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Bulletin of Union News

NORTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Dargaville—March. Mrs. Raynor, Devotions. Miss Edmcd gave rejxirt Executive meeting held in Whangarei. Mrs. Jolly reported that £lO had been sent to the Maori Girls' Hostel Fund as a result of a very gratifying effort in tue form of a "Hring-and-Buy” sale ot produce, where the public gave good response. Recentl> Miss Edmed and Mrs. Jolly held a I emperance meeting for Maori ladies, eight being present. Miss Edmed’s Jumble Sale proved very attractive. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Auckland —March 14. Y\illard Day. Mrs. Holmes, Vice-Pres., was in the Chair. Collection for World Missionary Fund. Sympathy expressed for a number of members who are on sick list. Mrs. Stimpson read a paper on "Narcotics, Especially Tobacco," written by Miss Pudney, who was not well enough to be present. An encouraging report of the Maori Girls’ Hostel was received. Interesting meet-ir>Kohi-St. Heliara—March 16. Mrs. Kasper presided. Rev. Farr led Devotions. Minutes. Temperance Fact. Dr. Collier to be asked to address the June meeting. Appeal from Mrs. Peryman for Home Meetings. Solo by Mrs. Machin; recitation, Mrs. Lediard. Next meeting at Mrs. L. Eady’s home. Vote of thanks to Mrs. Machin, our hostess. Otahuhu March 16. Mrs. Taylor presided. Devotions by Mrs. Vercoe. Address on "Prayer and the Need of it Tc-day,” given by Mrs. Long, and listened to with great interest. Ponaonby M arch 16. Mrs. R. Joiner presided. 23 present, very wet afternoon. Devotions by Mrs. J. Osborn. Temperance Fact by Miss Runcinitn. Decided to write to Defence Minister re troops receiving drink and not parcels. Miss Appleby reported upon work done at Maori Girls’ Hostel. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. R. Joiner; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Read, Mrs. Olds and Sister Jess>' Sec., Mrs. Osborn; Treas., Mrs. Christoph*.-; W.R., Mrs. Woods. Remuera March 28. Mrs. H. Kas|*-t presided. Temperance Fact given and Pledge recited. Miss Appleby, matron of the Maori Girls’ Hostel gave an interesting talk of the work carried on at the Hostel, and instanced some of the problems in connection with the work. Letter to be written to Mrs. Hiett, expressing sympathy with her in her recent illness- . Tltirangi —March 21. Meeting held at I)undonald.” Good attendance, several visitors. Devotions, Mrs. Ryan. Temjierance Fact. Mrs. Shand. Encouraging rejiort on Cradle Roll by Mrs. Hieatt. Wn Whitburn appointed Secretary. Miss A. Broady, Treasurer. 1 new member. Address by President, Miss C. M. McLay, on "Present-day Happenings in the Tem|>erance World.’’ SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Tauranga —March 7. Garden Party at Mrs. Christian’s home, “Fairlight.” Very wet day, meeting was held indoors. A good number present, including visitors from Hamilton, by whom greetings were sent to the union there. Agreed that our union protests against organised sports on Sunday, and Sunday picnics. Decided to send 12 to the Alliance, to help pay for literature distributed just before the eh.ttion, and also decided to send £1 to the N.Z. Fund. Held a “Bring-and-Buy” and partook of a delightful afternoon tea. April 4. Mrs. Christian presiding. Thirteen present. Four apologies. Getting things in shape for re-starting the Band of Hope. Recitation given by Mr. Graham, ‘‘Bring the men up to the Colours.’’ Captain McDonald spoke very clearly on "Gambling," and was thanked sincerely and feelingly by all the members. Gained a new member by transfer from Pannevirke, a Mrs. Nicholson. Afternoon tea. Benediction. HAWKF/S BAY DISTRICT. Hasting* Ma-ch. Mrs. Hickmott welcomed member* and friends and appealed to members to be always on the look-out for new members. Devotions, Mrs. A. Hopper. Pledge reaffirmed. Scientific Fact, Mr*. Buckingham.

Mrs. Banks, an ex-President of Union, has passed away, and members stood in respect to her memory. Rev. A. Hopper sjioke on "Women as Helpers,” and closed meeting with prayer. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Hawern—March. Mrs. Clifford, Nice-Pres., presided, led Devotions, and gave an address. Frances Willard Day; very fine address on her life and the founding of W.C.T.U. by Mrs. Rurlin. Temperance Fact given re work in Canada. Afternoon tea, Mesdames Collins and Page. Prayer. Benediction. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Aramoho March 30. Good attendance: several visitors. Travel talk by Mrs. Day. President spoke of Licensing Committee Elections and our responsibility towards them. Next meeting all members to take part. Wanganui Central-Sympathy sent to our N.Z. President and hojx-s for speedy recovery. Committee to arrange C.R. Party next month, and Mrs. Mercer to provides speaker for Peace meeting in May. Mrs. R. Prince gave an address on “Health and Nutrition,’ and answered questions; a helpful and practical address. Discussion re Scientific Temperance teaching in schools, ami Mr. J. B. Cottrell, our M.P. to be urged to support the teaching of effects of alcohol on the human body, when this measure is before the House MANAWATU DISTRICT. Levin—March 10. Mrs. Kennerley in chair and Mrs. Finch conducted Devotions, and gave a helpful talk on ‘‘Neighbourliness." Sympathy to Mrs. Bowater in the loss of her husba-'- 4 Welcome to all visitors, and a sp-*-**’ come to Mrs. Stark. Decided to Roll Party in December this ye. sented to Mrs. Rose in honour <. ..vr goldr wedding by Mrs, McKain. Mrs. Stark elected Devotional Leader and Mrs. \N. Plaster, Rec. Sec. Frances Willard Day celebrated; each member read extracts from her life. Interesting Competition won by Mrs. Chesbury. Pledge recited and Fact read. Afternoon tea. Prayer and Benediction. Palmerston North March 7. Devotions, Mrs. Eckersley. Several members who had been iT were welcomed. Also two new members Arrangements for the union’s turn at Patriotic Shop. Mrs. Claridge, convenes. April mee'ing to be a Social Afternoon. Mi s Jamieson g*' a report of N.C.W. Conference. Miss Edv aids an account of new Hostel for Maori Girls at Auckland. Mrs. Alvea gave two items. Afternoon tea. Prayer. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn Jffarch 28. Mrs. Gittmgs presided. Fair attendance. Devotions, Mrs. Greenwood. Sympathy with Mrs. Buck and family in the recent loss of Mr. Buck, and Mrs. Dudley fi>r illness. Cordial welcome to Mrs. lennant, lately of Titirangi Union. Reports of District Convention, and the Public Opinions Group of NC W. given by Mrs. Brewer. Invitation from Central Branch to their April meeting. Hospital visiting arranged from April '"-22. Invercargill Licensing Bill was discussed. Members took part by reading Temperance Facts, quotations and newspaj»er cuttings. Sigil prayer. Benediction. Methodist ladies provided tea. Sales table, Mrs. Pearson. Johnaanvillw- March 14. Mrs. Mcßride presided; fair attendance. Devotions. Pledge. Correspondence read from Mrs. Peryman and Miss Kirk. Jumble Sale for Headquarters Fund discussed. Initiation service: two new members. Temperance Doxology. Benediction. April 11. Mrs. Mcßride presided. Arrangements for Peace Day in May. Report of Jumble Sale in aid of Headquarters. Report of District Executive by Mrs. Mcßride. The District decided that every twe months there would be a social afternoon after Executive meeting. This month’s social to be at W.C.T.U. rooms, Constable Street. Lower Hutt March 22. Mrs. Spencer presided, Mrs. Swift led Devotions. Monthly thought: “God’s goodness is the reality back of things.” Some goods, also money, handed in for Jumble Sale for Headquarters Fund. Members’ afternoon, when nearly every member took part. Members were reminded of District Executive to be held at Headquarters. Prayer and Benediction.

MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Springlands -March 21. President in Chair, letters of sympathy to Mrs. Hiett and three friends in local hospital. Mrs. Peryman’s message re home meetings received. Subject, “Scientific Temperance,” and several readings given. Discussion various problems concerning Union. Syllabus submitted and approved. NELSON DISTRICT. Nelaon March 14. Mrs. Toomer presided. Mrs. Goring, Devotions. Birthday posies presented. Miss Every gave a short talk on ‘‘Health Hints for the Home.” Attention drawn to weekly broadcasts by the Auckland Inter-Church Council on Public Affairs. Temperance Fact cpioted from Dr. Muriel Bell, Nutritionist to Health Department. Most 1 in - portant sources of Vit. B2 or Riboflavin recently reported present in beer, were milk, liver and kidney, a pint of milk supplying 1.2 in.g. as compared with .16 m.g. in 1 pint beer. Vote of thanks to President who had met and arranged accommodation for women and girls hianjlowered to the District for seasonal work. When other accommodation not available, bed'* provided in VV.C.T.U. Hall. Arrangements made for staffing Y.M.C.A. canteen for the forces every Thursday. Richmond - Keb. 15. Article on Maori Girls' Hostel read and thankfulness expressed that this much-needed institution is now an accomplished fact. March 21. Hymn, “Blest Be the Tie,” sung at request of Miss Barlow, who is going to reside in the Eventide Home, Wellington. Mrs. Heaven gave as fact, food value of egg compared with beer. Keith Bartlett complimented on taking up Y.M.C.A. war work. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Chriitchurch March 8. Miss Henderson presided. Rejxjrts given of Dr. O’Brien's lecture in Health Week of "The Harmful Effects of Alcohol on the Brain,” and also a film shown on same subject; and of the 22nd Sydenham Union Birthday Social; also of a visit to lonely patients in mental hospital. Mrs. Soundy (Wanganui East) gave us gifts for Maori Mission. Resolutions Jan.-Feb. “White Ribbon” discussed and supjorted. March 22. Mist Henderson presided. Donation sent District Committee Welcome Club Soldiers’ Teas. Interesting Temjierance extracts read by President. New Brighton—March 2. Mrs. Ellis presided. Mrs. Allon Carr, Devotions. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Edmonds. Distribution of literature discussed. Arrangements made for donation to Welcome Club tea. Pictures to Inshown. A special donation to be sent to the Maori Girls’ Hostel. Garden party to lie held at Mrs. Maekie’s home, proceeds in aid of District funds. "Y’s” Jumble Sale, April 22; gifts to Ik- sent to Mrs. Hale. Letter of sympathy to Mrs. Hiett. Kejiortefl that the “Bring-and-Buy" held at the annual »picnic and garden party most successful. Appreciation to Mrs. N. Fraser for a very good balance-sheet and her many years of work as Treasurer. Oxford March 15. Sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. C. Sharplin in the loss of their son on active service. C.R. Supt. congratulated on successful C.R. party held recently. Plans oi work discussed and a small committee apjointed to arrange for a sj>ecial meeting. The reading ol clippings brought by members jiroved both jirofitable and interesting. Parcels of material received for Lady Galway Guild. Papanui March 22. Mrs. Thornton jiresidmg over a moderate attendance. Mrs. Malcolm, Devotions. TemjK-rance Fact, by Mrs. Hampton. Pledge rej>eated and Roll Call answered by a text of Scripture. Mrs. Hawker reported on mental hospital visits. Letter of sympathy to be sent to Mrs. Rowberry, who has lost a sister. Arrangements made for Executive Garden Party and Welcome Club tea. Reefton March 14. Mrs. Absalom jiresidcd. Frances Willard Day. Mrs. Absalom reading part of the “Life Story of Frances Willard,” and Mrs. Thotnj>son reading the President's address from W.R. pajier. Collection for Frances Willard Day Fund. Hostesses. Mr-. Gilmour and Mrs. Hallaram. Riccarton March 9. Devotioci, Mrs. Hight. Letter of thanks to Miss Jackson for a ranging Reformatory concert. National S; vings Grouj) formed among members. Prosj>ec»s of forming a “Y” branch d.scussed, and narn*. handed in. Study Group held. Mental hospital visited. Final arrangements for assisting with District Garden Party. Miss Cork'.iill, President of Nurse Maude Association, gave

interesting talk on the work of association since its formation. Literature for distribution given out. Mrs. Brighting, hostess. Spreydon March. Cradle Roll jiarty. Good attendance ol» mothers and children. Mrs. Aucall j»rcsided and gave a warm welcome to the guests. Mesdames Black and Ell contributed songs, and Mesdames Morse and Woodcock, recitations. Mrs. Garlick gave a short talk to the mothers on the vital imjxirtance of good pre-natal and jiost-natal influences on the child’s future mental, moral and physical well-being. Ice-cream, soft drinks, jiajer hats and flags were distributed to the children, whilst afternoon tea was disj>ensed by the Branch members to the adults. A “Bring-and-Buy" hclj>c<l to augment the funds. Mrs. Mackenzie thanked all who had assisted in entertaining. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Temuka -March 29. H. Grocott presided. Devotions, Mrs. Douglas; as our Roll Call was “Praise,” a very fine address on this theme was given with Hymns 118 and 143. .A visit is liemg j»aid to Ashburton Union in May. Roll Call for April meeting, “Trust.” Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Davey and Hoi well. Mrs. W. Hew son closed with Benediction. Members asked to bring a friend to next meeting. S|>ecial sjieaker to be arranged. Band of Hojk- commenced March 15; very well attended. OTAGO DISTRICT. Kaikorai—March 28. President ojiened the meeting with Praise, Prayer, and our Pledge was repeated m unison. Tciiij>erance Fact by Miss Dobson and Mesdames Miller anu Flett. Articles were read on “Life of General MontgomerCt” and "Here They Come.” portraying the work of the Women’s Crusaders, founders of W.C.T.U. Lawrence March 30. Small attendance, Miss Ferguson in the Chair. lx-tter from Mrs. Peryman, W.R. editor. Sympathy with several sick members, .and best wishes to one who left to be married. Discussion on “How to Make Meetings More Beneficial.” Decided to order 25 more Y.P. Sujipleinents. President read an article, “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Benediction. Afternoon tea. Oamaru March. Miss Cowan jiresided. Farewell to Archdeacon Russell. Devotions, short musical programme. Archdeacon Russell gave interesting resume of his work during long period of years the Temjierance cause and was tnanked fot his address and presented with a cojiy of Arthur .Nice's “Wonderful Year’’ as a token of the esteem and apj>reciation of W.C.T.U. members of his faithful and heljiful labour* in the cause of Temperance. Hearty vote of thanks to all who contributed to a successful meeting. The usual cup of tea was enjoyed. Dr. R. Cove Smith, who was captain of the English Rugby team which played against N.S.W. in 1028, speaking at a T entrance meeting at Birmingham, offered an explanation for the long run of boat race successes of Cambridge University against Oxford. When lie entered Cambridge soon after the war, he said lie was called the “Carbohydrate King” localise he contended that brown sugar was a better producer of energy than beer. This was gradually accepted, and the Cambridge crew changed its training methods with good results. Oxford trains on beer and loses. Cambridge trains on sugar and wins.—Melbourne Argus, September 1, 1933.

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White Ribbon, Volume 50, Issue 3, 18 April 1944, Page 7

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 50, Issue 3, 18 April 1944, Page 7

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 50, Issue 3, 18 April 1944, Page 7

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