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Bulletin of Union News

NORTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Dargaville.— Devotions and a helpful talk hy Mrs. I apt. Christian; a long- service badge presented to Mrs. Ollerenshaw, who has giver 50 years of faithful service and is now ill in Te Kopuru Hospital. Membership crusade* beßim. 3 renewals and 4 new members; he Cradle Roll increasing. Bring and buy in aid 0 ( delegates' exjtenses. Report of district exe* cutive by Miss Edined. Whanrarei.--August 19th. T. F.. Tayl w memorial meeting at Mrs. Goodall’s. Devotions Mrs. Lane. Distribution, literature and pledge cards, Mrs. Hills. Mrs. Thompson gave a brief account of the work being done Ky Mr. and Mrs. Withers, of the United Maori Mission. The average number of 35 jieople at meetings, and 12 girls at small social evening shows keen interest. Pressing needs; loan of hall, books for young people, towels, bedding f ; ,i s'iigle beds. Gift afternoon on Sept. 10 at Mrs. Cheesman’s. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Auckland Union.—Aug. 11. Maori Day observed. Mrs. Long presided. Sympathy with the relatives of Miss Mear*, a member of the unon from the early days and a vict-presi-dent. Congratulations to Mrs. Blonifield, a foundation member, who had celebrated her 90th birthday. Donations for sailors' work n Timaru and to the Patriotic Fund. Sifter Jes-ie gave a most interesting address on work among the Maori girls in the city and he efforts to secure a suitable house lor le Maori Girls’ Hostel. Collection taken for the M «mi fund to be shared between the Home Fund and the Maori Girls’ Hostel. Birkenhead.—Aug. 6t6h. Mrs. Luker presided. Miss Karuer led devotions. Mrs. Kirhar Is led in prarr. Temjterance Fact, Mrs. Cullerne; Miss Read, interesting address on Alcohol's Effect on the Brain. Afternoon tea. Birkenhead.—Sept. 3. Home meeting at Mrs. Richards. Hymns: Short intercession of prayer. Twenty-year service badge presented to Mrs. Dingley. Elocutionary items by Mrs. Johnson; solos by Mrs. Castleton. Special patriotic collection amounting to £l. Address by Mrs. Kasper on the social problems >f to-day. Posies presented to the sjieakcr, Mrs. Dingley, and Mrs. Richards. Devonport. August. Drawing-room meeting at Mrs. WanhiH’s. Mrs. Williams presided and welcomed members arid visitors. The District C.R. supt. enrolled baby Snooks, reading the consecration service f" r L.W. Ribbouers; Mrs. Kasper gain- a talk on “The Lamplighters of the Temperance Movement. Items: A pianoforte solo by Master Wanhill and a recitation by Miss Grace Wanhill. Afternoon tea. Otic new member. Fpsom-Green Lane.—Aug. 19th. Mrs. N* il presiding; 18 members, 3 visitors present. Demotions, Mrs. Eastman. A cute for fear, Psaltn 46. Temperance fact given; pledge recited; business, local; branch to lie called in future “Epsom-Green Lane.” Speaker, Mrs. T, H. Eccersall, “Our Responsibility.” Soul winning; afternoon tea; 7 new members. Hcpp” spirit of fellowship. Benediction. Kohi-St. Helier'a. Aug. 19. At Mrs. L. F.ady’s. Mrs. Hunter devotions; Mrs. Kasp-r read from “Alcohol, the Enemy of Life.” Resolution passed to either limit or abolish liquor, like the Russians, Germans and Japs, for the duration of the war. Mrs. K uper read an address on the Lamp’ighters of the Ternperance Movement. Mt. Eden.—Sept. 1. Miss Pudney presided. Paper on Social Hygiene by Mrs. Holm's. Temj>erancr fact from “White Ribbon.” Decided to write manager of Tramway Board expressing pleasure that women conductors arc n to wear slacks. Invitations to meet with Idea Union, Sept. 16, and with Church of Christ on Temperance Sunday.

Otahuhu. Aug. 20th. President presided. Good attendance; cordial welcome extended. Brigadier Line, S.A. social service, gave a most interesting address on the work done at Roto Roa Island. Onehunga.—Aug. 13th. “Pay Up” social, arranged by the treasurer, Mrs. Fordy c. Business and various reports; duet by Me*, dames Armstrong and Pryor. Miss McLay, who had expected to give an address, was unable, on account of illness, to be present but her place taken by Mrs. Mountjoy. Ponsonby.—Aug. 20. Miss L. M. Read presided. Devotions, Mrs. Read. Good attendance. A social afternoqp. Solos by Mrs. K. Bellerby; elocutionary item by Miss Read. Miss Read gave the meeting fulljiparticulars of the forthcoming Provincial .Convention, which is to be held in Auckland during October. One new member. Mrs. Read gave her exjterience of visiting various hotels in the city on a recent Saturday. Takvpuna.—August. A wet day, attendance small; Mrs. Winstone in chair. Devotions Miss Read. Reading by president on mgr.t clubs and liquor gave much food for thong t*. Decided that each member bring a seiiten. e or fact from “White Ribbon” which has stru~< her particularly during the month. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Cambridge. July 20. Mt . II Ryan presided, iair attendance; 10/- donated to District Exec. Fund; levy to be paid to Mrs. Page. Pamphlet on medicated wines read. H-port of the passing of Mrs. T. E. Taylor and the record of her lile was ’•cad. Prayer, Benediction. Hamilton.' u'y 2nd. President in chair. Agreed with proposal to hold Provincial Convention in Auckland. Secretary’s action m promising union's assistance to the Y.kf.C.A. All Services Club endorsed. Sec. reported that 3 pairs heavy stockings and 3 pairs mittens despatched to Timaru Sailors’ Rest. Mrs. D. MitchHl’s work of love recalled, tni; being the anniversary of her call home. Hamilton. —Sept. 3rd. President in chair. Devotions, Mrs. Moore. A former president welcomed; further gift of heavy stockings and mittens from Mrs. Burgess to be sent to New Plymouth; delegate to N.C.W. reported discussion regarding inadequate sentences for offences against children; remit regarding same to be sent to District Convention. Literatuie to be purchased for distribution to soldiers. Thames.—Sept. 2nd. Annual Cradle R<»11 afternoon held in Methodist School; 30 mothers and 40 children present. Fine programme contributed by children. .Mrs. Middleton’s address to mothers much appreciated. Afternoon tea and social chat followed. Mrs. Whiteside td lie delegate at District Convention. Tauranga.— Sept. Fair attendance. Mrs. Christian presided. Devotional exercises, Mrs. Benslev. Various matters discussed. Afternoon tea diseased. A talk on the life of Mrs. Josephine Butler given by Mrs. Christian. Benediction; bung and buy. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Wanganui Central.- August. Quiet, social afternoon, after monthly executive; 16 present; 5 added to Ciadle Roll. Vote of thanks to “Wanganui Chronicle” for several apt. articles in sympathy with Temperance work. Afternoon tea served by Mrs. l'oull. !4peaker decided for Franchise Day, Mrs. Mercer, and arranged for Mrs. Glen and Mrs. l’hizacklea to hold the bring and buy stall on Maori Day in October. Wanganui East.—On July 9th. A very successful social afternoon. Mrs. Williams, of Papua, gave a fine address on the evacuation of Port Moresby. £-4/4/- was collected on the stall. Musical part very much appreciated. A letter to a memlier on her 94th birthday. The members expressed disappointment at reply of our M.P. re introduction of wet canteens into military camps in which there were minors.

HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT. Napier.—Aug. 18. Mrs. Lewis presided; good attendance. Rev. Werren conducted devotion*, also spoke and said there was not a social, evil that was not intensified by strong dung. Church guilds be asked to hold Temperance afternoon, Union to supply speakers. Members agreed to hostess the Service Club at end of month. MANAWATU DISTRICT. Paivnertton N.—Sept. 1. Miss Jamieson presided. Mrs. Shearman, devotions; Mrs. Gwyun, Temjerance Fact Two visitors welcomed. Symj athy expressed with Mrs. Collins, seriously ill; thrift conqietition won by Mrs. Allan, Miss Olds 2nd; Mrs. Holland, delegate to District Convention. Items by Mrs. liegge and Mrs. Edwards. Afternoon tea; Benediction. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brjoklyn,—Aug. 2%. Mrs. Brewer presided. Mrs. Pickering welcomed and gave account of her trip to Australia and her attendance at Newcastle W.C.T.U. meetings. Devotions, Mrs. Git tings. Letters of sympathy to Mrs. C. Todd and Rev. Paine. Reports of hospital meet ng and of District Executive meeting. M rs. Brewer sjioke on gambling. Lower Hutt.—Aug. 26th. Mrs. Swift led devotions. Mrs. Baigent gave a good rejiort of the recent District Executive melting. Sec" - l'ii \ read i ; >.i; i pe|-ated by Mi'. Read'aml extracts on anti-gambling. Leaflets on Quillings was distributed among the members. Thought for month: There is no failure, except in giving rp trying. Benediction. NELSON DISTRICT. Nelson. Aug. 11. Pay-up social. M *s. Toomer presided; good attendance; devotions; Temperance Fact. Mr. Williams, evangelist from London, gave a very interesting and instructive address on “The Bible.” Members » V MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Blenheim-Springlands combined meeting. - Chair taken by Mrs. Underhill, who gave a few inspiring thoughts on F- ai.chisc Day, and the n )l>le work of our pio"**er women. Mrs. Captain Boon devotions, also a very force f ul address, the main points of which were to “Go fordard,” “Launch out” in our work: to try new ways and not be discomaged. 'Women’s day of prayer on 30th Sept. District Convention to be held in Blenheim first week m October, date to be advertised. Very hapny meeting. Afternoon tea. Springlands. Aug. 18. At home of Mrs. Underhill. Small attendance owing to illne ?. C air taken by Mrs. E Leslie, who conducted devotions. Vote of sympathy to Mrs. L. Green in the death of her husband and o parents of Cradle Roll baby, members standing in silence while a praye - was offered. Sept, meeting to l>e combined with Blenhei n Union. A talk by Mrs. ~L. Lindsay on work of field officers of Salvation A;my proved interesting and enlightening. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Christchurch. Tu*y 22nd. Miss C. Ilenders >n presided. Decided to support remits from N.C.W. Interesting extracts from World’s Bulletin of successful work other countries. Anf, 13th: lltts C Hendsnoa presided. Reports of successful and enjoyable I rst Birtnday Social of oar new Brvsdvr Uaiao. Col* ‘f F'uud. Reports of meeting of N.C.W. Mi»s Hunt elected superintendent of Birthd »y League. Temperance extracts from. World's Bulle till. Linwood.—Aug 25. Mrs. Mackie presiding, good attendance. Devotions, Mrs. Knapo; Scientific Fact, Mrs. Turner; rrt»orts on Band oi Hojie work and “White Ribbon” by Mcsdames Black and Fuller. Mrs. Switzer, Junr.,

to be C.R. Supt. Mr*. K. Boyer, a social worker, spike on “A Night on London Bridge.” Remits to convention on (I) That Triennial Referendum on Licensing issue be .held irrespective of whether there is a Parliamentary election; (2) That the word “abolition” be substituted for "Prohibition'' in the aims of our movement. Aug. 27. Sjiecia! honorary members' meeting. "Moral Reform" t e subject, the four Linwood ministers taki .g part. One active, six honorary members, and one W.R. subscriber gained. August Jl, Hand oi Hojie picnic. New Brighton.—August fcth. Mr*. Flower presided, good attendance. Mrs. Edmonds, .scientific Fact. Letter read from Miss Hatband, who had suticred bereavement in the death of her sister. Mrs. H. M. Hall presented the 20 years’ service badge to Mrs. N. Fiaser and paid a tribute to her ethcieut work as treasurer. Hnng and buy held, proceeds tJ for the Mayoress's Christmas Parcels Fund. Mis. G. Ellis’s resignation as Hand jf Ho;r president accepted, and Mrs. Flower elected. Afternoon tea; Benediction. North Brighton. August 18th. Presided over by Mrs. D. Goldman. Devotions, Mrs. J. H. Mcllraith. Mrs. Goldman gave Scientihc Fact. Mrs. Mcllraith appointed delegate to the provmcial convention in Seftember. Benediction. Oxford.-Aug. 26th. President in the char. Sympathy with relatives of the late Mrs. J. Baxter, ano regret at the loss of one who, for so many jeais, had been a faithful Union member. 1 cni|>crati«-«. 1 act; report on waste paler drive, helper* thanked. Resolved to send donation towards literature for camps. Miss Waterman delegate to the provincial convent pn ident drew members' attention to the W.R. Editor's article in the July W.R. entitled "A Social Evil." A stirring address was given by Rev. M. L. Wiggins, who spoke on the La.niatgu for Christian Order. Pwpanui.—August. Mrs. Thornton presided and took devotions. Mrs. Hampton read a temperance fact; Mrs. Hay ton welcomed aft'r her illness. Arrangements made for celebrating the 21st birthday of the union. Resolved to help with the soldiers’ welcome tea next month. Tea served. Reefton.—August 11th. Mrs. Thompson presided; good attendance. Mrs. Wad Hell read a pai»er on "Moial Laxity,” mention being made on the high standard of ‘‘W hite Ribbon" paper. Prayer by Mrs. Norwell. Riccarton.—Aug. 13th. Social afternoon at Mrs. C. W. i arr ell's; Mrs. Ancell presided. Items by Mesc antes Reeves, Ancell, Fletcher and Woodcock; Mrs, Reeves accompanist. Retorts on mental hospital visiting. Baud of Hole, and Study Group. Members urged «o attend Study Gr >up if possible. Total £6 hand d over for Mayor-ss’s Christinas Parcel Fu id. Readings by Mrs. NVwth and Mrs. Gundy Thanks to Mrs. Ancell, the performers, and all who had assisted to make a pleasant afternoon. Spreydon. -August. Well attended meeting. Mrs. Mackenzie in the chair. Devotions, Mrs. Gemmell; Mrs. Paul Murray Temperance Fact. The district executive report by Mrs. MacKenzie. Mental hospital visiting by Mrs. Gemmell. Mrs. Lowry was speaker. Remits to provincial convention that a stricter su|ervision be kept to see that hotel bars keen * rigidly to closing hours and that suitaDle literature stressing the vital necessity for national purity be distributed. Mrs. Olds and Miss Gibson were hostesses. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Timaru.—August 25th. Miss Fyfe presided, good attendance. Devotions, Mrs. Brownin'; Temperance fact; replies to letters of condolence. Pianoforte solos and songs contributed and enjoyed. Miss Fyfe reported on the success of the visit of Miss Andrews, who adthe pupils of three of the secondary schools, two of the Y.W.C.A. clubs, N.CAV. and the Teachers' Institute as well as the meeting for the W.C.Y.U. Mrs. Woodward reported that the sailors in port were making good use of the Rest. Misses Fyfe and Stevcusoq appointed delegates to the District Con-

vrntior. in Christchurch. Decided to start the needed renovations to the Rest. Four n.*w members; successful Bring and Buy; afternoon tea; Benediction. Waimate. July 8. Mrs. Duckett presided. Hospital visitor appointed. Cheer sent to sick member*. Arrangements for .Miss Andrews visit. Capt. Smith spoke on constructive part of jieace. Aug. 12: Excellent attendance to welcome Mis* Andrews. Musical items. Miss Andrews spoke on evil* of alcohol. Heaty thanks to speaker. OTAGO DISTRICT. Kaikorai.—Aug. 25th. Mrs. Flett presided. Social afternoon to honour our oldest member, Mrs. Orr, an active member since 1914, and president for 17 years. President and Rev. Metson paid tributes to Mrs. Urr’s hue service. Items by Mrs. Gilchrist, Misses Adco-’c and kinaston, Misses A. and J. Duff and Mrs. Handy. Rev. Pringle congratulated union on reaching its 30th year. beautiful floral tribute presented to Mrs. Orr, who gave elocutionary items. Afternoon tea; Benediction. Lawrence.-Aug. 6. Attendance fair; Mrs. McNeilly presided. Miss kcignson read i a article from “Cnto the Hills” and the secretary an extract from the “Outlook” dealing with the Liquor Traffic. Greetings and wish s for a speedy recovery sent to two sick mem bers. Sept. 3: Attendance fair; Mrs. McNei'ly in the chair; one new member. Mrs. Kennedy welcomed on transfer from Mataura. Husiners in connection with District Conference dealt - with; no delegate. Paper, “Pioneer Women,” by Mrs. J. K. Archer, read. Oumaru.-J uly. Special meeting for Mm Elsie Andrews. Miss Cowan presided and presented sjK-aker with a floral spray. Miss Andrew’s talk on "Reconstruction” much appreciated. Mrs. Garden made an appeal and several new members joined, and it is ho|ied o form Band of Hope. Miss Andrews addressed Waitaki Girls’ High School. August: Good attendance. Thanks to Mrs. Garden. Address by hospital sister. South Dunedin.—Aug. 26th. Mrs. Williamson presided; Mrs. Smith, devotions; M s. Powell elected delegate to Oamaru Distr ct Conference; secretary asked to write expressing sympathy with relatives of the late Mr. Chas. Todd. Rev. B. M. Tasker gave address on "Peace,” expressing pleasure that Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Chichester were taking lead in formulating pea c terms and in efforts to remove causes of war —largely ecouomic. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Invercargill Central. Sept. 3rd. A fair attendance; Mrs. Ruthven presided. Mrs. Cameron’s reading of Psalm 23 brought out many new points. Temperance fact read. M rs. Graham gave a helpful address, her subject "Back to Calvary.” Mrs. Cameron solo mu h appreciated; vote of thank* was accorded the sjieaker; afternoon tea; prayer; National Anthem. Invercargill South.—Aug. 11. Mis* McCallum presided; good attendance. Scripture reading, prayer and a hymn. Mrs. Holmes gave a devotional talk aud Mrs. Dale rejiort of Miss Andrews’s visit to the Union. One member. Mrs. Major Brown gave a most interesting address on "My Life and Life's Work,” much enjoyed by all; speaker thanked. Prayer and the National Anthem. Winton.—Aug. 18th. Bring and Ruy sale anl social afternoon. Good response to our invitation to mothers and children to be present. Thanks are due to Mesdames Kastlake an I Henderson, and to the small children who sang so sweetly and who provided a splendid entertainment. In token of M'S. Smith's past good services, Mrs. J. 11. Wilson, on behalf of the members, made a small presentation to her wishing her all happiness iu her new abode.

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White Ribbon, Volume 43, Issue 8, 18 September 1942, Page 7

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 43, Issue 8, 18 September 1942, Page 7

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 43, Issue 8, 18 September 1942, Page 7

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