair for tht election of officers, congratulating the Union on the year’s work aud encouraging members to go “F'orward.'* A new member initiated by -Mrs. Clarke. “Bring aud Buy ’ for Hospital Christmas cheer. North Brighton, Nov. 18: Annual meeting, Mrs. Noonan presiding aud Mrs. Mdlwraith leading Devotions. Annual reports given. Two members appointed to visit Mental Hospital and take Christmas cheer for six patients. Mrs. Mcllwraith congratulated on her report. Mrs. Noonan appointed delegate to Dominion Convention. The officers elected were: President, Mrs. Noonan; Vice-President. Mrs. Goldman; Secretary, Mrs. Mdlwraith; Treasurer, Mrs. Mundy.

SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Tiraaru, Nov. 28: Annual meeting, Mrs. Holdgate presiding, and Mrs. Prattley leading Devotions. Annual report showed a membership of 125. C.K. numbers 115. Special vote of thanks passed to Timaru “Herald” for publishing reports. Waimate: Anuual meeting held in November Ail officers re-elected except Mrs. Tooley, who now becomes “W.R.” Ageut in place of Mrs. Ashton who has left to reside in the

North Island, aud Miss Hayinan is now Treasurer. December: Excellent attendance for Cradle Roll party. Mrs. Duckett gave an interesting talk to mothers and children, and the dnldreu gave a very delightful programme for which they received a hearty round of applause. Each child had afternoon tea and ice cream.

OTAGO DISTRICT Osunaru, Nov. 10: Annual meetiug, Miss Cowan presiding add leading Devotions. Mrs. Me Whir ter reported comprehensively on District Convention. Anuual report showed good work done during the year. Officers elected were; President, Mrs. Kawsou; Vice-Presi-dents, Mesdames Winn, Acutt, Daniel, Rix, and Misses Cowan and Tosh; Secretary, Mrs. Mdlwraith; Treasurer, Mrs. McVVhiiter; W.R. Agent, Mrs. Clarke. Departmental superintendents were also appointed. IU3 members on roll. Correction: At September meeting 30 yeais badge was presented to Miss Tosh, and A years badges to Mesdames Blackgrovc and Snell Snr. M s McKenzie’s name should also have been in:luded. Port Chali.,irs, Nov. IV: Annual meeting held at the home of Mrs. Bowman. Good attendance ot members. Annual reports received and adopted. Election of officers resulted ui present office-bearers being re-elected. Five regular atteuders were brought into membership. Benediction. Hostess thanked.

SOUTHLAND DISTRICT Winton: Anuual meeting. Mrs. Thomson presided aud M Devotions. District Convention re|<ort gjvcu, aud it was announced that Mrs. Clark would be able to visit us tu December. Balauce sheet read, and letter of thanks to Mr. Brown for his help to his wife tu preparing the balance sheet. Asnual rejoit read. Officers elected were: President, Mrs. F. At Thomson; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Wilson. McWilliams, Haigh, Sutherland, Brown; Secretary, Miss Clement; Treasurer, Mrs. Bromley. Departmental superintendents and committees also appointed. Meeting dosed with singing of favourite hymns from Sankey, and supper was served.

FENCOURT, Ist Thursday, 2.0 p.m. ui Sunday School Hall. Pres., Miss P. Rickard, Box lb, Matangl; Kec. bee, Miss O. Clark; Cor. bee., Mrs. Iyer, Victoria Road, R.D., Cambridge; Trcas., >ftss L. Clark; W.R. and C.K., Miss G. Clark.

HENDERbON, 3rd Wednesday, Methodist Church, at 2.3 U p.m. Pres., Mrs. Chadwick, Great North Road; bee. and Tress., Mrs Lemau, Tinmoana Road; W.R., Mrs. Johnston; C.R. and Evaug. Mrs. E. V. Phillips. MT. EDEN, Ist Tuesday, 2.U p.m-, Methodist B.C. Room. Pres., Mrs. Warring, 13 Poronui btreet, Mt. Eden; bee, , Areas., ; W.R., Mrs. Pickering; C.R., Miss McKinney. MOTUEK.A, 2.45 p.m., last Wednesday, at Methodist Church. Pres., Mrs. Carter, Victoria btreet; bee. and W.R., Mrs. Cresswell, K.D., Upper Moutere; Treas., Mrs. Wratt, Motueka; C.R., Mrs. Chambers. ONEHUNGA, 2nd Thursday, 2.0 p.m., Methodist Hall, Grey btreet. Pres., Mrs. Muuntjoy; Nice-Pres., Mesdames Ashby, Leadley aud Miss Caughley; Rec. bee., Miss B. Hobdeu; Cor. btc., Mrs. Perrett, 21 Cardwell btreet, Onchung.i; W’.R., Mrs. Ashby; Home Meetings. Mrs. C. Ashton; Treas., Mrs. A. Fordyce: C-R-, Miss Caughley; Evangelistic, iliss H. Gngg; L.T.L., Mrs. Moore; Pres., Mrs. Mushett; Philanthropic, Mrs. Wadman. FALMF.RSTON NORTH, Ist Tuesday, 2.30 p.m., Baptist Hall. Pres., Miss C. Jamieson, 70 Albert Strcev; Cor. Sec., Miss M. Sutherland, 6V .Vlarne btreet; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Claridge; Treas., Mrs. bexton; W.R., Mrs. Coles, 7 Oxford Street; C.R.. Miss Connelly; Hospital Visitor, Mrs. White. TE KUITI (Maori), 2nd Saturday, at , in . Pres., Mrs. A. Josephs; Sec., Mrs. J. Emery, Esplanade. Treas., Mrs. R. Ew»n; Youth Work, Mesdames G. MeNaught and P. Hone; W.R., Mrs. P. Anier*>n; C.R., Mrs. P. Turner. WAIMATE, 2nd Wednesday, 2.30 p.m., Knox Church Hall. Pres., Mrs. Duckett, Mary Street; Vice-Pres., Me-drmes Kippenbergei, Stark, Burnet and Griffith};; Sec., Mrs. C. Mills, 60 Belt Street; Treas., Miss S. Haymaii, VVillowbridg'*; W.R., Mrs Tooley, 8 Grace

Street; C.R, Miss P. Tooley and MrsCrawley. WAIROA, H B, 2nd Tuesday, ati 2.30 p.m. St. Andrew’s Hall. Pres., Mrs D. Mdotyre, Vice-Pres., \ rs. J. McDonald; Sec., Mrs. H Brocklehurst. 108 Lahore St.; Treas. M - Aldridge; C.F., Mrs. J. McDonald; W.R., »* r Edlingtcn. WELLoFORD. 4th Tuesday, 2.0 P-m*. Metho (list and Church of Christ Churches aU«r“* lively. Pres.. Mrs. E. V. Singleton, Manga wai; Sec., Mrs. E. Tates, Te Haua, Treat*. Mrs. Singleton. WINTON, 3rd Tuesday, every 2nd month, 2.30 p.m., Presbyterian S.S. Hah. Pres.. •,' T A. Thomson. Section 2. Otahuti R.D., in vcrcargtll; Sec., Miss H. Clement, Jj*. North Road; Treas., Mrs. J. Bromley, P» f * btreet; W.R., Mrs. McKenzie; C.R-, * Mrs ’ Dixon.

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White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 1, 1 February 1948, Page 9

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 1, 1 February 1948, Page 9

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 1, 1 February 1948, Page 9

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