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Bulletin of Union News

NORTHLAND DISTICT Dsriraville, Feb. 11: Devotions, Mrs. Green. Welcome to members by new President and . thanks to Mrs. Green (or her work as i’tsident last year. Temperance Fact. It was ■ith deep regret that we received out last S,* Year message from our District 1 resign, w ho has been a tower of strength during tie many years she has held ottice. Miss timed api»mted delegate to Dominion Conmention. President read a pai*cr on Frances Willard, benediction.

AUCKLAND DISTRICT District Executive, Monday Feb. 24: District President, Mrs. Mountjoy. in the chair. Delations led by Mrs. Read. Miss C. M- MeLay , n d Mrs. Anstice rcjiorted on the \ oinen > World Day of Prayer. Decided to hold a Mother's Day" gathering in the Auckland Town riall on May 11th. All members urged vote on the day of the Licensing Committee poll. Two Notices of Motion to be brought torward at Dominion Convention. Remuera. Feb. 17: Mrs. G. Robinson presided and took Devotions. Mrs. Kasper, the 1 rcsident, was unable to attend through ilin-ss. Ttmjerance Fact given and Pledge recited. Delegate aptwinted for Dominion CotivenMon. Frances Willard Day observed. Mrs. Mountjoy, District President, gave an address on Temperance work and was thanked. Onehunga, Feb. 13: In spite of rain, eleven members assembled for the oi*mug meeting. Devotions led by Mrs. Perrett. L v ual business and letter from Mrs. Toomer considered. Sympathy on account of the sudden death o| one of our members and the niece o. another. Dominion Convention delegates appointed. Mrs. Mountjoy told of incidents ot her recent holiday in Napier. Feb. 27: Home meeting at the residence o! Mrs. Ashby was well attended. Choruses, solos and interesting address by Mrs. Penmen Mount Eden, Feb. 25: Miss A. M. McLay presided. Fair attendance. Discussion re wine it weddings and prevalence ot drinking amongst young people. Convention arrangements considered and Notices of Motion discussed. Delegate appointed. Resignation ot Treasurer who is leaving to reside near Timaru, received with regret. Mrs. Dunham was thanked for her faithtul service Treasurei for three years, and a Minute »• appreciation recorded. The offices of both Treasurer and Secretary both vacant. 1 icsidtnt reported Executive meeting. Happy time orer afternoon tea.

SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT Tauranga, Mar. 3: Mrs. Bryan presided in the absence of the President at Dominion ( ouvcntion. Good attendance. Mrs. Bryan ltd Devotions. A telegram to be sent to Dominion Convention. A beautiful table, presented to the Union by a generous member, was dedi cated to the service of God by the Rev. A. A. Bensley, minister of -he Methodist Church, in the premises of which meetings are held. A syllabus for the year's meetings was submitted for approval aud adopted. Mrs. Johnson appointed to take charge of the Sales Table. Mrs. Bryan closed meeting with Prayer. 1 uames: Opening meeting for year well attended. Mrs. Whiteside delegate to Dominion Convention. Convention remembered in prayer and responsive Scripture readingSylia’ius drawn up for year’s work. Dominion retary’s letter read and discussed. Resolved to combine with Thames Alliance in an> fouth work undertaken this year. Advertising in local pa}>er to be continued. Benediction.

TARANAKI DISTRICT Hawera, Mar.: Mrs. W. Thayer presided. District Convention rei*>rt given by delegates. Cradle Roll party arranged. Mrs. C. Barron fleeted delegate to Dominion Convention, lea hostesses, Mesdames Page and Burton.

WANGANUI DISTRICT Wanganui Central: Oj>ening meeting tor the year, Mrs. Duxtield presiding, Mrs. Goodey leading devotions, Mesdames McGregor and Sinclair tea hostesses. Mrs. Mercer in charge ' Bring and Buy." Congiatuiatioiis expressed to a member on her husband s im-

proving health, and regrets at loss of an enthusiastic member through removal. Reorganisation tor the year s work discussed. Speaker Mrs. Chesswas. Mar. 8: Mrs. Duxtield presided; Miss Wadsworth led Devotions. Miss Wadsworth welcomed on her return and Mrs. Gieim attei long illness. Much :**gret expressed at the death of Mrs. Kendall, i!:e fourth oiUulai loss recently. Mrs. Ogg, delegate to Convention, will report on her return. Miss Wadsworth offered to carry oit the t .R. work, left without a Su|ienntendeut by the death ot Mrs. Gnnstead. Mrs. Mercer thanked for work done in absence of Mrs. Glenn.

HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT Napier: February meeting held in Willail Hall. Fair attendance. Mrs. Ryan pitsided and led Devotions. Pledge re • aiti i rned. lemIterance Facts read troni the "Vanguard. Members brought food parcels for Britain. Mrs. Fhanu appointed delegate for Convention. Remits read and approved. Aged members to be visited next month. Miss McLay exacted to visit the Union m April. Afternoon tea and Benediction.

MANAWATU DISTRICT Feilding, Mar. 5: Mrs. Taylor presided. Mrs. Spence, Devotions. Mrs. Goldfinch, who was unable to attend the February meeting was presented with a beautiful shoulder spray and a "Long Service” Badge for over thirty years’ service, Mrs. Spencer making the presentation. Greetings to be sent to Dominion Convention. Interesting letter from an absent member read. Closing prayer by Mrs. Taylor. WELLINGTON DISTRICT District Executive, Feb. 27: Met in Brooklyn Methodist Church. Devotions conducted by our District President, Miss Jackson, who chose for her topic a well-known story from the book of Daniel. Several members engager in a prayer session. We were all greatly encouraged’ to learn that the Wellington Educa* 2,UUU copies of the Scientific Temi>erance Handturn Board had agreed to accept the offer of book which are to be distributed to each Secondary teacher for use in the general curriculum. This is a very great advancing step. Donations from unions are solicited towards cost of same. Exjiensc will be worjth it, though. Arrangements made tor those Unions not sending a delegate to Convention to be represented. Prevision made toi proxy* voting in connection with N.C.W., while delegates arc attending Convention. Letters oi sympathy to be sent to those who are sick. Noontide and lunch. Afternoon session began with several prayers, definitely remembering coining Convention. Discussion on remits going forward. Mrs. Saucer reported on the L.T.L. work at Belmont. There is a roll of 20 and now, a "Y” Branch of ten members, the result of a tiny beginning three years ago of six children. Mrs. Grtgg spoke on the "White Ribbon.’’ advising all presidents of their responsibility to see that all subscriptions are collected before the end ol the yeai. Benediction concluded a satisfactory and helpful District Executive meeting. Brooklyn, Feb. 25: Fair attendance. 1 resident in chair. Letter of sympathy sent to Mrs. Sawden who is ill, and President expressed sympathy of ah inemoers with Mrs. Rose in the loss of her husband. Convention remits considered, \ears syllabus in preparation. Sigil prayer and Benediction. Baptist ladies hostesses. Wellington Centra!. Mrs. Fired presided. Two parcels sen* to Temperance workers in England. Lett**, from Mrs. Sixrncer telling of the new **Y” branch meeting in her home. Donation of £1 for New Plymouth Sailors’ Rest. Rejiort of Dominion Officers’ meeting read. Superintendents reappointed. Mrs. Morris delegate to District Executive meeting. Frances Willard Day observed. Tea hostess, Mrs. Hoult. Mrs. Morns expressed pleasure of members at having Mrs. Sired with them 'gain after her recent iliuess. Benediction.

MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT iiatrict Executive: The quarterly meeting w_s held in Blenheim Wesley Hall, and was well attended bv Officers and members. The President, Mrs. V. Underhill, was in the chair and conducted opening Devotions, several members offering prayers. Mrs. A M. Gascoigne was welcomed as a member of Executive, having accepted position ot W.R. Supt.

Mrs. S. Harris, 4’ng Secretary, was appointed as delegate to Dominion £ onvcntion and after full discussion on remits and icc r>lutions, was instructed in regard to voting. It was intimated that the Women’s Day ot Prayer would lit futuic be held on the Thursday instead of Friday, as from March, it was decided to convey the thanks and appreciation of members to Mri A. Tear, who has left for her future home in Greymouth, for her very able leadership in connection with the Days of Prayer, and to extend best wishes to her in her new sphere of service. Among matters under discussion was the disappointing result of recent Licensing Poll. Members unanimous in the opinion that State or any other control of sales, would not cure the evil of intoxication, nor alter the effect of beverage alcohol on the human body. A happy time spent over lunch and the mcetiug closed at 3.15 p.m. with prayer and the Benediction. Blenheim, Mar. 4: Mrs. N. Forbes presided. Fifteen members were present. Mrs. Milgrew read from “Christ in the Modern Hosintal. ' Prayer asked for Dominion Convention. Interesting talk on "Exin-riences in Scotland aud New Zealand Among Victims of the Liquor Traffic" given by Mrs. Martin. Benediction. Spring lands, Feb. 18: Mrs. Underbill presided over fair attendance Members stood m silence expressing deep sympathy *.»ib Mr. and Mrs. Pyne in the loss of their im. , ui‘ son, who was a member of the Cradle Roll. Mrs. Herd read the Dominion Corresponding Secretary’s letter which was full of interest. Mrs. Stephens, Blenheim delegate to Dominion Convention to be asked to represent the Branch. After discuss:on of remits for Convention and other matters of interest, a syllabus wax arranged lor the year’s working- Mrs. Cunningham, on behalf of herself and members, wished the President every success and journeying mercies for her first Convention as a Dominion Officer. One new member received.

NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Christchurch, Feb 12: Mis C. Henderson presided. Vote of svnq-athy 4 t to relatives of the late Mrs. Ceorge B: a. Thanks for Xmas greetings from Mrs. . letter and from Mrs. Christian, Editor ot P.e "White Ribbon." Report given of assistance given at Mental Hospital Welfare Street C flection. Thanks received from Timaru Sailors’ Rest tor our donation. Interesting rejort received of work at the Maori Hostels; also from Mrs. loonier carefully-given information i£ Convention. Mrs. Fraser elected as delegate. Extracts read b> President from "Vanguard." February 2t)th: Miss Henderson presiding. Sympathy sent to Mrs. J. Richards in hospital. Members promised to >.elp at corung Y.W.C.A. Fair. Satisfactory balance sheet read by Treasurer. Extracts read by President from World's Bulletin giving news of Temperance work.

Riccarton, Feb. 1J: Attendance of twentythree. Mrs. Griffiths presided, and Mrs. Harris led Devotions. Temperance Fact given. In correspondence three letters of thanks for donations received. Letters and flowers sent to a sick friend. President gave members a New Year resolution. "Yesterday has gone, to-inorrow hasn’t come, so do all we can with the day that it with us." Good report on Mental Hospital. Hostess, Mrs. Brighting. A bundle of dusters handed in for the use of the Disabled Servicemen’s Centre. Miss Biggs gave an interesting talk on the Maori work at Nuhaka. Votes ot thanks and Benediction. Reefton. Feb. 11: Mrs. Thompson presiding. Frances Willard Day observed. The Rev. Mr. Trim gave a talk on ihe Drink question. Mr. Trim pro|iosed that the services of the Secretary over a period of fourteen years lie recorded in 'he Minute Book. Balance on hand to be sent to Headquarters Fund. One new member. Collection, and meeting closed with prayer. Oxford, Feb. 19: Frances Willard Day. Teiul»erance F’act given by Mrs. Dailey. A most interesting address given by the Rev. R. Blair, who gave hts impressions of the Prohibition period in America. V . Blair lived in Boston for seven years and in that time saw only one drunken person in a city of 2,000.000 inhabitants. Collection taken up lor the World’s Missionary Fund. Benediction. Papanui, Feb. 19: Eight members present. Mrs. Malcc’m presided in absence through illness of the President, letter of sympathy aud flowers to be sent. Devotions by Mrs. Elltott.

Roll Call a text ol Scripture. I’ledjce aA<l Ternprrrnce Fact. Mental Hoipital report *iven by Mr*. Hawker. Arrangement* made lor Union to be represented Convention. Member* to send produce to V.VV.CA. Fair on March Bth. when W.C.T.U i» to be in charge ol I’nxiuce Stall. ( radle Roll pxrty arranged. .Sydenham: Mrs. Filer, President, presided over Feb. and March meetings. Svllabus arranged lor the year. Donation made to the Maori Hostel. Discussion held on the amount of drinking going on among young women and the inroads being made in the lile ol the young |»eopk. .. , North Brighton. Frb. Miss Noonan presided and spoke on the coming year. Two babie* placed on the Cradle Roll and service read by Mrs. Pepperell. Two new member*. Kc jiorts on party and *ale received. Ssptruitendetits r*f appunted. New Brighton, Mar. 6: Mrs. Kdmond pre sided and Miss Armstrong led Devotions. Pledge reaffirmed and Tenu*rance Fact given. Mr* Mitchell thanked member* lor help in the sale ol Health Stamps from October to February. Paper on Frances \Nillard read by President. “Bring and Buy’* lor Maori Hostel. One new member received. Wooistoo, Feb. 20: Mrs. Ramsey in the chair. Devotions led by Mrs. Spiers. I radle Roll and Band ol Hope picnic arranged. Benediction.

SOUTH CANTF.RBURY DISTRICT Timaru. Feb. 26: Opening meeting for the year held in Sailors’ Rest, Mrs. T. K. Holdgate presiding. Short business meeting followed by social hour, la-tter read re Bible in Schools question. Miss Toolry to be our representat ve at Convention. One new member initiated. Mrs. Woodward reported busy month at the “Rest”; also a shoitagr of books and magasines. Waimate : Opening meeting well attended. Mrs. Duckett, President, in the chair. letniterance Fact given and Pledge re-afhrmel The retiring Treasurer, Mrs. Simpson, wi« given a presentation and a beautiful shov.der spray was pinned on her shoulder by the President in token of gratitude for her eighteen years of service. All other officers wen reflected at the annual meeting. Miss S. Dayman taking the vacant office. The sj«aker. Mrs. Major Ingerson, was heartily welcomed and spoke on the maternity work of the Salvation Army, being warmly thanked at the close. Closing Praver.

OTAGO DISTRICT. South Dunedin, fourth Thursday: Mrs. Rippin presided; Devotions, Mrs. Smith. ( orrespun dc nee from Mi»s Henderson, J.P. and Mrs. Tnomrr, both exhaustively discussed. President referred to Dr. Huntei'* part in No-License Movement (Alliance). An accident suffered by Miss K. Brtice, which has caused serious trouble, referred to and wholehearted sympathy of member* expressed. President reerred to M >ort work, and showed that the Hostel undertaker by Auckland was distinct ii regards funds from the Organiser s work among Maoris. It was . hoped that all branches would sup(*ort either or both ol these funds. Regarding the e .pense incurred by delegates attending Dominion Convention, the President suggested a pooling fund whereby stronger Unions could help smaller ones, every branch contributing its uuota. A musical programme was given. Members of the Mornington Union were welcomed, theu President, Mrs. Peeling. res|>r>iidini'. Oamaru, Feb. 10: President in ihe chair. Plans made for Cradle Roll and BanJ of Hofw picnic. Sympathy to Miss K. Day in her illness. Kaikorai, Feb. 2 s Mrs. Flett presided. Arrangements for several special functions. Miss Dob-on elected as delegate to Dominion Convention.

SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. South Invercargill: Pie first meeting for the year was held as a picnic at Oreti Beach, when about twer.*y-hve rnembrrs of the South Union and a few from North Invercargill were present. A first but was tilled to overflowing and a second was requisitioned. Lunch was taken in the shelter shed after Grace had been sung. An address wa* listened to. Mrs. Jones being the *|>ealcer, and he* subject “10-hua.” The gathering then brok* up into pan e* and enjoyed the pleasures oi the beach as they chose, until the bu*e r returned fur them.

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White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 3, 1 April 1947, Page 13

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 3, 1 April 1947, Page 13

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 3, 1 April 1947, Page 13

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