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Bulletin of Union News

DISTRICT EXECUTIVE MEETINGS Auckland, Monday. August sth: Held in the Temperance Room, Queen Street. The District President. Mrs. F. W. Mountjoy, was in the chair, ami the Devotions were led by Mrs. V. A. Read. It was decided to hold a Jumble Sale during August, and a Garden Party later on, to raise funds for the forthcoming Poll; and also for th- Dominion Convention which is to Inheld in Auckland next year. Mrs. Mountjoy gave the re|»ort of the Bible in Schools Ladies’ Committee afternoon when the speaker was Mrs. Jenkins, and her talk was on the Bible in English Schools. Mrs. Long gave the reixjrt of the monthly meeting of the National Council of Women, and quite a number of Remits were dealt with as submitted bv the Council. Mrs. Lour also Rave the report of the work of the Maori Hostel, which was very satisfactory, twenty-six girls being in residence there at present. Final arrangements were made for holding the Annual District Convention during September. The meeting passed a vote of sympathy with the relatives of the late Miss Ellen Melville, who had been a member of the Auckland City Council for thirty-three years. Taranaki. August 7th: Early in the morning six ladies were up with the ’ark to travel from New Plymouth to Eltham, whete a nice fire and morning tea awaited them at the Salvation Army Hall. Five Unions were represented. Reading given by Mias Appleby. Prayer by Miss Arthur. Aixdogies received from Mesdames Oliver and Simpson, Thayer and Brown.

Miss Appleby spoke on the supreme need of our work, stressing tne urgency of work among young people. Mention was made of the Camp to be held in January. Mrs. M. Wood was elected delegate to the N.Z. Alliance Conference. Arrangements made for the next District Executive meeting to be held in New- Plymouth on October 30th. Discussion on literature for Poll distribution. Decided to visit two members transferred to New Plymouth and invite to next meeting.

A “Thirty-yeai Long Service” badge was presented to Mrs. Wells, who has been a member for forty-eight years. Some helpful thoughts on the work were given by Mrs. Hanna. Noontide circle of prayer and Benediction brought a happy meeting to a close. The home-coming of the New Plymouth delegates was not so nice. One caught the bus, and the other four were left behind for three hours. . The Rest Room proved a blessing. however, (or by a nice fire conversation held unrestrained sway.

Wellington District: The June Executive meeting held at Weslev Church, Taranaki St., Wellington, Central Union being hostesses. Devotions led by Mrs. Reed, District Secretary, who also reported on fine talk given to mothers and children of Belmont L.T.L. by Mr. Lopdell, of Hutt. A circular sent to women's organisations and Church papers also read. Votes of sympathy to members in bereavement were sustained. District officers reported visits to Upper Hutt and Wellington Central Unions, and to Methodist Guild and Presbyterian Women’s Association at Island Bay, and also that they had two invitations for further talks. Miss Appleby’s report of her work in. the district was received, and a vote of thanks was passed to Mrs. Reed for orgat Ling Miss Appleby’s itinerary. Two donations received to film fund, two towards Scientific Temperance booklet for school teachers, also one donation to District Funds. A resolution from N.C.W. re case of cruelty to child was endorsed and supj>orted. Unions rejiorted on plans for literature distribution and film advertising in coming months, and decision made to supply literature in new housing areas. A request to be made to Education Board for supfort of Temi'erancr teaching in schools. The Treasurer’s statement showed a healthy credit balance. The President reported on arrangements made by Dominion officers regarding Poll work; on the Fund for a Caravan; the n ledge signing campaign and Temj>erance instruction. Proposed that at next Executive meeting the roll be re-

sponded to with a text of Sctipture condemnatory of strong drink. A resolution that smoking be not allowed in those places in which the public buy or consume food was carried, the same to be sent to the Minister of Health. Also a letter of appreciation to the Minister of Railways of the efforts to have the regulations re smoking and liquor on trains carried out, and wishing 100 per cent, success. The Rev. W. Hurley then addressed an open meeting to which members of other women’s organisations had been invited. He gave reasons why women should stand strongly against anything that was bad in a community, and urg'd all women to study the tacts and make themselves informed on the |msiti<»u in America, medical opinion, etc., and to remember that there was certainly only one final i-siie. victory, as this is a moral and spiritual i->ue; and a' we engender enthusi; sni for moral and spiritual reform so we gain a vision of a new earth from (iod. Miss Kirk thanked the speaker and the session closed with the Benediction.

UNION REPORTS NORTHLAND DISTRICT Warkworth, July oth: President, Mrs. Green, in the chair, also taking Devotions. Suggestion that "Beacon" be distributed at local High School. Temi>erance fact and pledge affirmed. Plans made for coming District Conventioi. Mrs. Moorhead. W.C.T.U. representative on Community Centre Committee, retwrted on work of interest to W.C.T.U. being done bv Centre. Benediction.

AUCKLAND DISTRICT Auckland, August I.lth: Maori Day observed, meeting being held at the Maori Girls’ Hostel. Mrs. Ixmg presided. Each member brought a gift for the Hostel. Reports •of District Executive and N.C.W. were read, and an interesting discussion followed. Grants made for Dominion Convention Fund, Licensing Poll Fund, and for the “White Ribbon” Fund. Donation sent ‘o Henderson Union to assist with prizes for Temperance Essays in connection with the public school. Mrs. I>oiig provided very nice afternoon tea. Otahuhu, Juy 18th: Mrs. Ward. VicePresident. presided over a good attendance of members in spite of a verv cold, w-rt afternoon. A student from the N.Z. Bible Training Institute gave a most interesting and informative talk on the work and studies carried out during the two years’ course, all of which was listened to with great interest.

Kohi-St. Heliers, July 18th: Very good attendance, Mrs. F.ady’s home being the meeting place. Mrs. Fair read from Romans 12, advising members to be watchful and prayerful for the coming ehotion. Temperance fact. Sister Grace addressed the meeting on the use of unfermented wine at the Passover and all Jewish feasts. Day observed; past members being lovingly remembered. Votes of thanks to Sister Grace and Mrs. Lewis F.ady.

Rmnuera, July 22nd: Mrs. H. Kasper presided. Devotions led by Mrs. G. Robinson. Tumble Sale arrangements made. Memorial Dav observed in remembrance of members who had passed on to their reward. Benediction. Titirangi, July 23rd: Meeting well attended. Held at the home of Mrs. McFarlane. Reference was made to the passing of our beloved Devotional Superintendent. Mrs. Clark, members standing as a mark of respect to her memory. The President. M ss C. M. MrLay, told us something of the great work being carried out by the N.Z. Al'iance in the endeavour to secure votes for prohibition at the forthcoming election. Tea and Benediction. Onehunga, July 11th: Earnest instructive ad dress by Mr. Pace, Alliance onraimrr for the Auckland and North Auckland districts, on “Prohibition in America—Failure or Success?” Proof of the success of the pe iod was given from many sources. fiilv 25th: "Special.” Mount Eden, August fith: Miss A. M. McLay presided. Report of District Executive given by President. Appeal made for clothing for Jumble Sale on August 23rd. President refiorted an arrangement for Distric* Convention to be held 22nd-25th September. Messrs. F. C. Pace and A. T. Dow were present, and Mr. Pace gave an interesting and instructive address. Mr. Dow also spoke briefly. Treasurer instructed to pay District capitation fees.

Ponaonby, July 18th: Wet dav and -nu! attendance. Mrs. Joiner |>residei]. Devotion led by Mrs. Christopher. Temperance fact Miss Ruticiman. Address given by Sister Jessie on work among the Maori- in the city, esjiecially among young rieople. A smal! Hostel for Maori lads is to be o|>cned shortly Pledge, tea and Benediction.

Epsom-Green Lane, August 15th: Small at tendance. Mrs. Kccersall presided. Devotions IYni|>e ance fact and Pfi dge. President read "How we won the Franchise.” A -hurt period of social fellowship follow 'd and a \erv plea--ant meeting was closed with prayer. Warkworth, August Bth: Fair attendance. Mrs. Baker presiding. Devotions. Addreu eiveil by Mr. Marshall. Minister of the Church of Christ, and also an interesting talk on the work of the British and Foreign Bible Society by Miss Berg. Collectors arranged. Speaker thanked. Temperance fact. Alliance literature for distribution, and two delegates chosen lor l)i-trict Convention. Tea hostesses, Mesdamtt Chessum ami Sanderson.

SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT Te Awamutu. July 18th: Mrs. Alexander presided. Devotions. Temj>erance fact. Weicomes. Very helpful devotions taken by Mr*. Garlick from John 15. President gave a very informative reading, also referring to the coming Convention to be held in Te Awamutu in September. * Bring and Buy.” Benediction. Hamilton, August Ist: Good attendance of members atid visitors. Mrs. Gatmen presided. One new member initiated. Delegates ami Convention business discussed ami to be finalised next meeting. Mr. Finlay, J.P., ami City Missioner. gave an illuminating address on the soul-destroying evils due to alcohol, and related many poignant cases in his own ex(•enence a- C.M. Read Isaiah 5, emphasising the six “Woes,” and left urgent message to all mothers to work and pray for upholding all spiritual and moral values, as only by this protective armour could Home and Family be safeguarded against these |>erils. Pledge reaffirmed. Tenqierance fact given, and Benediction ebsed the meeting. Taumarunui, August Ist: Mrs. Coulsou presided. Devotions. Donation to District F'unds. Literature work discussed. Next meeting to be a "Gift for Literature” day. Report of May meeting of Dominion officers and Mrs. Hiett’s “Impressions of Invercargill” read. Memorial Day observed. Benediction. Tea hostess, Mrs. McDonald.

Tauranga, August 6th: Opening devotions. Mrs. Bulme*-. Correspondence included letter of thanks irom Mr. Tate for periodicals sent for Maori work. Wry interesting address by Miss Daphne Maunder, a missionary from India, now on furlough, telling of drink problems in her district. Reports on Women’s Representative Committee, Pan-Pacific Group and sub-committee for dealing with literature received. Good “Bring and Buy.” Very good attendance.

TARANAKI DISTRICT New Plymouth, July .list: Mrs. Brown ire sided over a good attendance, Mrs. Tuffrey leading Devotions. Temperance fact. Miss Appleby reported good work around the district, and urged W.C.T.U. members to put every effort into gaining success in our cause. Miss Drew asked for the support of everyone at the annual Seamen’s Rest Mart. Mrs. Ingram entertained with solos. Tea and Benediction. Eltham: A busy monh. The Rev. Mr. Miller, of New Plymouth, gave a talk to the young people advising them never to take the first drink, as that was the downfall of the drunkard. Executive meeting was held in Eltham, when Miss Appleby s|ioke on educating youth, telling es|**cially of a Summer School to be held in January. Mrs. Hurrrll. District President, presented Mrs. Wells with a Long Service Badge. Sht has been a member for thirty-eight ytars. Hawera, July 30th: Memorial Day observed by President speaking of son e of the W.C.T.U pioneers. Several Tenqierance facts given. Flowers sent to sick member. Annual "Brunt and Buy” for Seamen's Rest held, and arrangements made for the Temperance Exams. Tea hostesses, Mesdames Page and Burton. Prayer and Benediction.

WANGANUI DISTRICT Aramoho: Although small, our meetings have been helpful in that we have discussed the many problems, in an informal way, regarding our aim to fight against the evil of alcohol

, fr Wellard’s readings of tone of Rita Snowden's writings have been inspiring. All ' prepared to distribute literature during the cooling months. MANAWATU DISTRICT Levin: Mrs. Kennerley, President, took the chair and led Devotions. A number of visitors welcomed to the meeting. Pledge re-affirmed. \ paj*er dealing with Facts in the "Van cuard,” prepared by Mrs. Storey, was read and proved most interesting. It was decided that members bring a tin of food to the next meeting for inclusion m parcels to be sent to W.C.T.U. members in F.ngUnd. Memorial Day .Served by the paying of tributes to those have done -o much in the cause of Temicrance. and who have answered the call to Higher Service. Mrs. Kennerley read the hvinn for Memorial Day. A competition, tumbled names of past workers in the Temtxrrance cause, was won by Mrs. Andricksen. Tea ho«tesses, Mesdames Henskie and Pose Prayer and Benediction. Levin. August 9th: Small attendance. Mrs. Kennerley presided. Captain Williams led devotions. Pledge and Teni|>erance fact. One new member. Literature to be purchased for distribution. Major Ward gave an inspiring address on "The Gift of Grace.” Thanks expressed and posy presented. Ke|>ort on District Executive given by President. Tinned foods for parcels for Britain brought by mem („-v. \ Franchise Day competition won by Mrs. Rae and Capt. Williamson. Tea hos tcsses, Mesdames Burr’- .n and Moxham.

Feilding: Mrs. S|*ence presided, and Mrs. Kendall led devotions. Tinned foods for British j>a reels to be brought next month. "Bring and Buy" for "White Ribbon” funds reali-rd £l/1/6. 13/8/- sent to "G. and 0." fund. Literature to be procured. letters of appreciation t«* he sent to Salvation Army and Presbyterian Church in Inveicargill on the stand taken in regard to receiving money derived from the Liquor Trust. Prayer by Mrs. Stewart.

WELLINGTON DISTRICT Lower Hutt, July 24th: Mrs. Spenser piesided and Mrs. Swift led the Devotions. Atirndance -mall owing to sickness among the members. The District Executive report was read and also a piece from the "Evening Post." Each member present gave an item, thi- brmg "Members’ Afternoon." The r.errl for T-mjierance education among young children was discussed. Being "Coin’’ afternoon in aid of Seamen’s Rests, the sum of 14/was donated, also some scarves and bags. Tea hostess was Mrs. Clark. Though a small meeting, all present enjoyed it. Closed with prayer and Benediction.

Wellington Central: "Pioneer” day. Devotion-. Mrs. Andrew reported an improvement in Mrs. I Ring's health. Hospital visiting arranged. Literature to lie supplied to the Oin-tian Allianc * of Women and Girls. A donation of £1 received for leaflets. Aro Street Methodist Guild will distribute 1 terature in thnr di-trict, and the members if the Bible Ga-- will also assist in this work. The speaker was Mrs. Kerr daughter of our pioneer worker, Mrs. Brown, who arrived here from N.S.W. and settled in Invercargill in the year 1880, being one of the * arlv members. Mrs. Kerr was thanked for h.-r address, and preen ted with a posy. Birthday sprays were presented. Solo by Mi-s Tulloch. Tea hostesses were Mrs. Hoult ant 1 , helfiers. Benediction.

Brooklyn. July 30th: A very pleasant afternoon sjieut at the home oi one of the member.-. Mrs. Cracknell pres’ding. Mrs. Greenwood gave an inspiring taik on John 15 and 5. Utters to lie sent to Mesdames Raine and Long, who have been oil the sick list. Hospital visiting arranged. Mrs. Gordon, who was delegate to the District Convention held in Wesley Hall, gave a full and appreciative account of the day’s meetings. An interesting '••attire of the afternoon wa- the set of twelve "Questions and Answers” arranged by Mrs. Brewer. They were short and concise, and at the same time helpful and educational. Donations were received for the projector and also for literature. Arrangements were made for its distribution. Flowers were presented to President and hostess. Meeting closed with bigil Prayer and Benediction.

NELSON DISTRICT NJson, July 9th: Mrs. Toomer presided over a good attendance. Devotions led by Miss Cook, who read Memorial P*syer for those who have passed to Higher Service. Mrs. Toomer reported on hospitality extended to men of H.M.N.Z.S. Achilles, when free refreshments were available in the National Party’s Club Room for two days, and asked for volunteers for similar service for the men of H.M.S. Whitesand Bay. Decided to take a turn with other women’s organisations in visiting the Mental Hospital. Attention was calltd to an article in "The Motor World” in which I)r. Noble Adams stated at a meeting of the Marlborough Automobile Association that after-hour trading was resjionsible for 70 jier cen: of the fatal road accidents m New Z.aland, and that there should be a tightening ui> by the authorities. A most interesting 'ail: was given by Mrs. Blair on Dr. Barnardo’s Homes and other social service in and around London. Mrs. Blair was thanked and presented with flowers. It was decided to use the Householder post for distribution of literature, members pledging themselves to make regular contributions towards the cost. Benediction.

MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT Springlands, 15th July: Meeting at the home of the President, Mrs. V. Underhill. Good attendance. Mrs. F.. la*slie conducted opening devotions, reading from the General Epistle of Janies, chapter 2. Fay Inchfawn’s “All Behind" was also read. Sympathetic reference to the death "of an old Sprir.gland.s resident and pioneer of Blenheim W.C.T.U., Mrs. Edith Jackson. Also sympathy extended to two members who had ex|K*nenced bereavements in their families. Mrs. Eyles and Mrs. Leslie sent ine--ages of appreciation for letters received. Very helpful resjionses given to the roll call. Parcel of literature received from Headquarters and distributed. It being Memorial Day, the very appropriate hymn from "W.R.” was read by the President, who also read "A I>mg View,” by Miss C. Hendersou, M.A., J.P., which was of great interest and of inspiration to all present. The members were very appreciative of the activities of tne Unions in the far-off days. Another interesting contribution to the meeting was a reading from a Vancouver pa|>er on the efforts of a Mrs. G. M. Fanning, of the Mary Forbes W.C.T.U.. who has been President of her Union for 21 years. At the close of the meeting a happy time wa- «pent over a cup of tea before a lovely fire.

Blenheim, August 6th: Mrs. N. Forbes presided. welcoming an old member, Mrs. Gosliti, and two ladies from Tua Marina. letters of sympathy to Ik- sent to Mrs. McFadden in hospital, and Mrs. Reuben Wat-011 in bereavement of her husband. Corres|K>tidencr received from Mi-- U. F. Kirk and Mr. H. W. Milner, N.Z. Alliance. Address by Rev. J. F. Martin. Benediction.

NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Spreydon, July 9th: Good attendance. Devotions, Mrs. Horwood, Vice-President. Donation to District Executive funds. Resignation of Treasurer, Mrs. Foster, accepted with regret. Address given by Mrs. Douglas, both helpful and inspiring. One new member. One new member in February.

Papanui, July 17th: Mrs. Tillman presided o%er a good attendance. Pledge reaffirmed. Roll call, a text of Scripture. Temjierance fact, Mrs. Hampton. Devotions. Mrs. Malcolm. M'-ntal Hospital re|»ort, Mrs. Hawker. It was agreed to supply a concert at the Reformatory in September. "Bring and Buy” arranged for next meeting, all members being asked to bring a friend. A Question Box was well rescinded to.

Riccarton, July 11th: Meeting ojwned with devotions hy Mrs. Harris. Routine business. Agreed to buy a pair of new shoes for a Mental hospital case, and Mis. Wain promised to correspond with mental patients to cheer them up. Letter of sympathy and one of deep regret at the resignation of our Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. F. Smith. Mesdames Gainsford and Donaldson were appointed to fill this office. A survey of our year’s work was given, and some alterations in schedule were

made. A long discussion took place on Alliance activities, and how to further our cause, and the G.urch’s attitude to the Temperance cause. Literature for distribution given out. Roll to be purged. It a hostesses, Mesdames Gainsford and Robson. Closing hymn and prayer.

Oxford, July 17th: Meeting conducted by means of "Sealed Orders.” r.ach member present was given a sealed envelope containing her appointment to some task for the afternoon. Mrs. Mark-ham was installed in the chair, the President served the "austerity” afternoon lea. and all found themselves doing unusual duties. A sacred solo was sung byMrs. R. White. Literature to b« obtained and distributed in connection with Poll. A most interesting talk was given on the Maori |«ople. their resjxinsibilities and their problems, and their need of our sympathetic understanding. Christchurch, July 10th: Miss C. Henderson presided. Reports given of assistance at British Sailors’ Street Collection, and of N.Z. Alliance meeting. Rev. H. Gilbert s|»eaker. Bags of clothing -ent to Maori Gulf.’ Hostel and to Chri.-tchurch Lady Galway Guild. Thirty gifts of tinned food sent, some to London 8.W.T.A., and some to Christchurch Red Cross. To celebrate Memorial Day, our I'resideut read from Hebrews, chapter 11, Roll of Honour, and sjmke on pioneers of our movement.

July 24th: Miss C. Henderson presided. Very great regret at the passing of our beloved Mrs. S. Adkins, for many years our Treasurer, and later our Secretary. We honour her for loyalty and great enthusiasm for our cause. Members signed jietition to Parliament re establishment of small hospitals for patients suffering from nervous breakdown. Members rejiorted distributing of literature.

Sydenham. Ist August: Mrs. J. Filer, Pre-i----dent, was in the chair, and conducted the devotions in the absence of the Devotional Supt. (Mrs. Davies). Twelve members present and one visitor. The usual routine business was conducted. The Secretary was instructed to interview the Headmastei of the local School where, in previous years, it has been the custom to conduct Teni|>eraiice Essay Examinations, to make arrangements for same at the end of the year. Rev. D. I). MacLachlan gave the address, which dealt with the outstanding social problems of our day. The meeting was brought to a close by prayer led by Mrs. Cookson. One new member was initiated.

Linwcad, Tuesday afternoon: Mrs. C. R. N. Mackie in the chair. Very good attendance. Usual bii-mess, sujierintendents giving good leports of work done during the month. The Ktiest sjieak r for the afternoon was Mrs. L. C. Horwood, who gave an account of the life of the late Mr. T. E. Taylor. After briefly outlining his early life, Mrs. Horwood spoke of his work as a Tenqierance reformer, and socially of the spiritual ideals which formed t’.ie basis of his work. His experience as a lad in his teens working among families degraded by strong drink had inspired him in his fight with the forc-s of the liquor traffic. The shaker urged all members to have the same ideals in view in their work. Many questions were asked which i»roved the intense interest of all present. One new member. Benediction.

Riccarton, August Bth: 23 members present. Flowers and letters sent to sick members. Mental hospital report showed good work among patients. Long Service Brdges presented to Mesdames McLean, E. Buckley, L. Donaldson. M. Gundy, E. Daly, Ode”, and Miss Rus-ell, Mrs. Price pinning them on. Mrs. Ulark to be nominated »s District President. District Convention delegates, Mesdames Gundy and Harris. Six extra "White Ribbons" to be used in various public places; members paying for these. Interesting address given bv Mrs. C. St. John oil "Social C’reuil and Monopolies." Hymn and prayer. Reefton, July 9th: Mrs. Thomson presiding. Memorial Day observed, hymn being read by members. Literature dealt with. Prayers offered in closing.

New Brighton. August Ist: Mrs. Flower presided. Good attendance. Devotions led byMrs. Edmond, who also gave Temperance fact. Votes of sympathy taken standing in silence with two bereaved members. Mental Hospital

visitiof report taken. Mrs. GondDtid kpoke on the many instances of “Tares among Wheat.” Thanks expressed. Benediction. WooUton, June 20th: Mrs Ramsay, President, in the chatr, nine members present. Devotions led by Mrs. Tomlinson. Literature handed out lor distribution.

July 18th: Meeting held at the home of the President, Mrs. Kaimay, the drawing room being decorated with spring flowers; 13 present. Devotions, led by Mrs. Tomlinson. Address by Mrs. Mack on “No-liceuse.” Mrs. Carrington reported on Land of Hoj*. Tea and National Anthem. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Temuka, July 31st: Memoiia) Day observed. A paper was read on the life of the late Mrs. T. E. Taylor by the President. Devotions were led by Mrs. Prattley, of Timaru. Roll call, the word "Receive." Benediction. Timaru, July 30th: Miss Fyfe presided. Being Memorial Day, members stood as a token of remembrance to those W'.C.T.l’. members of all nations who had passed on to Higher Service. Special mention w’as made of Agnes Slack-Saunders, for nearly forty vears World Secretary. Mrs. Wilkes offered a short prayer. It was decided to nire some of the Tem|>erance films and show them to the young jieople. Mi*s Fyfe mentioned the aroused interest in Tempeiance in the North Island, and a resolution was passed endorsing a remit sent from Matuwatu to the N.CAV, re the observance of the forty-hour week bv hotel keejers.

OTAGO DISTRICT South Dunedin: There was a large attendance of members and friends. Mrs. Ripptn presided, and alter a bnef service the Annual Sale was conducted, and a swift clearance made. Social afternoon followed. Excellent I’rograinme of mu ical and elocutionary items ollowed given by Mcsdames Chetwyn, Lythgoe. Clark. McKay, Dickinson, Dies and Bissland. The Rev. t. Chambers gave a fine address, following the history of our organisaion since the seventies of last centur) —how the franchise gave women further opportunities for extending a beneficent work, and also how gifted women like Frances Willard had laboured to make the wotk world-wide. Speaker and entertainers warmly thanked. Business discussion left till next meeting.

North East Valley, July 25th: Address by Mrs. Hiett. who also presided. The meeting rassed a resolution to be sent to the Prime Minister protesting against the waste of gram and sugar in the manufacture of beer, and urging that all available fond be conserved for the starving peoples of Europe. Kaikorai, July 3oth: Mrs. Flett presided. Devotions led by Mrs. Orr. who gave a little talk on the "(oft >f the Holy Spirit.” Roll call answered by Scripture verses beginning with "E." I>ecided to hold a period of prayer at each meeting in view of the coming Poll. The Rev. J. B. Chambers gave a short address on "Encouragement.'' The President thanked the s|»eaker. Mr. Chambers pronounced the Benediction.

Dunedin Central, July 30th. Good attendance. Sister Elinor presided. Mrs. Hiett rej>orted on posters chosen for distribution. Mrs. John Henderson gave an address on "Prayer," ending with "Mofe things are wrought by praye r than this world dreams of "

Port Chalmers, July 17: Meeting held at borne of Mrs. Watson Very good attendance of members. Mrs. Watson. \ ice-President, in the chair. Mrs. Taylor. President, led in Devotions, after which discussion took place on samples of literature received from Headquarters, A very encouraging and much appreciated gesture was made by several members present, who volunteered donations .owards a fund to purchase literature. We aim to send out at least one pamphlet per month to each household in our district up till Poll month. Mrs. Watson gave a brief report on an after-Church Rally held on July 14th at which Mr. G. Gapper was the speaker. Favourable report given re Temperance teaching in Schools—Headmaster willing to cooperate. Meeting closed with Benediction. Afternoon tea.

Oamaru. AugJSt 10th: Small attendance presided over by Miss Cowan, in the absence of Mrs. Winn. Devotions, Miss Toser. Roll call eveated about 100 members in the branch. Rep..i« for District Convention considered. Appreciative refeiencc made to the Rev. Mr.

Gilbert’s meeting. Magazine article* on spring flower* and Bishop Bergraar read. Lawrence, August Ist: Small attendance owing to sickness. President in the chair. Mrs. Toomer’s letter read and discussed, also one from Mr. Capper, Alliance organiser. Letter to sick member and one from member removed. Mi»* Ferguson read a pa|*-r on "Ye are not your own," and Mrs. McNeilly one on "The light withdrawn and replaced by darkness." Benediction.

EDITOR’S NOTE: A change in the method of publishing reports will be inaugurated in out ne-rt number. Space consideration* hare made this necessary. Please send in your rel«rt as early a* possible.

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White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 8, 1 September 1946, Page 8

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 8, 1 September 1946, Page 8

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 8, 1 September 1946, Page 8

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