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Bulletin of Union News

DISTRICT EXECUTIVE MEETINGS Nrlaoii Feb. 21: Quarterly meeting held at t he home of Mrs. Walker, 12 being present. Mrs Too me r gave a helpful talk on “In the Beginning, God.” Mrs. Andrews' resignation ■uk ted with regret, after a period of efficient -k lasting seven years. Mrs. Andrews was i , mked and presented with a nosy. .Mrs. S her rat elected in her place. Mrs. Tootner elected delegate to convention, and remits for convention were discussed. A letter was reel |ved from the Patriotic Association inviting representatives to their general meeting. Also ~m from W.W.S.A. inviting support for CORSO. It was decided to ask Nelson, Richmond and Motucka unions to furnish a quarterly report to each executive meeting. A very successful “bring and buy” and copper trail hrlped towards convention expenses. Meeting closed with the Benediction. Auckland: Monthly meeting held Monday, March 4, the district vice-president, Mrs. .Mountjoy, presiding, and devotions liemg led hv Miss C. M. McLay. Mrs. Mountjoy extended a warm welcome to Miss Jennie Uraig, a former officer of the executive, who has rrcc.tlv returned to Auckland after an absence of twelve years in Australia. Plans were made for the arranging of Mothers’ Day an-

nual gathering in May. Mesdauies Ling and Mountjoy were appointed the delegate® to the X.C.r. for the coming year. As this was poll year, Miss McLay made the suggestion that the i Auckland executive hold a monthly

day of prayer till the election. Mrs. Mountjoy and Sister Jennie rejiorted on the work l icing done at the Maori Hostel. Twenty-five girls are in residence at present, including two San. .an girls. Mrs. I»ng invited branches to hold one meeting yearly at the hostel. A teport of the recent officers’ meeting held in Dunedin was received from Mrs. Mitchell.

Wellington, Feb. 28: Miss Kirk presided and Mrs. Brewer welcomed the delegates, giving a very warm welcome to Miss Appleby who was present. Apologies were received from Me-dames Sjiencer, Johnston and Israel. Mrs. Sarien was appointed letter-writer. Greetings to l»e sent to Mrs. Hiett, and letters to Mes(ianu - Peryman, Lopdell and Spencer. letters of sympathy were to lie -ent to North ( ailterbury Union, and to Mr. Barrell; also to Mrs. Thompson M icky', of Lower Hutt. Rep.rts of N.C.O. meetings to he limited to one sj.aker at tuture meetings. Miss Kirk and Mr-. Reed represented the district ft Lady Bobbie's meeting in the town hall, and presented her with a bouquet, Mrs. Reed acting a' one of the ushers. The need for more

organisers was discussed and members were a>ked to look round for someone suitaole. The sum of £l6/17/- has been donated for a pi jector, and enquiries were to be made a« to when this would be available. letter of congratulation to be sent to Miss V. Osborn n her engagement to Mr. \V. Cullum; two of our first “Y"s to go to a convention. Nice dinner provided by the Brooklyn Union. At the afternoon session, the treasurer’s statement was taken after a short devotional period. Central Union kindly £2 to delegates’ expenses for convention, letter read from Dr. lenme Craig, from Australia, who has taken ouy “W.R.” for yea;?. Mrs. Brewer moved i 1 • allowing remit for convention (Dominion): "That convention appoint someone wno w’ould able to answer letters and articles in the ; aj ers dealing with various subject#.’* Carn* 1. Discussion on “Bible in Schools" then t« k t>lace. Rened ctioo. Marlborough. Feb. 21: The quarterly meeting ■’ * ie district executive was held in Wesley class room; good attendance of members and M -• V. Underhill presided. Resolution of sympathy with Mrs. C. S. Leov and family, and, Mr®. Alexander and family, in the death of husband and father; also with Mr. Barrell and irmly, of Christchurch, in the death of Mrs. Harrell. Appreciation t x pressed of services r < '"lered by the late Mr. Alexander to the Hand of Hope and the temperance cause in c’ ’ial. The rei>ort of the Dominion executive imeting was read and discussed, also the remits to be dealt with at convention were gen-

erally approved. The president, Mrs. Underhill, was appointed the delegate. The noontide was observed, Mrs. Robinson taking the prayer. Matters of interest were discussed and a very helpful meeting conclued with the pronouncing of the Benediction.

UNION REPORTS NORTHLAND DISTRICT Maungakaramea, Feb. 19: Fair attendance. Mrs. Weir in the chair, letter received from Mrs. Robert#, president Northland District Union, urging each individual to do her utmost in the tight during the comi.ig yeat Discussed question of sending representative to National Council of Women meetings at Whangarei. Mrs. Weir read an article on Frances Willard. Members pleased to know temperance films may fie used by Education Board. Editor's remarks re rebuts, etc., noted. Pukehuia, Jan. 31: Sjiecial meeting rejort. AUCKLAND DISTRICT Onehunga, Feb. 14: Activities for another year's work satisfactorily started. Fairly good attendance. Syllabus and arrangement of programmes, with reports and much local business; votes of sympathy to relatives of members recently bereaved; also discussion of seveial items of news from “White Ribbon," the president and Mrs. Ashby reading the Temperance Quiz from the February “Beacon.’’ Six of the members were called on to say “Why 1 Joined the W.C.T.U.," all the testimonies fieing interesting and inspiring, in each case proving the value ot home training and esi>ecially the life-long influence of a good mother. Remuera, Feh. 25: Mrs. Kasjier presiding. Devotions taken by Mrs. G. Robinson. Pledge recited and tenqierance fact given. Mrs. Kas.■Kt an address on Frances Willard, tlm> observing her “day.” Vote of sympathy with the relatives of the late Miss Read. Reports given on the successful cradle roll and L. I .L. party. Benediction. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT

Taumarunui, Feb. 21: Small attendance. Membership reduced through removals. Discussion of plans for the coming year. Tauranga, Feb. 19: Sjierial meeting held at the home of the president. Good attendance. Mrs. Foxcmft elected delegate for convention. Remits discussed and delegate instructed in some cases. Band of Hope plans well discussed. Representative committee to be formed. Dominion corres|>otiding secretary’s rejiort of officers’ meeting read, and competition stressed. Benediction.

Tauranga, March 5: Opening meeting in the form of a garden party held at the home of Mrs. Buhner. Fine weather brought along sixteen members and a number of visitors. Special prayers were offered on behalf of the United Mission being held in the town. Greeting sent to Dominion Convention. Two money donations received and “bring and bu>" successfully operated. Afternoon tea, games ami conqietitions were enjoyed. Hamilton, Thursday. March 7: Mrs. Gatman presided, reading Psalms 41 and 42, taking therefrom her message. “Hope ihou in God." Enquiries to be made regarding the film, “It’s the Brain *hat Counts.” and arrangements for showing it in schools to youth groups in Hamilton to he made. Mrs. Stephenson Craig appointed superintendent anti-gambling department. Mrs. to he invited to retxirt Dominion Convention at next meeting. Mrs. Clark appointed evangelistic superintendent. Prayer and benediction closed inspiring meeting.

TARANAKI DISTRICT Hawera, February meeting: Mrs. Haywood presided and Mrs. L. Thayer took devotions. Mrs. Tnzer. secretary, gave a full and good report of the Taranaki annual district convention held in Hawera. Tetter received from the X.Z. Alliance. Stall for alliance did good business. Mrs. Rarron elected as Dominion convention delega<e. As Mrs. Haywood was leaving Hawera for a time, she tendered her resignation as president. Prayer and Renediction. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT Napier: First meeting for the year. Mr«. president, in the chair. Good attendance. Rtisiness: fljs worth of “Vanguards” to be distributed locally. Mrs. to attend convention. Next meeting, gift parcels of food or soap for England. Convention report also.

WELLINGTON DISTRICT Wellington Central, Feb. AJ: Good attendance. Happy to revert to our original day, third Wednesday. Sick members visited were Mrs. Perytnaii and Miss Strong. Secretary to lie convention delegate. Letter from Mrs. Rown tree, giving her views on visiting Invercargill. Anangenieiits made tor district executive meeting. Excellent cradle roll report by the superintendent. All supers, thanks for their w';ik of the past year. Convention remits considered.

Lower Hutt, Feb. 27: Mrs. Si»cncer presided and Mrs. bwitt led devotions. Address by a is.A. officer who spoke on what tenqierance work is to them. He paid a tribute to Mrs. Hiett and the W.C.T.U. as a whole. He had recently been in luvercaigill and said it was appalling to see the number of young people drinking who would never have gone into an hotel. “Bring and buy” as usual. Benediction.

Brooklyn, Feb. 26: First meeting for the year presided over by Mrs. Brewer. Pledge reaffirmed. Devotions taken by Mrs. Sawdeu. Tributes paid to the late Mrs. Bairell, former Dominion vice-president, and her great work for the tenqierance cause; all standing in silence. Correspondence from Dr. Jeautiie Craig, conveying greetings Irom the W.C.T.U. Mate Executive of New South Wales; Miss Wright, general secretary, Kamabai Mukti Mission; and Presbyterian Church Board. Greetings from Mrs. Tennant. Temperance fact. .Mrs. Dudley appointed delegate to Dominion convention. Remits discussed and mainly adopted. Hospital visitation arranged. Plans for entertaining district executive made. Interesting address given by Mrs. Brewer on “Faith and Work,” urging her hearers to wait ujion the Lord lor strength to go forward and carry on the work. Meeting closed with Sigil prayer and Benediction. NELSON DISTRICT

Nelson, Feh. 12: Fair attendance, Mrs. Toonier presiding. 'Temperance facts read by Mrs. Kidson and Mrs. Walker. Extracts read from “White Ribbon’’ dealing with Chatham Islands report, competition for leaflets, slogans and stickers, and Dr. Beeby’s letter re tenqierance film. Convention delegates appointed were Mesdames Doel and J. Hay. Jhe president reported that she and Miss Every (antigambling superintendent) had made a successful protest against children selling raffle tickets. One new member initiated. President's message for the New Year was, “Hitherto hath the Lord heljied us.” She reminded members that the coming year would calf for courage and vision. Pledge rejieated. Benediction.

MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT Tua Marina reports that meetings are held regularly, but that death and removal are making things rather difficult just now. Interesting matters are talked over, clippings and readings being read. Blenheim, March .3: Mrs. W. T. Girling presided in the absence of president, Mrs. N. Forbes, at convention. Devotions led hy r Mrs. J. J. Bailey. One minute’s silence observed in memory of Mrs. A. J. Miller, and Mrs. A. M. R. Mills. Inspiring article read by Mrs. Girling, “The Victory of God,” touching specially on the miracles of Dunkirk and Malta. Mrs. P. Stephens also read an article on “Life and Work at Kalimpong Leper Hospital, Bengal," also describing a Sunday service there. The adjutant, Mrs. Kearse, of the local Salvation Army, welcomed. Benediction. Springlands, Feh. 19: Mrs. Underhill presided, good attendance. Sympathy expressed with three members who had suffered loss of loved ones, and wi»h others who had been ill. President expressed pleasure at meeting together once more. Decided to send delegates to convention and Mrs. F.yles and Mrs. Roussell were nominated, these two ladies to arrange. Attention drawn to the request for suggestions for poster? and leaflets. A syllabus was drawn up for the year’s activities which should provide for interesting and helpful meetings. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT

Papanui, Feb. 20: Mrs. Tillman presided. Devotions by Mrs. E. Elliott. Vote of sympathy with relatives of the late Mrs. C. W. Barrell. Mental hospital visiting by Mrs. Hawker and Mrs. Thornton. Arrangements made for twenty-fifth birthday and for annua! convention. Short readings, grave and gay, given by members. Rcefton, Feb. 12: Mr*. Thompson presided. Decided to get suitable tenqierance posters for each Sunday school in the district; also leaflets for distribution.

Riccarton, Frb. 14: Meeting oj*ned with drvotiqns by Mrs. Harris. Attendance 17. Five a|>olo£ies. A motion of s\ mpathy passed with Mr. ('. H. Harrell and family in their very «>ad bereavement. Inward corrtrsjxmdence: The resignation of Mrs. Evans received with regret; letter from Zealaudia Soap Works asking for donations of fat to be made up into soap to be sent free to Greece; invitations received to attend Hand of Hope picnic and concert; also to attend the meeting in connection with the world day ot prayer, a tarewell social to l.ady Newall, and a welcome to Lady Dobbie. A request to attend the memorial service of the late Mrs. C. W. Harrell was also received. Final arrangements made in connection with the Dominion convention. Mrs. Harris apfminted delegate. Letters of sympathy, one of regret, and one of thanks, to be sent out. "Bring and buy" table brought in £l/0/3; £1 sent to Hand of Hoj>e funds. Benediction.

Christchurch: During January members arranged a farewell social for Mrs. Hawke on her return to England. Fine tributes paid to Mrs. Hawke by our president, Miss C. Henderson and Miss Ixivell-Smith. for her outstanding work in many departments of our branch, particularly as superintendent of our mental hospital visiting committee. On behalf of the union. Miss Lovell-Smith presented Mrs. Hawke with souvenir bookltts of New Zealand; other gifts also being given. February 5: Miss Henderson presided. Members learned with great regret of the passing of our president, Mrs. C. W. Harrell. Vote of sympathy passed with relatives. Thanks for our sympathy received from Mrs. Hiett. in the loss of her sister. Miss Lovell-Smith (hon. triasurer) read satisfactory financial statement. Convention arrangements discussed. Members volunteered to give hospitality to visiting delegates. Mrs. Hunt elected superintendent of mental hospital visiting committee. Donation sent to Batul of Hoj>e Union. Thanks received for donation to Timaru Sailors’ Rest. President read extracts of temperance work in other countries and also urged the importance of urg>ng Members of Parliament to work for compulsory teaching on temj>crance in schools. February 27: Miss Henderson presiding. Thanks received from Mr. C. W. Harrell. Members promised to help in coming CORSO street collection. Mrs. B. James elected delegate to Dominion convention. Members invited to attend evening reception to Lady Dobbie. Convention remits then discussed.

North Brighton: February meeting held in the form of a picnic at the home of Mrs. Scott. A "bring and buy” sale was held for general funds. Cheering message from new president, Mrs. Norman. Motion of sympathy with the relatives of the late Mr'. C. \V. Harrell. Reports on mental hospital visiting; prayer meeting: cradle roll party at which a "bung and buy” sale was held, were received.

SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Ashburton, Feb. 5: Mrs. Browning presided in the absence of the president and also led devotions, reading from Mark Ist, and helpful talk given. Mrs. Adjutant Smith elected delegate to convention. Rev. Mr. Blight gave a convincing address on the advantage of "no licence” towns, stating that on'y a small amount of liquor goes into "dry" areas. Wliere there are licences there are more convictions for excessive drinking. More sly grog business is done in licensed areas than in dry. Also,' the lack of accommodation is not the result of "no licence." Solo by Miss Gunn. Afternoon tea. Temuka, Feb. 27: First meeting for the year. Good attendance. M;s. % Grocott presided. De votions, Mrs. R. Smart. "Frances Willard Day" observed. An inspiring address by Mrs. Hiett, Dominion president. Doxology. Timaru, Feb. 26: Activities re-commenced, Miss Fyffe presiding. Devotions led by Mrs. Prattley. Delegates for Dominion convention appointed and a discussion on remits for convention was held.

Oamaru, Frb. II: Mrs. Winn, in the chair, led in prayer and gave inspirational devotional talk. Members stood in svmpathv wi*h relatives of the late Miss M. Milligan, a faithful and valued member, and also the relatives of the late Mr. I). Simpson, a devoted worekr for the tempetance cause. Miss Thompson appointed delegate to convention. £1 was voted for fo<»dstuffs for Britain. Members joined w.»h other organisations in giving subs, for the Winston Churchill fund. Reference to Frances Willard, and collection. Duet; afternoon t-a and Benediction.

Dunedin South, fourth Thursday: Mrs. Rippm presided. Mrs. Smith, devotions. President announced the passing of Mrs. Dray, former cradle roll suj>erintendent. Customary tribute paid. Two new members welcomed, Mesdatnes Dickson and Dow. Syllabus f< r the year to lie arranged with realisation of the insidiousness of the drink habit to youth especially. A "social" committee set up with this object. Si*ecial days also to lie observed. Delegates , to annual convention, Mrs. Rippin, and Mrs. Donaldson (as district president). Mrs. Purcell (Australia) had visited Invercargill and taken notes on licensing system and promised to give us the notes when completed. North East Valley, Feb. 28: Good attendance. Hrlnful devotions led by Mrs. Peart. Miss Gibbs appointed delegate to convention. Interesting discussion on remits.

SOUTHLAND DISTRICT South Invercargill: First meeting of the year. Good attendance. Devotions led by Mrs. Richards, devotional su(*erintendent. Mrs. H<4mes said a few words on the passing of Miss McCallum, and hymn 10 was sung in remembrance. Invitation from Winton W.C. T.U. to their twenty-first birthday ‘party. It was agreed to have a plaque hung in the hall in memory of our late president, Miss McCallum. Mrs. Holmes elected delegate for convention. Benediction.

Kaikorai, Feb. 26: Mrs. Flett presided and read an interesting article called the "Song of our Syrian Guest," a commentary on the twenty-third Psalm. Decided to have roll call with temperance fact or Scripture verse. Social afternoon tendered to Miss Dobson, who had been our secretary for 21 years. Mrs. Flett presented a book with love and best wishes in appreciation of Miss Dobson’s long and di-voted service. Miss Duff sang a solo, and Mrs. McKenzie recited. Mrs. McKenzie to be delegate at convention. Invercargill Central. March 13th. Mrs. T. Ruthven presided. Tl»e sj»eaker was Mrs. J. J. Wesnet, who gave an address on "Life and Work." Mrs. Walker re|>orted on the conference of the National Council of Women held in Napier.

Otago District: Lawrence. March 7th. Miss Ferguson, President, in the chair. Good attendance. Kxtracts from ‘‘White Ribbon” read. Greeting to be sent to Convention. Pa[>er, “Was Jesus a Prohibitionist?" read by Mrs. McNeilly, and ‘‘The Story of Ramabai,” by Miss Ferguson.

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White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 3, 1 April 1946, Page 9

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 3, 1 April 1946, Page 9

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 3, 1 April 1946, Page 9

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