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Bulletin of Union News

NORTHLAND DISTRICT DargavilU, May 1J: Mm. Jol<y presiding. Devotions, Mrs. Green, who is taking as a series, “Women of the Bible," todav’s study bring “Hannah." Temperance Fact given. Convention report given by Mrs. Jolly, our delegate, and reports on resolutions by Miss Kdmcd. Branch business discussions on Headquarters Fund, United Nations, Organiser, Long Service Badges, Maori Hostel, New District President. Teni|»erance Exams, and Community Centre. fune 10: Small meeting presided over by Mrs. Jolly. Devotions by Mrs. Green, whose subject was “ Rebecca. ” Mrs. Moorhead reportrd on Community Art Service. Discussion re “Y.P. Supplements*' distribution. “W.K." Day observed. A very interesting impromptu dialogue by Mrs. lolly and Miss Kduted. Collection 6/-, and firing-and-Buy 6/-. July . Pivsi'h'ot and Itrvotions as above. Iwo new members and visitors welcomed. Memorial Day observed, the President saying that the Dargaville Union had not been functioning twenty-five years, and that it was fitting to pay a tribute to our own members who had down taithlul service and -sere now parsed on. A list of twenty names was read: after which all joined in singing "For All the SAntft." AUCKLAND DISTRICT District Executive Meeting, July 7: District President, Mrs. F. W. Mount joy. presided, Devotions being taken by Mrs. Wanhill. A letter was received tom Mrs. Hugh Kasper, now in America, telling of her doings, esj«ecially in conection with the World Convention. ’ *

Two resolutions passed regarding the smoking and drinking going on in non-stnoking railway carriages; both to be further considered at District Convention. Miss ('. M. McLay, who was present at the meeting, gave a most encouraging report of her work among the Maori people of the King Country. Mrs. J. W. tong gave a most satisfactory report of the Maori Girls’ Hostel work stiil going on, stating that many gifts had been received from Unions during the month, and from individuals also. totters were also received from Miss A. M. McLay, telling of hei organising work in North Auckland. Mrs. tong was appointed to act as representative at a meeting called by the Mayor, Mr. J. A. C. Ailum, in connection with the propo«ed War Memorial for the Fallen. Warkworth, June 12: Good attendance in

spite of heavy rain. After Devotional period Mrs. W. Phillips described iu an arrestm* manner, her recent visit to the Maori Hostel in Auckland. Members decided tv mai.e cur tains for tjje Hostel. Mrs. Kowe thru K4vt * * interesting and comprehensive talk The \S ~ite Kibbon. Mrs. Biker read extracts from a 1931 “W.R." July 10: Mrs. Baker presided over go'xi attendance, reading a few extracts in observance of Memorial Day, as speaker arrang'd H could not attend. Letter from Mrs. Lon/ acknowledging gifts for Maori Hostel. M:*dames Tockingtofl and Moore nominated a* delegates to Auckland District Convention. Ihe Kev. Mr. Thompson, who said he had Temperance "in his blood," having had a mother and grandmother officers in the W.C.T.U., gave a sympathetic and inspiring address. Henderson, June 19: Social afternoon to entertain mothers and children of the Cradle Roll. Good attendance. Miss Joyce Webber, a deaconess of the Methodist Maori Mission, gave an interesting account of the wonderful work done by the Mission to help the poorei class of Maoris. "W.R. s” and "Y.P. Supplements” distributed. Four new C.R. members gamed, and enrolled. Mount Eden, June J: Pay-up Social. Miss McLay presiding. Sister Jessie gavi an in-

spiring address, telling of the work for Mauris done in the city through the hostels, and stressing the need for our upholding by prayer. Musical items were given by visitors. Kohi-St. Heliers: May meeting held at Mrs. Lediard’s home. "Mother’s Day" observed. Teni|>eiance Fact. Posters to be distributed to Sunday Schools. Solos given by Miss Anna Farr. Mrs. Kasper was presented with a

parting gift, and flowers. Mrs. Ibdde will act mi Mrs. kaq>er'* place in her three m nth' of absence from New Zealand, and Mrs. Kady Secretary. Vote of thanks to Mri Lediard for the use of her home for the meeting..

June 19: Meeting held at Mrs. Phillipshome, Mrs. Phillips actum as chairman in Mrs. Kasper’s absence. "White Ribbon Da) observed. Red Cross posters had been d.str

buted at various buildings. Temperance Fact given. Address by Mrs. Holmes, Hvgirne >upeiuitendent. on "The Evils of Alcohol and Nicotine," epecially in relation to voniig married women. Mrs. J’hillip* thanxed ' r her home hospitality.

Auckland, June 10: Annual "Pay•up" Social Mrs. Long presiding over a large number of member- and friends. Greetings received from absent members. A very enjoyable programme of music and elocution was presented Mrs. Long gave an inter*stmg talk on rhe Maori Hostel. She stated that the W.C T.P. would stand firm for the goal of prohibition

Liquor Traffic, which was making ao mud. havoc among the young people. One . i 0» member received, and three others by iranster. Letter received Ironi Mrs. Kasper. j u |v Maori Day. Meeting held at the Maori Girls Hostel, Mrs. Long presiding, and a large gathering of members and tneftds. and Mrs. McCallmn cl the Salvation Army were the speakers. Each gave thrilling Account* of their ex|»ericnces in their part ol thr recent "Commando” raid* on the Wellington lx ids. Afternoon tea and prayer closed ■ A very happy meeting. Iwo new member* oiued aini collection was taken for Hostel fund*. .... Remuera, May 21: Meeting at Mrs. l.aird s h,,ine to say farewell to Mrs. Kasper before her departure for the Woild Convention in the h'.S.A Ihe usual routine was followed for the hrst part of the meeting. Mrs. Kasper giving t talk; and the second part of the aiternoon vii oi a sKial nature, musical and elocutionary items being given. Tea brought, a very peasant afternoon to a close, Mrs. Laud being thanked tor her hospitality. June 23: Good attendance, presided ov«r by J|t«. G. Hi binson, Mrs. Laird leading Devotion- "W.R.” Day observed, extracts being read, including article by Mrs. Gngg, and •New- from Far Away."

Ponsonby, May 15: Mrs. Chnsti pher gave a brief talk in the unavoidable absence of the arranged ->i<akei, giving stories oi her early hie when she first joined the Salvation Army, ui which she is still a member. She then, on behalt of the r«*nsoftby I'uiou, presented Mrs. Joiner with a "Long Service” badge, which had txeu given at the Dominion Convention for t»ent\ years’ continued service.

June 19: Tvinpeiance Fact given by Miss Ruuciman. The shaker wis Mrs. A. Lloyd,

aud she gave a most interesting talk on her work o a Deaconess, especially stressing the work among young children and young people. At both meetings, Mrs. Joiner, President, was in thr chair; and Devotions were led by Mrs. Christopher. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT

Tauranga, June 3: Mrs. Buliner presided, and Mrs. Hensley conducted Devotions. Re|*>rt* ou Hand of Hoi* and N.C.VV. meetings given. "W.R ” Day observed, Mrs. Grigg’s pai»cr oil "What the 'White Ribbon' M?aus to Me"

being iad by Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. W iMiamson also reading an article. "Hrnig and lluy" for W.R. Fund.

July 1: Good attendance, Mrs. Christian presiding. Devotions led by Mrs. Hensley; Temiierance Fact by Mrs. Foxcro**.. Xeforts as usual. Plans for Silver Jubilee discussed, i"d decision made to hold celebration in connection with District Convention in September. Men* rial Day observed, Mesdames York reading a | a|>rr ou T. E. Taylor, and Mrs. Hensley giving personal reminiscences of the Rev. W. Kcadv Mrs. Don was also remembered and the '-penal prayer for the day was read. A new member was enrolled, and news of a transferred member was received wi.h pleasure. Fledge reaffirmed and Temperance IXixology sung m closing. Cambridge, June 26: Mrs. Keiti.sley presiding over a good attendance. "W.R." Day observed by reading from the "W.R.,” aud a new subKnbet gamed. Unanimously agreed to for**rd a letter to Mrs. Hilda Ross, M.P., con* gratulating and thanking her in regard to her forceful article on "Moral aud Social H'giene," which appeared in a recent issue of "The Challenge.” strong protest sent against lifting of liquor advertising restrictions, ‘‘tiring *nd Huy" arranged for next meeting. Tea and Benediction. Fencourt, June 5: Good attendance. Roll Call answered with a verse of Scripture containing i f word ‘‘gentleness.” Temperance Fact given “ v Mrs. F'risst. The President, Miss Ric l ard, an article on "The Secret of Rest.” Meeting closed with prayer. TARANAKI DISTRICT Haw M-a, May 27: Mrs. M. Thayer presided, »ad took Devotions. Mrs. J. K. Nairn was *arnily welcomed to the Union. She is an expresident of the Ngaire Union. Mrs. Thayer **'f a r eading entitled "The Door"; and Mrs. ‘.* Ke read an extract from the "Southern telling of the work being done by a ?k' U p -°* w s ,men regarding cocktail bars in I.S.A. Tea hostesses Mesdames Page and urton. Prayer and Benediction. New Plymouth, June 25: A very helpful "kiting. “W.R.” editorial read by new Presi* rF I ** Mrs. Stewart. Members each told briefly r ‘*t. in our paper, held special appeal for J®*” 1 ' One new subscriber. Letter of sytnP* lh y to be i«nt to Mrs. Wood in the death

of hci son. An old member, Mrs. Looney, has passed p*i, aud all stood in loving meniorv. bolus by Mrs. Hawkcns. Hawera, June: Mis. Page, Vice-President, presided, and with Mrs. Burton, took Devotions. "W.R." Day in readings Iroin the "W.R. ’, aud talks on the "W.R.” collection in aid of “W.R.'’ funds. Protect against the lifting ol the restrictions on liquor advertising, Secretary to write to our M.l*. and to Miss Henderson, our Legal aud Parliamentary buperintendent. Tea served by Mesdames Page aud Burton. Prayer and Benediction by Mrs. Page. WANGANUI DISTRICT Wanganui Central: At a hue meeting welcomed Mrs. McGregor alter her absence caused by being knocked down by a motor car; also welcoming two visitors. Eleven members present. Mis. Mercer reported help given on Street days, an activity decided to discontinue lor the tuture. "MY*. Dux tie Id re|>orted promised \ isit with educational hlnis. Arranged for these to be shown at several schools during her brief visit, and for her to speak at Jul' Union meeting. "W.R.’’ Day observed by reading the President’s Convention address. MANAWATU DISTRICT Palmerston North, June met ting: "White Ribbon" Day. Miss M. Hill led Devotions, referring to Elijah praying seven tunes for ram, aud his confidence in God. Christians should not bt tauithcartcd because prohibition tarries; their duty is to be faithful aud leave the rest to God. Four members told of articles in the “W.R." that had interested or helped them. Chorus singing in between led by Mrs. Shearman. Subs, received by Mrs. Coles. July: Maor. Day celebrated. Speaker, Sister Madeleine Hollaud, a missionary i.i Rataua Pa, who gave an account of her work there, bringing three Maori girls with her. They gave much appreciated items. Members brought used clothing which was packed after the meeting in a sack and taken by Sister to the la. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT Hasting*: May meeting well attended; members unable to attend for many months were welcomed by President, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Thorp led Devotions. Speaker was the Rev. Mr Cattanach, who gave a most instructive talk on "Russia, and the Church Life There." June: Well-attended meeting. Members aud visitors welcomed by Mrs. A. M. Smith, Pre.*ident. Devotions, Mis. Thorp. Mis. H. Ross, M.P.’t article from the "Challenge” read. Congratulations to be scut to a helper ou his marriage. Mrs. Lewis, District President, *|>okc on "W.R." Day. A new member initiated by Mrs. Lewis. Mrs. A. M. Smith was the recipient of a "Long Service" Badge, which Mrs. Lewis presented, with evident pleasure. Mrs. Smith joined the Kata|>oi Union m 190>, and became a Foundation member of the New Hrighton Union in 1910. Since then she has served in the Blenheim, Hamilton, Palmerston North and Hastings Unions. We give thank* to God for this loyal worker. WELLINGTON DISTRICT

District Executive: Bi-monthly meeting held at Karori Presbyterian Church on 2bth June. Despite a very cold wet day, a good number gathered. Greetings to a member going intohospital to be sent, also letter of sympathy to member in bereavement. Personal greetings to be conveyed to Mrs. Israel, Supt. Salbath Day Observance Department. A letter of con-, gratulation and a small gift to be sent to Mrs. Helyer, who has been treasurer of Wellington Central Union since its inception. Reported that the Scientific Temjrerance booklets were reaching the teachers in the schools, one headmaster assuring a member that the teaching would be given to the chtloreu, and expressing sympathy with our aims. For the benefit of unions, the list of Superintendents of liepartmrnts was read and a vacancy tilled. Ten departments are being worked by District The Secretary reported that a teply had been received to resolution sent to Government re hours of sale and advertising. Mrs. Reed. District Organiser, reported having contacted ministers and others in suburbs where no unions tust, aud doing visiting at Waiwhetu, Petone olid Miramar. The first meeti/.g of Petone Union had been held and one new member gained. At Waiwhetu a home had been promised for meeting one can be arranged. At Miramar, a member of Central Union had undertaken to organise Cradle Roll work, from which it was hoped to build up other branches, Mrs. Reed also gave information to members re transfer of licenses. Mrs. Turner reported on a visit to the Brown Owl, when staying m Invercargill. Central

Union also repotted two new members gamed. Karori, Brooklyn and Johiisonville rejiorted on work done, plans tor Convention luuds, and Books to bchools fund. Lower Hutt reported new members, also good work being done with L.T.L.’* and ”Y.V’ at Belmont, a sj>ecial event being a Parents’ Evening to be field in the Men s Social Hall on July 16, at which Mrs. Si»eiicei will speak. Poster* are beiug made by some of the young peop : e for display at this meeting. A "Y” bianch at Brooklyn was planning its hist meeting for the 29th June, to be a Sunday Tea, followed by lenil>erauce Instruction. Carterton and Mastertou rejorted sjarcial protest made to Cabinet, and that twenty associations were working for the best possible conditions for control of liquor, aud luuds being raised for CORSO and oui own work. A request from British bailor* Society for help in street collecting was left to individuals to rcsiund to, as the day set coincided with our Executive meeting. Preliminary arrangements were made for 194# Convention, and small committees formed to arrange hospitality and halls for meetings. Ka.on Union were warmly thanked for their hospitality. Wellington Central, May 21: Fair attendance. S|>ecial welcomes to Mesdames Long and Uoud, present after lung illness; aud Mesdames Dow, of Oxford, aud Faulkner. Prayer offered on behalf of several member* absent through sickness. Arrangements made tor hospital visiting. Mrs. S|<encer attended aud brought tlu members of her L.T.L. at Belmont, and the " Branch, who entertained with a great variety of items. These items were evidence of the excellent work being done by Mrs. Spencer. A hearty vote ot thanks was passed, and one of the members expressed their thanks at being allowed to come to the meeting. Members of the Union kere asked to remember this work in their prayers, especially because of the possibilities ol wholr families being won to our ranks through these young |>eople. Tea hostesses, Me»dames and helpers. Birthday posies presented, one special one for Mrs. Htlver, who will be 19 this month.

June 10: Good attendance. Devotions. Mrs. Sired. Article on "W.R.” read by Mrs. Cullen. On' new member, who offered to assist with Cradle Roll work at Miramar, ami one ineinbei on transfer. "Long Service" badge arrived for Mrs. Long, many years C.R. Sujiennten dent. Y.P. leaflets supplied to Sunday Schools during the year numbered 254. Mrs. Kent >|Ktke on her experiences during a ten-weeks’ visit to Melbourne. She did not see one drunkard, but saw a great deal of drinking among young girls of seventeen years and thereabouts. Brewriy buildings larger than any she had seen in New Zealand. Benediction. Tea hostess, Mrs. Hoult. Mrs. Sired presided at both iiieelings. Petone, June: About nine present; rf;>ort of Convention given and much interest shown. One new member signed the Pledge and paid her first subscription. Re-organisation election of officers resulted thus: President, Mrs. Reed; Secretary, Mrs. Peterson; Acting Treasurer, Mrs. Peterson; C.R. Superintendent, Mrs. Dillard. Other officers to be ajqxnnted at next meeting. Masterton, July 3: Held a. the home of Mrs. Speedy, Miss V. Jackson presiding. Mrs. Adjutant Home led LLvotions. Two new members gained. Pledge and Temperance Fact. Iwo members appointed to represent us at Women’s meeting to nominate two women for the Trust Board. President reported on District Executive meeting. Vocal items rendered. Tea, thanks and Benediction NELSON DISTRICT

District Executive Meeting, June 13: Mrs. Toomer presided and took Devotions Fourteen delegates were present, representing Nelson. Richmond, and Motueka. F'.ncouraging reports w-ere received from each Union, Richmond and Motueka expressing thanks for help received from visits of District Officers.

Mrs. Toomer reported that the Baptist and Methodist Branches of the G.L.B. in Nelson had been asked to combine for Class instruction for the Tem|>erancr Examination. A tetter of appreciation was received for a food parcel sent to Britain by the Motueka Union. It was decided to send a apreel to the Liverpool branch of the B.W.T.A. from the Distiict Union. Members were reminded to order Handbooks. The meeting closed with the Benediction.

Nelson, J uue 10: Mrs. Trxmier presided, Mis* Cooke taking l)evotions. Members who had recently visited Tauransa and Hokitika gave greetings from these Unions. Temperance

Fact given. Miss Every. Anti-Gambling Superintendent, gave «n interesting talk, quoting ireely from an article called “The Gambling Craze,” published recently in the "Outlook," and copied from ‘‘Smith's Weekly." Figures show that on a |>er capita basis, every mail, woman and child in Australia spent upwards of 10/- weekly on trying to pick winners. Miss Every was thanked for her enlightening talk. Tea hostesses were Mesdames Hay and Scott. J-ly: Good attendance. Mrs. Walker, Devotions. Protest against lifting advertising restnc'ions had been sent. Informative talk by Mrs. Gardner, Dominion Superintendent, Sailors' Rest, on work done at Timaru and New Plymouth. Mrs. Toomer gave talk on visit to California, and Mrs. Sheratt sang pleasingly. Temperance Fact. Mrs. McMillan, Tea hostess. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT Blenheim, June 6: Mrs. N. Forbes presided over a good attendance. Welcome to Springlands Union and friends from Tua Marina. Letters of sympathy to four sick and bereaved members. After a short business session, Springlands took the rest of the meeting, Mrs. V. Underhill in the chair. She sang "Green ra»*ures,“ and “Thanks Be To God.” Most inmrr ting articles read by five of their members, namely “Prayer,” “The Burden of the Hour,” “Description of Mrs. Lee Cowie conducting a Temperance Crusade into the Cocktail Lounges in Pasadena, U.5.A.,” “White Ribbon Day,” and ”Tbe Human Extinguisher.” Mrs. Underhill spoke of the importance of the “W.R." Mrs. Kearse opened the meeting with prayer and Scripture reading. Benediction pronounced by Mrs. Underhill. July 1: 16 present. Minute's silence observed in sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. Girling in their great loss. Sick member remembered in prayer. Devotions led by Mrs. Stephens. Three new members Initiated. "Memorial Day” observed by Mrs. Forbes reading an article written and an address given by Mrs. Hiett. Benediction, Mrs. Adjutant F.earse. Springlands, May 20: Meeting held in Methodist Sunday School; good attendance. President welcomed Mrs. G. L. Taylor, guest speaker, who was presented with a sweet spray of roses. Letter of cheer directed to two sick members. Roll Call brought forth very helpful and beautiful quotations by members. Mrs. Taylor then gave a delightful paper on the subject of the Mother of Jesus, in view of the fact of Mother’s Day being so recently celebrated. Based on portions of 2nd chapter of Matthew, the sj>eaker referred to the homely end motherly influences ujx>n the hfe of her Son exercised by His mother. The address was much enjoved and the speaker warmly thanked. After the Benediction had closed the meeting, afternoon tea was disi>ensrd. June 17; Members met at the home of Mrs. A. to. Gascoigne, when the 12th Birthday of the Union was observed. Several members from Blenheim were welcomed and one new member for Blenheim Union was initiated. A resolution expressing deep sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Girling in the sudden death of their younger son was carried. An article entitled “Early New ''ealand” from “The Outlook” was read by Mrs. Cunningham, and enjoyed by all. A very enjoyable afternoon tea was dispensed, a feature being the iced birthday cake made by Mrs. Gascoigne. The President and several members who were absent through sickness were remembered and messages of cheer, together with a piece of cake were *»ent to them. A competition was won by Mrs. E. Leslie and this, with thanks to the Hostess, brought a pleasant afternoon tn a close.

NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT District Executive Meeting, July 2: Mrs. F. J. T. Gngg. M.A. (Vice-President), in the chair. Devotions led by Mrs. Hodges. Scientific Fact giver, by Miss Gainsford. A gotni attendance of town and country Unions. District Superintendents reported good work done in their departments. Branch reports given. Several Unions had held their birthday parties and entertained guests from other Unions, all spending an enjoyable time together. The following resolution was passed, and the Secretary instiucted to forward it to Dominion Executive: “That we support the International Conference held in London on June 16th, on human rights in their request to be made to U.N.O. on the abolition of slavery in all parts of the world.” Several Unions reported having written to the Prime Minister (Mr. Fraser) on the removing of liquor advertising restrictions, and the Secretary was instructed to write to Mr. Fraser in answer to his reply, stating “We

express regret that restrictions on liquor advertising have been removed, especially in view of the tact that other war-time regulations are still in existence.” Arrangements made ioi the Icrthcoming North and South Canterbury District convention to be held at Teiruka on September 16th, 17th and 18th. A letter to be sent to the Dominion Executive meeting. Miss C. McLay to attend Convention if possible.

Kiccarton, July 10: At the residence of the President, Mrs. Griffiths, 21 present. Mrs. Harris Rd Devotions. Pledge re-aitirmed and 'iemi>crance Fact given. President welcomed a visitor and a sick member who has returned. Mrs. HrrtzcU’s resignation from the C.R. Superiutendeucy 'received with regret. Letter of sympathy to a sick member. Decided to send JO/- to Executive funds, and a delegate to District Convention in September. Miss Gainstord spoke oil “Pioneer Women," outlining the work done by Elizabeth Gaunt, ainoug the Scottish Covenanters and Pnsous of her day. Vote of thanks passed and tea served. Meeting closed with prayer. North Brighton, May 20: Good attendance of members and visitors. The following reports given:— Finance, Prayer Meeting, Band of Hope, Cradle Roll, Executive business. Peace Day observed by the President’s -eading of a special poem called “Established Peace,” which was followed by a special prayer lor peace. Special vote ot congratulation passed to Miss Howard on her elevation to the Cabinet.

June 17: Eleven members and two visitors present. One new member initiated and one received by transfer. “W.R.” Day observed. President reported that a letter of loyalty and congratulation had been sent to Princess Elizabeth on the occasion of her 21st birthday. A letter received from Miss Howard, M.P., thanking the Union for their congratulations. Mrs. Noonan re|«rted on the monthly prayer meeting held at her home, and Mental Hospital report of visits and g'fts was given A protest has been sent to the Prime Minister on two licensing issues. Mrs. Goldman gave an interesting account of her recent visit to Rotorua. Mrs. Noonan presiding. Papanui, May 21: Devotions led by Mrs. Elliott. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Hampton. Birthday invitations received from Christchurch and Riccarton Union* President made reterence to the passing of Mrs. Baxter, a foundation member of our Union, who had not been able to take any active part for some years; but retained her enthusiasm for our work. Mrs. Hawker reported on Mental Hospital visiting. Pajiers on “Peace” and “World Problems” were read and discussed. Mr. Ford, of the Band of Hope Union, gave a talk on the im|>ortance of this work. June 18th: Good attendance. Devotions, Mrs. Malcolm. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Hampton. An euteitanting Travel Talk given by Mrs. Griffiths, of Riccarton Union, on her recent visit to Perth, W.A., was much appreciated. Mrs. Tillman presided at both meetings. Roll Calls answered with verse of Scripture, and Pledge re-afh mied. Spreydon, May: Devotions led by President. Rev. L. C. Horwood gave a very searching on tne vital necessity of all members being inspired by deep love and devotion to all. Warm welcome to Mrs. Foster, of Invercargill, a former member. Mrs. Clements conveyed greetings from the Springlands Union. Invitations received from Christchurch, Riccarton and New Brighton Unions to birthday celebration.

June: Devotions led by Mrs. Gemmell. Members stood in silence as a mark of respect to our late esteemed member and Vice-Presi-dent, Mrs. R. Petrie. Temperance Fact, Miss Olds. Mr*. Anccll gave the District Executive report. A remit forwarded therefrom to the N.C.W., suggesting the advisability of a,*tointmg policewomen to patrol wharves, am) ■ eep young girls away therefrom. Mrs. Sini reported on “W.R.” activities, and Mrs. Ancell and Miss Brown on Mental Hospital visiting. July: Devotions, Mrs. Mackenzie. Temperance Fact, dealing with amount of water used in brewing. Members dispensed morning tea to District Executive. Mental Hospital visiting as usual. Mrs. Fehrenfeld, C.R. Superintendent, reported new names added to roll. President read historical facts in regard to early efforts oi stalwart pioneers in the Temperance Cause. Benediction pronounced, by Mrs. Gemmell. Mrs. Ancell presided at all meetings. New Brighton, June 5: See “Special Rerorta.” July 3: Mrs. Edmond presided and conducted Devotions. Pledge and Temperance Fact. Protest to be sent local M.P. regarding the lifting of liquor advertisement restrictions.

Woolston, May 14: Wet day but good attendance. Mrs. Ramsay presiding. Mrs. Spier of Carrington led Devotions. Temperance Fact Our tenth birthday celebrated in the lovely grounds of Risingholme, where games and competitions were enjoyed, other Unions joining in. Good Band ol Hope report. Invitations to “Y” birthday party received, ami .\ ew Brighton’s and Riccarton invitations received. June 19: Meeting at home of Mrs. Carring i ton. Birthday parties formed. Mrs. Lmgham appointed Birthday Superintendent. Mr. Ford. Band of Ho(>e President, spoke very interestingly. “Bring and Buy.” Closing prayer. Christchurch, May 25: See "Special Reports." June 11: Mrs. Pearson, a new member, welcomed. Miss Gordon gave enjoyable report of New Brighton Anniversary Social. President read extracts from the “Southern Cross,” re Temperance Crusade ol Mrs. Lee Cowie, now 87 years of age, and others, going mtd cocktail bars.

June 25: “White Ribbon” Day observed. Welcome to and initiation ot new member, Mrs. Mackenzie. Reports of enjoyable social at Riccarton. Thanks for sympathy from relatives ot late esteemed member, Mrs. F. Price. President and members read extracts iron “W.R." and paid hne tributes to the Editor and Business Manager. Donation of Lilli seut to "W.R.” fund. Gifts of clothing sent to Christchurch. Branch of Reu Cross. Miss Henderson presided at each meeting. Reefton, June 10: “W.R.” Da> ; 10/- sent to “W.R.” Ijnd. Mrs. Thompson, Junior, gave a reading from the "Methodist limes," ‘United Nations Week.” One new member. Meeting closed with prayer. Sydenham, June 5: 14 members present. Devotions, Mrs. Davies. Day observed, several members contributing items dealing with the evils of the Liquor traffic. Gift ot flowers to be sent to a sick member. Two new “W.R.” subscribers gained. Mrs. Munro closed with prayer. July J: Mrs. J. Filer presided at both meetings, and Pledge was re-attirnied and lemperance Fact given at both. Speaker, Mrs. H. Graham. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Waimate, June 11. Good attendance. Devotions, Mrs Duckett, President. Pledge reaffirmed. Hospital visitor, Mrs. Ashton. Ternl>eraiice Fact, Mrs. Johns. Speaker, Rev, Mr. Griffiths, subject being “Peace.” Helpful and inspiring address thanked for by special vote. July 9: Fair attendance. Devotions, Miss Tooley, C.R. Superintendent. Hospital visitor, Mrs. Duckett; Temperance F'act, Mrs. Johns. Beautiful spray taken from Union to Mrs. Gardner, one of our oldest members, on her birthday. Shoulder spray presented to Mrs. Ashton as parting token. She is removing from the district after very good work as “W’.R.” Agent. A very energetic member. Thanks for her work expressed. Speaker, Mr. George Dash, who spoke on “The Maori Race." His talk was indeed most interesting and instructive. A very hearty vote of dunks accorded.

CTAGO DISTRICT Kaikorai, July 7: Mrs. Flett presided, welcoming members from other Dunedin Unions. Dr. Hunter gave a comprehensive address on the Royal Commission on Licensing. Thanks expressed by Mesdames F'lett and Bruce. Mrs. Bruce also thanked Kaikorai for the invitation to be present. Feeling reterence made to the late Miss Masterton, who had for many years given her services as Treasurer and Organist, members standing in reject to her memory. Lawrence, July 3: Small attendance. Niss Ferguson in the chair. Protest re lifting of liquor advertising restrictions sent to Prune Minister. President read an extract on the amount of money spent on liquor, and Mrs. McNeilly read a very interesting pajer c* “Team Work.” Hymn and Benediction. June 5: Report of Domuuou Conference sen* by Mrs. Rippm very much appreciated; also Mrs. Hiett’s address on “Gambling" reid. Resolution on Gambling agreed to, and for' warded to the M.P. for the district. Tea and Benediction.

Port Chalmers, June ’8: Telegram sent to Prime Minister objecting to the removal <* the liquor advertising restrictions. Secretary read articles on the object of the “Wtnß Ribbon.” Extra copies of “W.R.” to b* secured each month and sent with birthday cards to Cradle Roll children. Collection amounting to 10/- was received. Greeting to be sent to Mrs. Young, who has been sack and to Mrs. Wilson, who is not, able to attend meetings meantime. Oansru: See ‘Special Reports.”

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Bibliographic details

White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 7, 1 August 1947, Page 8

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 7, 1 August 1947, Page 8

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 7, 1 August 1947, Page 8

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