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Bulletin of Union News

NORTHLAND DISTRICT. PuUehuia: We are thankful to report that our yearly public meeting and “Bring and H- y” v/as again a success. The meeting began with Devotious taken by the President, followed by half an hour of showing of the hints lent us by Headquarters, in which the audience was greatly interested. We had the ikasure of a visit from Miss Edmed and a friend, who kindly gave us a dialogue. People were very liberal in giving and buying. Literature was distributed. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Executive Meeting, April 15: Opening meeting lor the year, later because of Easter. Mrs. Long presided and welcomed members back to the work. Ensign Newton read the 34th Psalm, giving account of the exjierieiices of a S.A. Officer in Malaya during his internment in a concentration camp, and God's wonderful help. Mrs. Long gave a wonderfully vmd report of the highlights of Dominion Convention, which had been a source of inspiration and help to all who attended. Two members added to membership by transfer. Deep sorrow was expressed at the passing of Mrs. I’eryman, and tribute paid to her work and strong jiersonality. Auckland Executive, May 5: Mrs. Mountjoy presided, Miss Appleby leading Devotions. Arrangements for Mother’s Day gathering finalised. Agreed that members assist with the Red Cross “Save the Children" Api»eal to be held shortly. A strong protest against persons convicted of crime being let off by the magistrates on the plea of drunkenness when committing the crime. Mrs. Mountjoy appointed to represent the W.C.T.U. at an Educational Conference to be held in Auckland this month. A vote Of thanks moved to the District Officers for all the work they did at the Dominion Convention. During the afternoon an address was given by Mr. C. W. Lopdell, President of the Council of Christian Education, on the findings of the Royal Commission. Decided to hold a Day of Prayer at the end ol May. A sjiecu' greeting to be given to Mis. Kasper before she leaves for the World Convention.

Ponsonby: Mrs. R. Jc ner, at the April meeting, welcomed all membe'S, and especially Mrs. Christopher, who had returned to Aucklard alter a long absence and s.gmhed her willingness to act as Union Sec'etary during the absence of Mrs. Osborn. Mrs. Christopher also led the Devotions. Convention rejxirt given by the President, who r*s thanked by the members. Pledge and Benediction. Kemuera, April 28th: Mrs. Kasper presiding. Mrs. Robinson read the Scripture and members engaged in prayer. Pledge and lemperance Fact. Good attendance. Delegate from Hawera, Mrs. Hayward, brought a greeting from the Hawera Union. Mrs. Gibbons rcjiorted on her F'lower and Philanthropic work. Successful “Bring and Buy" table. Mrs. Kasjier gave a short address on resolutions brought up at District Convention. Benediction. Mount Eden: Mrs. J. D. Smith, Vice-Presi-dent, presided at the April meeting and le i Devotions. Mrs. Mountjoy, District President, jjave a report of the Dominion Convention, and suggestions for making meetings interesting were given by several. May 6: Miss A. McLay presided and led Devotions. Temperance Fact emph sised effects of alcoholism on vision in relauon to traffic accidents. Each member brought a quotation on “Friendship.” Miss McLay told of a recent visit to Rotorua and Teni|>eranc« work there. Miss Pudney read an extract on Road Accidents and Alcohol. Warkworth, March 13: Fair attendance. Mrs. Baker read short paper on Frances Willard. Mrs. Baker gave an interesting report of the iJominmn Convention. Congratulations to Mrs. K. Moore on becoming a Dominion Superintendent (L.T.L.), and also on Warkworth L. winning the Dorn ’ion Banner. April 10: Very good .eeting. Two new members. Mrs. O. T. Roke presented with thirty years’ service badge. Silent tribute to the memory of Mrs. Peryman. Meeting then of-en to visitors, the mothers of Cradle Roll numbers. Several items. Afternoon tea—a social party for the children who were each presented with a white ribbon.

May 8. Mrs. Baker presided over good attendance . One new member initiated after general business. Poems and extracts read about Mother’s Day. Gifts of fruit, vegetables, etc. brought in and sent to the Maori Hostel.

Henderson. -April 9: Good attendance, Mrs. Chadwick presiding. Interesting talk by Mrs. Anderson on the life and customs of the people of China, where she and Mr. Anderson spent a number of years as missionaries. Kohi-St. Hcliers, April 17: Held at the home of Mrs. L. Eady, Mrs. Kasper presiding. Mrs. Farr acted as Evangelistic Superintendent and was presented with a beautitui vase as a token of gratitude for nine years’ service in this capacity, as she is leaving the district. Mrs. Eady also presented with a spray. Solos by Mrs. Gray. Temperance F'act, Mrs. Phillips. A vote of sympathy passed with the relatives of Mrs. Peryman, all standing in silence. Mrs. Kasper read resolutions sent to the Government, and spoke of her part in the coming World Convention. Auckland, May 13: Mrs. Long presided, each member bringing a text bearing on "Confidence” for the Devotional period. Sympathy expressed with the relatives of the late Mrs. Garlick, one of the early members who passed away in her 100th year. District Executive and N.C.W. reports given. Day of Prayer and Red Cross drive for clothing tor European children were organised. Mrs. Mountjoy, District President, warmly welcomed, and gave a very interesting educational talk, quoting statistics of appalling numbers of road accidents hi Britain, the thousands of lives so lost being a tragedy to the community. (Jurensland figures were also given and increases in numbers there very disturbing. Large prol»ortion due to intoxicated drivers. Ihe moderate drinker the greater menace. Abolition the only cure.

SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT Tauranga, May 6: Good attendance. Devotions led by Mrs. Bensley. Financial and N.C.W. reports given. All stood in silence to the beloved memory of Mrs. Ferguson, the mother of our secretary, who had passed on since our last meeting at the venerable age ol ninety-nine. Thanks received from a recently arrived bride for flowers sent from the Union; and arrangements made for another bride to be so welcomed. A sick member had been visited m hospital. Address on “Sabbath Observance" given by Mrs. Bryan. Sales table for "Caravan” Fund realised £l. Cambridge, April 24: Large attendance ol Fencourt and Cambridge members. Mrs. Kemsley presided. Fencourt was given a warm welcome. After routine business, Mrs. Lewis, District Secretary, and Dominion Su|*ei • intendent of Education Bureau, gave a full and very interesting report on the Dominion Convention, lor which many members expressed their gratitude. Fencourt moved a vote of thanks which was carried unanimously. Afternoon Tea and Benediction.

TARANAKI DISTRICT Hawera. April: Mrs. W. Page presided and Mrs. Bui ton led Devotions. Reports on the District Executive meeting, and on the Dominion Convention were given. Tea hostesses were Mesdames Page »nd Burton.

MANAWATU DISTRICT Palmerston North, May meeting: Miss C. Thompson led Devotions, giving a brief talk especially for those who had topped the hill of life. Many could look back on disappointments and sorrows as well as joys and pleasures, but all could say “Hitherto hath the Lord me.” “He would be our Guideeven unto death.” Sympathetic reference was made to the death of our esteemed friend and member, Mrs. Pitcher, at the advanced age of 98. Members stood in respect to her memory. The speaker was the Rc/. J. F. Jack who spoke on “The Power of Womanhood." Mrs. Spence taking Devotious. District ExecuFeilding, May 7: Mrs. Tremain presided, tive Report given and very good and interesting rejwrt of Dominion Convention given by Mrs. Tremain. Library to be given “W.R. ’ copies. Letter of thanks from B.W.T.A. in England for two parcels sent, was read. Two letters of sympathy to be sent to sick members. Qosing Prayer. (See also Sjwcial Reports.)

WELLINGTON DISTRICT District Executive Meeting, April 24: Held at Upj»er Hutt, Miss V. Jackson presiding, Members stood in silence in memory of the and conducting Devotions. Large attendance, late Mrs. Peryman and Mrs. klyn). Letters of condolence to be sent to relatives. Letter of sympathy to be sent to Miss Tankersley (Masterton), in her illness. President stressed that each Union ascertain if Scientific Temj>erance Booklet is being used in schools, 2,001) having been distributed in the Wellington Education Board area. President gave full rejiort of Dominion Convention. Mrs. Grigg, in jiresenting “White Ribbon” re|»rt, suggested increased circulation by distributing to orphanages, school hostels, etc., free copies, Unions to defray cost. Decided to write Levin Union re continuation of work of late Mr. J. W. Gibson in distributing Y.P. Supplements to all schools in Levti area. Suggested that each Union have box on table for Dominion Cotiven.ion expenses next year. Mrs. Reed given power to make contact with ministers in Naenae district for the purl»osc of furthering Temjieratice work, and to organise and open a W.C.T.U. if possible. Prayers asked for this jiroject. Thanks to entertaining Union for hospitality. Meeting closeu with prayer. Wellington Central, April 16: Mrs. Sired in the chair; fair attendance, several apologies through sickness. President made touching references to the jxissing of one of our beloved members, Mrs. Peryman, urged all members to re-consecration in all parts of life and es|>ecially to the Teinjierance cause as a memorial to our late sister. Mrs. Andrew welcomed back after a long illness. Convention numbers of “W.R." taken for distribution. Box to be put on table in preparation for Convention exj>enses next year. Birthday sprays presented and U.N.A. literature handed to members to read. Sales Table good.

MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT Springlanda, 15th April. Ihe monthly meeting held in Methodist School, Mrs. Underhill in the chair. There was a good attendance, ai.J three visitors were welcomed and were the recipients of sprays of flowers, the Roll Call brought forth helpful resjwnses in Biblical and other lines. An invitation from Blenheim Union to combine for White Ribbon Day wa> received and accepted. Mrs. Clements of Spreydon Union extended greetings and gave a helpful message. Mrs. I‘. Stephens presented a full and interesting rejiort of Dominion Convention which was enjoyed by all and for which she received a vote of thanks.

Blenheim, May 6: In the absence of the President, Mrs. N. F'orbes, the chair was taken by Mrs. W. J. Girling. Intercession jieriod held at the owning. Mrs. A. T. Milgrew read ail article from the Fmglish "Mothers’ Union ’ paper. Copies of “W.R." Convention number were taken for distribution. The following interesting articles were read by different members: “Christianity Ke-introduced into German Schools,” “Medical Missions,” “Why Don’t We Say ‘Amen’ ?,” “Lambeth Dole,” "Above All Nations,” and "Our Deadliest Enemy.” Letters to bereaved families had been sent. Benediction pronounced by Mrs. Adjutant Kearse.

NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT New Brighton: Mrs. Edmond presided at the April meeting, also leading Devotions. Mrs. Mitchell warmly thanked for lovely wreath made for Amac Day parade, which was carried by two members. Mental Hos|>ital report given. Two doren Convent on “W.R.’s” for distribution. Peace Day pxper read by M rs. Edmond. Linwood: Mrs. Mackie presided over attendance of thirty-two, and led Devotions. Welcome to a “W.R." sister from Glasgow, now visiting New Zealand and wearing her “honours Badge,” significant of good work done. Fine collection of raffia and woodwork materials for Templeton Farm Home. Special mention made of Mrs. Mackie’s approaching departure for the World Convention at Asbury Park. Mrs. F. J. T. Grigg, M.A., spoke on the Royal Commission, which proved very educational to all present. Benediction. Christchurch, April 9: Meeting presided over by Miss C. Henderson. Votes of sympathy to the relatives of the late Mrs. Peryman and the Hon. D. Sullivan, M.P., were passed. Invitations to attend Socials from Woolston and North Brighton Unions. Mrs. Clarke,

District President, gave a very fuJl report of Dominion Convention.

April 2J: Rejiort oi the Woolston Union Social. Fresident read extracts from the ‘‘World bulletin” of successful work in other lands.

Woolaton, March 26: Fair attendance. Mrs. Tomlinson, Vice-President, in the chair. Devotions, Mrs. Carrington. Pledge and Teni|»erancc Fact. Solo by Mrs. Tomlinson much appreciated. Sick members visited and flowers sent to sick member in hospital. Prayer and benediction.

Oxford, April 19: Resolutions of sympathy with the relatives of Mrs. Feryman, and the late Mrs. Elliot: and with Mrs. Comyns in the loss of her brother. Members expressed their deep regret at the passing of Mrs. Feryman, whose strong personality, tireless zeal and many talents made such a valuable contribution to the W.C.T.U. through many years. Mrs. Ancell, a former member, gave the address. Mrs. Carey elected Treasurer in place of Mrs. Weston, whose health does not allow' htr to continue in the position. Meeting closed with prayer.

Spreydon. April 8: Very good report of Dominion Convention given by Mrs. Clark. Mental Hospital visiting undertaken by two members, leuiijcrance Fact, Mrs. I’aul Murray. Secretary reported on assistance given .to Y.W.C.A. at a Sale of W ork at Mona Vale.

Papanui, April 16: Mrs. Tillman presiding, ten present. Devotions led by Mrs. Malcolm. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Hampton. Pledge and Roll Call answered by text of Scripture. Invitations received to birthday celebrations of North Brighton and Woolston Unions. Mrs. Hawker reported on Mental Hospital visiting. Mrs. Fo.d of Sumner gave a report on the Dominion Convention, and was thanked by the President.

Reefton, A|>ril 8: Mrs. Thompson presided and read an article on “Alcoholic Drinkers.”

Sydenham, May 1: Mrs. Filer presided over an attendance of ten members, and lei Devotions. Pledge and Temperance Fact. M.s. E. Rogers appointed as Acting “VV.R.” Mu,xriuundent during absence of Mrs. Julius. Last year’s balance sheet approved. Lettet from Mrs. Long expressing thanks for donation to Hostel. Miss Gainsford was the shaker, her subject being on the “Status of Women According to Bible Teaching”; mention also being made of Peace Day. Closing prayer by Mrs. Mac lac hi an.

Riccarton, May 8: 18 members present. Devotions led by Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Griffiths presiding. Temperance Fact. Letter of sympathy sent out. Invitations to 62nd Anniversary of Christchurch Union, Miss Rattray’s meeting in connection with the N.C W’., and the Farewell to Mrs. Mackie. June meeting for celebration of 25th anniversary. Mrs. Newth gave a resume of the topics discussed at the Women’s Rally Day, and Mrs. Griffiths read a very interesting article on "A Day in the Country with the District Nurse,” which w’as much appreciated. Hymn and closing prayer.

North Brighton, April 15: Mrs. Noonan presided, using the order of service used at iXmimion Convention. Scientific Fact given and Fledge re-affirmed. Mrs. Mundy acted in place of the Secretary. Votes of sympathy with the relatives of the late Hon. D. G. Sullivan and Mrs. Feryman were passed. Hand of Hof*, Cradle Roll, Mental Hospital visiting were all reported on. birthday celebrations arranged for. Anzac Day floral spray to be carried by two members in the procession. I>otnimoii Convention report given by Mrs. Noonan, several members shaking in appreciation of the report. Benediction.

OTAGO DISTRICT O&maru, April 14: Mrs. Winn presided. A case of beautiful Japanese goods brought by our Fresident much admired. Mrs. Ripping, District Secretary, was welcomed and reported on the Doniiuion Convention. Miss R. Day, Devotional Superintendent, who has been ill for some time, is improving slowly. Lawrence, April 17: Small attendance. In the absence of the Fresident, Mrs. McNeilly occupied the chair. Reference was made to the passing of Mrs. Feryman. Secretary to write to relatives, and also to another bereaved friend. Letter received re Temperance Exam. Items of interest read by Mrs. McNeilly. Message of aympathy sent to the President in the illness of her brother. Hymn and benediction.

Port Chalmers, April 10: Cradle Roll Party at the home of Mrs. H. S. Watson. Alter usual business, Mrs. Bowman, Vice-President, welcomed some of the Cradle Roll children’s mothers, and also our guest s[>eaker, Mrs. Hiett, Otago District President, who gave a very interesting address on some evils of alcohol. Children were then entertained with outdoor games, followed by a party tea with paper hats and each child received a bag of sweets and a piece of the birthday cake. Thanks expressed to Mrs. Watson. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT South Invercargill: April meeting. Easter Tuesday, which accounted for small attendance. Mrs. Beckham opened with Devotions, and the President, Mrs. Holmes, announced a combined meeting to be held at Gore. The sixaker was the Rev. J. A. Thomson, and his subject was "Christianity in Action in the Home,” for which he was heartily thanked.

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White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 5, 1 June 1947, Page 9

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 5, 1 June 1947, Page 9

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 5, 1 June 1947, Page 9

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