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Bulletin of Union News

, JCKLAND DISTRICT. CxKUti'*' .Vleeung; November 4th. Distnct President n the cha'r (Mrs. Mountjoy); De'le<. by Miss J. Campbell. A reply " princess Te I’uia to the letter of con-.-jtulatioti sent on her stand regarding liquor ~ J ri King Country. Dominion Convention piiiiv discussed, a hall having been secured ~ the occasion. Letters of congratulation <at jo Rev. J. D. Smith oil his becoming y xierator-Designate. Letter of sympathy to ■ r relatives of the late Miss Ethel Mathieson, special Minute being recorded pf apprecian oi her many years of work in the cause of i>tr.i«ra:ice as “Y” Superintendent, and in tnt service ot Youth generally. Maori Girls’ Hostel rejort given by Mrs. J. A. Long, the addition of a new bathroom and -her improvements being mentioned. Mrs. >in g also rejtorted having visited the Henderoo L’mon, and presenting the prizes to the hildren oi the llenderso-i school who had won r m for the Temperance essays which she said ncre excellent.

A letter of thanks was -ent to Mrs. Glaister rail the assistance, both financial and otheruse, wl.ich she has given to the Hostel. It was decided to arrange an oj/en conijietinoti in connection with the Dominion Convention expenses. It was agreed to hold a Christmas party in December instead of the usual monthly meeting. UNIONS. Onehunvja. October 10th. Convention reports liiirn b; delegates and matters atising there- - m di-, ussed. One rejiort made special men- • m oi tin iact that Mrs. Moore, of this Union, - superintendent of a Maori Sunday school. Mount Eden, November sth. Annual meetup Rijiort presented by President showed steady work during the year. Under the capable it.idership of Miss McKinney, the Cradle Roll i' iin best department. All notable days observed. Some interesting and instructive * >mc< i - citci< 'i were: President, M -* A. M. McLay; Treasurer, Mrs. Dunham; su|>eriiitnu!ents re-elected. Temperance I' act, Mrs. J, I). Smith; “White Ribbon,’’ Mrs. ik< ir. , Cradle Roll, Miss McKinney. Remuera, October 21st. Mrs. Kasper presidin'. Devotions included a prayer session in

• inch i • min ts joined, and were conducted by Mr?, (i. Robinson. Temperance Fact given. Md ri Day observed by special prayers. One new member initiated. Repots of District Convention given by Mrs. G. Robinson and Mi>- Inzer. Benediction. Kohi-bt. Heliers, October 20th, at the home of Mr?. Ma?hin. Devotions led by Mrs. Parr. Ttmierance Fact, Mrs. Kasper. Convention v port given by Mesdames Biddle and L. Eady. Maori Day remembered. Vote of thanks to Mrs. Mashiti for the use of her home. bauonby, October 17th. Mrs. Joiner, l’resident, in the chair. Twelve meinberi and two

tisit, present. Devotions, Mrs. Christopher. Utter? to be sent to sick members. Temperance t act, Miss Runciman. Hospitality asked 1 r Dominion Convention delegates. Maori bay observed, and collection donated to the Maori i,iris' Hostel. Yiatly subscriptions o» N'id asked for liostvl Fund. a*oll work futhervd. Mr?. Joiner gave a very interestin'.'; report "i District Convention for which she was •banked. Two new members received. Pledge »nd U< uediction. Heiiderso.i. Has held a very successful showof films at the Y.M.C.A. hall. “It’s the brain that counts,” and “Bsrabbas” being 'howu. Mr. Dow of the N.Z. Alliance gave an instructive Temperance talk, md Literature »as distributed. Takapuna, November 6th. Annual meeting ir ‘d "Pay-up” Social. Very successful “Brirg jnd Buy" ?tall whs cleared in very short time. Mrs. M igan- Richards presided. Miss Cullen Di vot ons and Mis. Blackwell gave tht »*nt, uai.te Fact.” Distribution of literature All officers were re-elected. It was noied that Mrs. Trussing has Ken .lecretary •t five years, and ha 9 not missed one meeting. Miss Trussing has Ken t easurer for almost ’be same time.’ Auckland, Nov »mber 12th. Annual Meeting. Mrs Long presi led welcoming the return of ■•'■embers laid aside for some time. Dominion Convention jirangements announced 3id reMvitse? h,r inquests for hospitality v.ere reeved, Poll work discussed. “Bible in Schools’

questions for Parliamentary candidates received from Mrs. Patetson. Donation for Bible in Schools League passed. Mrs. Long reported on her visit to Henderson to present prizes won by school children for Temperance Essays, and donated by Union members. Reports on year s work showed much good york done. At the election of officers, a tribute was paid to Mrs. Long on her re-electimi to the presidency, and she was presented with a beautiful spray of flowers. Vice-presidents were Mesdames Holmes, Massam. Whitburn, Waring and Seal. Mrs. Ross and Miss Paul were placed on honorary list. Secretary, Miss Dewar, Treasurer, Mrs. Swan. Superintendents also ap* pointed. One new member. Union goes into recess till April, because of Dominion Convention. Congratulations sent to Mrs. Garlick, one of our early members, on her 100th birthday.

SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT Taumarunui, October 1/th. Small meeting. Extracts read from “White Ribbon.’’ One new member initiated. Some Poll work done. Cambridge, Octolier 24th. Large attendance Mrs. Keinsley presiding. Miss Martin gave a talk on “Maori ways and customs." A surprise visit was paid by the Dominion Organiser. Miss Appleby, who told of the great advance being made in Auckland, with Hostels for young Maori boys and girls. Miss Appleby also told of her own exjieriences as Matron oi our own Hostel. A new member was initiated by Miss Appleby. Vote- of thanks were accorded to both speakers for their interesting talks. Benediction. Tauranga, November sth. Annual meeting held at the home of Mrs. Bulmer. l air attendance. Union and Superintendents’ rejiorts showed a hue record of work for the year. All officers re-elected. Poll work discussed, and plans finalised for Cradle Roll Party and “Caravan" social. The gift of a beautifully worked table-cover, from Mrs. T. Allely, a past member having resided in Auckland for many years, was a great and delightful surprise. A j>osy of lily of the valley was presented to the President, who also presented small gifts to the ofliteis. Thanks accorded M's. Bulmer. A visit to the town by the Kcv. Mr. Gilbert, during which he took a service at the Methodist, and the Presbyterian churches, and addressed a public meeting. Te Awamutu, Octol>ei 17th. bail .tttencl.inct presided over by Mrs. Alexander. Letters of sympathy sent to our Treasurer, Mrs. Purdie, iii the death of her husband and to Mrs. Selby, because of a serious accident, which has proved fatal to her husband. Devotions taken by Mrs. McDonald Arrangements made for Am nual Social afternoon. Hamilton, November 7th. The President, Mrs. Gatman, took the chair and led Devotions. Mrs. Moore reported several items of interest from the N.C.W. The Kev. C. H. Olds paid a brief call, seeking help re distribution of literature, and it was decided to assist the United Churches Campaign in this task before the Poll. Short discussion on various assets of this coming event. Temperance I*act read. Benediction. Cambiidge. Sept r!xr 26th. Mrs. Kemsley presided over good attendance. Devotions, Mrs. Lewis; subject “The Sower.” “Franchise Da ” article read bv Mrs. Simpson. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Kemsley reported on District Convention. One new member initiated. Tea and Benediction.

TARANAKI DISTRICT. D strict Executive Meeting, Octobei 30th. Fifietn members present. Mrs. Wood reported on N.Z. Alliance Conference. Miss Appleby’s retort read, and appreciation recorded in the Minutes. Poll work was urged in all districts. Letters of sympathy sent to sick members. The Tea Committee was thanked. New Plymouth, September 20th. “Pay-up Social. Good attendance. Devotions, Temperance Fact, and report of Mart. Musical items and elocution presented. Afternoon tea. October 18th. Good attendance. Mrs. Brown welcomed visitors. Devotions, Mrs. 1 uffrey. Temperance Tact, letters of sympathy. 1 he Kev. Mr. Moki gave an address on the Maori race, deploring the use of liquor, Mrs. Rugby Hawk- ns rendered a musical item. Literature was handed out for distribution. Benediction. Hawera. Maori Day observed at October meeting. Mrs. Page, acting President, presided and took devotions Several Temjierance Facts given. Mrs. 1 age read the Prayer for Maori Day in the “Orders of Services." Members stood in silence in sympathy with the relatives, our President and her daughters,

of Mr. Thayer, their husband and father. Several accounts passed for payment. Members took literature purchased from Headquarters for distribution. Tea Hostesses, Mesdames Page and Burton. Mrs. Page closed with prayer and Benediction. MANAWATU DISTRICT. Levin, October 11th. Mrs. Kenuerley presiding. Good attendance. Devotions led by Captain t,ihiainson. Members agreed to distribute Literature. Five food parcels sent to England, members bringing gifts to each meeting iur the purjwse. kuteraiuic sent to .ur. I ait, Bay of Plenty. Convention re|>ort given by the delegate. Mrs. Thompson, who was warmly thanked by the President. Interesting talk on Maori hie and work given by Mrs. Poananga, of Palmerston North, who was thanked and presented with a |>osy by Mrs. Plaster. A new member received. Mrs. G. Thomson, a devoted worker, who is leaving the district, was farewelled, good wishes being expressed, and a small gut presented by President. Mrs. 'Thomson suitably replied, mentioning her enjoyment ol the work during her stay in larvui, and hoping to continue her work in Pahiatua. Tea Hostesses, Mesdames Storey, 'Thomson, \\ iHiam s. and Miss Storey.

Palmerston North, November meeting. Miss M. Sutherland led Devotions. Temperance Fact given. Mr. H. GrinsteSd, local Secretary of the N. Z. Alliance, asked for tuiancial help for Campaign advertising, stating that they required £25. Palmerston North Union promised to raise £l2. lUs. Miss Coles, President, then gave some leading ]K>ints from the Kev. J. D. Smith’s address given recently m P.N. After hearing his statement that in eight years he had only lonud two weddings at which there was no liquor, a d.scussion took place, and it was agreed to send a deputation to wait on the Ministers’ Association, asking that Ministers retrain from presiding at wedding breakfasts at which liquor was served. Two letters were received from Britain in which the writers expressed their gratitude tor parcels received. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT Napier, October-ineetii (. Decided t' hold a stall at the Hawke’s B*y Show for the distribution of literature, «.nd the furthering o propaganda for the coming jxill. Agreed to write to Princess Te l’uia, thanking her for her stand against the attempt to introduce liquor into the King Country. Mesdames 5-haw and Ryan elected delegates for District Convention. All were pleased to congratulate Mis. \ irtue on her election as Dominion President of the Methodist Women’s Missionary Union. WELLINGTON DISTRICT.

Lower Hult, October 24th. Mrs. Sj ence presided, Devotions, Mrs. Crawford Cradle Roll party arranged. Literature being distributed, i.s donated to iu:id> ot tht Lower Hutt Temperance League for their Fighting Tund. £1 to Alliance for Royal Commission expenses. Agreed to provide tea lor workers oil Election da>. Medals and certificates won by L.T.L. members m recent Temperance Examinations presented by Mrs. Spencer. Meeting closed with Benediction.

Wellington. Miss Brooks presided. Roll Call answered with text condemnatory of Strong Drink. Agreed to send Resolutions drawn up by the Otago District, to Annual District Convention, and o Church paiiers. Talk by Miss Kir!; on Child Endowment as it affects the Maoris. Collect! n for Maori Day. Benediction.

Brooklyn, October 29th. Mrs. Brewer ;r. sided, and Mrs. Greenwood led Le otic Annual meeting Temjieratice Tact read by Mrs. Dudley. Convention renort given from the Chair, and received with g eat interest, one of the main items being that he Junior lemperance Text Book, supplied free by the W.C.T.U., is to be placed in 2U schools. Mrs. Graham had visited Niue .sl itiO, and found that all the women are members o: the W.C.T.U. All officers' and Superintendents were re-elected unanimously. Satisfactory balance shown in Financial re|)oit. Flowers with expressions oi sympathy were sent to Mrs. Pearson, who had been ill for several weeks. Sigil prayer and Benediction. NELSON DISTRICT

Nelson, October Bth. tiood attendance, Mrs. Toomer presiding. Devotions followed by Prayer. Session. Three tew met ibers initiated. Invitation to Happiness Club Birthday accepted. Decided to send literature per Householder post, and to advertise in City Press and on SoAs it was Maori Day, Temperance Fact was

taken from Sister H. T. Wharemaru’s evidence before the Royal Commission. Special Collection. Dominion Secretary’s letter read and discussed. Mrs. F. Cooke thanked for Convention rej<ort. Doxology. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Springlands, 15th October. Maori Day observed. Fair attendance and three visitors: I he President read from .the Dominion Suj>crn.tendent’s re|>ort, also the special oil the subjt't Tom the W.R. Discussion. Letters of appreciation received for messages sent from last meeting, flail beautifully decorated for social hour following the meeting. Good business done at Sales table. Mrs. Evles played a piano solo, Mrs. Gascoigne and Mrs. Underhill presented an amusing l’lay reading and the lauer rendered two songs. Two coni|>etitions enjoyed, the winners being Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Gascoigne. The annual donations were passed for payment. Members reminded of 1 rippled children’s effort, and the Stall to be conducted at the Show. A very enjoyable afternoon was s|>eiit. The convener of the Flower Committee arranged for a lovely posy to be taken to an English bride recently arrived and married, and others to sick members. Blenheim, November sth. Annual meeting Devotions taken by Mrs. Adjutant Kearse. Interesting re|>orts and satisfactory balance sheet. Election of officers Resulted: President, Mrs. N. Forbes (re-elected); Vice-Presidents, Mesdames VV. G. Girling, S. Rodgerson, W. B. Wilson; Recording Secretary, Mrs. R. Watson; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. P. Stephens; Treasurer, Miss E. M. Tarrant, (re-elected); Evangelistic Superintendent, Mrs. A. T. Milgrew. Other Superintendents appointed. Most interesting talk by Miss O. Bennett, of Khandallah, on the “F'redric Wallis House” at Lower Hutt, founded by Mrs. Wallis in memory of her husband. Mrs. L. Bailey closed the meeting with prayer.

NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Christchurch, October 9th: Miss C. Henderson presided. Navy League Collection arranged. Extra £lO to be sent io N.Z. Alliance for Royal Commission expenses. Members to attend Church Parade at Spreydon Methodist Church. Mrs. B. James gave Convention report. October 23rd: Miss Henderson presiding. Vote of sympathy with relatives of the late Mrs. Cracroft-Wilson. Miss Macintosh gave report of Church Parade. Invitation to afternoon social at Shi. ley-Richmond; and to Garden Party of Linwood Union. In observance of Maori Day, our president gave a talk on Maori problems; esi*cially mentioning the King Country pact. Reefton, (October 28: Maori Day observed. The Rev. Mr. Trim, Alliance representative to the district, read the paper for Maori Day; also giving a talk on the Drink question aud the Maori. Thanks expressed. Collection for Maori Fund. Mr. Trim closed with prayer.

Papanui, October 16th: Mrs. Tillman presided and Mrs. Elliott led Devotions. Letterof sympathy to Mrs. Carr in her illness, and to Mr-. Frampton in the death of her husband. Invitations to parties at Linwood and ShirleyRichmond. Quarterly letter from Mrs. Tooniei much appreciated. Mental Hospital rejiort given by Mrs. Hawker. Mrs. Orchard gave good re|>ort of the Methodist Women’s Missionary Auxiliary Conference held in Auckland. New Brighton, October 3rd: Mrs. Flower presided over good attendance. Mrs. Dallaway led Devotions. Pledge reaffirmed. Splendid res|»onse to Alliance call for hel|iers to distribute literature over wide area. Retort on Mental Hospital visitation given. Help to be given in selling Health Stamps, letters of sympathy sent to sick members. Social “Bring and Buy” stall for “Caravan project.” Lyttelton-Heathcote, October 29th: Mrs. Iredennick, president, in the chair. Good attendance. II worth of literature given out for distribution. Some distributed at the “League of Mothers” meeting. Letter from Mrs. Toomer read. Miss Campbell from Opawa Union gave a comprehensive and enjoyable report on Convention. Mr*. Campbell was accompanied by Miss Connal, and both received a warm welcome.

North Brighton, September 17th: Mrs. Noonan presided. Mrs. Mcllwraith led Devotions. Franchise Day observed. A vote of sympathy passed with Mrs. Aston, a foundation member, in the death of her husband, and to the relatives of the late Mrs. E. A. Fell on, also a foundation member. Reiorts. Prayer meeting, four members attended. Mental Hos-

pital visiting, two members taking the usual gifts. District Executive nominations: President, Mrs. E. R. Clark; Vice-President, Mr*. Griffiths; Secretary, Mrs. J. Black; Titasurer, Mrs. Atkins.

North Brighton, October 15th: Mrs. Noonan presided, and Mrs. Mcllwraith led Devotions. Pledge and Temperance Fact. Fight members and one visitor present. Invitations received to Women’s Day Service, from New Brighton, and to Birthday parties at Opawa and ShirleyRichmond. Maori Day observed. Mrs. Noonan rejiorted that five Band of Hojie members sat for the Temperance Examinations. Several members agreed to distribute literature. Relents given on Monthly Prayer meeting. Mental Hospital visiting. Convention rejiorts given by Mesdames Noonan and Mcllwraith. Mrs. F. J. T. Grigg gave the address, on the Early History of the Movement in America aud England. Thanks given by President of a wonderful summary of the events which took place. Benediction.

Sydenham, 7th November: Owing to inclement weather, only small attendance of mothers and children at our Cradle Roll Social, over which Mrs. J. Filer presided. Pledge reaffirmed and Tcni]*erance Fact given. District Executive Rejiort was given by the Secretary. An invitation w" s received from Shirley-

Richmond Branch to attend their Birthday Social on 12th November. M« -dame- Filei and Rogers were aj»jM mted a committee to >urchase suitable pii/e- for winners in the forthcoming Temperance 1 1 say competition at a local school. Nominations for Dominion Officers were received. Recitations contributed by MisMatthews wete greatly enjoyed, and items were given by the children. It was reported that arrangements are in hand for a concert party to visit the Women's Reformatory at an early date.

Riccarton. October lotli: Good attendance. A further 12/2/- had handed in for the Pyramid effort. A social meeting wa- arranged to lx* held at the home of the President, as the Cradle Roll party was to follow this short bu-mess meeting. Appeals for help for the Navy League and Y.M.C.A. were received. Invitations to attend the Mothers’ Union Social evening and the Opawa Union special gathering. Letters of thanks sent out. A remit sent on from the N’.C.W. re wastage of barlev was read.

Spreydon, November 12th: Annual Meeting. Attendance fair. Secretary’s and Departmental rejx.rts excellent. All officer- re-elected except Treasurer, whose place is not yet tilled. District President, Mrs. Clarke, conducted election of officers, wishing them well for the coming year of work; also expressing the thank- of the Executive for the work of the Union. Two new members initiated.

New Brighton, November 7th: Mis. Edmond presided and led Devotions. Pledge re-affir *d. t aravau Fund donation now amounts to 12. (1 received from Mrs. Mitchell for Y.W.C.A. Campaign Fund. Collection of 10/- for Band oi Hope; and 4/- for Mental Hospital visitation Arrangements made for Shop Day to augmen. our Union fund->. Woolston, October 26th: Fair attendance. President’s home. Mr-. Spier led Devotions. 10/- donated for Maori Mission. October 17th: Attendance f>oor. Mrs. Ramsay presided and Mrs. Grigg -„as Gue-t sjeaker, Mrs. Tomlinioc leading Devotions. Mrs. Grigg's subject w«;s “Freedom.” “Bring and Buy” brought in a nice amount. Mrs. Carrington rejiorted on Baud of Hope examination entries, and certificates were presented to seven members. Benediction.

SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Waimate, October 9th: Excellent attendance. Mrs. Duckett, president, led Devotions. TernIterance Fact, Sirs. Johns. Mrs. Kippctiberger appointed Mental Hospital visitor. Convention report given by the delegate, Mrs. Ashton, who was heartily thanked. Mr. Dash gave a fine address, most instructive and encouraging, aud was accorded a ver- hearty vote of thanks. Meeting closed with pr*yer. Timaru, October Nth, Mis. Holdgate presiding. Mrs. Howe gave Convention refxjrt, Miss Stevenson on National Council, and Mrs. Dellow on N.Z. Alliance recently formed. The Rev. Mr. McDowell then spoke on the Drink question.

OTAGO DISTRICT South Dunedin, fourth Thursday: Mrs. Ri Ml . presided, Mrs. Smith leading Devotions. (»ow rejiorted on Convention held at p o l, Chalmers. Mrs. Donaldson rejiorted biiefl. fJt Bible-in-Schools activities. Mrs. gj..!’' stressed the importance of iJomuuon tion, naming each department, and with p meeting’s consent allotting variou- -urns > some of these. Letter of sympathy to be > ri . to Mr. George Dash on the passing of MDash.

Laikorai, October 29th. Mrs. l-'lett presM and read an article entitled “Mary’s Medr«. turns.” Roll Call answered by verse bcgimnn. with “A.” Mrs. Flett rejiorted result of Tem|ieratice Examinations. Members of our L.T.L heve received first and second places in the Junior and Intermediate Grades. The Nrre tary read the rejiort of the District Convention Oamaru, November 11th: Annual Meeti:.. Mrs. Winn presiding and leading Devotions! Visit to Old People’s Home arranged. Sjecu Prayer meeting to be held on behalf of the Election. Literature to be jiosted, and sent out through the local j>a|>er. Thanks from Matro of M aon Girls* Hostel and Seamen's Re-t « Timaru for donations of fl to each. Good record of work shown in re|»orts. Sjecul thanks to Mrs. Mcllwraith for her work in thr distribution of jull literature, aud in the sak • i Health Stamps. A Teinjierance advertisement has been iii the local pajier for three months. Thanks were exjiressed to all who had heljied in a very successful year's work. Olticers elected were: President, Mrs. Winn; Vice-Presidents. Mrs. Acutt artd Mis- Cowan; Secretary. Mrs. Mcllwraith; Treasurer, Mrv McWlurter. Sujeiintriidents were al-o a; jiointed for various dejiartments. Benediction. Port Chalmers, October 16th: At the 1: me oi Mrs. Bowman. 9 members jiresent. Uu-ines> mainly on iej*ort of Convention. Further literature given to members for distribution. Hostess thanked, benediction.

SOUTHLAND DISTRICT South Invercargill, October meeting attendance. Mrs. Richards, Evangelical >uperint elide lit, led Devotions. Two solos by Miss Dalrymjde much enjoyed. Adjutant Pakling sjKike on “We are dependent on one another Heartv vote of thanks accorded.

Winton, October 15th: Devotions. I’irdge Plans made for future meetings and functions Benediction.

Invercargill Central, N"veinbei 9th: Mi - \ Jamieson presided at the Annual meetingMrs. Cameron led Devotions. Officers elected for nex* year were: President, Miss Jamieson, Vice-Presidents, Mesoame- J. D. Caniei n and Watson; Secretary, Mrs. Brown; Su|»eriutesdents also being appointed.

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White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 11, 1 December 1946, Page 9

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 11, 1 December 1946, Page 9

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 11, 1 December 1946, Page 9

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