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Northland District. Dargaville, June 11: Small meeting with many apologies. Mrs. Smith took the chair in the absence of Mrs. Green through bereavement in the family. Devotions. Pledge reaffirmed. Temjierance Fact by Mrs. S. Phi 1 - lit>s. Mrs. Moorhead reminded us that June IS was “White Ribbon” Day and read “Official Organ” from “W.R.” Collection taken for "W.R.” funds. Rejwrt of District F.xecutive held over till next month. Decided to purchase literature for distribution. Henediction.

Maungaturoto, June 19: Fair attendance to hear our District President, who gave us a very interesting talk on the Convention. We ill felt cheered by her presence and interest in us. A presentation was made to Mrs. J. A. Cullen, our retiring Secretary, who, we regret to say, is leaving the district. We also regret to record the passing of Miss Mabel Cullen, one of our most regular and faithful members. One minute’s silence was observed in resjiect to her memory. She will live long in our hearts. “To live in hearts of those we love is not to die.”

Auckland District. Kohi-St. Heliers, June 20: Meeting held at the home of Mrs. Good attendance. Mrs. Farr, evangelist, read from Psalm 121, and an article from the “Outlook” by her son, an ex-Padre, on Jerusalem. Pledge and Tcml>erance Fact. “White Ribbon” Day observed by prayer by president. Dr. Craig gave a very fine address on Temperance, urging that the Press should be used for ''ighteousnesi and that the churches should take part again-t drinking and the many handicaps in New Zealand and Australia. She also stressed the iniixirtance of geiting new members, es|>ecial!y among young people. Dr. Craig, who has a very bvautiful voice, sang two solos. Votes of thanks to her were passed, and to Mrs. Lediard. Next meeting tc be at the home of Mrs. Lewis Eady.

OtaLidiu, June 20: Owing to the Home Call of our President, Mrs. W. Taylor, the Rev. Mr. Waite presided. When opening devotions and business had been dealt with, Mr. Waite spoke on the work and real of our late president for Tem|>erance, and ask d '.hat a memorial to her should be erected, not hi stone, but by members putting more into the temj»eraiioe cause and bringing young people into the work to make the burden lighter for those who have worked so long. Mrs. Beaumont was elected to fill the vacancy till the annual meeting. Waikworth, June 15: Mrs. Baker, president, in the chair and nine members present. Meeting opened with the National Anthem followed by "All Round the World.” Reading by

Evangelical Sui>erintendctit from Matthew k Temjierance Fact given by Mrs. Hope. As it was “White Ribbon” Day several members read extracts from “W.R.” Letter received from District Executive asking Unions to contribute towards Convention exjensts. Interesting letter from Mrs. Toomer. Mrs. Rowe was congratulated on being instrumental m gaining us the banner for the largest number of subscribers to the “W.R.” Benediction. Warkworth, July 11: Mrs. Baker, president in the chair. Ten members present. Memorial Day service followed. Short talk by Evangeh. cal Sujierintendent, Mrs. Nelson. Memorial ad dress read by Mrs. Hamilton. “Bring and Buy” and collection, amounting to 12/ 15/.. Proceeds to help District Funds at coming IV,. minion Convention. Two letters read from Dis. trict Executive. Tea Hostesses, Mrs. Chess, won and Miss Marton. Benediction.

Remuera, June 24: Mrs. Kasper presided. Mrs. I.aird led devotions. Pledge recited and Temperance Fact given. Mrs. Laird appointed "White Ribbon” agent until the annual meeting. Sister Grace gave a very inspirational talk on "The Wines of the Bible," and was thanked.

Takapuna, June: Meeting fairly well attended. Mrs. Morgan-Rirhards in the chair. Devotions, Miss Cullen; pledge repeated; hvnms, Bible reading. Very concise account of Dominion Convention giver by Mrs. Ixmg who was warmlv welcomed and applauded for her account. She invited members to visit the Maori Girls’ Hostel on the 12th inst., when we >-|*ent a very happy time. We were shown over the building and entertained with songs by three of the girls, who seem to be thoroughly contented and well looked after in a homely atmosphere by Mrs. Long. Dominion Convention to be held in Auckland was well discussed. Meeting closed with a short Bible Reading and prayer, Mrs. I,ong being heartily thanked for her hospitality and an excellent afternoon tea.

Takapuna. July meeting: Attendance small, hut very enthusiastic. .Mrs. Morgan-Richard* presided and also leading Devotions in the absence through illness of the Evangelical Superintendent. Stormy weather accounted for absence of many older members. A cosy room, with a piano, has been allowed by the Methodist Church for our meetings during the winter months, which is much ajijireciated. President reported on the last Executive meeting. Pledge rejieatrd, tea, and Benediction. Epsom-Green Lane, June 20: Mrs. Neal, vicepresident, in the chair. IVvotions led by Mrs. Pederson, who took Ist Kings, 2nd chapter, for our study. Attendance smaller than usual because of some attending the “World’s Day of Prayer.” Mr. Pedersen gave an inspiring address on the chapter read, Elijah’s rebuke to Ahab for having forgotten the Altar of the Ixird. This was a challenge to us all. Benediction.

Onebunga, June 13th: “White Ribbon” Day arranged by Mrs. Ashby ("W.R.” Superintendent), who had sent out many invitations to attend. Musical items, and much interesting business, —the matter of raising extra money to meet expenses of coming poll and Convention next March being decided as straightout giving; this being felt to be preferable to other means. Mrs. Ftacev being obliged for health reasons to resign the |iosition of Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Perrett was apjximted. Beautiful solos were sung by Mrs. Craig before her address, which she began by reciting a poem composed bv herself, written on al! the letters in "WHITE RIBBON”: and advised every member, not only to buy and read our paper, but send it around the district so that real facts might become known. June 27th: Home meeting at the home of Mrs. Breese. Very interesting gathering, musical items, etc. Mrs. Mountjoy read a naier of Mrs. Squires, of Illinois, regarding Prohibition Repeal and the enduing conditions, showing that public sentiments are much r rr satisfactory than is sometimes supposed. One new member, who was the daughter of Dr. Craig, was elected.

Mount Eden. July 2: "Pav-up’’ Social. G >d attendance. Rev. A. F.veril Orr gave a very interesting and instructive address on various aspects of the Liquor Problem. He also sang two solos; and these were verv much appreciated. together with the musical item contributed by Dr. Teannie Craig. Mrs. Rennie was pianist. Many subscriptions were as a the result of a sjiecial apixal for direct giving; the collection and donations received enabled us to send (5 to District Funds as a

contribution towards work for the Poll, and Dominion Convention Expenses, lwo new members joined. „ „ ~ t . Ponsonbv, June 20: President Mis. Joiner : the chair; 12 member* present; members welcomed and routine business dene. Devotions were taken by Mrs. Read, wbc. spoke on iehance on the strength of Christ in .ill our work. Letters to be sent to sick members, Lempernice ' act given by Miss Runciman. Mrs. Read eaie a very interesting and comprehensive rej,>rt on the Convention held in Christchurch, for which she was heartily thanked. Pledge; benediction. Auckland, July 9th: Mrs. Long presided. Deep sjmpathy expressed to Mrs. Long in her illness, and regret that through ill-health she had been Cf nijielled to resign from the District Presidency. Temjwrance Fact given, and retorts of District Executive meeting, and National Council of Women. Miss Weitrel, an English lady awaiting a passage to Britain, was warmly welcomed to the meeting. She gave a most interesting and encouraging talk on her own exj>ericnce in Temperance work in England: Her message was: “Don’t bt discouraged; keep on keeping on.” She also sj»oke of the bravery of the English jeople, and how they appreciated parcels of luod sent from N.Z. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Miss Weigel. Benediction. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT.

Tauranga: Social afternoon held at the home of the president on June 26th. Owing to torrential rain attendance was small. Bring-and-Buy had good result. Donations gratefully received. Conqietitions and readings, with chatting over plans of work, followed by afternoon lea, made a pleasant hour. July 2: M rs. Christian presiding, good attendance. Devotions led by Mrs. A. A. Bensley, who sjKjke on the need for seeking guidance bciorc making plans, and the knowldege of Cod’s guidance as the inspiring Power. A session for prayer followed, in which several took part. Hand of Hoj>e, Financial, and other re|>orts read and received. Letters to be sent to sick members and visits arranged; £4 received through Social Afternoon. President read an outline of the work and life of Miss Powell, who recently passed away, in observance of Memorial Day; £1 allocated to “White Ribbon” funds. Several members undertook to distribute literature. F.xecutive to meet to arrange other methods of working for the poll. Mrs. Toomer’s letter read and enjoyed. "Bring-and-Buy” well supported. Benediction.

Thames, July 3rd: Meeting held in Methodist Hall. Very wet weather and small attendance. Dominion Secretary's May letter discussed. Donation voted to District Funds. Literature fjr distribution to be sent for. Remit: "This meeting suggests that the j>oem printed in the March-April issue of the ‘Vanguard l*c printed in pamphlet form for distribution”; to be sent to Headquarters. Several members read " I eni|>eratice Facts.” Hamilton: July Meeting oldened with hymn and reading by the president Mrs. Gatmaii, from Revelations, 2nd Chapter. Prayer followed. led by Mrs. Stephenson Craig. Opening of *:‘Y” branch at the Maori Centre confirmed. Mrs. Moore gave re|»ort from National Council of Women on several mqiortant items. lentative plans await the arrival of the him, "It’s the Brain that Counts.” Outstanding lemperance Fact to be published as “paid ad.' in the local pajier. A profitable meeting closed with the Benediction.

WELLINGTON DISTRICT. 3rooklyn, June 25th: Mrs. Brewer presiding. Hymn and pledge. Devotions taken by Mrs. Greenwood. Many have expressed loving sympathy with our president in the passing of her Mster. Usual business. Mrs. Dudley retried ha viug visited several local hospitals, taking dainties. She also gave the Scientific lact. Mrs. Jordan was appointed delegate to the district executive. Mesdames Gittings and (. racknell read items from the “W.R.”: H) "Our White Ribbon Bow,” and (2) “Where bugar Went.” Mrs. Gillmgs read a concise business letter from Mrs. Toomer, each para Kraph containing useful information; many things to be modernised and some altered as the result of the officers having met. Discussion followed. Sigil Prayer and Benediction.

Wellington, June 12: At Headquarters. Miss Rnk spoke on plans of work as discussed at Convention, and gave the findings of the subcommittee, also the rejiort of the officers' meet-

ing. Arrangements made f'*r visitor to 'Alexander" Home. More literature taken for distribution. “\VI itc Ribbon” Day to be celebrated next month. Benediction.

Wellington Central, June 19th: Fair attendance, Miss Andrew presiding. Devotions, Mrs. Webb. Members stood as a vote of sympathy with Mrs. Turner, who had gone to Auckland owing to death in her family. Final arrangements for the Executive and the opening afternoon meeting to hear the Rev. Mr. Burley. Miss Kirk, Dominion President, gave greetings, and as this is ]>oll veai, urged us alt to give unceasing labour, sacrifice, and prayer, saying that whatever we do, does count for something. The giving out of literature was also urged, when and as opportunity occurs. Birthday posies presented. Mrs. Grigg, “W.R.” Business Manager, gave a helpful talk on the “White Ribbon,” showing how we could make use of each article found therein, and that every part of it would, if put to service, prove uplifting, and would esjectally serve to .introduce our Dominion President. The “Beacon” would prove helpful to school teachers, Bible Class leaders, and others, and we were urged to do such actions as make for friendship instead of war-ship. Miss Andrew expressed appreciation and a vote of thanks was passed to Mrs. Grigg. Afternoon tea served by Mrs. Hould and hel|»ers. Benediction

NELSON DISTRICT. Nelson, June 11th: Mrs. Toomer presided and Miss Every took the Devotions, several members taking nart. “White Ribbon” Day was observed by Mrs T'oomer’s reading the editor’s remarks on the use of the Official Organ, and by a speci?l collection. Letter read from Dominion Seen tary. Mrs. Kidson, Senior, read an article from the “Readers’ Digest,” which told of a free services organisation in New York tor the regeneration of Alcoholics. Mrs. C. I. Kidson pave a summary of the re|>ort from the Research Department of the National W.C.T.U. in U.S.A. A etaccessftri “Briaf-and-Buy” was held in aid of the Literature Fund. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT.

Blenheim, July 2: Mrs. N. Forbes presided. Members stood in silence in memory of Mrs. Adam Jackson, a Foundation Member and keen sup|»orter of the W.C.T.U. Mrs. Toomer’s letter of executive meeting and future activities much appreciated. Mrs. R. Watson warmly thanked for gift of twelve hymn books. An interesting article on "Citizenship” read. Mrs. Adjutant Kearse took o]>eiiiiig devotions ami the Benediction. Literature from Headquarters to lie purchased for distribution. Springlands, June 18th: Mrs. V. Underhill presided over a fair attendance and welcomed two visitors. The opening devotions were taken by the President, who read the Scripture lesson from the Second Epistle of Peter. A resolution expressing sympathy with Mrs. E. la*slie in the death of her father, was Carried in silence. The Roll Call elicited helpful tes|*>nses from all present. An interesting and informative letter from Mrs. Toomer, Dominion Corresponding Secretary was read and enjoyed. It being "White libbos' 1 l>a\, several pieces of especial interest from the journal were read bv members. Mrs. L. Rodgerson. District Peace Sujierintetident, was present and read a most interesting paj»er entitled “Some Economic Causes of War,” which was written by Mrs. Mackey, of Christchurch. Appreciation was expressed to Mrs. Rodgersoti for bringing the splendidly-written paj>er to Springlands.

NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Lyttelton-Heatbcote. May 28th: Meeting took the form of a social gathering to honour Mrs. J. T. Norton, who had been the president for five years, and a member for over thirty years. Mrs. Tredennick, President, s|Kike on “Faithfulness,” saying this had been one of Mrs. Norton’s outstanding traits. Two songs were sung by Mrs. Renny, and a social hour spent. Mrs. Norton was presented with a book by Mr. Boreham and a posy of flowers. Lyttrlton-Hrathcote, June 25th: Good attendance. Mrs. Anderson, V.P., in the chair, and toolf devotions; reading a very interesting pa|x-r on Diet in connection with temperance. “Bring-and-Buy” realised £l/14/2 for Union funds. Arratiged for three members to give morning tea at District Executive meeting in Christchurch.

Riccarton, June 13th: Birthday Party. Social rejiort. Papanui, June 19th. Mrs. Tillman presiding; 14 present. Devotions, Mrs. Elliott. Pledge,

Roll-call, a text of Scripture. Tenqierance Fact, Mrs. Hampton. Reference was made to the death of two members, Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Graham, a past president. Mr.. Hawker gave Mental Hospital reinirt. A new member, Mrs. Voice, initiated and welcomed. Mrs. Toomer’s Newsletters read and I>iatis made for Poll Year. Linwood: Good meeting presided over by Mrs. Mackie. Devotions taken by one president in the absence of the Superintendent, Mrs. Robson. Birthday cards are sent out each month by the Birthday Supe... tendent. Literature was distributed among ...embers for circulation in the district. Mrs. Toomer’s circular letter proved very interesting, keeping us it: touch with the work of the Dominion Officers, and bringing valuable suggestions for work. Mrs. Fuller, in observance of “White Ribbon” Day, gave a short resume on our official organ, appealing for more interest in this valuable paper. Mrs. Black rejKjrted on Band of Hojie Union work, and it was decided that our girls and boys should enter for the Tuiipnauce examinations. President reputed on a meeting held to further the “O. and G.” Appeal, and urged tnat all women should take a.n interest in this. Mrs. A. Trot man appointed “Paj>er Cuttings” Suj>erintendent, and members urged to keep her supplied. Mrs. L. W. Voller ap|K»inted visitor to the Mental Hospital. with Mr*. Black; 12/- collected for “W.R.” Fund. Mrs. Fade with her hel|>ers served afternoon tea. Benediction.

Reefton. June 11th: Mrs. Thompson presided. “White Ribbon" Day observed by readings from the "W.R.” Mrs. Leaning was api>ointed re|*orter to the local pa|>er. Mrs. Leaning offered to see that the teiiqierance posters were put in suitable places. Secretary to act as “White Ribbon" agent in the meantime. Meeting closed with prayer. Christchurch, June 12th: Miss C. Henderson presided. Thanks for sympathy received from relatives of the late Mrs. M. J. Miller. Rejiorts given of Sicials at Wools ton, New Brighton, Papanui, and Spreydon. Excellent re|K>rt of Dominion Officers’ meeting read from Mrs. Toomer, Dominion Secretary. Our Union agreed to help Miss Lovell-Smith later with placing of leni|»eraiice leaflets in envelops for distribution.

June 26th: Miss C. Henderson presided and welcomed a visitor, Miss Thompson, from Wellington Central. Members promised to assist British sailors’ coming street collection. Members urged to attend meetings to be addressed by the Rev. H. Gilbert, arranged by N.Z. Alliance. To celebrate “White Ribbon” Day, members gave or read interesting extracts from the “W.R.” Donation of £3 sent to “White Ribbon’’ Fund.

New Brighton, July 4th: Mrs. Edmond presided and welcomed our new Salvation Army officers to our meetings. Captain Dapsoii conducted Devotions. Meeting stood hi silence for two of our members who had been bereaved. Mrs. H. Inns elected as treasurer, replacing the late Mrs. N. C. Fraser. Mrs. H. Hale appointed as our Literature Superintendent ou the resignation if Mrs. H M. 1 1 ail. Collection taken for “W'.k. ' funds. North Brighton, May 21st: “Peace” meeting. Mrs. Noonan presided. Mrs. Mcllwraith, devotions. Mrs. Astotn reported on the monthly prayer meeting. Mrs. Mcllwraith, having visited the Mental Hospital, reported on this, and had taken the usual gifts to seven patients. Mrs. Noonan rejKirted that the summer sessiou of the Band of Hope closed with an enjoyable luncheon at her home. Mrs. Astotn also present and assisted with entertaining the twenty children. Twelve meetings had been held, and 31 new members signed the Pledge. Mrs. Noonan gave a most comprehensive report on the Dominion Convention. Mrs. Maciue, the ?uest-sj>eaker, gave a wonderful paper on “The Icor.omic Causes of War.” Several members congratulated both shakers, thanking them for the pleasure they had given. Benediction. June 18th: Mrs. Noonan presiding and Mrs. Mcllwraith leading Devotions. The president welcomed Mrs, Penperell back after her holiday, and presented her with a twenty years* service badge. One new member initiated, and one received on transfer. Eight members present and one visitor. Six patients visited at Mental Hospital, reiwrted by Mrs. Mcllwraith. President reported that the North Brighton Band of Hojk* had been functioning for twenty-one years and suggested holding a sjwcial function at a later date. “Hnng-and-Huy” planned for next meeting. One new “W.R.” subscriber.

Spreydon, June 11th: Twenty-first birthday party. Excellent gathering of members and frit-mis'. Short programme of vocal and elocutionary items. Address by Mrs. Horewood, vice-president, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I . K. Taylor. Many greetings and good wishes received. Twenty years’ Services badges presented to Mrs. McKenzie, vice-president; Mrs. Woodcock, Secretary, and Mrs. Walker, birthday cake cut by Mrs. Fehsenfeld, one of the seven foundation members still in union. One new member added.

Sydenham. July 4th: Mrs. J. Filer, our President, was in the chair, there being an attendance of nine members. Mrs. Davies conducted the Devotions, after which the usual routine business was transacted. A jietition to the Government for the provision of Rest Homes for patients suffering from tcmj>orary nervous disorders was brought before the meeting, signatures being obtained from those present. Mrs. Davies read an extract from the “White Ribbon" dealing with the necessity to cut down the brewing o‘ beer in view of the world shortage of foodstuffs. An address of outstanding interest was given by Mrs. T. N. Gibbs, taking as her subject the Scripture Union and a recent mission to children conducted in this city. The sj»eaker stressed the great need, in these days of temptation to the adolescent, of getting children to make a “definite decision,” thus enabling them to stand firm in later years. The meeting closed with prayer, led by Mrs. MacLachlan.

SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Waimate, June: Meeting excellently attended. Mrs. Duckett, President, m the chair. Adjutant Lamond gave us his farewell address and Captain Gray gave us a recitation. They are leaving Waimate for Kilbirnie, and will be much missed. Mrs. Milne, whose husband is a Missionary in China, gave tis a very fine address on “China and Her Needs,” which vCus very much appreciated. A very hearty vote of thanks parsed to Mrs. Milne. Temuka, June 26th: Meeting presided over by Mrs. Hew son, who also lt d Devotions, in the absence through sickness of the president. Roll-call answered by a text containing “everlasting.” Many inspiring verses were brought to light. Decided to commence the Band of Hoj>c on July 17th; arrangements for this being put in hand. A letter of cheer and sympathy to Ik* sent to Mrs. Lee. Temjierance Fact given by Mrs. Davey. lea hostesses were Mesdames Buck and Lnvatt. Benediction.

OTAGO DISTRICT. Kaikoiai, June 25th: Mis. Flett presided and devotions were ltd hv Mrs. Orr. Mrs. Hiett s|K>kt* on “Answered Prayer.” The Roll-Call was answered by Scripture verses beginning with "P.” After the usual routine business, Mrs. Hiett gave a "alk on "Thing Which Hurt My Neighbour.” Mis. Muir thanked the speaker. . Benediction. South !)ur,edin, June 27th: Mrs. Kippiti piesided' Mis. Wilkit on, Devotions, i •>i 11 -j■<>ntlcnee received, read, and discussed from Miss Jamieson and Miss loonier. Invitation received Gorn “Rescue lx/dge’’’ (Good Templars) to attend their Anniversary. Election literature and methods of distribution discussed. i tesident agreed to attend to this. Letter received from an Indian family in dire distress asking for help. Matter to he brought before District Executive. Annual “Bring-and-Buy” and Social afternoon arranged. Dunedin Central, June 25th: Devotions led by Sister Elinor. Silent prayer on specified subjects. One new member enrolled. Flowers taken to Mrs. Downing, who is ill; £5 agreed uj»on as contribution t*> N.Z. Alliance debit in connection with the Royal Commission. Short and pithy extracts were read from the “White Ribbon” for “W.R.” Day, and /I collected for “W.R." Fund.

Oamaru, July Ist: Mrs. Winn presided and led Devotions. A Memorial Minute to the late Mrs. Bridgman read. Miss R. Day. an intimate friend of the late Miss Milligan, gave brief resume of her work for the cause of Terni>erance. Delegates elected to attend the Home ia*ague Birthday Party. Tin Rev. R. Mavson f;ave an informative talk on Prison Reform rom the Rev. Mr. More ton’s book. Mr. May* son was accorded a hearty vote of thanks, which was carried with acclamation. Temperance Fact. Benediction. Port Chalmers, June l'th: Meeting held at the home of Mrs. G. Mratm. Very good attendance. Devotions led. by Rev. H. M. Brasell, who also was the shaker. He gave a

practical address with several suggestions. I'hanked In Mrs. Watson. Discussion followed, and it was .decided to organise an After('liurcli Temperance Rally, with Mr. G. S. Gapi*<-r, South Island Organiser, N.Z. Alliance, as sjKaker. Rev. J. It. Chambers offered, with the assistance of Rev. Mr. Brasell, to get out a circular advertising the meeting, with lacts concerning the evils of alcoholic liquors, the members to distribute same. Meeting closed with Benediction. Afternoon tea. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Invercargill Central, July 10th: Mrs. Watson presided. Miss McEweu led Devotions. Mrs. Boyd read an interesting account of the life and Memorial Service of Mrs. A. K. SlackSaunders, whose death took place in London recently. She wgs the Honorary Secretary of the World's W.C.T.U. since 1895, and visited over twenty countries in the cause of Temperance. TARANAKI DISTRICT. New Plymouth, June: Mrs. Brown presided, and Mrs. J. Roberts led the Devotions. Notice was given to the Annual “Seamen’s Rest" Mart, to be held in August, and donations asked for. President read the rejiort of the Dominion Officers’ meeting held in Wellington. Mrs. llurrel was welcomed from liawera, having come to reside in New Plymouth. Sample leaflets for distribution were displayed. Tea hostesses were Mesdaines Bailey, and Olivers. Benediction. Hawera, June: Mrs. K. Thayer presided ami took Devotions. Minutes of last meeting presented by Mrs. K. Baker in the absence of the Secretary, Mrs. To/cr. “White Ribbon" Day observed by quotations from the paper. A talk was given by one of the members on the o|>erations and aims of the “W.R.” Collection for “W.R.’’ funds. Several Teni|ierance Facts were given. Further arrangements made for the Scientific Examinations. Tea hostesses, Mesdames Page and Burton. President closed meeting with prayer and Benediction.

HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT. Hastings, June: "W.R.” Day. Mrs. ('. Higgs presided in the absence, through illness, of the President. Excellent attendance. Pledge reaffirmed. Temperance Kart given hv Mrs. Mi rtagh. Devotions led by Mrs. Thorpe. An executive meeting to Ik* held to discuss calling a meeting of Ministers and all interested to form a branch of the N.Z. Alliance, Mrs. Thorpe kindly offering the eexcutive the use of her home for the meeting. The Guest S|»eaker was Major Miller, of the Salvation Army, who gave a fine address on the W.C.T.U. a' team work, concluding with the words: “If (rod Ik* tor u-. who can be against us?” Mrs. Higgs thanked the s|>eaker. Mrs. Warren and heljier served afternoon tea. Benediction closed a fine gathering.

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White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 7, 1 August 1946, Page 8

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UNION REPORTS White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 7, 1 August 1946, Page 8

UNION REPORTS White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 7, 1 August 1946, Page 8

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