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Bulletin of Union News

AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Birkenhead. June 4ih. Mrs. I.uker presided. Devotions, Miss Karner. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Douglas, Notable Day StyM., gave a short talk on the life of Mrs. Don. Address by Miss McKenzie. Henderson. May 20. Mrs. Chadwick presided. Interesting address by Mrs. Kasjier. I wo new members enrolled. Kohi-St. Heliers. May 25th, 1942. At Mrs. L. Eady’s home. Mrs. Kasper presided: Miss McLay Rave an address on “How (kxl lh»es His Work.” Rev. Farr thanked the s|*aker. Report of the “Liquor Control Council" was Riven. Sympathy was expressed for Mrs. Kady in the loss of her dear sister. Thanks to hostess, benediction. Mt. Eden. -March 17. Social afternoon. S.iirs, recitations and temjierance facts Riven. Mr-. Kasjier -poke of women's effort to control Liquor Trade. Miss McLay’s subject was Home Guard, Examples of women in Bible Story, and how necessary to plant God's word in a child's heart. Mt. Eden.-J une 2. Devotions. Sympathy with Mrs. Turvey in loss of her husband. Miss I’udney sjioke of a visit to Wellington and of -amplrs of literature from headquarters. Decided to Ret I’urity literature for mothers and enclose with birthday cards. Mrs. Brocklehurst s|>oke of a visit to Wairoa Union, Miss McLay read item of interest from Union Signal. Onehunga.— May 14th. Annual Cradle Roll Party, Rood attendance; thorotißhly enjoyed byail present. May 27th. Home meeting at Mrs. Pearce’s, well-arranged programme, devotional period, choruses, temperance information and competiiion. Address about the Solomon Islands by Mrs. Anderson, a returned Missionary, who described the Islands and their inhabitants, climate and Reneral conditions of living, the animals and plant life, diseases, marriage customs, etc. Satisfaction was expressed that many hooks of the Riblr are now translated into the native language. Sincere thanks to hostess and sjwaker. Otahuhu.—May 21. 17 present. Derided to -end 10/- to Dominion Fund. Mr. Falkner gave a very interesting and profitable address. I*onsonby.—May 21: Miss Read presided. C.R. Party with good gathering of mothers and children, afternoon tea, gifts of lollies and paper hat to each child. Rev. A. E. Waite sjoke on “Women and the Christian Church.” S<4«>s by Mrs. J. Robeits. Taka puna.— Small attendance at April and May meetings but the faithful few carried on, the usual hymns, devotions and readings. The temperance fact given by Miss Read was: "Killing a cold with whisky often means killing a patient with pneumonia.” The prevalence of influenza has affected our meetings. Wr hoj>e it will now be over. Warkworth.—April. Patriotic afternoon. Home meeting. Address, by Rev. Reilly. Elocutionary Items. Bring and Buy Stall. LV4/3 handed in to Patriotic. May.—Papier Mache Splints commenced for Red Cross. Devotions. Scientific Fact. 5/- donated to N.Z. Fund. Wreath placed on Cenotaph on Anzac Day. Prayer for Peace, 3 o’clock. W.F. Day next meeting. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Hamilton.—June 4. Mrs. Gatman presided, good attendance, though weather wintry. Special intercessory prayers. White Ribbon Day special in recognition of 47th anniversary of first issue. Report from delegate to N.C.W. Heavy stockings for seamen spun from natural word and knitted by a member, Mrs. Burgess; exhibited and admired before being dispatched to Sailors' Rests. Taumarunui.—May 21. Mrs. Duder presided and led devotions. A short reading, “Let the Glory Out.” letter from Miss Henderson in ifply to Press re|iorts of Maoris obtaining hqui.r from Breweries. A most inspiring paper, V Life Lived Abundantly,” was read. Tauranga.—Good attendance. Mrs. Christian m chair. Meeting opened with prayer and r»>t*onses. Apologies were sent by Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Bryan. Tt was arranged we take the patriotic shop on the 19th. Arrangements were made for Mrs. Kasper’s proposed visit on 14th. A report was given on the Band of

Hone meeting. Afteruo&u tea was dispensed and a brmg-and-buy held. Meeting closed with the Benediction.


Hawera.- April and May. Fair attendant Talks by Mrs. Thayer on "Helen Keller and Maude Hoyden.” Miss Hill gave experiences on temperance work and war work in Wr. >,auui and Palmerston. Mrs. Hurrel! led devotions. Bring-and-buy, IR/3. Letters re sugar rationing and proposed alterations to lic.nsing laws read. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Wanganui.—May. Peace Day meeting;. Devotions, Mrs. Grunstead. “David as a Man of War," Repo ts on Poppy I * <y collecting and Cradle Roll afternoon. TV inks received for subs, to War Victims Relief, and to Home Guard effort. Congratulation', to Foundation member on her M)th birthda> and to another on her 90th birthday. 1 n*v/ member. Peace Day address by Mrs. on Evactia tion from Port Moresby, ;*er late home. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn. May 25th. Mrs. Brewer presided. Devotions, Mrs. Raine. Votes of sympathy to relatives of late Messrs Israel and J>enton. Tribute paid to the life and work rf these two stalwarts of tcmperauce. Rejior* of district executive meeting. Temperanc ■ fact by Mrs. Dudley. Study and discussion on Convention Number of W.R. Sigii pra/er. Afternoon tea provided by Baptist ladies. Lower Hull.—May 27th. Mrs. Swift presided and led devotions; small attendance (had weather and sickness). Sympathy to Mrs. Spencer in an accident, and to Mis. Barber in the los-- of her husband. Mrs. Heyes read two articles on “Peace.” The monthly thought was: “Peace I leave with you, My peace give T unto you, not as the workl giveth; give 1 unto you. l-et not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” R*-|w>rt of recent rally. Benediction. NELSON DISTRICT. Nelson.—May 12th. Mrs. Toonier presided, gr<>d attendance. Temjierancr Fact, Prayer Sigii related. White Ribbons sold. Very successful Jumble hale Reid. Arrangements to hold Young People’s Social. Bring and Buy and Copper Trail. A very helpful address was given by Rev. Hay. Birthday posies presented. 2 new members. Richmond.—April 21. Miss Tarrant presided. Pledge, Temjierance Fact. Roll call res|>onded to with favourite quotations. More interest has beentaken in our meetings of late by visitors. Sigii. May 19. President welcomed visitors, Mrs. Cropp read an original paj>er, one written many years ago on “True Womanhood,” the kernel of the matter being that God never meant woman to be a slave but a true helpmeet to her husband. Miss Dyson supplemented this paper by another entitled “Help Cometh." Sigii prayer. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Blenheim.—June 2nd. Mrs. Girling presided. It) members. Inspiring devotional talk by Mrs. L .Lindsay. Monthly women’s day of prayer on Tune 30th: £i extra to be sent to H.Q.’s fund. Interesting extracts read from W.R. journal. Decided that 12 be sent to the W.R. with a letter of congratulation to editors, business manager, on the excellent standard of the paper. Collection, 11/7. Afternoon tea and Benediction. Springlands. -May 19. At home of President. Mis. V. Underhill, who presided over good attendance. Mrs. F.. Leslie led devotions. White Ribbon Day meeting arranged, members to read from the White Ribbon. President refered to the Women’s Mass meeting in Auckland. Mrs. P. Stephens gave splendid readings from various -ournals. Thanks to Mrs. Stephens. Tua Marina.--M.iy l a . At the home of the President. Devotions led by Mrs. Robinson. Prayers by members. 5/- donated to N.Z. Fund. Apologies from 6 members (sickness). S>mpathy to Mrs. Burroughs, who has I<> t another brother. Mrs. Mcßae read an interesting artical on how Madame Chiang Kai Shek became a Christum, fiymu. Benedic-ion. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Christchurch.—May 13th. Miss C. Henderson presided. Sympathy to relatives of Mrs. Cooper. Thanks for sympathy from Mrs. J.

K: .hards and relatives of Mrs. Landery. Big !•<reel of used clothing sent to Maori Mission,

carves and balaclavas sent to Patriotic Fund. Copies of “Vanguard” and “Death Rattle of Nations” taken by members to distribute. Reiorts given of Knox Church Band of Hope diamond jubilee celebrations. Extracts of progressive temperance work in other countries.

May 27th. Miss C. Henderson presided. Mrs. Neut7e gave a report of 16th North Brighton birthday social. Rejiort of visit to mental hospital and of public meeting convened by our mayoress re sending Xmas parcels to soldiers. Decided to make our own effort to raise necessary funds. Litiwood.—May 26. Mrs. Mackie presided. Ling Service badge presented to Mrs. Anstite. Mrs. turner appointed Peace Supt. Rejiorts on Home Meeting at Mrs. Wealleaus’, on W.R. and Band of Ho|<e, by Sup's. Band of lioi* children entertained at home of President. Donation forwarded to N.Z. Fund. Sympathy with Mrs. Wright in of her son on Active Service.

New Brighton. May. Good attendance, Mrs. K. Flower presided. Devotions, Temperance Fact. Invitations received from North Beach and Woolstou Unions to birthday socials. Sympathy to Miss B. Harband. Arrangements made for our birthday social. Peace Day. Mrs. L. M. Mitchell read an address delivered by Mr. 1 N. Christian. Band of Hope work discussed, also rejorts on mentfil hospital visiting.

North Brighton.—M ay 19. loth Birthday celebrated. Devotions led by Mrs. J. H. Mcllraith. Large representation of sister branches present. Mrs. Grigg, Vice-President of District, gave ait interesting and instructive address oil the Maori race. A fine musical frog rant me by the following artists:—Vocal .Solos, Musdames \\ e ith.-rhcad »ud Filer; Reading by Mrs. Davies; Vocal Duet, Me*-d.-mes Weathcrhe id and Filer; Violin Solos, Rev. Alan Carr; Organ Solos, Mr. Grigg; Sacred .Solo, with violin Obligato, Mrs, J). Goldman and Rev. Alan Carr; Xccompamsts, Mrs. D. Goldman and Mr. Grigg. Meeting pte sided over by the Pro ident, Mrs. D. Goldman. Afternoon iea.

Oxford. May 20. President in the chair. Resolution expressing sympathy with Mrs. Squire m the loss of her mother. Helpful address, based on the 72ml Psalm, given by Rev. G. Hall. Members rook part in intercessory prayer for World Peace. Sacred solo, Mrs. H. Dailey. The President, on behalf of the W.C.T.U., presented file Secretary, Mrs. Allen, with a small gift in token of their good wishes for aer future nippiness. Reefton.—May 12th. Mrs. Thompson presided. Members each read interest l ng pieces mt of “White Ribbon” paper. Re Miss Andrews’ visit, decided to fall in with arrangements made by Grevmouth Union. For N.Z. Fund, 10/- thanks offering for convention. Mrs. Norwell closed with prayer. .Sefffcn. Resume March, April and May meetings. Paj»ers <n the Life and Work of Francis Willard. Visitors at April nv*etitif. Social afternoon, with music and competitions. Joint meeting with the IMunket Sub Branch, at which Miss F.Bie Andrews, km union Organiser sjoke. Rose pips collected by members and made into syrup and given to local Plunket Nurse. Spreydon.- May. Mrs. Gcmmell, V.P., in the chair. Devotions, Mrs. Dennis; Temj>erance Fact Mrs. Murray; district report. by Mrs. Walker. Mrs. Sim reported new “W.R.” subscribers. Mrsdames Bilcliff and MacKenzie, hostesses. Benediction. Sydenham.—June 4. Mrs. Puddle piesided. Duet by Mesdaines Weatherhead and Filer. Talk by Miss F'lsie Andrews on the evils of consumption of alcohol, the drug which numbs the brain cells, causing lower efficiency in the militia and the nation, unhappiness in the home, and a great drain on the Government revenue line to accidents, crimes and mental disease. Miss Andrews was heartily applauded for her forceful and educational talk. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Rakaia. April. Mrs. S. Wilson |>resiucd. l’iedge, Teinjterance Fact. Readings by President and Mrs. Hopwood. May 14.—President presided. Devotions. Mrs. Spillitt. Sympathy with sick nembers. Bring and Buy and Pav Up Social iext month. Peace address by Mrs. Spilli't,

OTAGO DISTRICT. Baldutha.— May 14th. Good attendance of members and visitors. Mrs. Garden was our special and certainly infused new life into the union. Her talk was forceful and inspiring, and four new members were gained that after* noon. On Sunday night Mrs. Garden held a special aiter-church rally and convinced her listeners that alcohol has a hold that will need strong co operation to suppress. The result of Mrs. Garden’s effort for the week end was nine new members, also members to start a “Y” going. Ralclutha Union certainly has found inspiration. Kaikorai.— May 27. Praise and Prayer, led by Pesident. A paper 'ead by the President, based on Facts from the “Vanguard.” Several l?omts were fully discussed. Fytnpa‘hy with sick members. One new member. Lawiwnc*. -May 7th. Attendance good. Mrs. McNeilly piesided. Misi Allen, a new member, welcomed. Fitting reference made to the pass* ing on of drs. Edie, first president of Union, and later treasurer. Frotest against altered hours for hotel trading. Miss Allen elected vice-president. Letters of appreciation to Mrs. Winton aid Mrs. Holland who have left the district. N.E. Villey.—Map. Mrs. A. Peart presided. Captain Thomas, S.A., addressed meeting and showed from persona! experience appalling wastage through liquor traffic. With deep regret accepted resignation of our president, Miss A. Gray, who, owing to ill-health, has been compelled to retire ine inwhile from active service. We record our appreciation of her services daring ten yean in this office. Oamaru.— May. Visit from Mrs. Garden, District Organiser. Several women’s meetings were addressed and Leaders and members of Bible Class and S.S. teachers were interviewed and interested in t'le formation of Hand of Hope. Mrs. Garden was present at our meeting and gave an encouraging resume of her activities, and stressed the need of Temperance education amongst young people. She was presented with a shoulder spray .nd warmly thanked for her visit. A resolution of protest against wet canteens in a no-hcence area was carried unanimously. The W.C.T.U. took the Cabin for Patriotic Appeal and obtained the sum of £26. Owaka. -April 8. The President in the chair and took devotr ns. Discussion on the growing flood of guessirg competitions and taffies conducted by the local Patriotic Society resulted in the Secretary being asked to present a letter deprecaang these methods and suggesting others. Prayer and benediction. May 13.—Mrs. Wright presided. Devotional period, by President. Donated 9/- to New Zealand F ind. All took part in a season of prayer. Benediction. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Invercargill Central. -June 3. Mrs. Ruthven preside*!, attendance fair; Mrs. Brown led devotion*; Temperance Fact. Pledge repeated. Miss V. A. Jamieson gave a talk on “White Ribbcn” paper and appealed for new subscribers The speaker was accorded a rote of thanks on the motion of Mrs. Cameron. South Invercargill.— May 12. Miss McCall uni presided. Mrs. Richards led devotions, taking a-, studv life of Daniel. “Maori Day,” Rev. H\ H. Howes, who had visited all the Maori Mission Stations in the North Island, gave a most interesting rnd informative address on the work of the mitMoaari fa, some having served for 25 years, as Joc‘.or, *.urse, teacher, adviser, and spiritual leader. One new member Collection of £1 taken for Maori work. Prayer and Benediction.

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White Ribbon, Volume 48, Issue 5, 18 June 1942, Page 7

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 48, Issue 5, 18 June 1942, Page 7

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 48, Issue 5, 18 June 1942, Page 7

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