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Bulletin Of Union

NORTHLAND D«STRICT. Maunqakaramea.— June 15th at Mrs. Weir’s Mrs. Weir gave an interesting rejHjrt Convention at Palmerston North. Roll Call »a> "Something Interesting from ‘White Rib* k, .'” Miss Mcl.ay’s j>roj)Osed visit discussed and'plans made for "Y” evening and L.T.L. ecrting- A trio by Mesdames Weir, Met ul.itfh and Woolhouse was enjoyed. Pukehuia. Meetings are held each mouth even if only two or three can be present. Th f “White Ribbon” was made g*xxl use ot , n our Tunc meeting, and, indeed, in all our meetings, for by it, we in this small place, keep m touch with the Dominion and worldwide v rk of the W.C.T.U. Reported 1 doz. May “White Ribbons” sent for. Decided to get some leaflets, “A Personal Talk to Young Women.” We are also distributing “The Death Rattle of Nations.”

AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Auckland.— June 8. Annual Pay-up Social. Good attendance; Mrs. Long presided. A very enjoyable programme of songs and recitations was rendered, and an interesting question and answer item on “What the Bible s d \ > About Strong Drink,” in which most of th sc present took part. “White Ribbon” Day was also observed, and a donation of 10/- was passed to the “W.R.” fund. Three new members. Aiternoon tea.

Birkenhead. - June 3rd. Mrs. Luket presided. 16 members, 4 visitors present. Devotions, Mr>. Douglas. Temperance Fact. Speaker, Miss McLay. Splendid address on “The Day of Gnat Things, and Its Challenge to Women.”

July Ist. Mrs. Luker presided; go<»d attendance. Mrs. Curry gave Travel Talk; very interesting and enjoyed by everyone. Mr. A. Wil-on, on behalf of a Temjierance movement which was formed sixty-seven years ago in the Strict and has since lapsed, presented the Union with a donation of 127/2/2, to be used in tile district.

Epsom-Green Lane. -Three meetings, April, May, June, rejx>rted together. By order ot Convention, stale news cannot be printed. June. Sympathy with the Hayr family on the passing of their mother, and with Mrs. Clark on the call of her son for King and Country. Solo, Mrs. McMahon; recitation, Miss Greenmail. Afternoon tea. Benediction. 2 new members.

Grey Lynn.—June. Mrs. McClenaghan presided. Devotions, Capt. Kcmsley. Miss Chambers related many incidents from her litr in Australia. Mrs. Brigadier Smith sjxike of h r work in Japan. Both ladies thanked. Henderson.—June 16th. A successful home meeting at Mrs. Chadwick’s. Splendid address by Miss McLay. Subject, “Ihis is the Day of Great Things,” stressing that we must master fear. Peace is the antidote; we can take that jieace through prayer. Two new members; one subscriber to the “W.R.” Kohi-St. Helier's. —June 17th. Mrs. Ka-i»er presided; 10 members present; very wet day. ‘‘White Ribbon” Day, several members read artici. - Hum the “white Ribbon.” Address by Mrs. Kasjxr on “Social and Moral Hygiene.” Mrs. Farr read from Psalm 46 \ cl m walk with God is with those who seek His companionship. Leigh. May 27th. Fair attendance. Animated discussion on the “Drink Menace.” •Mrs. H. Torkington, Temperance Fact. Mrs. G'/ar read article on “Peace and Rcconstructi i After the War.” Mrs. Yearbury read "The Letter from a Yugoslav Soldier to His Inborn Child.” On April 6th Miss C. McLay visited and gave a very interesting address on " Times of Great Exploits.” Otahuhu.—June 17th. Miss A. McLay addressed the meeting, dealing mostly with the 'V'jrk done by the W.C.T.U. amongst the youth and the young Maori population. A v «y interesting time was sjient. Onehunga.—June ldth. “White Ribbon" Day. Ihvutional period and business. Rejxirts of activities and important meetings discussel. •diss McLay's visits had resulted in 14 new members. Mrs. Ashby, W.R. Agent, stresi

the claims of our pajidr, ami read extracts. Suggestions to improve meetings from Mayissue considered.

June 24th. Home meeting at residence of Mrs. Ashton. Choruses, devotions, pianoforte solos and recitations. Address by Miss A. McLay, describing the real practical work ot the W.C.T.U., which is carried on in some country districts. Ponsonby.—June 17th. Mrs. Joiner presided; 17 present. Devotions, Mrs. Read. Rev. Waite gave a very helpful addiess on Fmglatid in time of John Wesley, comparing same conditions in the world to-day, and the world needs the “Light of the Gosjiel.” Proceeds from Patriotic Shop, £7. Forthcoming Poll discussed and members urged to secure votes for Prohibition. Afternoon tea. Pledge rel>eated. Benediction.

Remuera. June 22nd. Mrs. H. Kasjier presided. Temjierance F'act given and pledge recited. "Whit? Ribbon” day observed by members reading extracts from various “White Ribbon" papers. Mrs. Kasjier sjxike on the best method to increase the circulation of the “White Ribbon.”

Titirangi. June Bth. Devotions, Mrs. Cla’k. Facts re Drink, Disease, Inefficiency. Leaflet, “The White Ribbon in War-time,” by Dr. Klla Boole, read. Peace Day observed. Pamphlet, “God and the War” read. Interesting discussion. Solos by Miss Grant. One new member. Donation to funds, £l. Warkworth.-May. Mother’s Day kept. Reading, "In Memory of Mothers,’’ g ven byMrs. E. V. Phillips. A special prayer for “All Mothers” led by Mrs. Baker. A “Bring-and-Buy” in aid of the Organising Fund. A donation of 10/- sent. A bunch of large white chrysanthemums sent to one of our “mothers” who was unable to attend on account of illhealth. June. “White Ribbon” day kept. Tenijierance Fact given. Pledge re-aftitned. An extract from “W.R." journal was given by everyone present. Peace prayer at 3 o’clock. Sacred choruses. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Taumarunui. June 17th. President in chair. Devotions by Mrs. Brock. A new member and a visitor welcomed. District President’s letter read and discussed. A j>aj»er was read on “Health and Nutrition,” taken from Superintendent’s lecture at Convention. Benediction. Tauranga. -June. Very good attendance. Prayer by Mrs. Bensley. Short talk on “Courage and Faith.” Arrangements made for the coming Convention. Mrs. Kxley read a paper on “The Life of Mr*.. T. E. Taylor.” A “Bring-and-Buy” held. Afternoon tea. Benediction. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Hawera.—June 28th. Mrs. T. J. Hurrell presided and led the Devotions. Minutes of two meetings read and confirmed. Collection m aid of "W.R." was taken. A very tine address by Miss F'.lsie Andrews, “How I Came to be Dominion Fxlucational Officer of the W.C.T.U.” Afternoon tea served by Mesdames Collins, Johnson and Tozer. Prayer and Benediction. New Plymouth.—June. “W.R.” day. Miss Drew presided. Devotions, Teni|>erauce Fact. Miss Drew acknowledged with thanks a legacy of £3OO from Miss Douglas for Seamen’s work in New Plymouth. C.R. Supt., Miss Pollard. Appreciation of Miss Andrews’s visit. £l/1/- voted to Organising F'und. Paper on “White Ribbon" by Mrs. McMillan. 6 new subscribers. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Wanganui Central. June. 15 present. 1 new member. Devotions, Mrs. Merc*r. Collection for Maori Day, 17/-. 40 books given for use ot servicemen in response to requests from local Y.M.C.A. Convention numbers distributed. Badges ordered. Afternoon tea. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT. Hastings. June. Mrs. H. Hickmott presided. Mrs. A. Hoj>j>er, Devotions. Pledge re-affirmed. Remits for the Sept. District Convention. Afternoon lea. Letter of cheer sent to Mrs. R. Sutherland during Mr. Sutherland's illness. Mr. H. F'. Grainger gave travel talk oil England, Canada and U.S.A. with photos and maps. Thanks to Mr. Grainger for his inspiring and impressive address. One new member gained.

Napier.—June 15. President in the chair. Devotions, Miss Callister. Miss McLay invited to visit m >eptember. F’.xecutive to apjxjint representative on Executive of the Service Club. Short prayer meeting before each meeting. Rev, Jamieson spoke on "For God, Home and Humanity,” and stressed the need for more action. Jqieaker thanked. MANAWATU DISTRICT. Feilding.—July 7th. Mrs. Sjience presided. Mrs. Tremaine, Devotions. Sympathy sent to a member in loss of father. Pay-up Social to be held in September. Extracts from paj>ers read, showing increase in drinking by women. Members took leaflets to distribute in letter boxes. Welcome to a visitor. Afternoon tea. Prayer. Palmerston North.—June Ist. “White Ribbon" Day. Miss Jamieson presided. Devotions, Miss Edwards. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Boniface. Extracts read from “White Ribbon.” Mrs. Carter urged all members to subscribe to “White Ribbon.” Mrs. Brooker, two items. Afternoon tea. Prayer. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn. June 29th. Mrs. Gittings presided and conducted Devotions. Splendid attendance. Members invited to attend League of Mothers meeting to hear Miss Elsie Andrews. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Dudley. Choruses were sung, accompanied by Mrs. Raine. Rejiort of District Executive held at Brooklyn given by Mrs. Brewer. £1 was contributed, and a committee appointed to select suitable literature lor distribution prior to the Poll. “White Ribbon" Day observed. Mesdames Raine, Jordan and Gillings read extracts from “White Ribbon.” Mrs. Gittings eulogized Mrs. I’ery man’s work during the 31 years she has been Falitor. letter of appreciation to be sent to Mrs. Peryman. Sympathy to Mesdames Ward and Hale. Afternoon tea, Baptist ladies. Lower Hutt. Jure 23rd. Mrs. Swift, Devotions. Mrs. Ellis read quite a number of press cuttings dealing with drink, gambling, immorality, etc. Monthly thought from “W.R.” as we thought it so good. Rev. Mackey gave a very comprehensive address on "Reconstruction"—the great need for a moral and spiritual revival, and to educate the young in Christian knowledge. Wellington Central. —June. Mrs. Israel presided. Devotions, Mrs. Sired. Decided to apply for literature dealing with the evil of smoking for pregnant and young mothers. Peace Dayobserved. Members read from “White Riblx>n" and the Bible. Mrs. Tasker Brow-n s|H>ke on jieace being a very [>ersonal matter, and reminded us of the three “P’s”—Peace, Purity and Prohibition. Mrs. Turner sang two songs: much enjoyed. Thanks to hostesses. Benediction. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Tua Marina. June 16. Devotions, Mrs. Robinson. Mrs. Knight read jiajier oil “Life of Mrs. Ironsides.” (Tippings read by Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Knight, and Mrs. Lucas. 5/voted to N.Z. Fund, and 10/- to* Seamen’s Rest. Hymn and Benediction closed a very pleasant meeting. NELSON DISTRICT. Richmond.—June 15th. “White Ribbon” Day. President in the chair; rainy day and small attendance. Devotions. Pajier read on “Notable Days” and how to improve meetings was considered. A paper was read “Helps on the Journey of Life,” by the Bishop of Newcastle. Sigil and Benediction. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Christchurch.—June 9th. Miss C. Henderson presided. Thanks for sympathy received from Miss Straw. Invitations extended Kiccarton, Onawa and New Brighton socials. New member initiated. Our President gave interesting talk from booklet, “Tales from Inns of Healing Medical Missions (India).” June 23rd. Miss C. Henderson presided. Rej«rt> given of Riccarton, Opawa and New Brighton Birthday Socials. Two big bags of used clothing sent to Maori Mission to be sold, proceeds used for Temjierance work. Members read interesting extracts from our “White Ribbon” magazines. Lyttelton-Heathcote. May. Held at Lyttelton; k<hkl attendance. Mrs. I. T. Norton gave a talk on “Peace," taking /or her text, “My j>eace 1 give unto thee.” An article was read from the “White Ribbon," entitled "The Search for Peace,” by Miss Elsie Audi ws.

The prayer for i*ace, sent by Mrs. Mackie, was at April meeting. Mrs. Black, Treasurer for Executive, Rive a very interesting talk on her work at the Reformatory and Mental Hospital. Linwood. June -Nth. Mrs. C. R. N. Mackie presiding. Mrs. Robson, Devotions and Sentence I’raycrs for ()ur Youth, Work, The Coming Election, Peace of the World, Those in Camps. Mrs. Turner, Scientific Fact, being “\\ lute Ribbon” Day, members took part with suitable clippings culled from “White Ribbon.” One new member initiated. Arrangements made for our Sixteenth birthday. Our Hand of Hope is developing, eight children signing the Pledge at the last meeting; six of the elder girls have been ap]>ointed as a "Look-out Committee.” Two prizes are being ottered by one of the Honorary members to two of the members doing outstanding work on this committee. Next meeting a Surprise Evening, seven of the girls having “Sealed Orders." benediction. New Brighton. Jure 3rd. Fair attendance. Mrs. Flower presided. Mrs. H. M. Hall, Devotions; Mrs. Kdmonds, Scientific Fact. Mrs. Ellis rejorted on band of Hojie. A good programme by children from Opawa, 62 children present. Mrs. Inns rejiorted on Mental Hospital visiting. Mesdames Edmond, McLeod and Inns read pajiers on the Atlantic Charter. Mrs. H. M. Hall took for her subject the charter issued jointly by Messrs. Roosevelt and Churchill, “The Four Freedoms.” A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to them. Papanui.—June 23. Mrs. Thornton presided and took Devotions. lhble reading, Mrs. Hawker. Temj>erance Fact, Mrs. Hampton. Retort on Mental Hospital visits, Mrs. Hawker. Paper read on “Juvenile Crime in America,” and discussion on similar problems in this country. Collection for Maori Fund. Riccarton. —May 13th. Devotions, Mrs. Newth. Sympathy to relatives of late Mrs. McConnell, a foundation member. Mental Hospital retort, and jam and fruit asked for. Final arrangements for 21st birthday. “Keeping Fit” in schools has not been practicable in our district. Miss Cuuzins, Mayoress of Christchurch, spoke on many asj>ects of her civic duties. May 27th. Peace meeting. Interesting pamphlet on “Pacific Relations,” by Rev. Mr. MacNeur lead; also went through Atlantic Charter and discussed it in relation to League ot Nations Covenant. Reefton. June Bth. Mrs. Thompson presided. Htjort of Convention received fron Mrs. Black, members appreciating same. Apology from Mrs. Absalom. Next meeting “White Ribbon” Day. Prayer. Spreydon.—Mrs. Ancall presided and gave the Temperance Fact. Mrs. Mackenzie led Devotions. Mrs. Sim rejioited on the “White Ribbon.” The usual gifts for the mental hospital were received. Mrs. Mackie spoke on "Peace," and amongst other things suggested the adoption of Esperanto as a universal language as one signpost to jieace aitongst nations. Miss Muirhead and Mrs. Mack *nzie, hostesses. Two new members initiated. Prayer and benediction. Sydenham.—June. President in the ch nr. Fifteen members present. Devotions, Mrs. J. Filer and Mrs. J. k. Archer. Pledge ieaffirmed. The District Executive rejiort gr en by the Secretary. Decided to meet at 2.20 p.m. each meeting day (instead of 2.30 p.m ) for sjiecial prayer prior to the meeting. Hie Secretary was asked to write to absent members advising them of this arrangement. Mesdames Filer and Weatherhead rendered a duet, and a solo was given by Mrs. Drewett. “White Ribbon” Day, a very interesting and enjoyable talk was given by Mrs. Archer. Readings from the May issue of the “White Ribbon,” and brief references to the experiences of the pioneers of the Tem|>erance Cause in Christchurch. Several prominent workers in days gone by were mentioned, and their enthusiasm and tireless efforts for the Cause they loved should be an inspiration to each one of us.

Ist July. President in the chair. Pledge repeated. Temperance Pact given. Rejiorts received oil visits paid to birthday functions in connection with the following branches— Riccarton, Opawa and New Brighton. Special prayers in response to the request of the iJoiinnion Devotional Superintendent. Mrs. C. Y f . Knapp gave a stirring address entitled “An Urgent Call to Women.” She dealt with

the need for a closer study nf the Holy Scriptures and the spreading of truth among one’s associates. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Timaru.—June. A wintry day. Two members have passed away during June- Miss Beckinghame and Miss Bryson. Brief disiussion ot Franchise Jubilee. Agreed to accept Captain Simpson’s offer of the S.A. Hal’, for the winter. Waimate.—April and May meetings well attended. A letter of appreciation sent to Mrs and Miss Hayman, who have left our district. Mrs. Hayman a member for thirty years, and Miss Haytuan, President for some years. Mrs. Mimtie gave a very comprehensive rejort of Convention at our May meeting. OTAGO DISTRICT. Balclutha. —June. Presbyterian Hall, Mrs. Jones in chair. Devotions. M mates. Article read from "White Ribbon.” Discussion on Band ot Hoj»e. Invitation received »o Dun-din District meeting. Address by Mrs. Adjutant FI in toff on "Early Salvationists in India.” Benediction. Kaikorai. June 29th. Mrs. Flett presided. District Executive meeting rejiorted. Mrs. Horwood introduced ami welcomed. She s;»oke on “The Life of Josephine Butler,” a most interesting and inspiring address. Owing to had weather, only a smail meeting, but those present went away feeling stirred and cheered by message given. Afternoon tea served Benediction. Lawrence.—June 3rd. Attendance fair. President, Miss Ferguson, in the chair and conducted Devotional s.-rvice. President read an article, “Fishers oi Men,” and Miss Labc-» an article on "The Blessing of Beer.” Hymn and Benediction. July Ist. No meeting on account of heavy fall of snow. N.E. Valley. June 24th. President in chair. Address on ‘‘Peace” by Mrs. Sanders, emphasising the fact that jieace must be worked for and prayed for. Excerpts from the "White Kibbo. 1 ” were read by several members. Oamaru. June 14th. Miss Cowan presided and led in prayer. Devotions, Mrs. Moore, S.A. Visits had been paid to members unable to bet out to meetings, and little posies taken. This had given much pleasure. Notice taken • u "White Ribbon” Day. .Mention made of app’oachmg Jubilee of Women’s F'ranchise. Temperance extracts given. Sister Ruth, Organising Secretary of Bible Society, present and gave talk oil some asj*ects of her work. Vocal duet. A Temjierance extract is printed in local pajier once a week as an advt. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Invercargill Central. June sth. President presiding. Mrs. Pennington led Devotions. Mrs. Thomson gave an address on "Prayer.” Two delightful solos rendered by Mrs. Aitchison. Literature was distributed. Afternoon tea. Mataura.—June. After 2$ years’ recess Union was revived. Miss Jamieson presided. Re|*.>rt of Convention given. Need for active Temiierance work stressed. One new memlier. Officers elected: Acting Pres., Mrs. Nicholl; Sec. and W.R. Agent, Miss J. Muir; Treas., Mrs. T. Richmond. July 6tb. Mrs. Nicholl presided and led Devotions. i)ecided to meet bi-monthly, next on September 14th. One new member. Paper on "A Great Deceiver” read by President. Temjterance Dc.xology. South Invercargill. June Bth. Miss McCallum presided. Fair attendance. Sympathy with Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Reidy in their bereavements, and Mrs. McDonald in the severe illness of her husband. Thanks from Bluff Sailors’ Rest for books and magazines for seamen. Rev. L. W. Roth well gave a most interesting account of Maori Mission work in the North Island. Tributes were paid to the earliest missionaries as being nation builders. Collection for Maori work, £l/0/t>. Sjieaker thanked. Benediction. National Anthem. Winton.—June 15th. “Peace" Day. Evening meeting. Members of other organisations invited. Go«>d attendance. Mrs. Hugh Graham, Invercargill, was thanked for her very fine and instructive address, and tierformers thanked for their splendid programme. Supjier. M rs. Walker, District President, gave us her interesting address on Convention in April.

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White Ribbon, Volume 49, Issue 6, 18 July 1943, Page 7

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Bulletin Of Union White Ribbon, Volume 49, Issue 6, 18 July 1943, Page 7

Bulletin Of Union White Ribbon, Volume 49, Issue 6, 18 July 1943, Page 7

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