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Bulletin of Union News

AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Auckland. -June 13. Annual Pay-up Social. ilr». lx>ug presided. I herring mrs*.agrs iecrivrd trom old members who could not attend. y,i. Long gave mu encouraging report of ihr * ik ol Maori Girls’ Host'd; the Governor* Sir Cyril Newall and l mdy Newall •»nJ a visit to the Hostel and were very pirated with all they .saw. Sevrial members uttered to do some baking lor the Patriotic iho|>. A very enjoyable programme ol songs jud .rotations wire contributed, and afternoon tea brought a pleasant alternoou to a conelusion. Auckland Evening.—Juiie 26. Miss Appleby presided. Devotions by Miss Greenniau. A in ,t interesting chat on "Methods was given b> Mrs. kasjier. This Department was original started by Frances Willard, and had proved its useiulneas m training leaders all over the world. Decided to hold be wing Circle in July m Maori Girls’ Hostel. Pledge iejeated Meeting closed with prayer by Miss Appleby. Henderson. -June 21. Mrs. Chadwick presided. Good attendance, several visitors. Devotions. Scientitic lact. Miss Shoesmith gave a n.ost interesting talk on her work in the slums and gaols in England uuring her 2d years service in the Church Army. Benediction. Afternoon tea. Kohl-St. Hellers.—June H. Mrs. Ka>|*er presided. Devotions, Mrs. Farr. W.R. Day observed by prayer. Mrs. Long gave a wonderml address on the many evils ot these times aud how to endeavour to meet them. Hearty thanks to Mrs. Long/ Mrs. Machin received a vote ot thanks for entertaining union m her home. Letter of sympathy to Mrs. Diddle in illness of her mother. Mt. Eden.-July 4. Meeting held at home of Mrs. T, Clar.he, Eairview Road. Excellent attendance. Ke|n>ited that District Executive trad accepted invitation to hold District Convention at Ml. Eden in September. Social Committee appointed. Miss leasey gave a very interesting address oil her wurk as a missionary in Ceylon. Mrs. ThrcadgolJ and Mrs. Lauder each sang two solos. Iwo members *tre leceived by translcr. A tier noon tea. Northcote.—June 13. Mrs. Melville presided. 7 present. After Devotions, the President read an account of work done by lemi>eiancc women m America. Miss i'ljier read a pajur for White Ribbon Day. 7/• was collected lor same. Decided that the Secretary ask Rev. A. Johnston if he would sponsor a temperante meeting for children. Afternoon tea provided. . Onehungi,—Juut 8. White Ribbon lJay. Regret that on account of sickness, Mrs. Asti by, \N.R. Agent not present. Weather inclement, but fair attendance. Very enjoyable aitei >on lully occupied with various reporta and VV.CT.U. business. Otahuhu. -June 15. Mrs. Taylor presided and welcomed all present. Miss McLay gave address on the World Missionary interest of the W.C.T.U. —enjoyed by all. Mrs. West reported on W.R., stressing what a helpful, interesting jrairer it is, and api»eahiig lor nioie subscribers. Donation of 7/* to W.K. Poiucnby.—June 15. Mrs. Joiner presided. Devotions, Mrs. Christopher; subject, "Launch Oui »nto the Deep." Temperance lact, Mis* Runcunan. Thanks to Dominion Maori huud for {SO >cnt to Girls' Hostel. Sister Jessie sj eof the work of the hostel. I hanks to Mrs. L ug for organising Mother’s Day. Sympathy to Mrs. Bragg in illness. Address by . Rev. E. Waite on "The Driuk Trade-the Country’s Greatest Curse." b|*eaker thanked. Benedictibn.

Rvmuera. -June 27. Mis. Kasper in the chan. Temperauce fact given and pledge recited. Mr*. G. Robinson, Devotions. Mrs. Long gave a very interesting talk, including the work at the Maori Girls' Hostel, Parnell. Benediction. Alternoou tea. One new subscriber to "White Ribbon.” Tikapuna.—July. Mrs. Mowday presided over a very well attended meeting, antfc welcomed several members of the Devonport branch. Mrs. Mowday led Devotions, and Miss Cullen read the 56th Psalm, stressing the 3rd verse. Mr. Reed gave a really encouraging and uplifting address, touching on the many leaders, past and present, iu the army aiul

sport who were total abstainers. Mrs. Sykes gave Temi»erance fact. Afternoon tea followed the repeat lint of the pledge. Prayer and Benediction. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Tauranga.—June 6. Small attendance, but day very wet. Mrs. Rickard and daughter visitors from Fencourt. Decided we get a regular supply of the Youth Supplements to distribute to the Sunday Schools. Mrs. Boat read a jejiort from Mrs Norrie re Seamen's Parcel. Mrs. Koxcroft gave a Temperance fact. Mrs. Christian gave a short and very interesting talk on the "White Ribbon" paper A "Bring-and-Buy" held. Afternoon t?a. Tem-jx-rance Doxology. Benediction. July 4. Very good attendance. Mrs. Christian presiding. Decided to send a remit to Dominion Executive to try and get the subject of Tem|»erance taught in the schools. Mrs. Bryan -ravr a most interesting talk on the life of M.s. Booth Clibborn. Afternoon tea. "Bring-and-Buy" held. Collection taken for the Headquarters Fund. Benediction. Taumarunui. —June 15. Captain Dixon presided. Devotions, Mrs. Aitken. A "White Ribbon" reading and talk. Also a reading from F. W. Borham’s 'Pilgrimage of Evangelism." Decided no meeting in July. "Bring-and-Buy" in August. ♦ HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT. Hasting*. June. W.R. Day. Mrs. Hicktnoti presided. Devotion*, Miss Furniss. Sympathy t< Mrs. Wilson in the death of her sister. Ix’tter of cheer to Mrs. Paul, sick hi hospital. Solo by Mrs. Thorjie. Correspondence from N.C.W., I’lunket Society, District President, and our beloved Dominion Ptesi* dent, Mrs. Hiett. Discussion upon our work and need to revive it. Next meeting. Memorial Day. S|ieaker, Mrs. Chapman-Taylor. MANAWATU DISTRICT. •• Feilding.—June 7. Mrs. Sjience in chair. Mrs. Tremaine, Devotions, saying that all the common walks of life have (hrist. Prayers were offered up by members for our forces and all nations at tins tune. Rejiorf given on N.C.W. meeting and a report of talk given there. Afternoon tea. Prayer. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Hawera. -J;:ne 31. Adjutant Ik-wis presided and led Devotions. W.K. Day observed by members reading extracts from the ‘‘White Ribbon." Collection for WR. Fund. Secretary to write letter to Mrs. Peryman of appreciation of the hue pa|»er the "White Ribbon” is. Resolved that something from "White Ribbon" be read at each meeting. Temperance tea. Prayer. Benediction. 3 new members. New Plymouth. June. Mrs. Brown in chair. White Ribbon Day. Mrs. McMillan read pai>er on the merits of our magazine. 10 new subscribers gained, total 41. Report from N.C.W . and remits carried dealing with liquor and women's conditions generally. Further gifts to Seamen's Rest. Benediction. MANAWATU DISTRICT. Levin.—June 9. White Ribbon Day celebrated. Several members read extracts from "White Ribbon." Mrs. Kennerley in chair, and Mrs. Stark conducted Devotional period. Motion of sympathy passed with Mrs. Foston and several apologies received. Band of Hoi* to commence on Monday, 25th June, under the leadership of Miss Gretta White and Miss Merle Kennerley. W.C.T.U. to take charge of cake stall at Salvation Army Sale of W’ork. Pledge recited. Afternoon tea. Benediction. Palmerston North. —June 6. White Ribbon Day. Devotions, Mrs. Carter. Several members read extracts front "White Ribbon." All members were urged to wear their White Bow. Community singing led by Mrs. Shearman. Afternoon tea. Prayer. July 4. Maori Day. Mi«s Jamieson presided. Devotions, Mrs. Coif. Vote of sympathy with Mrs. Beatson in the loss of her husband. Sister Irene Hobbs welcomed; also Rev. and Mrs. Martin. Sjieakcr. Mr. Martin, who gave a very instructive talk on evils of Alcohol. Parcel of clothing sent to Ratana Pa. Afternoon U-a. Prayer.

WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn.—June 27. Mrs. Gillings in the chair. Devotions, Mrs. Greenwr>od. Sympathy with Mr*. Jamieson, whose son is missing on air operations overseas, and Mrs. Pearson, who is ill Mrs. P--v*er rejiorted the District Executive and N V Alliance meetings. Mrs. Pearce distributed literature. Mesdames Raine

and Pearce volunteered to address "White Ribbon" wrapjwrs. Temperance fact, Mrs. Dudley. There was an interlude ol bright singing, accompanied by Mrs. Ka-nc. Members afternoon, each contribuEug questions and answers relating to Teir.jierance reform and work m England, Uniter. States, Russia and New Zealand. Sigtl praier. Benediction. Afternoon tea served by Methodist ladies. Lower Hutt. —June 28. Mrs. Spencer presided. Mrs. Swift led Devotions, Tree* of the Bible her subject. Three new members joined this month. A member at a Rechahite social to speak on the “W.C.T.U. and Its Woik." Decided to hold a prayer meeting next mouth. Mrs. Heyes gave Fifty Golden Years a* subject and a special collection was taken up for W.R. Mr>. . k *|»eiirrt reported the 1. .1.1.. she is having at her home is doing well. Prayer. Benediction. MAKLBUKUUGH DISTRICT. Blenheim.—May. Prayers for forces, occupied countries, prisoners of war, and for |*ace preceded the opening of the meeting. A talk by Mr. A. S. (Juennell on "Hygiene and Nutrition with Regard to Alcohol.” Visitors and members from Spritiglands Union were present. June. Mr*. Girling in the chair. Donations to Ik- sent to "White Ribbon" and New Zealand Funds. "White Ribbon" Day, interesting and helpful extracts were read from numbers of that paper. Letters to be sent to sick members and to who had lost loved ones overseas. Springland*.—June 20. Meeting held at home of president. Mrs. Green presided. Good attendance. Sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jioggett and faintly in loss of a son and brother. Mrs. Wells gave a brief paj»er on tl.e jiersonality of Frances Willard, Mrs. Gascoigne a reading on Dr. Edith SumerskiH's character, and the president read the "W.R." leader itt May issue. The report of Dominion Executive meeting read and discussed. Negotiations in connection with Education films reI»rted. Tua Marina. —June 20. Seven members present. Four apologies. Devotions. fl for Headquarters, 10/- for Seamen's Rest, and 5/fo r N.Z. Fund were passed for payment, letters of cheer sent to two sick members. A letter on our work and the Temperance Educational films were read. The president read several articles from different "White Ribbr.:i" pa(ters. Birthday spray to Mr*. Knight. Hymn. Benediction. NELSON DISTRICT. Nelson.—June 13. Mrs. Toonier presided. Good attendance. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Kidson Sr.r. "Six years ago the Auckland Hospital Board was buying 8,000 bottles of stout and 5,500 bottles of beer jvery year. Now the bill for liquor is practically nothing." Special collection for "W.R.'* Members asked to take copies of Cradle Roll cards and to enrol as many babies as possible. Mrs. Rankin, Health and Nutrition Supt., s|>oke on “Th.* Value of Vegetables in Diet." Vote of thanks for most interesting talk. Afternoon tea, hostesses Mrs. Duel, Mrs. C. Kidson. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Christchurch.—June 14. Miss C. Henderson presided. Letter thanks Dominion Secretary (Mrs. Mitchell) for our gift of £l5O to establish Fanny Cole Memorial Fund to be invested, interest to provide prizes for Children's Tern-I-erance Examinations. Big bag of clothes sent to Maori Mission; also gifts of literature sent to men’s camps. Reports given of visit to mental hospital and of birthday socials at New Brighton and Riccarton. June 28. Miss C. Henderson presided. Thanks for sympathy in her illness from Mrs. Hiett and thanks for our gifts of clothing from Sister Wilcox, Maori Mission. Bundles of wool taken by members to make scarves and pull-overs for Air Force men. Linwood.—June 15. Special "White Ribbon” Day held and three new "White Ribbon" subscribers gained. Mrs. Ramsay presided. Mrs. Sage, Devotions. Extracts were read from the "White Ribbon" on the poisons of drink in this world to-day. The Band ol Hoik* is progressing satisfactorily. Benediction. Lyttelton-Heathcote.— May. Gxxl attendance. President, Mrs. J. T. Morton; Secretary, Mrs. R. Preston; Treasurer, Mrs. Webb. "Bring-and-Buy” was held for district funds. New Brighton.—June. Mrs. Flower presided. Good attendance, both new and old, to celebrate the thirty-third birthday of the union. The usual business routine was transacted, after which a very bright programme (ar-

rangrd by Mr*. Muldlcton and friend*) was given. Items by Mesdames Griffiths, Jloyce, Middleton, McKenna, Greaves and Miss Gnulett. Greeting «> . were' ri rived from the i Non ■ ig ... < >■ tu . I'apa nui, Wool stun, Limvood and Riccarton l T *nons. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the artist*; Mr*. Mitchell thanked them on Jehalt of the member* for their very bright and attractive entertainment. Atternoon tea brought a successtul birthday party to a close. North Brighton.—June. Mrs. Goldman presided. Mrs. Mcllraith led I h-voti'-n*. of sympathy se st to two members who were sick. Departmental rejiort* given by su;>enntendents: Cradle Roll, Band of Hope, Mental Hospital visiting, and Monthly I’raver Meeting. The Treasurer reported a balance in hand of Mrs. Hiett’s letter in ‘•White Ribbon’’ was read. "White Ribbon” Dai was commemorated by the I’resideut reading several articles from our pa|>er. Riccarton.— June 8. Twenty-second- birthday party. Large attendance from sister unions, guilds, etc. Much appreciated. Musical items rendered by Mesdames Ulds, Harris, and Crowley. Elocutionary items by Mr*. Gee. I‘residei.t and secretary presented with sprays. Uu behalf of members, Mr*. James presented Mrs. (’. VN. Harrell with the gift of a handbag on her retirement from the office of President. A very interesting one-act play was staged by the Berwick Street Presbyterian Indies. President thanked all who had assisted and so closed another year of our activities. Reef ton. -June 13. Mrs. Thompson, VicePresident in the chair. A message of sympathy to Mrs .Bray on the death of her uncle. "White Ribbon” Day observed. Mis. W .tddell gave a very interesting reading, "Broken Shells.’ Collection "W.R." Day fund. Prayer. Spreydon. June 13. Apologies received. Members regret the illues* ol Mrs. Walker, our Secretary. Letter ol thanks to Mr. Garlick for money received from the showing of a Temperance him at the Spreydor. Baptist Church. Miss M. 11. Lovell-Smith gave a suitable address to celebrate ‘‘White Ribbon” Day. Afternoon tea was served Sydenham. -June 1. Thirteen present, our President in the Chair. Devotions, Mrs. Davies and routine business transacted. Mrs. V\ uod* ward rejiorted a visit to North Brighton tnrthday social. Home meeting held at the residence of Mrs. C. W. Harrell, and the Welcome Club Te;t. Secretary re|>ort»«l a meeting of the N.Z. Alliance. A most inspiring address was given by Mrs. T. N. Gibbs on the need tor taking (Tod* promises literally, thereby obtaining Divine help for the difficulties and trials of our day in a very real sense. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Timaru. June. Miss Fyfe presided. Re,s)rl of meeting of Dominion Officers in Christchurch read. £2 granted to Headquarters Fun i, 10/- to “White Ribbon.” Parcel jxisted to an overseas sailor. Thanks to members of Timaru Spinning Circle for outfitting a sailor with wroolleti goods. Mrs. Newlandv rejxjrted holding a Home meeting and gaming two new members. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. New lands apI* uu ted hospital visitors. Miss Stevenson delegate to N.C.W. Remits from N.C.W. discussed. Mr. Woodward reported that several ■e&men had expressed their thanks for hospitality and kindness received while in jn>rt. “White Ribbon" Day observed by suitable article* read by Miss Fyfe. OTAGO DISTRICT. Kaikorai.—June 27. Mrs. .Flett presided. Praise and prayer led by Mrs. Orr. Rev. Rem Harj«er s|*>ke on the Temjierance Cause. He said that the real cause of failure was lack of the spiritual view of life, and habits which degrade body and soul. 'There was a large attendance of members. One new member. Benediction. Afternoon tea. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Invercargill South.—Tune 13. Miss \lc< .ilium Presided. Fair attendance. Mrs. Richards, Devotion*. Pledge. Temperance Fact given. Sympathy with Mesdames Kenly, Robertson, Pr-Klie and Ml** (. ,u inichael in then tfhmSb Jt was intimated that the 60th anniversary ot the starting of the W'.C.T.C. would be on August 6th next. The Invercargill Branch has the honour of being the first formed in New Zealand. Fitting celebrations will be held. The Temperance films are exacted to be shown in Invercargill shortly. Pastor Grundy gave a most encouraging message,

stressing the need for us all to wait ujion God, and emphasising the Queen’s message to the women of the F.mpire. Winton.—June 28. I’* der the auspices ol the W.C.T.IT. a very successful public meeting was held in the S.S. Hall on the evening ol June 28. Rev. Hugh Graham, of Invercargill, was the speaker, hi> topic being ‘ Religion in Russia.” Much interest m his address was displayed by the mixed audience. The Devotions were taken by Rev. Hatgh, and Mrs. Wildey thankrd the sj>eaker. Supper was provided by the ladies present. A solo by Mrs. Smart, and a duet by Mesdames Fowler and Smart much enjoyed. Bundles of literature, a hussif, and our first homespun knitted jersey have been forwarded to Mrs. Hutton. Bluff Seamen’s Rest. .More spinning and knitting are in progress.

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White Ribbon, Volume 50, Issue 6, 18 July 1944, Page 7

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 50, Issue 6, 18 July 1944, Page 7

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 50, Issue 6, 18 July 1944, Page 7

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