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Bulletin of Union News

DISTRICT EXECUTIVE MEETINGS North Canterbury: Mrs. F. J. T. Grigg preL i,., j a t the monthly meeting of the North Canterbury Kxecutive, at which there was a Snod attendance of town and country members. Klr< Gainsford took devotions, stressing the fciiirent need for more prayer. It was rei»orted Bn- Convention meetings held in Durham Itreet Methodist Sunday School had been most Successful A letter was received from Mrs. MrGibbon enclosing a donation of £2/5/- toll irds Convention expenses from women of the Presbyterian Church. Arrangements were fnade for the Reformatory Concert in April. Interesting reports were given by Mrs. Mcl.ran. “White Ribbon” sui»erintendent, and by secretaries of Unions. Mrs. Gngg read a tribute written by Miss Havelaar, Dominion President of the National Council of Women, ! i the life and work of the late Mrs. C. W. Barrell. n r Auckland: Held in the temperance Room, hncen Street, on April Ist Mrs. Long, District President, in the chair; and devotions led b y Miss A. M. McLay. Members were asked t help in the Poppy Day street appeal to be [tt-ld on Thursday, April 18th. Several memLrs reported having attended the Women's World Day of Prayer. Arrangements were finalised for having a “Mother’s Day” gathering on Sunday, May 12th. It was decided to hold a monthly prayer meeting for Poll work in the interests of Temjterance until after the ilection. Mrs. Long and Mrs. Joiner were ai l"linted to represent the W.C.T.U. at a Civic [Reception to be tendered to Admiral Louis and Lady Mountbatten, to be held in the Auckland Town Hall on April 15th. The retort of the Dominion Convention was given Wf Mis. Long. Wellington, April 11th: Meeting held at (Lower Hutt, Miss Kirk presiding, and devotions led by Miss Appleby. “Mrs. Spencet welcomed all delegates. A letter from the N.Z. [Alliance stated that they were working for Abolition, and not for Trust Control. Mrs. Reed reported that the projector would soon arrive. Greetings were to be sent to Miss Lovell-Smith, Mrs. Hiett and Mrs. Lopdell. Literature arranged for distribution at each meeting through Mrs. Ross. A paj>er stating the true ]>ositiou of Prohibition in the U.S.A. was on sale. The Treasurer rejiorted £l6/17/mi for the projector; and £2/18/- also m hand. Miss Appleby rejxirted on her work in the Wellington district; asking all l T nions to help her by preparing the way for her. The Masterton delegate reported that they had twenty members of the Hand of Hope who had signed the Pledge; others attending but not counted as members till they sign. Mrs. Reed gave a splendid re|»ort of the Dominion Convention. The matter of questionnaires was discussed; and it was decided that Unions should re|iort on the Departments they are working and no others. Mrs. M. Maurice s|*>ke on the jieople of Manila, and how they are .ollowing on in Tenq»erance work. The Hutt Union was thanked for their hospitality, and .*iie meeting closed with the llenediction.

UNION REPORTS AUCKLAND DISTRICT Kohi-St. Heliers, March 21st: First meeting of the year. In the absence of Mrs. Farr, Evangelical Supt., Mrs. Kasjier read an article, “Are we hving by the standards of j esus today?” The' Churches were shown to ‘>e not standing foursquare against the liquor traftic. A letter was received from Mrs. LeeC'wie on “Liquor Ads. must go.” Mrs. Kasper gave a most interesting talk on the ‘‘Mel. held Convention, for which she was WMinly thanked, llenediction. Otahuhu, March 21st. Opening meeting for '*46. Mrs. W. Taylor presided over a goodly Kjjtnering of members and interested friends. I he meeting took the form of a social ' "’U. Musical items were rendered; and then •» talk on "Good Citizenship,” given by Mrs. •Mountjoy, was listened to with much interest, ai d i roved a very helpful message to all pre-

Onehunga, March 14th: See special reports. March 28th: Very successful Home meeting held at the home of Mrs. Chappell. Solos by Dr. Jeannie Craig, and address by Miss McLay, who told of the recent annual meeting of the N.Z. Alliance and their future arrangements. All very interesting and informative. Ponsonby, March 21st: Mrs. Joiner, President, in the chair. Mrs. Read led Devotions, and dealt with “The Peace of Christ,” by which we are all surrounded. President welcomed all members and visitors, among whom was Dr. Jeannie Craig and Mrs. and Miss PrussMig. Members stood in silence as an expression of sympathy and regret in the passing on of Miss Read, a past President, and very faithful worker of the Ponsonby Union. Letter received from Mrs. Lee-Cowie donating £lO for the purchase of Memorial to be placed m the Maori Girls' Hostel. Temjier* ance fact given by Miss Runcinian. Dr. Jeannie Craig rendered a solo very beautifully, and was also the sjieakcr for the afternoon, giving a most interesting and challenging address. Mrs. Joiner thanked the speaker on behalf of all present. Meeting closed with the relating of the Pledge and the pronouncing of the Benediction. Auckland, April 9th: Mrs. Long pres-i (led. Temperance fact given by Mrs. Holmes. KejH>rts of District Executive and National Council of Women were given. An interesting rejKirt of the Dominion Convention was given by the district delegate, Mrs. Massam. Mrs. Ixmg gave a comprehensive rejxirt of the Conference of the N.Z. Alliance held in Wellington. Votes of thanks given to both ladies. Mrs. lxmg also re|Mirted on the Maori Girls' Hostel and the useful training the girls are receiving. The llenediction, pronounced by Mrs. Lxuig, closed a most interesting and profitable meeting. Henderson, March 27th: \ ery pleasant afternoon s;>ent at the home of Mrs. Chadwick to entertain the children of Cradle Roll and their mothers. Good attendance. Miss McLay told the story of the birth and childhood of M ses, and also gave a very interesting account of the beginning of the W.C.T.U. Literature was distributed to the mothers, and several children were enrolled.

SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT Tauranga. April 2nd: Mrs. Christian presided over a good attendance, leading Devotions in the absence of the Evangelical Supt. Pledge. Rej>orts of Garden Party and Executive meeting given. Hand of Hope arrangements made for early start. Literature distributed. Dominion Convention report given by the delegate. Mrs. Foxcroft, and much appreciated. “Bring and Buy.” Benediction. Hamilton, April 4th: Mrs. Gatman presided. Good attendance. Miss Gagen conducted Devotions, sj>eaking on Praise lieing Prayer. Mrs. Lewis, of Cambridge, District Secretary, was present, and gave report on Dominion Convention; most informative and lucid on the business, covering achievements, planning and future vision. The aim of nothing less than Total Abolition of the Liquor Traffic was still the goal. The inqxirtance of this year being Poll year was stressed. A vote of thanks to the sjteaker was passed, and the Benediction closed the meeting.

Thames, April 3rd: Well attended meeting in the Methodist school-room. Convention delegate presented “Plans of work for Poll year” as decided on at Convention. Members decided to start immediately by advertising slogans, etc., in the local newspapers as funds permit. A resolution to he sent to Thames Ministers’ Association asking that the evils of intemj>erance be emphasised at the Bible in Schools lessons, and also ir the pulpit. TARANAKI DISTRICT

Hawera, March 26th: A very well attended meeting. Mrs. K. Thayer in the chair as president; also took Devotions. Temjierancr tact given. A detailed report of Dominion Convention was given by the delegate, Mrs. Barron. Meeting closed with prayer and llenediction by the President.

MANAWATU DISTRICT Feilding, April 3rd: Mrs. Spence in the chair. Mrs. Kendall led Devotions and spoke on Faith, and trusting more. A heartv vote of thanks to Mrs. Tremaine for a splendid and inspiring re|xirt of Dominion Convention. Decided to see about getting lemj'erance Education into Bible Class Camps. An effort to be made to have Miss Appleby to give a talk at our next meeting. A bright meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Stewart.

HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT Hasting*, February: Fiist meeting for the year was well attended. Mrs. Hickrnott, again president, was presented with a birthday posy, with all good wishes for the coming year of work for G<xL Molly Wakeheld was presented with the gold medal for the Temperance Examination. Mrs. Murtagh, treasurer for five years, has resigned. Appreciation of her faithful work was expressed in words and flowers. March: Good gathering of members and friends to hear Mrs, Lewis report on the Dominion Convention. She told of the doings day by day with gieat enthusiasm, inspiring the members to seize every op]>ortuuity for the Temperance cause. Collectors were apjioiTited for the street collection for "Relief for Greece.” WELLINGTON DISTRICT Lower Hutt, March 27th: Mr. Lopdell gave a very forceful address on Temperance, giving stati>tics showing how the evils of drink are on the increase, and suggesting as a means of helping to educate the young on the subject that a good »eni|>erance article should be included each month in the School Journal; the use of tenqierance films in the schools; and that an itinerant lecturer should visit the schools to teach the evils of alcoholic drinking. Benediction. Brooklyn, March 26th: Mrs. Sawden p;esided. Fifteen present. Pledge. Devotions led by Mrs. Greenwood. A short resume of Miss Kirk’s talk at last Fxecutive meeting from the chair. Mrs. Brewer presented Mrs. Gillings with a handbag in recognition of many years’ service as Corresjonding Secretary. Mrs. Sawden elected in her place. An interesting and comprehensive report o.’ Christchurch Convention given by the delegate, Mrs. IVarce. Much enjoyed; and matter noted for discussion at next meeting. Successful “Bring and Buy.” Sigil prayer and Benediction. Wellington Central, March 2Uth: Attendance fair. Sick visiting reported. Birthday posies presented. Convention rejiort received. Very helpful and educational. We must be on the watch-tower this Poll year. Delegate for district meeting appointed.

MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT SpCnglands, March 19th: Mrs. Underhill presided. Sympathy expressed with members and friends who had suffered bereavement. Devotions, Mrs. Gascoigne. Hull call well responded to. Congratulations to President on being elected to Dominion oliice. Bouquets of flowers to be sent with good wishes to two Overseas brides and to a mother with first babe. President passed on few thoughts on Convention and proudly presented the L.W.R. Banner. Delegate’s rejxirt next meeting. Mrs. L. Green consented to accept Recording Secretary |>osition and Mrs. J. Herd that of Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. Gascoigne read a most interesting chapter from Ri*a Snowden’s book, “A Thousand Sunrises,” which was much enjoyed. Blenheim, April 2nd: Mrs. N. Forbes presided over a good attendance. Mrs. A. J. Milgrew took Devotions, reading from St. Luke's Gos|>el, and from the book, “Starting Afresh," by Pat McCormack. letters to be sent to Mrs. Goslin, Mrs. J. S. White, in Wellington Hospital; and congratulations to Mrs. V. Underhill on her apjiointment as Dominion Recording Secretary. Mrs. N. Forbes gave a splendid and interesting report of Convention. Vote of thanks to her proposed by M rs. G< jslin and carried by acclamation. Benediction.

NELSON DISTRICT Nelson, March l_'?h: Mrs. Walker presided in the absence of Mrs. Toomer at Convention, and spoke on God’s gifts to us, and our use and abuse of them. Agreed to ask Mrs. Gardiner, of the Wellington Union, to represent us at the Alliance Conference in Wellington. Mrs. Rankin, Health and Nutrition Superintendent, gave a most able talk on “Health, the birthright of all”; giving as the three main causes of ill-health, (1) wrong eating, (2) wrong thinking, and (3) wrong living. Mrs. Rankin was thanked for her talk, and the meeting closed with the Benediction. April 9th: Mrs. Toomer presided and welcomed members and visitors. Verses of favourite hymns were sung, the pledge repeated, and prayer offered by the President. Flowers and letters to be sent to two sick members. Mesdamfrs Doel and Hay rejiorted interestingly on IXiminion Convention. Mrs. Toomer, who wa c congratulated on having been elected Corresponding Secretary, thanked members, urging them to pray unceasingly for the

year’s work. Reply received to protest sent to American picture producers (see special re* I>ort). Convention numbers taken for distribution. Collection for Alliance funds. Benediction.

NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Papanui, March 20th: Mrs. Tillman presided over a fair attendance. Devotions led by Mrs. Malcolm. Temperance fact given by Mrs. Tillman. Reports of Dominion Convention given by M‘*sdanies Ti'lman and Hodder. “Bring and Buy” arranged for next meeting, and speaker for Maori Day. Riccarton, March 14th: Mrs. Griffiths, President, in the chair. Twenty-one members present, and four apologies received. Mrs. Savage appointed Birthday League Superintendent, and Mrs. Evans' resignation of this office received with regret. President thanked members who had extended hospitality to Convention delegates, and requested all to study the "Constitution” before next meeting. A very interesting talk given by Miss G. Musgrove on her world tour, and a vivid description of the "Uueen Mary" was also enjoyed. Votes of thanks passed to sjieakers, and meeting closed with prayer. March 20th: Special Home meeting held at the residence of the President to hear the report of Dominion Convention, which proved most interesting and instructive, and was well discussed. A vote of thanks to our delegate, Mrs. Harris, was passed. Fifteen present. Meeting opened and closed with hymns and prayer.

Christchurch, March 13th: Miss C. Henderson presided, and welcomed the newly elected Dominion President, Miss C. E. Kirk, who later spoke on the harm of Trust Control. Pleasure expressed on learning that the Union had again won “White Ribbon” Banner (for greatest number of new subscribers gained in one year), and also the silver vase (for the greatest number of subscribers in N.Z.). March 27th: Miss Henderson presided. Members offered to assist in street collection for Tuberculosis Association. Resolution passed, "That we urge Government to take steps to secure large quantities of rabbits aud other wild animals to send overseas to supplement food supplies.” Mrs. B. James then gave a most interesting and comprehensive report of the Dominion Convention.

Reefton. March 12th: Mrs, Thompson presided. Frances Willard Day observed, Mrs. Leaning reading a paper on the life of Frances Willard. Collection for World Missionary F'und.

March 21st: Successful Cradle Roll party held in Wesley Sunday School grounds. Beautiful weather. Twenty-two children and twenty mothers attended. The children were kept happy with games, ice cream and soft drinks; the mothers partaking of afternoon tea. Linwood, March 30th: Mrs. Mackie presided. Breezy, good report of Convention given by Mrs. Dunlop, who had been delegate for the first time. Rejxirts on Band of Hojie, which has made an encouraging beginning, and is passing on two members to the “Y” branch. Three new "W.R.” subscribers. Meeting closed with the Benediction.

New Brighton, April 4th: Devotions led by Mrs. Edward. Pledge reaffirmed. Members stood in silence as a mark of respect to the late Mrs. C. W. Barrell and Mrs. W. Peppered, a local member. A short prayer was offered by Mrs. Hall. A picnic was held in February, where a "Bring and Buy" stall realised £l/14/- for Headquarters Fund. Pleasing rejiort read by our three delegates to the recent ''onvention. The ladies were thanked. Mr . Ancell was nominated as District Vice-President. Presentation made to Mrs. FJward for her service as our former Secretary. Lytttlton-Heathcote, March 26th. at Heathcote: Mrs. Tredenmek, President, in the chair. Good attendance. Captain Norman, of the Salvation Army, gave an interesting talk on the work done on the Island of Roto Roa, where her ft >her, a Salvation Army officer, was one time m charge. In 39 years, 3,000 men have been treated there. An encouraging part of the work is that 77 per cent, have been cured, and seme have become fine Christians. The Methodist minister, the Jv % Mr. Brown, joined us for afternoon tea. Sydenham, April 14th: Our President, Mrs. Filer, presided over an attendance of fourteen. Devotions were conducted by Mrs. Davies. Motion of sympathy passed with the relatives of the late Mrs. C. W. Barrell, "ur much loved North Canterbury President. The Secretary

stated that a telegram had been sent to Mr. Barrell. After the usual routine business had been transacted, Mesdaines Davies and Drewitt presented rejiorts on the recent Dominion Convention, these members sharing in the duties of delegate on behalt of the branch. North Brighton, March 19th: Mrs. Mcllwraith led Devotions. Seven niembt rs and one visitor present. Agreed to celebrate 20th birthday. A beautiful paua shell brooch was presented to Mrs. D. Goldman for loyal and devoted service as President for eight years. Departmental Sui>erintendents were appointed.

SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Timaru, March 26th. Mrs. Densem presided.* The resignation of the President, Miss Fyfe, was received with regret, this being due to illhealth. I'he caretaker reported a busy month at the "Sailors’ Re«t." Mrs. Densem reported on the Dominion Convention, and a full discussion followed. It was suggested that Guides and Brigades be urged to study Temperance. Temuka, April 4th. Mrs. H. Grocott presided over a good attendance. De-votions led by Mr*. Prattley. A detailed rei>ort on Dominion Convention given by Mrs. J. Holliday. Arrangements in hand for a Cradle Roll party. A resolution of sympathy with Mrs. Hiett on the death of a brother. Doxology.

OTAGO DISTRICT Oamaru, April 7th: Mrs. Winn, in the chair, led in prayer. Devotions led by Mrs. Burgess. Mrs. Winn thanked members who had heli*d with Cradle Roll and Band of Hope picnic. Members asked to assist with funds for literature for election year. Arrangement for mothers' evening next month. Miss Thompson gave a rtqxjrt on Convention, for which she was heartily thanked. Mention was made of the passing of the late Mrs. Bridgman, who was a valiant worker for the temperance cause for many years. A duet was contributed. Meeting closed with the Benediction. March 11th: Mrs. Winn presided and led in prayer. Devotions were taken by Miss Cowan. A Memorial Minute was included regarding the late Miss Mary Milligan. Mrs. Winn expressed thanks to all the members who had assisted with the Plunket street collection. Invitation from the Baptist Church to attend a sjiecial service was accepted. A letter of welcome to be sent to returning sons of members. Letters of thanks for congratulations on honours received from the King received Mi ss B. Wilson and Mr. Harkness. A letter of thanks for sympathy received from Mrs. \\ eston. One new member enrolled. Solo, and afternoon tea. Dunedin South: Fourth Thursday. Mrs. Rippin presided. Mrs. Smith led Devotions. Aj>ologies from four members. President announced that in future secretaries would be exacted to prepare quarterly reports for District Conference. Mrs. Rippin delivered a full and comprehensive report of the Annual Convention, for which she was thanked by Mrs. Williamson.

North Ea*t Valley, March 28th: Comprehensive rejxirts on Convention business given by Miss Gibbs. Decided to hold an afternoon tea concert on April 30th to raise funds for the work of the Union. Lawrence, April 4th: Attendance fair. President gave a talk on "Ye are the salt of the earth." Extracts from "White Ribbon” read. Mrs. McNeilly gave a paper on "The Road to Enimaus." Reference was made to the death of a member. Recitation by Mrs. Duguid. Decided to ask District Secretary for a rejiort of Convention.

SOUTHLAND DISTRICT Winton, March 9th: First meeting for the year. Mrs. T. A. Thomas presided. Pledge related. Devotions led by President. Apologies received and sympathy letter sent to Mrs. Bryce. Mrs. Edgerton gave suitable and helpful tenq>erance readings. The President also read some interesting records of the past work done by the W.C.T.U. Benediction. Invercargill, April 3rd: Mrs. Watson, VicePresident, in the chair. Devotions led by Mrs. Brown, who also gave a report of the Dominion Convention. Letters of sympathy sent to the Dobie family in the dtath of their mother, who was one of the original members of out Union; and to Mrs. Cameron on the death of her brother.

FOR ME The Lenten davs move slowly by; The Holy Week again is nigh. An aching bolds the heart in thrall; Suspense hangs heavy over all. The solemn Cross will tower again Over the hills across the plain; (iethsemane once more will come; And anguish make the soul its home. Oh, darkened days and hours of Lent! Oh, sorrows deep! Oh, dark portent! How can it be that Love must lie All bleeding ’neatli the shuddering sky? How can it be? Poor human fool! Make of your tears a healing pool. For You the wounds again have bled; For You the life again has sped. Oh, Faster Day that dawns at last! Oh, rapture of the broken fast! Oh, Heaven, that opens in the mom Of resurrection light new born!

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White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 4, 1 May 1946, Page 9

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 4, 1 May 1946, Page 9

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 4, 1 May 1946, Page 9

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