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Bulletin of Union News

NORTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Mangakararnea. -June *7th, White Ribbon l)ay, each member present *read something of interest from “White Ribbon.” Our meeting pleased to hear of remit to Farmers' Union Conference ie liquor restrictions. Membets looking forward to joining in convention at Auckland. Fukehuia.—Still holding meetings regularly, rven when only two are able to be present. Four have attended f he last two meetings and one has promised to become a member. The W.R. is always a great help in our meetings, anil in June the sjiecial W.R. article for the day was read and helpfully discussed. Some htrratfire is being distributed. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Auckland.—June Uth. Annual Pay Up Social. Very enjoyable programme of songs and recitations and a competition. One pleasant duty was the presentation of a long service badge [or 2y years’ service to M s. Long, our president. She joined the Auckland Union in 1917 and Miss Dewar, who asked her to join, was present and had the honour of presenting the badge, which was accompanied with a spray of flowers. White Ribbon Day observed; 10/donated W.R. fund. Two dozen copies of the April number of W.R. were given to) the ladies and they were asked to send the copy to a soldier. «

Auckland.—Evening, June 22nd. At Mrs. McLay’*, Miss Appleby presided. Devotions, Miss McLay pledge, address by Mrs. Kasper on "Three things to help our organization: 1, Persona! Service; 2, Financially, if possible; 3, Prayer.” FiuanciPl statement given by Miss Appleby Vote of thanks passed to hostess* and s|»eaker.

Epsom.—June 18. at Mrs. Worsley's. Mrs. Neal presided. Miss McLay led devotions, also gave an inspiring address on phases of our work, and incidents in the lives of some of our world's officers, balance-sheet satisfactory; letter of thanks from Mrs. Norrie, Timaru; sympathy with Mrs. Carr in her increasing weakness, and with the editor of the "White Ribbon” in her accideut; Mrs. McMahon delighted us with two solos; one new member. Next meeting to be held in Green Lane, where most of our members now reside. Votes of thanks.

Kohi-St. Helier’a. June 17. Devotions, Mrs. L. Kady. Mrs. Kaq*r presided and gave the fait; W.R. Day observed. Mrs. Hodge gave an address on the aims and objects of the N.C.W., stating that a great deal of immorality was due to drink. Thanks for useful and interesting address.

Onehunga. June 11. W.R. Day; Mrs. Fordyce and Mrs. Perrett improving in health, and both present. After various reisirts and much business had been transacted, Mrs. Ashby (W.R. Supt.) took charge of the meetign, reading passages from the May issue of our paper, and an article from a church paj>er, written by Miss Campbell. Ponsonby.— June 18. Miss Read presided. l>evotion». Mrs. Read. Thanks io Rev. H. E. Hellhouac for his article in “Methodist Times” re conditions in Honolulu. Report of District Executive by Miss Read. Mrs. Mountjoy gave interesting talk on first aid; 2 new member**. Rej<orted that Maori Hostel Fund now is £253.

Birkenhead. -June 30th. Weather inclement, 10 present. Mrs. Luker presided and led devotions. Temperance Fact. Mrs. * pajwr on Social Hygiene, written by Mrs. Holmes. Interesting extracts read from W.R. Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Lewis hostesses.

Otahuhu.-June 18th; 14 members present. Mrs. Metcalfe, the supervisor for the Auckland branch of the Society for Protection of Women and Children, gave a most interesting address, dealing largely on the child labour problem, esj>ccially on farms, in these difficult da> s. A very interesting time was sjient at the meeting.

knnuera.- June 23rd. Mrs. Robinson preDevotions by the vice-president. Members repeated the pledge. The Temperance fact

was as follows: It is only lately we have begun to regard alcohol in its true light as a drug and not as a food (Sir Sj»eiicer Wells M. 1).). White Ribbon Day observed by nieml«ers reading extracts from various White Ribbon papers. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Cambridge. Social in honour of Mrs. Martin, for many years the union's loyal and faithful president. Good attendance and a fine programme. Mrs. Ryan, new president, presented Mrs. Martin with a bouquet and pair of slippers, and lna Holmes presented her with a shoulder spray. Afternoon tea. Hymn, “God be with you.” Te Awamutu. May 21st. Meeting preceded as usual by prayer session for our soldiers and empire. Mrs. Alexander presided. Devotions, Mrs. McDonald. Address on liquor question by Mrs. Patterson, of Timaru. Speaker urged uiiious to enlist support of churches in wholehearted aud determined effort to rid country of drink traffic. Solos by Mrs. Cruickshank and Mrs. Patterson. Te Awamutu.— June 18th. President in chair. Short prayer session for fighting forces. Sympathetic reference to the passing of Mrs. H. Fear, one of our members; also to the death of Mr. 11. McGechie, an old friend and strong advocate of the W.C.T.U. movement. Devotions, Mrs. Carlisle. Mrs. Poolman gave a talk on motto of W.C.T.U. Copies of leaflet "Death Rattle of Nations" handed round for redistribution. Jlenediction. Afternoon tea. Taumarunui. June 18. President, Mrs. Duder. Devotional reading, our duty to others. White Ribbon Day reading aud collection. Paper, “Pioneer Women." Tauranga. -Good attendance, Mrs. Christian presiding. Hymn and prayer. Our day at the patriotic shop brought in £27/10/-. Coining convention to be in Auckland. Invited to Mrs. Exley’s for next meeting. Miss Gibbs Temperance Fact. Bring and buy held. Afternoon tea, Benediction. HAWE'S BAY DISTRICT. Napier.—June 17th. Mrs. Ixfwis presided, fair attendance. Devotions, Mis. Donnelly. Mrs. Gwyunt read article from W.R. Sister Kerr, Presbyterian Deaconess, was accorded a vote of thanks for a very encouraging address on “The power to sec it through.” MANAWATU DISTRICT. Levin.-June 12th. Mrs. Kennerley presided. Mrs. Finch devotions, several members taking part in short prayers; pledge taken; scientific fact given by Mrs. Neal; W.R. Day; roll call answered with extracts from W.R. Pres, read an article si>ecially written for W.R. Pay Afternoon tea; Benediction. Palmerston North. —June 2. White Ribbon Day celebrated. Devotions, Mrs. Wrigley; Tem|»eraiice Fact, Mrs. Boniface; Mrs. Carter gave a short history of the White Ribbon paper. Mrs. J. O. Boniface read an extract from the pajier. Mrs. Claridge read financial statement. Items by Mrs. Pritchard, Mrs. Niven and Mrs. O’Connor. Afternoon tea; Benediction. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Wanganui Central, -June. Devotions, Mrs. Ogg; 16 present, 1 visitor; 2 new members, 1 rejoined. Sympathy expressed with the relatives of late Mrs. Hussey aud of Miss Pamela Fell. Decided to send £2 to headquarters and N.Z. Funds, and £3 to Organiser’s Fund; also to give £4 to keep a leper child for a year, as Good Citizenship work. Receipt for 10/- to Friends’ War Victims. Pleasant ceremony of l>encil given by Mrs. Don to Mrs. Upton, former pres., transferred to treasurer, Mrs. Chelley. White Ribbon Day kept by reading extracts, as requested. Wanganui East. June 11. Devotions, Mrs. Young. Mrs. Day occupied the chair. Mrs. Bloor, cor. sec., read a letter from the Prime Minister re Waiouru Military Camp, and the wet canteen. Next month Memorial Day to be celebrated by a social afternoon. It bci.ig White Ribbon Day, a collection was taken, also two new members were initiated. A donation was* received from Mrs. Ashmore. Afternoon tea served by two members.

Wanganui Central. July ; 16 present; devotions, Mrs. Gorrery; Fact, Mrs. Paul; details of examination paiwrs for B. of Hojie members aud sympathisers: rei>ort bring and buy tab'e, £l/7/1 j for half-year; Good Citizenship; Miori work; G.G. Superintendent; social afternoon it* August; Mrs. Goodcy spoke on a home of memory, the lasting effect of home lessons ujon children. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Lower Hutt.— June 24th. Meeting opened with the Doxology to praise God fo«* answers to prayer in connection w h liquor restrictions. Mrs. Swift devotions; £1 was voted for N.Z. Fund and 10/- for W.R. Fund; carried that ltX) Y.P. supplements be purchased to enclose with Cradle Roll Birthday Cards. Monthly thought, Lo I air. with you always. Several members’ names have been sent in for eme r taining sous of American members in their homes. Greetings were read from the Rangiora Union; reports of District Executive; address by Mrs. Gngg on the White Ribbon much appreciated. Brooklyn.—June 30th. Mrs. Sawden presided. by Mrs. Kaine; papers were read by Mesdanies White, Pearce, and Dudley; Scientific Fact given. Report of District Executive by Mrs. Brewer, and of hospital visiting by Mrs. Pearson; letter to Mrs. Roberts, one of our foundation members; also letters of condolence on earthquake losses to Masterton and Carterton unions. Donation 10/- to W.R. Fund. Sales Table, Mrs. Pearson. Masterton.—May 7th. Feeling reference was made to the Loss the union had sustained in the passing away of Mrs. Murray Jackson, a faithful member for 30 years, at one time corresponding secretary. Members stood as a mark of resjiect. Literature handed out tor distribution. Members to assist C.R. Supt. to increase numbers on roll; Mrs. Morice and Miss Tankersley to represent union on committee of Red Cross sub-centre; Miss Jackson retorted oru Temp. Rally held in Wellington. Roll call answered by passage of Scripture. \ igil, Doxology, Benediction. Masterton, June 4.—Devotions; Temperance Fact reading, Mrs. Speight. Re|>orted resolution re liquor restrictions passed at meeting of women’s organisations and that those present pledged themselves to abtam for duration of war. Sympathy with bereaved member*; 11 new names for C.R. Paj*ers to be sent to local camps. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Springlanda. June 16th. White Ribbon Day and 7th birthday; meeting held at home of Mrs A. M. Gascaigne. Good attendance. Members contributed readings from the ‘‘White Ribbon" and other journals, while jiersonal exigences of kindness and consideration while travelling were given by one member, Aftei • noon tea disj»eiised. NELSON DISTRICT, Nelson. J une 9. White Ribbon Day; very good attendance. Mrs. Toomrr led devotions, members taking |»art; extracts Irom "White Ribbon” read. Good attendance at the youth rally. A very successful social given to mothers of soldiers; sympathy passed; solo by Mrs. Holder; birthday sprays presented; one new member. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Christchurch. -June 10th. Miss C. Henderson presided. Letters of sympathy Miss Whyte in hosiptal and Mrs. Peryman after accident. Decided to have collections at our meetings of Soldiers’ Xmas Parcel Fund. Members read extracts from daily papers of doings of liquor traffic; members to read extracts from "White Ribbon” at our next meeting. June 24th, White Ribbon Day. Reports read by Mrs. Adkins of remits from N.C.W. meeting here; members read interesting extracts from our “White Ribbon,” to which fine tributes were pafij. Reminiscences >f Mesdatnes Newton, Field and Miss Roberts it our next meeting. Lyttelton-Heathcote.— Juue; at Heathcote; good attendance; Mrs. Coyle presided. Related that Band of Hot* started again for the rear; attendance 30. A very successful youth nucting had been held. Mrs. Tredinmck gave » most interesting address on John and Bettx stam, two young missionaries who had sufered martyrdom. Where possible work is dons or sailors and soldier* ia Lyttelton.

June. At Lyttelton. Mrs. Anderson presided; wet day; good attendance of Lyttelton ana Heathcote member*. Capt. Costar, of Salvation Army, gave a very interesting talk on Women of the Bible. Reported that a very successful youth meeting had been held and that Band of ilope had resumed. Presbyterian and Methodist ministers and their wives take an interest m our youth work.

Lfnwood.—June 30th. President occupied the chair; well attended. Mrs. Thurlow Thompson gave an interesting address on world reconstruction; collections taken to provide parcels for members’ sons overseas; Band of Hope work discussed, and the importance of educating the young, on the evils of intemperance, was stressed. White Ribbon Day, Mrs. Fuller read the Dominion President’s letter and made an appeal for new subscribers. All branches ot our work arc showing activity. Two new members. Afternoon tea; Benediction.

Oxford.—July 24th. Celebrated White Ribbon Day. The president occupied the chair, good attendance; sympathy with Mrs. Perynian m her accident, also with Miss Atkinson .11 the loss of her cousin in the tragic air crash. Mrs. Hawke, W.R. Supt., reported 25 subscribers and 7 free copies distributed. Mrs. L. Jones, Supt. Notable Days, read the W.k. editor's special article. Decided to organise a pajxrr drive for the war effort. Reef too.--June 9. Arrangements made for visit of Miss Andrews; paper for W.R. Day read by Mrs. Gilmore, and collection taken for W.K. Fund.

June 22. Special Meeting; members and friends listened attentively to a most interesting and helpful address by Miss Andrews on ‘ The effects of Alcohol or Mind, Body and Morals." Vote of thanks by acclamation. Afternoon tea; prayer.

New Brighton.—June 4th; Mrs. Flower presided; good attendance; devotions, Mrs. Holloway; Trmi>erancr Fact, Mrs. Edmonds. Decided to hold afternoon meetings for the Band ut Hope children. Talk by Mrs. C. W. Barred on the League of Nations, most informative and interesting. Mrs. Barrel! was heartily applauded

June 23rd, Thirty-first Birthday Social celebrated; a good musical programme had been arranged by the following artists; ocal solos, Mrs. Mclvor, Mrs. Greenaway, and Miss May Thorn; violin and pianoforte solos, Rev. Allan Carr and Mrs. Mclvor; recitations and monologue, Mrs. Middleton; monologue. Miss May Thorn; pianoforte solo, Mrs. Mclvor. Greetings and good wishes from Papanui, District Executive, Lmwood, North Brighton, liryndwr and Sydenham. A beautifu.' birthday cake, made by Mrs. Fraser, was cut and distributed after afternoon tea.

North Brighton.— lime 16th. Presided over by the president; "White Ribbon" Day observed. Extracts from "White Ribbon" read; devotions by the president; mental hospital visiting reported on. Mrs. Compton reported that 15 articles had been handed in for June to the Local Residents’ Club for soldiers’ comforts.

Papanui.—June; Mrs. Thornton presided, good attendance; roll call; Temperance Fact; sympathy with Mrs. Simpson in illness. Discussion on educating children m temperance; 10/donation to Mayoress Parcel Fund. Collec tion for "White Ribbon"; two uew subscribers,; next meeting, social afternoon and bring and buy.

Shirlay-Richmond.—June. "White Ribbon" Day; Miss Schumacher presided. Extracts read from copies of ’’White Ribbons” dated May, I*AJ2. and also copies dated 1910. A Biblical "Bring and Buy" was held, proceeds lor W.K. funds.

Riccarton.—June 11th; good attendance; welcome to “White Ribbon’’ subscribers; 46 subscribers who are not members invited. Reports given on mental hospital visiting, Study Circle, Band of Hope and ‘‘White Ribbon" work. Decided to assist with Mayoress's Christmas parcels fund. Miss Smart gave talk on the for Christian Order. One new member and two new "White Ribbon" subscribers.

Sydenham.—July 2. Mr*. Puddle presided. Agreed to donate to Mayoress’s Fund for soldiers’ Christmas parcels. School temperance examinations discussed and Canterbury Executive report received. Memorial Day talk by Miss Lovell-Siuith, in which she urged the carrying of the torch for social purity and child temperance education handed on by those who blazed the trail years ago. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Rakaia.—June 11. Mrs. S. Wilson presided; W.R. Day observed; 4/- donation to W.K. Fund; address by Rev. Wisdom, ‘‘Look back; look forward, and look up”; bring and buy, 5/6. Ashburton,—July 7. Annual Pioneer Remembrance Day. Mrs. Robinson presided, led devotions and welcomed visitors and friends. Address by Rev. R. W. Brown. Special meeting to be held in August at which Miss Andrews will be speaker. Sympathy with sufferers through earthquake. &>los by Misses 1). Rooke and H. Brown; and recitations by Miss Daphne Oliver. Benediction, afternoon tea. OTAGO DISTRICT. Lawrence.—June 4. Attendance fair; Mrs. McNeilly in the chair. Mrs. Cawthorn and Miss Labes welcomed as new members. Yetter from Hon. F. Fraser promising to consider protest re altered hour* of hotel trading; 10/scut to N.Z. Fund. "White Ribbon” Da> paper read. Lawrence.—July 2. Attendance fair; president in the chair. Letter from Mr. J. A. Roy, M.P., promising support to protest re altered hours tor hotel trading; visit from Miss Elsie Andrews discussed; extracts from newspapers on liquor question read. Oamaru.—June. Miss Cowan presided; devotions, Mrs. Burgess. Business from District Executive dealt with; extracts read; Log Cabin effort for patriotic appeal realised 127. Mrs. Nixon spoke on visit to Norway. Doxology, cup of tea, collection for "White Ribbon." South Dunedin.—June 27. Good attendance; Mrs. Williamson presided; Mrs. Smith devotions. Correspondence on hymn selection discussed; meeting in favour of "White Ribbon Hymnal" as it stands. Mrs. J. W. Pelling read extracts from "White Ribbon,” tracing its history and all it stands for. Mrs. Williamson followed with items re sly-grog selling. Profitable meeting, good discussiou; collection taken for W.R. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Invercargill South.—June 9. Miss McCallum presided; good attendance; Mrs. Richards, devotions; pledge; Temperance Fact. Sympathy with Miss Dummigan in bereavement. Reported that Miss Elsie Andrews would attend a special meeting of the union on July 23rd. A protest against the appeal on behalf of two brewers against military service in Christchurch, s report of which appeared in Saturday's paper, was carried. One new member. Rev. H. Graham gave a stirring and uplifting address on the "V" sigu, urging all to fight the good fight of faith and "carry on.” Speaker thanked. Prayer; national anthem. Invercargill Contra!.—July 3rd. Mrs. Ruth▼en presided over s Urge attendance of member* and frienda; Mrs. T. Pryde led devotions. Mrs. Major Brown gave a most interesting address on "My Life and Life’s work,” and a very hearty vote of thanks was accorded for a fine address. A solo by Mrs. W. Aitchimuch appreciated. Afternoon tea. Wlnton.—June 16th. Devotions, Mrs. J. I). Campbell, president. Readings from "White Ribbon” by different members. Posters procured for use in Sunday and day schools. Decided to have bring and buy at July meeting. 9th, farewell social to Mrs. Young, •ur W .R. agent, and family, our prss. on behalf of the members, presented Mrs. Young with e crystal jelly dish, and wished her good fortune in her new sphere of life.

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White Ribbon, Volume 48, Issue 6, 18 July 1942, Page 7

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 48, Issue 6, 18 July 1942, Page 7

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 48, Issue 6, 18 July 1942, Page 7

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