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Bulletin of Union News

NORTHLAND DISTRICT. tUunC'«kar*mea. Nov. 21. Annual meeting. L \\ r-ir presided. Fair attendance. Roll ,1 How to improve our meetings. Mrs. Lrey -ang very sweetly Hymn No. .4, “Ob (f!fhis .f Power" (words he Frances Wil* U), Officers elected RM. Mrs. Wetr; ke-Pres., Mrs. A. Babe and Mrs. Good* r gth: .ve., Mr*. S. Purdon; Treat., Mrs. | WalVer; L.T.L Supt., Mrs Goidenough; t.R.” Agent, Mrs. W. H. Gillingham; [ ingelistic, Mrs. VS . F.. Cook; Maori Dept., jrv G. Harvey. fttehuia.- Monthly meetings are held regufir, November meeting held at the home of |*v Fat rand. The work among the Maoris 4 , tpecially stressed. Letters of thanks nr Miss Appleby for several lots of vege* fcto, etc., sent to Maori Hostel. Reported at some Maori literature had been given t. also that three country schools had been .died with the Montgomery posters and inn* and blotters. Decided to hold public sperance meeting and Bring and Buy in unary.

A ark" orth.—Nov. Annual meeting. Devo* mi by Mrs. Coombridge. Monthly letter ad from Mrs. I. Long, Dist. Pres. Annual forts given by Supts. of Departments, ilance sheet proved finances in a healthy ndition. Prayer for peace at precisely 3 p.m. •cuwl holding a Maori hangi next month >. to W.C.T.U. Maori Hostel, •irly all officers and superintendents were elected for forthcoming year. President and eretary presented wt»*» floral sprays.

AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Auckland. Nov. 14. Annual meeting. Rcsonon *.«-nt t<» Prime Minister urging him to rand bv Treaty of Waitangi and not allow iqnor to be sold to Maoris, and protesting extension of racing days. RcimttN ;vtn of several entertainments. Annual re»rt an<l balance sheet presented. Officers Med: Pres., Mrs. Long; Vice-Pres., Mesarses Ross, Whitburn, Massam, Holmes, I 'Ses Paul and Dewar; Sec Miss N. Dewar; ’’ess.. Mrs. Swan.

kohi-St. Heliers.-Nov. 16 Devotions by Mrs. Farr. Pledge repeated. Temperance fact. A nual rejiort. Protest to Mayor re picture •S ruing on Sunday evening*. R. ;« rt LT L. given. Xc v. 25. Last year’s officers and superin* ■'"dents all re-elected. Mrs. Turvev, a new elected Sutterintendent lor Maori I'ork.

Onehunga. - Nov. 9. Annual meeting. R--Ports for 19M were excellent, and showed uti (factory progress in all departments, "tfrers re-elected, but Mrs. Hatton Home M*etinu Su|»t., and Mrs. Stacey Cor. Sec. Xov. 23 Sjiecial meeting arranged by Mrs. ees» to assist our funds by a Sale of Work, by Mrs. Gibbin and lecitations by Mrs. Hatton. Mrs. Breese was heartily thanked br her effort.

Otahuhu.- Nov. 16. Mrs. W. Taylor in the ”»ir. Annual meeting Reports were given. •Vc ted Mrs W. Tavlor. rr-elrct*d ''Tsid.-nt; Mrs. Beaumont, Sec. and Treat.; ¥rs. West. "W R." Supt.

Ponsonb/. —Nov. 14. Annual meeting Mrs. B *ner presided. Devotions, Mrs. Read. o» Convention by Mrs. M:ller. Sister Tf "ie presided at election of officers as

Pres., Mrs. R. Joiner; Vice-Pres., JJ r *. and Mu* Read and Sister Jessie; Sec., Jf r '- J Osborn; Treat., Mrs. Christopher; [’ant. and Bible in Schools, Mrs. Read; 'otaWr Days. Mrs. Butt; "W.R.." Mrs. J ods; C.R . Mrs. Miller; Flower. Mrs. ' 1 . n. Sister If • S< »m< - \\ rV )* rv Osborn. Christmas greetings to all. B *2ediction.

Remuera.—Nov. 2*. Annual meeting. Mrs. I*’ presided. Devotions, Mrs. Laird. Annual rejnirt bv Miss Cowan; financial state* by Mrs. Laird; "W.R ." bv Mrs. JJ*ckr\, six new members gained; L.T.L. by -ji*' a s|ier; C R. by Miss Bond. 28 on the ■ " Samen's Rest by Mrs. Mackey; Flower >v *i»s Toter; Peace by Mrs. Hunter. Elecno® officers; Pres., Mrs. Kasper; Vice’f*., Mrs. G. Robinson and Mrs. Mackey;

Sec., Miss Ccwan; Cor. Sec., Mrs. G. Robinson; Treat., Mrs. Laird; Piamste, Mrs. Cardwell; Devotional. Mrs. Laird. Afternoon tea. Benediction. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Cambridge -Nov. 23. Annual meeting. Mrs. Lewis presided. Officers’ report* were received. Officers elected: Pres.. Mrs. kensley; Vice-Pres.. Mrs. F. By croft; Sec., Mrs. A. L. Lewis; Treas., Mrs. Wesley Hooker. Mrs. Stephenson Craig sjoke on "Work,'’ and stirred up enthusiasm and was presented with a beautiful |«osy. One new member. Bring and Buy. >ujierintendents elected: Devotions and C.R., Mrs. Aif. Simpson; Temperance Fact, .Mrs. D. Moore; “W.R.,” Mrs. Geo. Simpson; Press, Mrs. Piamste. Mrs. Stan Hall. Yu- of thanks to Ha Church for use of room; to Mr*. Craig for address; and to Mrs. Hooker for floral tributes. Hamilton. Nov. Mrs. Gatman presided. Devotions, Mrs. Stephenson Craig. Tenqierance fact. Prayer session. Benediction. Hamilton. -Dec. 7. Annual meeting. Mrs. Gatman presided. Mrs. Stephenson Craig led devotions. Secretary rejwrted progressive year, increase in membership of C..C reaching 261. All departments revealed close attention to Union’s highest aims. Retiring officers reelected, and Mrs. Gatman thanked for leadership. Seamen’s Rest, Timaru, gratefully acknowledged parcels. Tauranga. Dec. 5. Social afternoon. Piano- > i wnj>etitiot>*, recitations. A very nice afternoon tea and a table covered with Christmas gifts for our Bring and Buy. Meeting closed with prayer and the Bt r eduction.

Tauranga. -Nov. 7. present. Mrs. Christian presided. Annual meeting. Mrs. Hensley conducted the religious exercises. Mrs. Ward conveyed kind messages from Mrs. F'xley to our Union. Ke|«>rts read and adopted. All officers re-elected. Mrs. Christian moved a vote of thanks to all helpers during the year, and Mrs. Hensley moved a vote of thank* to Mrs. Christian. Afternoon tea. Bring and Buy. Benediction. Thames. -Nov. 1. Maori Day observed. Readings oti the effect of alcohol on Maori race by President. Also letter from a Maori worker read. Collection (10/-) sent to Maori F und.

Dec. 6. Annual meeting. Rejtorts showed work to br in healthy condition with live interest by members. Finances good. Increase in Cradle Roll and "White Ribbon" subscribers and membership. Donations authorised to Methodist Church Trustees, Auckland Maori Girls’ Hostel, Headquarters and "White Ribbon" Funds. Retiring President thanked all officers and extended Christmas wisnes. letter of sympathy to Cradle Roll Sujwnntendent in her accident. Meeting recorded appreciation of Mrs. Middleton’s fine help to the Union, expressing sorrow at her departure. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Haw-ra,—l>ec. 5. Annual meeting. Majot Lavis j ;x sided and led devotions. Reports showed good work being done. Solo by Mrs. G. Toaer. Officers elected: Pres., Major Lavis; V - Pres., Uttt H ' • '<• Mrs. Hurreli and Mrs. Burrell; Sec., Mrs. Baker; Treat., Mrs. Barron; C.K.. Mr*. Burton, "W.R. Mrs Barton; Notable Days, Mrs. Toser; l-egal, Mrs. Hartman; Peace, Mrs. Thayer. New Plymouth Nov. Annual meeting. Good attendance. Mrs. W. A. Brown presided. Devotions. Teni|<rance fact, reports of Superintendents and Officers, Seaman’s Rest. Elecii m <>« officers: Pres., Mrs. W. A. Brown; V»ce-Pres., Mrs. Wells; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Wood; Rcc. Sec., Mrs. Oliver; Treat., Mrs. Morwond. Superintendents were re-elected, also tea committee. Miss G. A. Drew was sleeted to represent N C.W. Benediction. Afternoon tea. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Wanganui Central—Dec. 7. Mrs. Duxf.eld presided. Good attendance. Devotions led by Mrs. Prince. Message of *ynn>athy to relatives of the late Mr*. Orchard. Treasurer’s report most satisfactory. Thanks was accorded to Mrs. Oielly on her resignation as Treasurer; she has given three year* of Uithful service. Officers re-elected—Mr*. Duxheld

as President unanimous. Mrs. Goode. Treasurer; Mi*. Grinstead. Secretary. Decided to send a box of clothing, which has been collected, to the Rrd Cross Society. Benediction. HAWKE'S BAY DISTRICT. Hasting*. Nov. Annual meeting. Mrs. H. Hickmott presided. Good attendance. Mrs. A. H<>p|<er, devotions. Re|iort of District Convention by delegates. Secretary, Mr*. A. Pitt, gave a tine rejort of the year's work, showing steady progress. The Treasurer, Mrs. A. Murtaugli, presented the balance sheet, all members financial, and with a credit balance of £9 after all dues had been |»aid. All officers re-elected, with the addition of Mrs. H E. Grainger as Vice-President and Mrs. M. Warren as Social Superintendent. A Band of Ho|«e is to be fonts*. l in the New Year Napier.—Nov. 21. Annual meeting. Mrs. Lewis presided. Devotions. Report r.i officers read. Officers elected: Pres., Mr*. Lewis; Vice-Pres., Mrsdatne* Ihmnrlly Mil Austin; Sec , Mrs. Atherfold; Treas., Miss Ennor; Uor. Sec., .Mrs. Martin. Mrs C.'othier gave rejiort of District Convention. MANAWATU DISTRICT Palmerston North.—Nov. 6. Miss Janueson presided. lieiotions, Mr*. East. C'adie Roll party discussed. Special collection for N.Z. Alliance amounted to £5/8/6. Miss Jamieson spoke on the Aims and Object* of the National Council of Women. Visitors welcomed. Afternoon tea. Meeting closed with prayer. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn.-Nov. 27. Annual meeting. President in chair. Devotions by Mrs Greenwood Annual rrjort Trad by Mrs. Jordan, who was warmly thanked for her long and faithful services. Reports from ‘’W.R.," L.T.L, Cradle Roll and Bible in School Supts. Treasurer’s rejwrt showed satisfactory finance. Officers all re-elected and presented with bouquets. President ajijminted delegate to Convention. Reference made to the good work done by our Cor. Sec., Mrs. Gilling t. who was in Sydney attending her only son's wedding. A gift to be sent to Mr. Tom Gtllings, who is in the Merchant Navy, appreciation of his mother's services to Brooklyn Union stnee its inception. Temperance tact by Mrs. Cracknell. Lower Hutt.—Reported II meetings and two home meetings held. L.T.L. meets at Mrs. S|iencer’* fortnightly; 12 members. Two passed temjierance exam. Articles and money sent to Seamen’s Rest. Donations to Jumble Sale and servicemen’s tea; goods for Patriotic Shop week. All S.S. Superintendents of the Hutt circularised stressing the* need for more **■*• Iterance teaching and literature. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Lopdell; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Play ter, Routley and Spencer; T»tas., Mrs. Cooper; Sec., Mrs. Crawford; C.R., Mrs. Buck; WR Agents, Mesdames Hcves and Tea*dill; Birthday League. Mrs. Aldersley; Devotional Supt., Mrs. Swift. Wellington Central. Nov. Annual meeting. Mrs. Sired in the chair. Devotions by Mr*. Weldon. Greetings received from Mrs. Peryman and .Mis* ThomjMwMi District report by Mrs. Perkins. Mrs. Cullen elected delegate to Convention. Birthday posies distributed. one to Mis. Hr!\ri. who had rroei\rd a letter of congratulations from the World President, Ella Booth. Mrs. Andrew and Mr*. Helyer to be trustees. All officers re-elected. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Blenheim. -Nov. 11. Annual meeting. Officer* elected Mr*. N. Forbe*, re-elected President. Rejiort s »bowed steady jirogre**. Sick and absent m.‘libers remembered in prayer and letters. Mrs. Forbes read "Youth Speaks." Speinglands.—Nov. 21. Sympathy passed with the husband and fam.'y of out loved member. Mrs. Robert Workitan. Congratulations received from Blenheim Union on suecessful Trm|»eranCf Exams. Irterettitg W-tter from Mr* Cowie was read. The Secretary's report and Treasurer’s balance sheet showed a good year, with a credit balance. The Sujks. of “W.R ," C.R. and Flower and Philanthropic reports revealed work well maintained. Mrs. Underhill referred to officers and members who worked so happily with herself, and thanked them all. All officers re-elected, except that Mrs. L. Green was apj>ointed assistant Secretary.

NELSON DISTRICT. Nelson. - Nov. 29. \lr». Toomtr rjceudrd. Devotions, Mr*. Stone. Suggested that when l«>*»ible H.y. purchase projector *o that more urnrral u>e could be made ot him*, Donation received toward* purchase. Mr*. I>oll read rrj«*rt ol D.stnct Convention. New*pa|>cr cutting* dealing with crime* directly caused bv alcohol collected and displayed by Ml** Lamma*. I\i|>er on “Temprrance” by Mi»* t rev«»well read by Mr*. Andrew*. Alternoon tea. Itenediction. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. New Brighton. -Nov. 2. Mr*. Flower presided. Devotions, Mr*.. Brighams; tem|»eraiice tact. Mis* Gamble. C.R. picnic to be held Dec 9th, weather |<ernntting. Decided to have a Bring and Buy at next meeting, t>nceeds to »id in buying gifts for Mental Hospital patient*. Papanui Nov. 22. Annual meeting. Mr». Black presided. Officer* elected were; Pres., Mrv I’. Thornton; Vice-I'res., Me»dame* Klhott. Graham and Malcolm; Sec., Mr*. Till* man; Trea*., Mr*, liodder; Cor. Sec., Mr* Elliott; Devotional, Mesdames Elliott and Makulni; C.K., Mesdame* Bennett and Haytoa; "W.R., Mr*. Anderson; Temperance Fact, Mr*. Hampton; Fianiste, Mr*. Angus; Flnlanthro|iic, Mesdame* Hawker and Inornton; Pres*, Mr* Hodder; Way* and Mean*, Mis. Grainger. Rejiort showed a good year’* work, particularly in visiting of Mental Hospital patient* and providing comfort* for them. Cradle Roll membership showed big increase— JO to 41. Reef ton. Nov. 14. Annual meeting. Mrs. Absalom presided and led devotions. Flection of officers: I’res., Mr*. Thompson; Vice-I'res., Mr*. Absalom. Sec., Treat., Cradle Roll Supt., "W hii< Ribbon - Agent all te elected. All re |iort* received as satisfactory. Afternoon tea. Meeting closed with prayer. Riccarton. - Nov. 9. Cradle Roll. Devotion*, Mrs. Harris, letter of thank* to Mr*. Rrndell tor gift* to Mental Hospital. Report on visits to Mental Hospital. £2 sent to Maori Girls’ Hostel. President, Mrs. Griffiths, welcomed mother* and children, also Mrs. Hodder, district C.R. Supt. Interesting lantern slides of Melanesia were shown and drscnbrd by Miss Daly. Coui|ietttion won bv Mr*. A. Gains* ford. Item* by Band of Hope children-Nell Thomas, lan Toneycliffe and \rnold Hight. Toy* distributed to children. "Wi lt* Ribbons” given out. Sydenham.—Nov. 2. Cradle Roll afternoon, when motheis and children were entertained. A motion of sympathy with the relative* of the late Mrs. Anderson wai passed, this sister having been a member of our branch for a number of years. Our Pledge w.»s repeated and a tmijw-rance fact given. Items were given by the children, recitations by Mrs. fire and vocal solos by Mrs. J. Filer. Mrs. Hodder, District Superintendent of the Cradle Roll Department, extended greetings to those present. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Temuka.— Nov. 2V. Annual meeting. Mrs. H. Grocott presided and Mrs. Douglas led devotions; subject, "Mercy.” Annual reports read and adopted. Attendance unproved and hnances satisfactory. Officers elected? Pres., Mi- W Hr* -'in >♦( Mis. I, Douglas; Trea* , Mis. J. Buck; Evangelistic, Mesdame* Douglas and Grocott; C.R., Mrs. Allanby; Rest Room, Mrs. F.. Blackmore; W.R.," Mr*. J. Holliday; Birthday league. Mrs. R. Smart. Waimate -Nov. Annual meeting very well attended. Officers all re-elected. A* the "W’.R.** Agent is leaving the district, Mr*. Ashton was elected "W.R " Agent and Miss P. Tooletr Assistant Treasurer. OTAGO DISTRICT.

Kaikorai.— Nov. 2R. Mr*. Flett presided. Mrs. Orr. devotions. President refwrted results of Teni|ierance Examinations. Decided to give each child a book. Nine children entered for exaui. Officers re-elected. Mr*. Flett delegate to Convention. Afternoon tea. Benedict iou.

Oamaru. -Nov. 13. Miss Cowan presided. Devotion*, Mrs. Moore. Congratu'ation* to four children, winners of certificates. Arrangements made to visit Old People's Home and for C.R party in February. Donations Con•

ventmu expenses, £5; Maori Girls’ Hostel, it; Timaru Seamen’s Rest, £l. Annual report showed good record, and Treasurer presented good balance. Farewell talk by Archdeacon Ku**ell. Seven dozen Y.P. Supplements distributed; “W.R.” subscribers. CR 111 names. Officers elected: Pres., Mra. Winn; all others re-elected. South Dunedin. Nov. 21 Annual meeting. Mrs. Prllmg presided. Mrs. Smith, devotion*. Arrangement* re lV.«v«uor» Conference in February. Mrs. Powell elected delegate to same Mr*. Pelting resigned as Presidentgoes to the help of Mornmgton branch. Interesting annual report (Mrs. Rqipin). Reports from "White Ribbon, M Cradle Roll, and all Su|>erinteiident*. Floral tribute to Mrs. Peilme, who “nursed" the home meeting* and ha* been so generous and kindly. Solo, Mrs. Chetwm; her beautiful voice and sympathetic rendering appreciated SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Invercargill South Dec. 5. Miss McCallum presided. Fair attendance. Mrs. Richards, devotions. Mrs. Dale gave the annual report and Mi*« Griffiths the balance sheet. Both very satisfactory. Officer* re-elected, with the addition of Mrs. James as Vice-Pres, and Mrs. Dale as Kec Src. The President was presented with a beautiful bouquet. Rev. A. Krtnohan gave a most instructive address on the Church >n Russia since 1917. It was interesting to note that no intoxicating liquor was allowed among the Russian Army in tni* Winton. Nov. 21. Annual meeting. Mrs. T. A. Thomson presided; good attendance. Mrs. J. B. Wilson, devotions. The President gave report of Convention, at which the was presented with a tablecloth <>n behalf of Winton for most member* gained for the year (24), and expressed thanks to all who helped to achieve this honour. Solo by Miss Wilson. Rev. Haigli gave a most inspiring lecture on the great jwvrer of example and the good foundation* laid by the W’.C.T.l T . work. Hymn and oenediction.

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White Ribbon, Volume 50, Issue 11, 18 December 1944, Page 7

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 50, Issue 11, 18 December 1944, Page 7

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 50, Issue 11, 18 December 1944, Page 7

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