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Bulletin of Union News


Dargaville. Feb. 10. Mrs. Jolly’s. Mrs. lolly presided. Devotions, Mrs. Ravner. Greeting* and words of encouragement from the District President, Mrs Roberts. Appreciation of our sister, Mrs Martin, recently passed to Higher Service. She was i zealous worker, and an officer of Union. Decided to purchase more literature and continue distribution. Arrangements for Rand of Hojh- picnic. VV.C.T.U. members are responsible for one day a month services at the Servicemen’s Lounge in this town. Frances Willard rememberance was observed, and collection taken for that fund. Afternoon tea, pledge related, and Benediction. Dargaville.— March. At Mrs. Noble’s, Mrs. Tolly presided. Devotions, Mrs. Raynor. Collection to purchase literature. Rand of Hoj>e tea a grand success and Y.P. supj»er was given to children. Te Kopuru.- March. Mrs. Rickers presided. Balance -heet, satisfactory, read by Mrs. Hill Taylor. Letter of cheer from District President. Round table talk ui>on liquor situation in view of an invasion. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Auckland.- March 10. Mrs. Ixmg gave New Year messagts of comfort and cheer. Rible talk bv Mrs. Stimpson. Mrs McDonald, from Dunedin, gave a talk. Willard Day observed. Collection. One new member. Avondale.— March 3. Methodist Guild were guests. Vrs. Kasj>cr spoke on Facts about W.C.T.U. 1 ’resident of visiting guild led devotions. Mrs. Hiett reported 56 babies enrolled on Cradle Col; one new member. Birkennead.- March 5. Devotions. Executive reiKirt. Temperance fast. Talk by Mrs. Long. Solos. Prayer. Two tiew members. L.T.L. and Y. branch arranged for Birkenhead.—April 2. Mrs. Luier presided; attendance, 16. Devotions, Mrs. Pergusson. Presentation made to Mrs. Day, one of our foundation members. Miss Pudney spoke interestingly on Narcotics. Henderson. March 18. Mrs. ( hadwick presided. Devotions. Scientific Fact. Discussion n Liquor Control question. During meeting member* made dressing* fm Rad Cfoaa, Kohi-St. Helier’*. March 19. At Mr'. Raster's. Talk on Effect of Alcohol on Nerves of Brain, by Mrs. Kasper. Two little White Ribboners enrolled. General discussion in regard to lax control of drink traffic. Mt. Eden.-February 24. Mis« Pudney appointed President. Frances Willard Day. Article from “Union Signal 1 ’ read. ( ollection. Readings on wastefulness of grain allowed for brewing. Nerthoote. -February 10. Address by Mrs. K.i'j»er. One new member. Solos by President and Secretary. Otahuhu.—February 19. Mrs. Kasjter. address, “The Home Guard and the Enemy Within.” Spray presented to Mrs. Taylor, for 19 years our secretary, and Mrs. Kasj»er eulogized her faithful service.

March 19. Very helpful meeting, .''ocial in honour of 80th birthday of Mrs. Rvlands. Duets and solos; address by Mrs. Long. Spray presented to guest, and beautiful birthday cake cut bv Mrs. Rvlands.

Onehunga. —February 14. Frances W >Hard Day; pai»er read; syllabus arranged. Patriotic work and other activities settled. Items from W.R. read and discussed, and lour dozen extra ordered.

March 12. Rejmrts of meetings and w-ar activities. Seven dozen extra Copies of (onveution W.R. ordered Address by Mrs. Chadwck on “The Rest Temperance Story in the Rible ”

Msrch 25: Home meeting at Mrs. Ashby’s. Choruses, competitions; excellent address by Mrs. Pearce. Remuera.—February 17. Protest to Prime Minister re wet canteen in Papakura Territorial Camp. Cradle Roll party followed; choruses and games, Short address by Mrs. Kasf>er. A present oi a bag of sweets given *o each chilli. Vote of thanks to Mrs. Rond, Superintendent. Takapuna. —Cradle Roll picnic; mothers and children entertained; a mother present with two small children had attended one of our picnics when six years old. Happy tune. Afternoon tea; gift of bag of fruit to older children to take home.

Takapuna. March. Meeting well attended, presided over by Mrs. Winstone. Devotions, Mrs. Morgan-Richards; reading, Miss Cullen. Discussion on wet canteens, esf>ecially where young boys are stationed. All member requested to write and protest against this, as well as the lax licensing laws and hours in hotels. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Fencourt.—Feb. 5. Attendance of nine. Mrs Waldo Reer (Pres.) presided. Decided to hold our Cradle Roll afternoon on March 7th. Owing to jietrol restrictions, decided to meet quarterly, rather than close down altogether, as members live so far apart. Items of interest were read from the “White Ribbon" by Mrs Learning. Hymn, Renediction and afternoon tea. Fencourt. March 7. Annual C.R. Party; large gathering of mothers and children. Helpful address by Mrs. Ryan. Items by the children. Report by Mrs. S. Rickard. Gift tree prepared and each child under age of eight presented with a gift. Sixty children on roll; three new members. .

Hamilton. March 5. Mrs. Gatmao, newly elected President, warmly welcomed, and led Devotions. Mrs. K. Rartlett, Auckland S., was present and expressed hope to see a Y branch in Hamilton. Indignation at misleading advts., waste of foodstuffs for brewing. Three new members. April 2. Frances Willard Day observed. Re*dy from Ministers’ Assn.; no agreement leached regarding their attitude to wine at weddings question. Literature given out. Plans tor public meetings discussed. Taumarunui. March 19. Good attendance; Mrs. Duder in chair. Devotions, Temp. Fact, Text, Pledge; 5/- to lie sjient on literature for distribution. A reading, “And a Little Child Shall Lead Them.” was given; l also “The Rirth of the VV.C.T.U.” Two new members initiated. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT. Hastings.—February 26. Pledge, Devotions, Financial Statement, Credit Balance. Reading on Frances Willard. President, a talk on Prayer, leaflets to be sent to headmasters, and Women’s Guilds re lotteries and gambling. Napier.—February 17. Devotions. Jumble Sale for funds for Maori Girls’ Hostel on March 24. Sympathy with bereaved member. Mrs. Virtue, very interesting and helpful talk on countries she had visited. March 17. Mrs. Lewis presided. Devotions, Mrs. Ennor. Invitation received to Y’s fourth Birthday Party. Recitation by Miss Lewis. Address by Capt. Walker, of S.A. Mrs. Lewis read message to young mothers from Cajie of Good Hope W.R. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Wanganui Central. —Feb. 5. Frances VV illard Day marked by readings from “White Ribbon." 9s 3d collection for fund. Miss Wadesworth to take hospital visiting. Sui>erintendents of Departments elected. Congratulation sent to Mrs Williams on her safe evacuation from Port Moresby. A dozen “Special” White Ribbons ordered. As a token of recognition to Sergeant Alan Ward, year’s subscription to the “Vanguard" be sent to the head prefects of four boys’ schools, starting with the January number, in which was a striking article on the whole family being strong Rediahites. Every member bring a jtersonal suggestion for work for the year at next meeting. Wanganui Central. March. Decided to hold regular executive meetings before each monthly meeting. Mrs. Goodey presided. Plans of work for the coming year discussed. Committee formed to arrange a M»>thers’ Day connected with the Cradle Roll. Members stood when hearing of ..death of Mrs. Gidijrlls, a foundation member and a faithful and generous helj>er ever since. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Hawera.- Feb. Remits prepared for District Convention Garden Party in afternoon at residence of Mr and Mrs Barron, the C.R. party'. Guests welcomed by Miss Hill, C.R. Supt. Croquet competitions, races for all. Bring and Ruv stall. I>»llie scrambles and wee gifts for the children. Thanks to Mr and Mrs Barron. Hawera.-March. Mrs. Hurrell presided and led Devotions. Three temj>erance facts given. Rejiorts of District Executives and District Convention. Minutes of annual meeting confirmed.

Inglewood.—February 26. Mrs. H. Kasper gave an address on International and Dominion work of VV.C.T.U.? most helpful and

inspiring. Rejiorted School of Methods meeting at Mrs. Arthur’s. Mrs. H. Kasper explained duties of officers and how to hold a model meeting.

New Plymouth. March 25. Good attendance, Miss Drew, J.P., presided. Poster campaign to commence m New Plymouth, and sessions of prayer will be conducted. Members anxious that something be done regarding the drinktraffic. Recommendations adopted. Mrs. Malcolm celebrated 80th birthday; congratulations sent. More youth work to be conducted. Benediction. MANAWATU DISTRICT. Feilding.—Fib. 4. Good attendance. Pre». in chair. Regret expressed at our Secretary’s continued illness. Report of Executive meeting given by Mrs S;>ence. Resolved to order four dozen copies of January-February “Whit* Ribbon” for distribution. Benediction. Feilding. -March 4. uood attendance, President m chair. Sympathy with Mrs. Gibson whose husband died recently. A very inspiring address, entitled “Lighting Lamps.” was guen by Mrs. Taylor. Levin. February 13. Devotions, Pledge, Scientific Fact. C .R. Party to be held March 3rd. Articles on Frances Willard were read frem the White Ribbon. March 3. Cradle Roll afternoon; welcome to mothers and children by Mrs. Kennerley, and address by Mrs. Nye. The little ones were entertained outside with afternoon tea and soft drinks and bag of sweets and ice-cream to each child. March 13. Devotions, Mrs. Finch, concluding with a jxiem entitled "Service." Paper clippings lead. One new member. Palmerston North.—Feb. 3. Community singing, led by Mrs Shearman. Devotio. s, Mrs Penkcth. Temperance F'act, Mrs Gar idge. Decided to purchase seven do*cn copies of “White Ribbon” for distribu'ton. Mrs Clausen donated fl. Letter of sympathy to Mrs Smith and Mrs Claridge. Ta.k given by Mrs. Wrigley, her subject being “Fear.” Two «acred solos by Mrs Lyon. Afternoon tea. Prayer. Palmerston North,— March 3. Devotions, Mrs. Shearman; Temperance Fact, Mrs. Claridge. Special effort for Patriotic Shop diseased. Letter from Mr. Grinstead read. Two new members. Items, Mesdames Pritchard and Shearman. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn.—February 24. Devotions, Temperance Fact. Sympathy to mother of R.A.F. boy rejKirted missing. District Executive re|iort. Mrs. Sawden spoke on Life and Work of France' Willard. Period of silent prayer, mothers, wives, of those on active service and for prisoners of war. Bring and Buy. March 24. Mrs. Gittings presided. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Dudley. Arrangements to a'Sist at District Tenqierance Rally. Recitations by Mrs. Long n”*ch enjoyed. Address by Mrs. Peryman. Carterton. Februa r y 25. Twenty-first birthday party, 80 members, past and present. Mrs. Tyler presided. Devotion*, Mrs. E. Peters and Mrs. Every. Musical items and congratulations. Mrs. Lopdell gave brief but concise address on aims and achievements of VV.C.T.U. here and elsewhere. A beautiful birthday cake, gift of Mrs. Good, was cut by Mrs. Knutson, the first Serreta l , - Posies presented to Mrs. I'yler and Mrs. t-aipdell. Lower Hutt. —Jan. 28. Mrs Lopdell presided. Devotions, Mrs Swifc. Three-fold pledge cards given to members. Extracts from press read. S]>ecial effort to be made for seamen. Reported special meeting at Mrs Lopdell’s to bid farewell to Mrs Cropp, transferred to Oamaru. A yearly text book wa* presented to Mrs. Cropp, and bi-'t wish' given for her in her new home. Lower Hutt.—February 25. Devotions. ReI»ort of District Executive meeting, greetings to Carterton on 21st birthday. Syllabus read ami adopted. Articles for seamen handed in. March 25. Mrs. Lo|»dell presided. Devotions, Mrs. Swift. Address on “The Upper Room," by Rev. Simpson. Bring and Buy effort very successful. Wellington Central. February 18. Sympathy to Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Bond. Mrs. Dayman elected Cor. Sec. Re|»ort of District Executive meeting. Solos by Mrs. Andrew. March 18 Mrs. Israel presided. Devotions, Mrs. Weldon. Temjierance Fact, Miss Thompson. Sympathy to Mrs. Turner in death of her daughter. Solos by Miss Vennell, accompanied by Mrs. Vennell. Address by Mrs. Peryman.

MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Blenheim. -Feb. ?. Mrs Girling presided, 18 present. Intercession for our leaders and all who need our prayers. Plans of work ar; ranged. Home meetings to be held. Distribution of literature. Try to enlist sympathy and help of church people. Afternoon tea on s|>ecial occasions only. Mrs Girling offered to be "W.R.” agent for three months. Mrs P. A. Stephens thanked for carrying on temporarily. A helpful talk cfn “Faithfulness” by the President, Mrs W. J. Girling. Afternoon tea.

Blenheim. March 3. Arrangements for street stall. No hall available for C.R. Party. Very interesting address on Frances Willard and other notable women. Discussions on national evils. Women to be invited to join in day of prayer, March 31. Springland;. February 17. At home of President. Splendid attendance. Reference made to our founder, Miss Frances Willard, and a paper on the life of the late Mr. T. E. Taylor, by Mrs. Underhill. Meetings to be held in homes. Syllabus prepared for the year. Springland*. M.irch 1". At Mr>. Wells’ home, Mrs. Barnett in chair. Mrs. Leslie devotions. Mrs. Underhill reported Dist. Exec, meeting and explained the Women’s Prayer Day set down for 31st. Our first President, Mrs. A. M. Smith, warmly welcomed. Satisfaction expressed re Australia's tackling liquor problem and New Zealanders’ dissatisfaction with present state of affairs. Very helpful paper on Faith read by Mrs. Barnett; also touching letter from Chaplain at Tobruk apjiealmg for the people at home to pray for the boys. Benediction. Tua Marina.—February 17. At President’s home. Letters of sympathy. Petrol shortage, meetings held in home of President. Items of interest read. Mrs. Carr invited to next meeting and District President to visit shortly. ftUfdl 17. At home of President. Devotions, Mrs. Robinson. Silent vote of sympathy for death of Mrs. Gridlev. Poem and cuttings read. Solos, Mesdames Smith and Carr. Farewell to Mrs. Carr who is leaving the district. NELSON DISTRICT. Richmond.— February 17. Devotions. Roll call answered with quotations. Temj>erance Fact. Officers remain the same. Miss Dyson gave a reading, “Gifts for the Christ.” Prayer Sigii. Benediction. March 17. Baptist Church. Devotions by President. Good attendance and good meeting. Address on work of past year. Jan. and Feb. W.R.’s distributed to visitors. Closed with Sigii and Benediction. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Christchurch.—February 11. Letters of sympathy. Scarves received and sent to general forces. Report on mental hospital visiting. Thanks for clothing sent to Children’s Fresh Air Home. President read extracts of temj>erance work all over the world. February 25. Frances Willard Day. Syllabus, for year arranged. Extracts read on Life of Frances Willard. Two new subs, for W.R. March 11. Congratulations to Mrs. Judkins oi: her ( A)th birthday. Address on “The Community for the Community,” by Miss Elsie Andrews. March 25. G<x>d wishes and donation from a Crayer circle. Balance Sheet. Interesting talk y Mrs. Major Searle on “Women in the Army all over the World.” Linwood. - February. Devotions and special prayer for mothers. Reading on Frances Willard. Rcjiorts of departments given and financial statement read. Decided to purchase and distribute literature. Special copies of W.R. given away. Four home meetings arranged for. Literature sent to camps. Miss Cardale, J.P., sjoke on work of Society for IJrotection of Women and Children. Linwood. March 31. Convention remits discussed. Home meeting reported. Parcel of literature taken to the Jubilee Memorial Home. Decided to hold a meeting at the home; Miss E. Andrews to speak. Arrangements made for Band of Hope Union picnic. B. of Ho|>e to meet Saturday afternoons during blackout. Mrs. Anstice to receive service badge. Mrs. Mackie dealt with the first essay, "Western Civilisation in Perspective.”

Lyttelton-Heathcote.— February. Mrs. Norton in the chair. Two new members. Interesting talk on the life of Jerry McAuley. Executive minutes read, Mrs. Preston. Miss Elsie Andrews to speak at March meeting. North Brighton. —February 17. A picnic, lunch and garden party took the place of usual meeting.

March 18. Devotions, Mrs. Mcllwraith. Miss Elsie Andrews gave most interesting and inspiring talk. Mrs. Felton presented with 20years badge. Two solos by Mrs. Haase. Oxford.—Jan. 21. President in the chair. Roll coll, responded with New Year messages. Reports by N.Z. Branch and Band of Hope secretaries showed interest well maintained and good work done. Interesting report of District Executive. Very good essays on “Keeping Fit” had been written by tinschool children. Cradle Roll Rally to be held in February. Oxford. -February 18. Frances Willard Day. Address on Life and Work of Frances Willard. Two sacred solos. Decided to write to Church organisations, asking for help to check drinking of liquor by young people. Report of executive meeting.

March 18. Sealed orders. Sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. Woodford and family in sudden bereavement. Extract read by Mrs. Stevenson. Arrangements for Sale Day' afternoon tea. Mrs. Hawke presented with birthday (80) spray.

Papanui.—February 24. Good attendance. Devotions. President read a paper on the life of Frances Willard. Collection in aid of Missionary Fund. March 24. Mrs. Thornton presided. Mrs. Elliott, devotions. Mrs. Hampton, temperance fact. Members asked to distribute literature. Social hour, musical items were by Mesdames Urlmer and Uueree. Miss Elsie Andrews gave a very instructive address.

Reefton.—February 10. Frances Willard Day. Reading from White Ribbon. £ 1/10/- donation to Headquarters Fund. C.R. Party next meeting. Collection, 10/-, World’s Missionary Fund. Sefton. —February. Fail attendance. President referred to the call. >g to higher service of orr sister, Mrs. Uui>,k. Sympathy with family expressed. Decided to make more use of literature and try to obtain extra copies of Jan.-Feb. “White Ribbon” for free distribution. Reports from executive meeting, and the packing of parcels for soldier for Patriotic Fund Board.

Spreydon. February. Treasurer’s report adopted. Finances healthy. Rejiort on mental hospital visiting. Prizes for school exam, on “Keeping Fit.” Addington School pupils won. Std. IV, Beverley Wilson; Std. 111, Mary Richardson. Supported resolution re reduction of liquor supplied to camp and prohibition to territorials. Mri-rh. Cradle Roll Party. Mrs. Ancell presided. Talk on pre-natal influences, by Mrs. Lowry. M»-s. Fletcher and party sang, and Mrs. Woodcock recited. Children were given dolls and balloons. Sydenham.—M arch 5. Twentieth birthday social with 41 present. Greetings given by 8 branches represented and Christchurch executive. Items rendered by Mesdames Filer, Weatherhead, Hutton and Drewett, and a coml>etition won by Mrs. C. Barrel!. Members voted for resolutions sent through W.R. The leaflet, “The Death-Rattle of Nations,” distributed for delivery to householders. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Ashburton.—Feb. 3. Mrs. Robinson presided. Sympathy passed to members in bereavement. Decided to order three dozen copies of “White Ribbon” and 200 of Y.P. Supplement. C.R. picnic to be held on February 18th. Resolved to ask Ministers’ Association re holding combined intercessory monthly prayer meeting for the duration of the war. Five minute pajiers by Mesdames Tucker and Harwood and Sister Mildred. Collection, 13s. Mrs. McGregor collector for W.C.T.U. National Savings Investment. Ashburton. February. Temj>erance fact. How*to conduct a model meeting, by the president. Rejwrt of District Executives. Congratulations to Mrs. Grigg, M.P. School Committees to be interviewed re awarding prizes for essays on temperance. One new member. Crade Roll Picnic on 14th. Rakaia.—March 12. Mrs. Robinson presided. Good attendance. Resolution on subject of “Wet Canteens” endorsed and sent to Press. Temperance address by Mrs. Robinson and vote of thanks to her. Sacred solo by Mrs. Wilson. Pianoforte solo by Mrs. Stevenson. Bring and buy realised £l/16/3. National Anthem and Benediction.

Timaru. February. Remits read and endorsed. Donations at Seaman’s from several Women’s Institutes. Temperance literature to patients in hospital. Peace Day Service to be held in Timaru. Jumble Sale and C.R. Party and entertainment of soldiers’ next-of-kin arranged. Facts by Miss Fyfe.

Tinwald.— March. Mrs. Mcllroy presided. Temperance fact. Frances Willard Day observed. Syllabus drawn up. Report of C.R. Party helcf at Mrs. Luxton’s. Address, Mrs. Robinson. Coini>etitions, treasure hunt, lolly packet given to each child. Bring and Buy table realised 25/-. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Luxton. Thanks to Mrs. Harkness and Mrs. Wakelin who arranged the party. Waimate.—February 11. Mrs. Duckett elected President. Miss Hayman, retiring President, thanked for her work. Executive on February 27. Social afternoon to be held to honour Mrs. Johns, retiring as C.R. Supt. after 14 years’ work. OTAGO DISTRICT. Kaikorai.—February 24. Prayer. Pledge related. Report of executive. Minutes. Rev. Dr. Hunter spoke on ‘John Barleycorn,” Jack lymdon’s autobiography. March 24. President presided. Reading given, “The Choice of a Career.” Glorious life of Frances Willard read by the President. Lawrence.-March 5. Miss Ferguson presided. Attendance fair. Sympathy to Miss Gray, District Secretary, and to Mrs. Edie, first I’resideut of Union, in their illnesses. Discussion on ways of improving meetings and increasing attendance. April 2. Attendance fair. Mrs. McNeilly presided. Work of Union outlined. Resolutions discussed and agreed to. N.E. Valley.—February. With deep regret we rejiort passing, since last meeting, of five members. Sympathy sent to relatives. Members have distributed 1,500 copies of “The Death Rattfi of Nations," six dozen copies of sj>ecial W.R. for systematic distribution. The leading article in this issue used as basis of discussion in meeting. Oamaru. Feb. 9. Good attendance. Miss Cowan presided, and led devotions. Arranged for Bring and Buy next month. Solo. Papers on Frances Willard and on “Taking Time to Pray.” Mrs Hurst appointed to Plunket Society. Doxology, Benediction. Afternoon tea. Oamaru. -March 10. Miss Cowan presided. Extracts read by members. Musical and vocal items much enjoyed. Sale of produce. Decided to take a day in Log Cabin for patriotic effort. Appreciation expressed of editor’s article in Jan.-Feb. issue of W.R. South Dunedin.—February 26. Mrs. Williamson presided. Devotions and address Mrs. Smith. Correspondence re remits discussed and endorsed. Home meetings discontinu-d for the present. Mrs. Rippin gave a resume of M**® Andrew’s address before Education Conference, “The Road to Peace.” Her fine effort was appreciated. Collection, 14/6, World’s Missionary Fund. Rev. Vickery’s effort to have a Tenqierance Sunday in all churches discussed. Good attendance, several joining in discussions. March 26. Mrs. Horwood presided. Attendance good. Mrs. Smith, devotions. Programme for year arranged. Sympathy to Miss Gray, Dist. in her illness and loss. Miss Bruce thanked and asked to continue in her work of arranging refreshments. Secretary to read paper at next meeting. Rev. Tasker asked to give annual peace address. Treasurer’s report showed favourable balance. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. South Invercargill.—February 10. Devotions. Temperance Fact. President spoke on Life and Work of Frances Willard. Address by Rev. G. B. Hinton; sjieaker thanked. Garden party at home of Misses Todd, “Belgravia,” arranged for next meeting. March 10. Garden Party at home of Misses Todd. Devotions, Mrs. Holmes. Solos, Misses Fisher and Simon. Mrs. Lea, accompanist. Afternoon tea on lawn. Travel Talk by Mrs. Matthews telling of bombed churches in England. Thanks to Misses Todd, to soloists and s|»eakers. Winton. -Februa, v 17. Devotions. Special welcome to Mrs. Garfield Todd, home on furlough front Rhodesia. Plans of work discussed. Talk on life of Frances Willard by President. President presented with W.R. brooch in appreciation of her services. Solos, Mesdames Young and Smart. Invercargill.—April 6. Mrs. Ruthven presided. Mrs. Pennington, Devotions. Mrs. Rutherford Waddell spoke of the unhappiness caused in homes by intemperance, as seen by deaconesses in their daily routine of work, and received thanks.

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White Ribbon, Volume 48, Issue 3, 18 April 1942, Page 9

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 48, Issue 3, 18 April 1942, Page 9

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 48, Issue 3, 18 April 1942, Page 9

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