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Bulletin of Union News


Northland. 6th Nov.: Meeting at Whaugarei. Four Unions repre sen ted; district president in the chair. Mrs. T. Moorhead, recording secretary, welcomed by president to her first executive meeting jince her election. Re|>ort of Miss Appleby's work in Northland received with interest. Whangarei president rejsirted that her Union was following up Miss Appleby’s work in Hikurangi by going to the district on 13th Nov. to hold a meeting. Decided to write to the Prime M nister and to the district Members of Parliament, asking that no liquor be served on any dav of national celebration which may be arranged when our men are all returned. Discussion on ways of retaining our non-attending members resulted in the sending of the following resolution to Unions: “That arrangements should be made to make definite contact with nonattending members quarterly, or at least half-' yearly.” It is recognised that the contact will have to be by letter in many cases. President made a plea for 11 members to use the stickers now on sale from headquarters. North Canterbury: In the absence of Mrs. Harrell, Mrs. F. J. T. Grigg presided, taking devotions on the life of Jeremiah. Miss Gainsfors gave the temperance fact. Several members offered to sell health stamps at the Christchurch post office on two days allotted to them. Opawa branch offered to give the concert at the women’s reformatory. Mrs. gave the “White Ribbon” re|*>rt; Mrs. Clark, youth rr. pert; and Mrs. Black rejiorted on visits io the mental hospital. Many interesting reports given by branch sect claries on work dor.e in their Unions.

Marlborough, 15th Ncv.: Mrs. V. Underhill, president, in the chair. Apologies from five members. Warm welcome to Sirs. Rogerson, peace superintendent, who had been absent for -ome months through illness. letters of sympathy with Mesdames Leslie and Stephens in illness. Concern expressed at the influence of the use of raffles upon children, this means of raising money being used to such great extent. Difficulty of increasing membership and secuting new officers was discussed. Nomination forwarded for Dominion Recording Secretary. Meeting closed with exchange of the reason's greetings. Auckland, sth Nov.: District president. Mis. Long, in the chair. Devotions led by Miss McLay, who was also appointed the dirni't superintendent for j>eace and arbitration letter received from Mrs. Head, of Niue Island. Mrs. Long reported on a meeting she had attended at Henderson, where 84) children had competed in writing temperance essays and nine had gained prizes. Mrs. Long also reported on the Maori Girls’ Hostel, and this was very encouraging, 21 girls being in residence. Miss McLay rejtorted on her visit to Rotorua. It was agreed t<> hotd ,i Christmas party instead of the usual executive meeting in December. Mrs. Mount joy reported on the N.C.W. meet inf.


Auckland, 13th Nov.: Annual meeting, Mrs. Long presiding. Mrs. Ross, vice-president, who had been away on sick leave for a year, received a very warm welcome. Collection taken for the Winston Churchill fund, and the “O and G.” hospital. Annual rejwirt presented by the secretary showed a year of activity. Mrs. San presented the annual balance sheet. The election of officers resulted: President, Mrs. Long; vice-presidents, Mesdaines Holmes, Ross, Whitburn and Massam and Miss Paul; secretary, Miss Dewar; treasurer, Mrs. Swan. A vote of thanks passed to the officers for their work during the past year. Union ry* .nto recess till March. Interesting talk on the Maori Girls’ Hostel work given by Mrs. Long. Mount Eden, 6th Nov.: Annual meeting. Miss A. McLay, president, in the chair. Pre sident reported the district executive met ting, progress at the Maori Gi. I'’ 1 '’ Hostel, and ar rangerrents for the Chrn nas party. Miss Pudney reported interesting items from meetin? • n Temperance Education Council. Secre tary’a report showed consistent work done dur-

ing the year. Treasurer’s statement showed generous giving, special efforts towards Royal Commission expenses and donations to Maori Hostel realising respectively 13/8/- and £3/6/-. Arrangements made for Cradle Roll party on 17th Nov. Two members donated £3 for gifts for children. All officers and superintendents re-elected.

Warkworth, Bth Nov.: Annual meeting. Fair attendance. Devotions. Reports showed that in all departments steady work was being done. All officers re-elected except Mrs. Phillips, secretary', who declined nomination after seven years’ service, her place being taken tenqioranly by Mrs. E. Torkington. An effort to be made to resuscitate “Y” branch as majority members are rehabilitated. Votes of thanks to all officers.

Grey Lynn, tkrtober: Home meeting at residence of the president, Mrs. Cook, this being a “glove and floral” evening. Devotions led by the president, each member choosing her favourite chorus. Thirty nice sirftll bouquets of most beautiful flowers were set in a large vessel on the floor, and these were sold and flowers taken to sick members. President gave a very fine talk on flowers, and the lessons they can teach. Competition won by Mrs. Holroyd. Delightful supper provided by president was paid for by coin, this going to Union funds. Thanks to Mrs. Cook for her hospitality. Supper and Benediction.

Otahuhu, 15th Nov.: Annual meeting, Mrs. Taylor presiding. After the usual business was dealt with, Mrs. West, vice-president, took the chair for the election of officers. Mrs. Taylor was unanimously re-elected, all showing their appreciation of the faithfd) work carried cut by her. Vice-presidents, Mesdaines West and Ward; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Beaumont; evangelistic sii|«erintendent, Mrs. Vercoe; flower and philanthropic, Mesdames Mears and Williams.

Kohi-St. Heliers, 15th Nov.: Meeting held at President Mrs. Kas|>er's home. After address and prayer by Mrs. Farr, choruses were sung and members welcomed by president. Temperance fact given. The annual and monthly reports were read, appreciation of the many visits paid to other branches was expressed. A song, “Rest,” was sung by Mrs. Machin, and greatly liked. L.T.L. had regular meetings at Mrs. Kasper’s house during the year and four gained high marks at the yearly examinations. All the same officers were returned for next year, and a vote of thanks was passed to Mrs. Kasper. Ponsonby, 15th Nov.: Annual meeting. Mrs. C. Joiner presided over an attendance of 16 members. Devotions taken by Mrs. Read who spoke on “The Time of God's Testing,” and was warmly thanked for her message. The president welcomed all members, especially Mrs. E. T. Olds. Tem|»erance fact given. Annuat report rerd b\ the ecretary shoved good work: s.-ercta y beitv thanked for, her work Superintendents of ciepa*-tn ents *«»ve reports of their work, a!' being th« iked fo. work. Sister Jessie took the chiir io» the election of officers which re*»i'tvd as follows: President, Mrs. R. Joiner; vice-presidents, Mrs. Freeman, Miss Read, Sister Jessie; secretary, Mrs. J. Osborn; treasurer, Mrs. Christopher. Departmental superintendents were also appointed. Several letters to be sent to sick and aged members. Mrs. R. Joiner thanked all members for their surxirt during the year, and gave Christmas wishes to all present. Meeting closed with the pledge and Benediction. Kemuera. 29th October: Mrs. Hugh Kasper presided- Choruses were sung, and two or three engaged in prayer. The Scripture reading was taken by Miss Tozer. Temperance fact Risen and pledge repeated. Mapri Day was observed, and prayer for the Maoris was made; £1 donated to the Maori Girls’ Hostel in Parnell. Miss Tozer gave an interesting report of the Auckland district convention, and was thanked. Mrs. Kas|>er also gave a very interesting rej>ort of her time in Southland, South Island. Benediction.

Remuera, 26th Nov..: Annual meeting, Mrs. Kasper presiding. Devotions led by Mrs. Laird. Pledge recited and temperance fact given. Minutes of annual and last ordinary meetings read and confirmed. Annual .eport given by Mrs. Kasper, and financial statement by Mrs. Laird. “White Ribbon” report given by superintendent, Mrs. Mackey, who was re-elected. Miss Bond reported on Little White Ribboners and was also re-elected. Rel>ort of Flower Mission and philanthropic work given by Miss Tozer, suj>erintendent. also re-elected. Mr 9. Laird was •■e-apt'ointed (Continued on page 7)

evangelis' ic superintendent. Election of officers was as follows: President, Mrs. Kasper; vice-presidents, Mesdames G. Robinson aid Mackey; secretary, Mrs. Mackey; secretary, Mrs. G. Robinson; treasurer, IBM. Laird. Mrs. Kasper thanked all officers for their work during the year. Benediction. Onehunjfa. 25th October: Home meeting at Mrs. Moore's residence was presided over by Mrs. Matron, home meeting superintendent, the programme consisting of a short devotional period, choruses and competitions much enjoyed, one of the latter, “Sing, Say or Pay” being very good. Later a friendly discussion about religious matters brought out different opinions. Our young hostess heartily thanked for the appreciated, interesting and varied programme arranged. An enjoyable aiteriioon. Onehuni a, Bth Nov.: Devotions. Much business needed consideration before receiving reports. Appreciation of the temperance teaching and •xrminations which have been consistently going on in the Henderson School for the past 20 years, each master canrying on the work previously begun. Regret aud sincere sympathy expressed with Dr. Jeanne Craig who, when residing in Onehunga, was a wonderful, inspiring and painstaking officer in our Union, ard has now suffered a sudden bereavement and sorrow. She, with her husband, had recently come for a visit to New Zealand and shortly after their arrival in Invercargill the lattv*- was taken ill and died. All sui*rintenden*s’ reports of the year’s activities were excellent and showed satisfactory interest aud process, being read by the following: Miss Hobde.i, secretary; Mrs. Fordyce, treasurer; Mrs. Hatton, home meetings; Mrs. Mount joy, Bible in schools and social and moral hygiene; Mrs. Ashby, “White Ribbon” (she herself sells six extra each month); Miss Caughlev, cradle roll (very flourishing); Mrs. Moore, L.T.L.; Mrs. Harnett, flower and philanthropic; Mrs. Musket, evangelical, Press and register. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, Mrs. Mount - joy; recording secretary, Miss Hobden; corres|>onding secretary, Mrs. Stacey; treasurer, Mrs. Fordyce. Superintendents were also ap|>ointed.

SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT Hamilton, Ist Nov.: President in the chair, and led devotions, reading from Colossians 4; the address following dealing with the necessity of, and the right way of approach to those we would influence and win for Christ’s kingdom. The sudden passing of a very dear member, Mrs. Robertson, was announced. Members stood in silence as a mark of respect and love to one who will be greatly misv.-d. Arrangements were made for attending the funeral and reading the W.C.T.U. service at the graveside. The next meeting to be the annual and closing one for the year. Tea, and the Benediction brought the meeting to a close. Tauranga, 6th Nov.: Annual meeting. Mrs. Christian presided. Devotions led by Mrs. Bensley, who gave a very timely message of encouragement. After closing last year’s business the annual minutes ana reports were Siven. These included work among seamen, ower and philanthropic, evangelistic, cradle r ’ White Ribbon.” Band of H »|<e. youth , literature, legal and parliamentary, good .tizenship, Maori; 1 good volume of activity being thus revealed. Thanks were express'd to all workers. Finance had been exceptionally good, much work being thus made possible. Election of officers resulted: President, none elected, Mrs. Christian consenting to act till March only; secretary, Mrs. York; reasurer, Mrs. Maunder. All su;»enntendents agreed to serve again. Membership thirty, cradle roll 76. Letters of sympathy to sick members, and congratulation to mothers of new babies were agreed upon. Benediction. 21st Nov.: An “At Home" arranged at the home of the president to give opportunity for members to meet Miss C. E. Kirk, Dominion recording secretary’* who was on a visit to Tauranga, was an enjoyable occasion. The attendance was good. A competition was won by Mrs. Robicson and Mrs. Munro. A presentation was made to the retiring treasurer. Mrs. Teasey, who had held the office for 23 years ;.nd reference was made to her faithful work t.nd the affection in which she is held. A flower spray was presented to Mtss Kirk as ’he guest of honour, and a very interesting ar.d informative talk was given by her, having special significance because of the poll year ahead. A 'taring appeal to the members to have a faith in their objective was an

outstanding feature of the address. Thanks were expressed to Miss Kirk. Afternoon tea and prayer offered by Mrs. Bryan, brought the close of the gathering . Taumarunui, 15th Nov.. A niual meeting. Sister Alison presiding. Two vice-presidents elected, all other officer- ie-elected. After the routine business,' the Rev. A. Wilde gave a very interesting talk on Bible in schools. Cambridge, 22nd Nov.: Annual meeting. Fair attendance. In the ab-ence of the president, Mrs. Weston presided, giving a short talk after devotions, her theme being “In the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up." Re]«>rt- on the year’s work were given by secretary and treasurer, the latter showing a good credit balance. It was resolved to send a donation to the Maori Girls’ Hostel, Parnell, which belongs to the W.C.T.U. A good cradle roll report showed 11 new names added this year. “W.R." report good also. Election of officers resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Kemsley; vice-presi-dent, Mrs. F. Bycroft; secretary, Mrs. A. L. Lewis: treasurer, Mrs. Wesley Hooker; all reelected. Superintendents appointed for evangelistic, cradle roll and temperance fact duties. Mrs. Moore read an interesting article on the work of Dr. Grenfell, of Labrador, and the trading of liquor. Thanks were given to all officers and members for their work for the Union, and encouragement for the future. Mrs. Weston asked for special prayers for Oamaru in the coming year. After the Benediction, tea was served, and farewells given until February. 1946.

TARANAKI DISTRICT Hawera, 30th October: Attendance fair. The pi rsident, Mrs. Haywood presided and took demotions. Maori Day observed. The treasurer read three tem(>erance facts. Very interesting talk given by Sister Anne Wilson, Methodisl Deaconess to the Maoris of South Taranaki, »n her work in Maori schools and hostels. Afternoon tea and Benediction. New Plymouth, 20th October: Good attendance. Mrs. Brown in the chair. Temperance fact. Sympathy for bereavement to Mrs. Tilley. Report of social at “Seamen’s Rest.’ 1 Mrs. Bailey asked for gifts of small bags for parcels. Interesting talk by Mrs. Aked on missionary’ auxiliary and work among Maoris and Maori girls in schools. Thanks accorded by acclamation. Benediction.

Hawera: Annual meeting. Good attendance, president in the chair. Devotions led by Mrs. Page. The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports both showed really good work for the year; 450 “Y.P. Supplements" had been sent out monthly to twenty schools, during the last four months. Officers were elected as under: President, Mrs. Haywood; secretary, Mrs. Tozer; vice-presidents, Mesdames Hurrell, Burnett and Collins. Su;ierintendents were also appointed. Mrs. Page closed the meeting after tea with prayer and the Benediction. WANGANUI DISTRICT Wanganui Central, November: Small a:tendxnca. Miss Appleby, organiser, was present, and opened with devotions, afterwards addressing the meeting and suggesting ways and means of making the ordinary and special meetings more attractive. Members were reminded that the December meeting would be the last for the year, and would be the annual meeting.

HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT Hastings, October: President, Mrs. Hickmott, presided over a good attendance. Final arrangements made for cradle roll party and garden party to be held at the residejee of Mrs. Hickmott. The president expressed the congratulations of the members to Mrs. Hagerson on the mentioning in despatches of her son; and to Mrs. Osborne, whose son has returned after four years’ service in the Air Force. A letter of sympathy sent to Mrs. Turner, our pianist, who has been ill in hospital, on the death of her wee grandson. The sewing and devotional afternoons held at a member’s residence have been encouraging. Mrs. Grainger was appointed delegate to the convention to be held at Dannevirke. One new member. Afternoon tea followed Mr. Hullett’s address. Prayer and Benediction. MANAWATU DISTRICT Palmerston North, 6th Nov.: Devotions led by Mrs. Boniface. Welcome extended to visitors. First part of programme was a picture shown by Mr. Gnnstead. showing ‘.he effects of alcohol on the brain. Miss Stephens, M.A., gave a talk on the evil of alcohol among the young people. Mrs. Shearman expressed to the speaker the thanks of the meeting. Prayer and Benediction.

Feliding, 7th Nov.: Mrs. Spence presided and devotions led by Mrs. Tremaine. Annual meeting. Letter from Miss McLay read. Report of convention given. All reports on year’s work showed good results. Vote of thanks to the treasurer for her work. Cradle roll and Band o i Hope showed good work done. A very’ hearty vote of thanks to the president was passed. Election of officers then took place. Prayer and Benediction. L#vln, tth Nov.: Annual meeting. Moderate attendance presided over by the president, Mrs. Kenneriey. The meeting opened with devotions, and a paper by Mrs. Finch, from “The Reaper,” dealing with the experiences of missionaries captured by the Japanese in Manila. Reports of various departments were read and discussed. Captain Williamson took the chair for the election of officers, all being reelected. The superintendents of the evangelistic department and for the temperance tact are both leaving the district. Mrs. Kenneriey thanked all officers and members for their help throughout the year, urging all to endeavour to make the coming year more successful by interesting others in the work. Votes of thanks were passed. Benediction.

WELLINGTON DISTRICT Brooklyn, 30th October: Attendance fair. Mrs. Brewer presided, warmly welcoming all present, but especially the corresponding secretary, Mrs. Gillings, who has been in hospital with eye trouble. Devotions led by Mrs. Greenwood, on Proverbs 3. Mrs. Pearce appointed acting secretary in the absence of Mrs. Jordan. Sympathy and a letter to he sent to Mrs. Abbott in the death of her father. Roll call answered with favourite verse of text. Thanks for donation to Maori Hostel, and greetings from Miss McLay. Invitations received from the Mothers’ Union (St. Matthew’s), and from the League of Mothers. Re!«>rt of d'ririrt executive given by Mrs. Pearce, anj of district convention by Mrs. Brewer, both ladies being accorded a vote of thanks. Decided to distribute “Y.P. Supplements" to Girls’ and Boys’ Brigades in Brooklyn. Mrs. Kelly read a paper from the “Methodist Times” on “Intoxicating Liquor at Weddings”; (1 donated for New Plymouth Sailors’ Rest. Sigil prayer and Benediction brought a very inspiring meeting to a close. Lower Hutt, 24th October: Mrs. Spencer presided, and Mrs. Swift led devotions. Monthly thought, “It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.” Secretary reported on district executive meeting held at Upper Hutt. Mrs. Spencer reported all eight of L.T.L. members hrd pasted the recent temperance examination, with five firsts, two seconds and one third. After tea, a solo was given by Mrs. Clarke, and Mr. Lopdell recited J. B. Gough’s “Beautiful Water” and “The Fall of Man,” which was \ treat to all of us. Competition won by Mrs. Aldersley. At it was a social and coin afternoon. £l/2/8 was handed in. Prayer and Benediction.

28th Nov.: Final meeting for the year, Mrs. Spencer presiding and Mrs. Swift leading the devotions. Good discussion on ways and meai.s of b-inging ordinary citizens to realise the hold Dl the drink traffic on our country and personal approach was felt to be the only way. It was members’ afternoon, when each one contributed something, everyone thus being brought forward and helping the rest with spiritually useful suggestions. Meeting closed with prayer and Bc.u*diction.

NELSON DISTRICT Neleon, 13tb Nov.: Annual meeting, Attendance fair. All officers reelected. Reports showed a busy and successful year. Cradle roll. 234; L.T.L., 20; “White Ribbon’’ subscribers, 57. Protests had been made against raffles for school functions. Balance sheet showed satisfactory credit balance, largely owing to some very generous donations. Request from manpower office to arrange accommodation for seasonal workers as last year. Agreed to do so. Greetings received from sister Unions in N.S.W. through Mrs. Sherrat, a onetime member. The temperance fact taken from the Melbourne “War Cry” showed that stories containing temperance teaching were broadcast from station 3DB and 3LK Melbourne. Decided to make enquiries re broadcasting in N.Z. The president, Mrs. Toomer, thanked all officers for their support during the past year, and in a short talk based on “Come ye yourselves anJ rest a while," pointed out how God calls us apart and strengthens us for all that comes. Benediction.


Tua Marina, October: Annual mrrtiug held a» the home of the president. Good attendance. Devotions led by Mrs. Robinson. Roll call responded to and sprays presented to three members. Letters and flowers sent to three sick members. Secretary's and treasurer’s reports read and adopted All officers re-elected. “The Old Rugged Cross" was sung by Mesdames H. Knight and F.. Smith. Mrs. Robinson read an »r # iclc entitled “Helping the Helpless All Round the World," and the benediction brought the meeting to a close. Springlands, 20th Nov.: Annual meeting. Mrs. Underhill |>resided and led devotions. Responses to roll call particularly good. liible m-Schools League report received from Mr. Paterson, also circular from the Federation 01 Women’s Clubs relating the Mr. Churchillappreciatnm fund. Mrs. Hegglun read the reItort of the year's activities and a satisfactory balance sheet was presented by Mrs. J. Eyles. The reports of the superintendents showed that the work had been well maintained. Mrs. E. Leslie, who was absent through illness, was commended for her faithful work among the Little White Ribboners, and also for training the children for the temperance exams, six of the seven who sat having gained certificates. The president thanked all officers and members for faithful services and co-operation, and gave a brief address on the reasons and ideals which inspired the founders of our movement. DiscusCon re joining in with Blenheim, but decided to carry on in Sprtnglands. Mrs. Wells voiced thanks to the president for her leadership. All officers, except Mrs. Hegglun. who, on account of ill-health did not accept nomination for the secreta vship, were re-elected. Mrsd-»mes Russell and Gascoigne, with Mrs. Leslie, were elected devotions leaders. A Christmas social arranged for December. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Lyttelton-Heathcote, 10th October: Very good attendance. Mrs. J. T. Norton presided. Thanks to the Rev. J. Sylvester for arranging for a temperance film which was shown in the Methodist schoolroom. Mrs. Tredenneck gave a splendid address on courage. Arrangements made for annual meeting at Heathcote in November. Papanui, 21st Nov.: Annual meeting. Mrs. Black presiding. Devotions ltd by Mrs. Elliott. Pledge and roll call—a text cf Scripture. Sec* ret ary’s report showed a gcod year of vervice and the treasurer reported a reasonable credit balance. Departmental reports satisfactory. Election of officers as follows: President, Mrs. Stillman; secretary, Mrs. Hodder; vicepresidents, Mesdames Carr, Elliott, Graham and Thornton; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Elliott; acting treasurer, Mis. Hodder. Superintendents and other workers appointed. The retiring president, who did not desire re-elec-tion, was thanked for her loyal service to vhe Union. Votes of thanks to honorary auditor, Miss Orchard, and the president. Linwood- At a recent annual meeting of the Linwood branch of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union the folk wing officer* were elected: President. Mrs. C. F. N. Mackie; vicepresidents, Mesdames Fuler. Turner and Switzer; secretary, Mrs. Ronald Black; treasurer, Mrs. A. Beck; devotional. Mesdames Robson, Mackie and Fuller; Band of Hot»e, Mrs. Teague; “White Ribbon,” Mrs. Fuller; cradle roll. Mrs. Switzer; peace and arbitration. Mrs. Wealleans; visiting committee. Mrs. Fuller (convener); birthday, Mrs. Robson; social, Mrs. Hade. Delegate to the forthcoming convention, Mrs. Beck. Reports proved great activity during the year by the respective branches of the work.

New Brighton, Ist November; President Mrs. Flower in the chair. Attendance fait. Nominations for Dominion officers made. Mental hospital visiting reported on. Letters of cheer and sympathy to be sent to two sick members. Branch repre*.nted at the Women’s Day service held in the Methodist Church. 21st October. Arrangements made for members to sell health stamps twice weekly in the post office vestibule. Reefton, 13th Nov.: Mrs. Thomvin presided. Owing to small attendance no election of ofairers took place, the ptesident, secretary and treasurer agreeing to carry on in the meantime. Secretary’s and treasurer’s reports re-cei-ed as satisfactory. Balance in hand to be sent to headquart' :s fund. Messages of sympathy to Mcsdamci Trim and Watson in their sad bereavement. Mee* ; ng closed with prayer.

Riccarton, Bth Nov.: Twenty members present. Devotions led bv Mrs. Brightling. Motions of sympathy passed to bereaved persons. Pledge reaffirmed, and temperance fact given. Invitation to Shirley-Richmond bir'hday received and accepted. Mental hospital rcjiort satisfactory. Executive report given. Bible •>tudy group to be held at the home of Mrs. Hughes. Miss Wiglev spoke on the “Banking System" from its inception till the present day. M rs. Schumacher also gave a verv interesting talk on the power of the mind. Votes of thanks carried by acclamation and the meeting closed with prayer and Renediction. Sydenham. Ist November: Mrs. J. Filer |*residing over an Attendance of 14 members, mothers and children (on the cradle roll) being our guests for the afternoon. Mrs. Davies conducted the devotions, and the usual routine business was transacted. Mrs. Hodder, district su|»erintendent of the cradle roll department, was present by invitation and spoke a few words of encouragement, at the same time urging members to obtain more names for the cradle roll. A duet was contributed by Mesdames Filer and Webb, and items were given by the children. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Waimate: October meeting very well attended. Mrs. Duckett, president, led devotions. Our first church parade very well attended. Mr. Beattie was our speaker on Maori Day, his talk bring very interesting. Sympathy extended to Mrs. Kippenberger in the loss of her sister. Timaru. 30th October: Miss Fyfe presided over a fair attendance. Devotions taken by Me«da;nes Beatty and Middleton. Arrangements made for cradle roll party to be held at Sailors’ Rest. Decided to improve the Sailors’ Rest by glassing in the verandah facing the „ea. To celebrate this a function will he held at the end of the month. Sailors' Rest report showed >everal visits naid by overseas men during the mouth, and seven Norwegian sailors had be*n accommodated for five days before joining their ship. A muchappreciated visitor, Dr. feannie Craig, gave an account of some of her work in Sydney and Ctnveyed greetings from the W.C.T.U. there. Dr. (laie had been r, great worker in days past in Timaru W.C.T.U. and charmed many sailors with her sing’ng. OTAGO DISTRICT Kaikorai, 25th Sept.: Mis. Flett presided. Onenefl with praise and the repeating of the pledge. Speaker, th* Rev. T. Pringle, who spoke on the life of M rs. Ida Smith. Mesdames Gracie Adcock appointed as delegate to distiict convention. 30th October: President in the chair. Devotions led by Mrs. Flett; also an article on life in a W.A.A.C. camp, and the stand needed to be taken by the girls there. Mrs. Adcock gave a comprehensive report on the convent on. Mrs. Flett announced the results of the recent temperance examinations, our young people gaining 2nd, 3rd ai»d 4th places in the senior grade; 4th. 10th snd 19th in the intermediate; 22nd and 23rd in the junior; and 11th in the preparatory clai'« Benediction and a social chat at tea time. L »wrer.c*, i«t Nov.: A nual meeting. Attendance fa>r. President, \ iss Ferguson, in the chair and led devotiims. She also gave a report of district convention, including a report of the "Y” v.ork for the year. All present officers were *-e-«lected. Oamaru, 12th N> ; Mrs. Winn, president, led in praver. Devotions were laken bv Mrs. Acutt. Welcome extended to Mrs. Donaldson, district president, and Mr*. Teague, a Linwood member. Miss Day, convention delegate, was thanked for her very comprehensive report. Arrangements made for visiting Old People’s Home on 24th Nov.; to sell health stamps at the poM office on 23rd Nov.; and to entertain the Band of Hope mrmhers at their final meeting for the year on 27th Nov; £1 was donated to the Maori Girls’ Hostel. Songs were given by Mesdames Keith and Rawson. The president thanked all members for their heln during the vear. P-esid« ut and all other officers re-elected. Benediction and afternoon tea.

Dunedin South. 22nd Nov.: Mrs. R.'-pin pre sided. Mrs. Smith, devotions. expressed for several membets whose relatives are seriously ill. Mrs. Randal) welcomed after several months’ absence. Members approved of courageous stand taken by the Rev. Mr. Whitfield in tackling the licensing laws. The secretary read the annual report, and those o>f the “White Ribbon” cradle roll. Entertain-

ment committee followed. The treasurer read her statement which showed a balance of £7 16/10. Mrs. Donaldson had visited Oaniaru. which sponsors a Hand of Hope and conve\rd and brought back greetings. Regret expressed at Miss Ford's (treasurer) resignation; she is going to the aid of Mornington. We lose another valued member, and the removal of the Rev. and Mrs. Howard deprive- vs some very able and helpful addresses. The president, Mrs. Kippm, and secretary, Miss McCarthy, were re-elected; treasurer elected, Mrs. Graham. Mrs. Rippin elected as repre tentative to the National Council of WomM SOUTHLAND DISTRICT Invercargill South, 9th October: Mrs. Walker presided over a good attendance. Being “Visitors’ Day,” members from the north and central branches were present, and were welcomed by the president. Solos were rendered by Mesdams Hunter and Richards and Aitcheson. Mrs. Lea accomt>anying. The sj>eaker was the Rev. R. Thornley, who gave a most interesting talk on his work and experiences during the blit/ in London, during the hrst two years of the war. Mr. Thornley was heartily thanked for his address. Prayer and the Benediction by Mr. Thornley closed the meeting. Hth November: President in the chair. At tendance good. Temperance fact given and pledge repeated. Mrs. Richards led devotions. President’s resignation considered. Letter of thanks irom Mrs. E. G. Strong for sympathy extended. The speaker was Mrs. H. R. Tur n«r, who gave a most uplifting and helpful address on Paul’s "workers together with Him.” The speaker was thanked Prayer and the Benediction closed the meeting.


A recent letter from Niue Island tells of the return to Niue Island of the Rev. and Mrs. Reharrel. after an absence of 16 years. It was Mr. and Mrs. Reharrel who introduced the "White Ribbon" movement to the islanders, and they were gratified at the extent to which it had grown m their absence. It is stated that 244 homes were visited durtng the year, and 77 homes supplied with food and clothing. It will be 100 years next October since thr Gos|*i was first taken to Niue and the islanders are looking forward to the centenary celebrations. Thanks are expressed for a gift of clothing from a South Island W.C.T.U. A donation of £1 was sent by Mrs. Head towards the Maori Girls’ Hostel.

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White Ribbon, Volume 17, Issue 11, 19 December 1945, Page 6

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 17, Issue 11, 19 December 1945, Page 6

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 17, Issue 11, 19 December 1945, Page 6

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