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Bulletin of Union News

■ I DISTRICT EXECUTIVE I MEETINGS A> ||r i.i—i- Held in the Temperance Room, Honda-. May 6th. Mrs - Long ' I),,tnct Kt in the chair, am< also led devotions. An Kit&tion was receiveu and accepted from the H(W. ,or mem^rs to atten d a social evenr. e tO Auckland M, - - HtveUtr, minion President of the N.C.VV. Mrs. Long Mp,,. c work of the Maori Hostel, M ug now in residence. ■Mrs. F. VV. Mountjoy was appointed to Bnresent the VV.C.T.U. at the Educational Hnierence at present being held in Auckland. Very interesting letter received from Mrs. H ad. of Nuie Island, telling of life on the 4 t:d, with reference specially to the work o! the W.C.T.U. there. Quite a number of Bigk'estions were received and discussed for fr H work, and final arrangements were made |r the gathering to be held on Mother’s Day. ■ South Auckland: Held in St. Paul’s Ladies' ParLur, Hamilton. Mrs. Christian, actmg•rrsideni, presided. Apologies received from fc s. C. Clark, District Treasurer, and Mrs. S>msley, Cambridge. Devotions led by chairtun. Letter of sympathy to be sent to Mrs. fc>ston, whose resignation from the district fir-sidcncy was received with regret, in the Eng jteriod of ill-health through which she had Kassed. Her removal from the district to Kxtord made her resignation final. CorreKp ndence from Mrs. Toomer discussed. Mrs. lewis's (District Secretary) ap|>ointment as |r legate to the N.C.W. made at an extra-fr-dinary meeting approved. Decided to send »ut a circular to Presidents of Unions calling ■Mention to the importance of Executive meetpits. and urging better attendance. Discus■ion on best plans to make in connection with visits to Unions. Agreed to ask Miss Kirk |( attend District Convention, and to visit Lnions in the more isolated places. Agreed that next meeting begin in the morning, to IHow more time for full attention to necessary planning. Benediction.

Taranaki: Meeting held at Stratford on Thursday, May 2nd, in the Presbyterian Hall, morning and afternoon sessions being held. A rery full representation attended, all branches tending delegates. Mrs. J. T. Herrell, District President, presided, and led the devoons. The morning session opened with the singing of “The King of Love.” Mrs. Arthur Inglewood led in prayer. The lesson and talk were by Mrs, Holly, Eltham. The President thanked Mrs. Holly and then welcomed the delegates. Several apologies were received from those who had hoped to attend. Mrs. Arthur, letter writer, to write a letter of sympathy and one of cheer. Letter from Mrs. Toomer much appreciated. Convention remits a* pa sed were discussed. Drinking among young people in the streets and at dances was >foken of. Members to make firm stand wherever possible against smoking in nonsmoking carriages on trains. Mrs. Arthur to write a letter oT appreciation to Mrs. Christian on her good work with the ‘‘White Ribbon.” Miss Drew made an appeal for scarves and ditty .igs for the New Plymouth Sailors’ Rf»t, telling of one seaman, who had been all over the world, and said he had never before *wn such a fine place for seamen. A report and impressions gained at Dominion Convention were given by the three delegates, Mesdanes Cox, Eltham, Wood (New Plymouth), and lktrron (Hawrra). Noontide prayer was taken by Mrs. Holly. As this is election year, members thought we must get busy with iterature; Mrs. Simpson, District Treasurer, to write for samples. Miss Drew asked to write to Miss Appleby to see when an itinerary the Taranaki Unions could be arrangecl. Mrs. Oliver, New Plymouth, thanked the memb? I'* 1 '* for their fine hospitality for morning and afternoon teas. Delegates invited for next Executive meeting to New Plymouth on the h'th Wednesday in July.

UNION REPORTS NORTHLAND DISTRICT Dargaville, April 9th: Small attendance. Mrs. Green in the chair. Mrs. Green spoke on knitting for lepers. Some garments have already been completed by members. Temperance fact given. Captair Jones, of the Salvation Armv. was welcomed, and gave a most interesting address on ‘‘lnebriates and the work being done among them by the Salvation Army on Pakatoa and Roto Roa Islands.” The address closed with a message in the words of General Booth (quoted elsewhere).

AUCKLAND DISTRICT Kohi-St. Heliers, April 18th: Meeting held at the home of Mrs. Lewis F.ady. Devotions led by Mrs. Farr, who spoke or. jesus Christ’s last words on the Cross; an Easter message. Temperance fact, "That the drinking of alcohol is a frequent cause of ill-health.” Mr. Farr sj>oke on the Bible in Schools, and was very interesting about his own exf>eriences in this work. Mrs. Machin, Vice-President, proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Farr, and Mrs. Kasper mentioned that 600 children took part last year in the Bible lessons competition. A vote of thanks to Mrs. Eadv was passed. Otahuhu, April 18th: Mrs. Taylor presided, Mrs. Long being the speaker for the afternoon. She gave a report of the Christchurch Convention. Time being short, members expressed the wish to hear more from Mrs. Long on some future occasion.

Onehunga, April 11th:' Several members absent through illness. Usual business and arrangements. Corresjwindence received and considered. The resignation of Mrs. Stacey, foi health reasons, received with regret. Much appreciated address by the District President. Mrs. Lone, who gave a very full and informafve account of the Dominion Convention, touching on all points of importance, and giving much useful advice regarding future of our work. She urged us to be busy this year, and especially stressed the dangers of State Control. Speake- heartily thanked for her helpful and mstruc'.ve talk. Warkworth, May 9th: Mrs. Baker. President. in the chair. Twelve members present. Devotions. Temperance fact. Interesting address by Mrs. J. W. Long, District President, on the Dominion Convention. Remarked on the number of young, enthusiastic delegates present. Resolution passed at Convention asking for hotels to be closed on Peace Day and day following. Meeting closed with the Benediction. Mount Eden, May: Meeting held at the Maori Girls’ Hostel. The President, Miss A. M. McLav, presided, nine other member* attending. Votes of sympathy passed on death of two members, Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Carter, our “W.R.” agent. Reports of District Executive and Temperance Education Council given by President. Some useful gifts and the sum of £2/8/- handed to Mrs. Long, Matron of the Hostel. Mrs. Long then gave a short informal talk on a day’s routine work in the Hostel, and some of her experiences in dealing with the personal problems of some of the girls. A number of the girls joined us at afternoon tea. The Hostel was inspected bv those who had not visited it previously, and a pleasant and profitable afternoon was spent.

SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT Tau’-anga. Mav 7th: Mrs. Btilmer, VicePresident. presided in the absence of the President while attending Dominion Officers' meeting in Wellington. Also took devotions in absence through illness of Evangelistic Superintendent. Mrs. Renslev. Fair attendance. Mrs. York, Hon. Secretary, read a paper on the American position in regard to Prohibition at the present time; sent by Mrs. Grigg. ‘‘Bring and Buy.” Tea Hostess, Mrs. Foxcroft. Benediction.

TARANAKI DISTRICT Hawera. April 30th: .The President. Mrs. Thayer, presided, and took devotions. Temperance fact given. In observance of “Frances 'Allard” dav. the President gave a very fine talk on the life and works of Frances W’illard, the Founder of the W.C.T.U., and other worthy institutions. Mrs. Burton. Cradle Roll Superintendent, with the members, made the necessarv arrangements for the holding of the Cradle Roll party on the 16th. Collection* for World Missionary Fund. Tea hostesses, Mesdames Page and Burton. Meeting closed with prayer and benediction.

New Plymouth, April 25th: Miss Drew presided over a fair attendance. Devotions were conducted and apologies received. I eniperance fact given and minutes read. A small legacy was received and authorised to be put in the Savings Bank. Miss Appleby was invited to visit New Plymouth district shortly. Mrs. Wood was asked to write for samples of suitable literature for Poll year. A small table of produce was on sale for building up the special fund.

WANGANUI DISTRICT Wanganui Central, April: Devotions led by Mrs. Gill. ‘‘Bring and Buy.” Report from Treasurer, Mrs. Goodey, of two years' interest received on money lent to Headquarters. Mrs. G<x>dey explained that the money lent had been raised by the four Wanganui branches as a fund for special purposes. Pan-Pacific Association rejiort held over till next month, as main business a full rei>ort, followed by discussion, of Christchurch Convention, given by the President, Mrs. Duxfield, who had been the delegate. Collection for CORSO; to be put with those from other branches. May: Mrs. Duxfield in the chair, and eleven present. Mrs. Mercer led devotions, theme for Peace Day; on the line that Peace is not stagnation, but poise, need of understanding the other man’s side, to lie able to do our share individually of spreading jieace in oui own land. Tea served by Mesdames L. W ilson and Prince. Mrs. McGregor welcomed back. Aixdogies received from Mesdames Goodey. Grinstead, Ogg and Parker. Messages of sympathy sent to Mesdames Peryman and Grinstead, both in hospital, and to Mrs. Auxley, for severe accident to her son. Miss Wadsworth acted as Secretary in the absence of Mrs. Grinstead. Mrs. Leo was in charge of ‘‘Bring and Buy.” Mrs. Mercer reported letter in local paj>er, and three others re lessening beer production to help in ‘‘Food for Britain.” Sj*ecial thanks given for results of W.C.T.U. post on Poppy Day. Post being at hotel corner, gave opportunity for talking to Maoris on Temj*erance. Mrs. Mercer questioned if action could be taken if only ale provided at a big boys’ schoo' reunion. Discussion of remits passed at Convention. Union represented at “rood for Britain” meeting, where inter-Church remit to have brewing reduced during time of stress was brought forward and ignored, the matter being ventilated later in the local press.

HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT Hastings. Date omitted. Meeting held in Methodist Hall, Mrs. H. Hickmott presiding. Very good attendance. Mrs. T. Thorjw conducted devotions. Pledge re-a (firmed. Mrs. A. Murtagh gave the Scientific Temjierance Fact. Members stood in silence as an expression of sympathy with the relatives of the late Canon Drake and Friday Tomoana. Work for coming poll discussed. Literature to be purchased, and delegates w<*re appointed to approach the ministers of various Churches re the New Zealand Alliance. The meeting was busy and helpful, and imi>ortant matters were usefully discussed. Tea hostesses, Mrs. M. Warren and helpers, were thanked, and the meeting closed with prayer.

MANAWATU DISTRICT Levin, April 12th: Mrs. Kenncrley presided, and Captain Williams led devotions. Pledge repeated Roll call answered by a verse of a hymn. Temjierance fact read by Mrs. Thomson. Mrs. Burnham, Convention delegate, read a splendid report, for which she was heartily thanked. A full discussion on the plans of work for the coming year was held. Decided to write to Mrs. P.oss enquiring for suitable listers for display at suitable i>oints of vantage. Leaflets to be distributed as often as possible through the district. Benediction. Palmerston North. At the May meeting the speaker was Miss Appleby, who is visiting the district in order to resuscitate defunct Unions in Foxton, Otaki and Woodville. She gave some interesting facts; among them being the figures concerning the American Poll on the repeal of Prohibition. Mrs. Coles. President, conveyed thanks. WELLINGTON DISTRICT Wellington, April 10th: Mrs. Brook- prr sided. Miss Appleby present, and conducted devotions, and later spoke on Prohibition in America. President’s address at Convention read by Miss Kirk. 200 leaflet* taken by members for distribution, our aim being 1,000 before the Poll. Departmental Superintendents ap|)ointed. Benediction.

Brooklyn, April 30th: Mrs. Brewer presided. Sixteen present. Devotions led by Mrs. Greenwood. Mesdames Brewer and Jordan elected to attend as delegates a United Meeting re help for CORSO. Report of district executive meeting by the President. Advised that the projector is now ready for hiring. Remits passed at Convention were discussed. An advisory and explanatory letter sent by Mrs. Toomer was listened to with interest. Sale", table presided over by Mrs. Pearson. Sigil prayer and benediction.

MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT Springlands, 16th April: The Vice-President. Mrs. A. M. Gascoigne, presided over a good attendance. Vote of sympathy with Secretary, Mrs. L. Green, in the death of her sister. Roll call responded to with helpful verses. Decided to hold a Sales Table at the May meeting. Mrs. Roussell, delegate, gave interesting account of Dominion Convention. Resolutions read and discussed. Blenheim, May 7th: President, Mrs. N. Forbes, in the chair. Good attendance of members. Devotions taken by Mrs. A. T. Milgrew and Mrs. Adjutant Kearse. Interesting passages read by Mrs. Milgrew from the book, "Ambassadors for Christ.” One new member initia'ed, and one transferred from the Tua Marina Union. letter of appreciation and thanks to be sent to the manager of the picture theatre for having shown no pictures on Good Friday. Mrs. Adjutant Kearse gave a graphic account of her many and varied experiences in the King Country. Vote of thanks to her proposed by Mrs. Bailey and carried by acclamation. Benediction pronounced by speak? c.

NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Riccarton, April 11th: Meeting opened by partaking of Holy Communion, conducted by the Rev. W. T. Blight; twenty-six ladies being present. Apologies received. Temperancr fact given and Pledge re-affirmed. Five Handbooks ordered and members given their lists of members to collect “W.R.” subscriptions from. Invitation accepted to attend Methodist Ladies’ Guild social afternoon. Letter of thanks received from Girls’ High School for copies of “White Ribbon” sent. T)*is will be continued monthly. Letter of sympathy to bereaved family acknowledged with thanks. Pyramid cards distributed, to be filled in to the ydue of one guinea, to raise funds. Our President’s (Mrs. Griffiths) name sent forward for nomination as acting Vice-President for the District Executive till September. One new member gained; and an inspiring spiritual address given by Miss McKenzie on “The Responsibly of Woman Today.” Votes of thinks tc «neakevs and hostesses, and meeting dosed with piayer. Papanui, April 17th: Mrs Tillman presided, devotions being led by Mrs. Elliott. Mental Hospital report, Mrs. Hawker. Books sent to New Plymouth Sailors’ Rest Arrangements made for Silver Jubilee to be held on May 29th. Talk on the Maori race by Mrs. F. J. T. Grigg; their travels to New Zealand, arid the serious results of the introduction of strong drink by the white man were touched upon. “Bring and Buy” sale. Donation to Maori Hostel.

Reefton, April 9th: Mrs. Thompson presided. Convention report read and received. A letter of thanks to the delegate who represented Reefton. Owing to small attendance, the pa|>er on U.S.A. repeal to be read at next meeting. Special thanks to Mrs. Sara. Cradle Roll Superintendent, and Mrs. Leaning for success of the C.R. party. Meeting closed with prayer. New Brighton, May meeting: Mrs. R. Flower presided and conducted devotion'.. Pledge re-affirmed. Several invitations were received from other Unions to their birthday socials. Arrangements made to hold an open birthday social in June. Mrs. E. Mackie was our Peace Day speaker, and vas warmly thanked for the in.ormative talk, which was on the subject of “Future World Peace.”

Christchurch, April 10th: Miss C. Henderson presided. A good amount of tinned foods received to be forwarded to Great Britain. Report of Dominion Convention received from Mrs. Toomer, Hon. Cor. Secretary. President read interesting extracts regarding Temjieiatice work in other countries.

April 2'th: Miss C. Henderson presided. Votes of sympathy passed in the passing of Mrs. M. J. Miller, our loved Devotional Superintendent and valued and esteemed membe,. Flowers and greetings to Mrs. Patchett on

the recent celebration of her ninetieth birthday. Peace Day and sixty-first birthday arrangements made. The President read extracts from the “Vanguard.”

Riccarton. May 9th: Twenty present. < >i*»ed with devotions led by Mrs. Harris. Motion of sympathy passed. * Th e President welcomed Mrs. Hiett, past Dominion President, and Mrs. Mackie, Dominion Peace Superintendent. Mental Hospital report good. Invitations received and accepted from Woolston branch to attend their ninth birthday party; and from Papanui branch to attend their Silver Jubilee; and also from Sprevdon for their twenty-first birthday party. Letters of sympathy to be sent out; also one of thanks to Mrs. I wnnier, Nelson, for her pamphlet letter re Convention. Treasurer’s statement taken. Collection; and special collection for floral tribute and copj>er trail. Mrs. Mackie read a very instructive and interesting paper on “Some Economic Cau?* 1 of War, ’ and a pamphlet oil “The Atu,-,.c Bomb.” Vote of thanks to the speaker passed. Mrs. Hiett spoke briefly on “Alliance Activities,” and closed the meeting with prayer. Sydenham. 2nd May. :n the Colombo Street Baptist Schoolroom. Mrs. J. Filer presided over an attendance of eleven. The Scripture reading was given by Mrs. Davies, after which Miss Gainsford led us in prayer. The usual routine business was transacted. Invitations to attend their birthday celebrations were received from the following branches: Woolston, ( hristchiirch, Papanui and Spreydon. Taking a* the theme of her address on “Peace” the text, “Little Children, love one another,” Miss Gainsfotd placed before us in no uncertain manner :he only remedy for the unrest and chaos which is apparent in practically the whole of the civilised world at the present time.

SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Timaru, April 30th: Mrs Densem presided over a f. ; r attendance. Mrs. Prattley led devotions, giving a strong message entitled “Don’t Quit,” based on Luke 5, v. 5. Two new members initiated. Mrs. Parker gave a comprehensive report of the two final days of Convention. It was decided to purchase Pledge cards and stickers. Mrs. Woodward reported having arranged an entertainment for the men of “The Black Prince” (H.M.S.) on the Sunday evening. Strong disapproval was expressed by all that the men had been able to procure liquor on the Sunday evening. Mrs. Dtusem read Teirqierance fact. Accounts passed for payment, and meeting closed with the Benediction. OTAGO DISTRICT N.E. Valley, April 30th: Social afternoon, with enjoyable musical items and playette. Address by Major Hiddlestone greatly appreciated. Free-will offering for campaign fund amounted to £ll. Lawrence, May 2nd- Small attendance. President in the chair. Very little business. Report of Dominion Convention given by District Secretary, Mrs. Rippin, and very much appreciated. Kaikorai, April 30th: Mrs. Flett presided. Devotions led by Mrs. Orr, the subject of her talk being, “Cast thy bread upon the waters.” Mrs. Flett reported that a branch of the Band of Hope is opening in May, and asked for the co-operation of the W.C.T.U. members. Mrs. Duder, in an interesting talk, outlined the origin of the Evangelistic Campaign which is to o|*en in the district in May. Benediction. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT

Invercargill Central, May Bth: Mrs.* E. M. Brown An the chair. Prayer led by Mrs. Wesney. Temperance fact by Mrs. Ruthven, after which several discussions took place. It was suggested that, considering the scarcity of food in other countries, beer should be rationed, along with other commodities, • thus utilising the ingredients in the manufacture of more valuable food to assist in* the relieving of starvation in countries overseas.

Winton, April 16th: Mrs. Thomson presided. Hedge related. Devotions led bv Mrs. J. B. Wilson; reading being from Cor. 1, chap. 13, and the excellent blessing of Love was spoken of. Preparations for a twenty-first birthdav party to lie held in June were made. The following readings on the life of the late Mrs. Agnes Slack-Saunders were taken: Mrs. Digon, her marriage; Mrs. Edgeuon, her death; Mrs. McWilliams, her waitings; Mrs. Haigh, “The Fighters of Finland.”

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White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 5, 1 June 1946, Page 9

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 5, 1 June 1946, Page 9

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 5, 1 June 1946, Page 9

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