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Bulletin of Union News


Dargaville. December. Annual meeting. Mrs. Jolly presided and led devo ions. Rei>ort of District Convention. Rei>orts ol l>cpartments showed g* -cl work Ist-i u k done. Officers elected: l’re-., Mis. Jolly; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Wordsworth; Sec., Mrs. Nook; Treas., Miss Bramble; Evangelistic, Mrs. Raynor; C.R., Mrs. Wordsworth and Miss Martin; Hand of lioj»e, Mrs. Jolly; Flower and Philanthropic, Mrs. Hilliam, Backblocks, Mrs. and Mis> Phillips. Miss Phillips (hostess) served afternoon tea. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Auckland.— Nov. 11. Annual meeting; Mrs. Lang presided. The annual rejxjrt showed a year of activity. Clothes were sent to the Maoris ar<l the members helj>cd enthusiastically to get fund- for the proposed hostel for Maori mils. Donations were given and collecting cards taken for this worthy object to protect the Maori girls while their menfolk are bravely fighting for us. Donations were given for work among soldiers and comfort bags for sailors. The members hdi>ed to get the signatures for the petition. The balance sheet was presented and the reports frotr the Cradle Roll, White Ribbon, Social Hygiene. The following officers were re-elected: l’res., Mrs. Lang; Kcc. Sec., Mrs. Stimpsou; Corr. Sec., Miss N. Dewar; Treas., Mrs. Swan; V.P., Mesdames Holmes, Ross, Misses Paul, Dewar and Mears. Avondale.—Nov. 4. Annual meeting; fair attendance. Mrs. Warring resided. Mrs. Kasper preside l’res., Mr*. Bartlett; Vice-Pres., Mr>. Warring and Mrs. Young; C.R. Supt., Mrs. Hicdit (re-elected); Sec. I'reas., left until next meeting. Mrs. Read gave model for balance sheet. Two ■clos, Mis* Mitchell. Collection 9/3 for hot* tel. Mrs. Young thanked for hospitaiity. Afternoon tea. Benediction. Birkenhead.—Nnv. 6. Annual meeting; well attended. Miss Karner led devotions. Mrs Lang, speaker. Sympathy with Mrs. Utting in her illne"". Retorts from Supts. of depts. Officers elected: l’res., Mrs. Luker (re-elected), Vice-Pres., Mrs. Roberts; Sec., Mrs. Castleton; Treas., Mr". Wilson; W.R. agent, Mrs. Hall.

Henderson.—Nov. Special meeting for the purjiose of presenting the prizes awarded annually for the best essay on “Temperance,” written by the pti| 1" of Standaiul" V. ?nd VI. of the Henderson public school. The children gave a splendid programme of songs and choral sjeaking. After the presentation of the prizes, the President, Mr*-. Chadwick, gave an interesting talk on “ The Evil Effects of Alcohol.”

Kohi-St. Heliers.—N v. 20. Annual meeting at Mrs. L. Eady’s; very gmxl attendance of members. Devotions by Mrs. Parr; Mrs. Kasper, in the chair, gave tenijxrance fact. Pledge affirmed, minutes oi last month and of th«* last . nnua! meeting read .and confirmed. Treasurer rejiorted balance of £3/ 4/8 in the bank Officers tlected: Mrs. Kasjier, Acting-l’res.; Mrs. Biddle, Sec.-Treas.; Mrs. Karr, Vice-Pies., ex-officio also Evangelist; Mr". L. Eaily, Corr. Nc.; Mrs. Phillips, Snr., Vice-Pres.; Mis. L, Kady, Flower Supt. £3/2/collected the last month for Maori hostel. Mrs. Reffell and Mrs. Giav were encored for songs. Mrs. L. Kady was thanked for a pleasant afternoon at her home.

Oaehunga.—Nov. 13. Animal meeting. Fair attendance, usual business, and arrangements for various local and patriotic activities; rel<orts of the year’s work by Supts. os Depts. were given showing satisfactory prog re**. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Mountjov; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Perrett; Cor. Sec.. Miss Hnhdeii; Treas., Mrs. Fordvce; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Hickman, A"iby, Miishet, and Mo- Caughley; W.R. Agent and Home Meet. Supt., Mrs. Ashby; Cradle K< >ll Supt.. Miss Caughley; Philanthropic, M« "dames Pace and Moore; Birthday League, Mrs. Barnett; Tea Coti\ener, Mis. lire* <•; I mgehstic and Press, Mrs. Mushet; Maori “Y” Supt., Mrs. MountNov. 26. Home oieet at residence of Mrs. Brerse; g«xx| attendance. An address by Pastor Campbell, with cheuuscs, conijjetitinns, solos, recitations, and a dainty afternoon tea, combined to form :i very enjoyable gathering. Ponsonby.—Nov. 20. Miss Read presided and led devotions. Good attendance. Annual rejxirt showed good work done. Twelve new

members gained. Three new subscribers, Rrjxjrts of Supts of l>epts. and rei*ort on Maori Hostel; £l7l/6/8 in hand. Officer* elected: l'res., Miss Read; Vice-l’res., Sister Jessie; Mesdames Olds and Osborne; S-c. & Treas., Mrs. Joiner. Supts. elected: Evangelistic, Mo-s Read; No*able Days, Mrs. Christopher; Home Meetings, Mrs. Hay; W.R., Mrs. Parker; Bible in Schools, Miss Read; R«-|*>rter, Mrs. Joiner; Tea Convener, Mesdames Tobin and Butt. Decided to hold a Cradle Roll Party early next year.

Paint Chevalier. Nov. 27. Annual meeting. The District President. Mrs. Hugh kasjier, gave an address and presided at the election of officers. The annual rejort showed steady progress made during the year, and the balance -licet showed a crcdii balance. Mrs. Long was elected President; Mrs. Yule, Vice-l’res.; Miss Mc'Xmald. Sec.; Mrs. Sud, Treas.; Mrs (iarber, Supt. for Flower Mission and Phi ’.anthropic Department; Evangelistic Supt., Mrs. Hoojier. The Union resumes in February, I*>42.

Otahuhu.—Nov. 20. Annual meeting. Secretary’s report and re|xirts of Supt. of depts. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Taylor; Sec. & Treas., Mrs. Beaumont; C.R., Mrs. Williamson; W.K., Mrs. West. Remut-ra. Nov. 25. Very good attendance. Annual meeting. Mrs. Hugh Kasjier presided. Annual report showed good progress and balance "heel a credit balance. Donation given to the Welcome Club, th* Maori Hostel and Lady Galway F a ,ids. Superintendents’ reports: Mrs. Hunter, Peace and Arbitration: Miss Bond, Little White Kibbotiers; M s. Caldwell, Mission, Flower Ltid Pjnianthropic. All re-elected. Mrs. Laird, Evangelistic Suj<trinte.»detit. Mrs. Ka*|-cr gave a talk and presented gift" to tiie officers. Officers elee’e ’: Mrs. Knight, re-elect*.d President; Mr«. Robinson, Mrs. Laird and Mrs. Ansell, Vice-Presidents; Mrs. G. Robin- < Sec.; Alias (owan, R< - M Hunter, l'r< :is and W.R. Agent. Meetings to be resumed in February.

Takapuna. November. Well attended. Mrs. Wi nstone presided. Devotions, Miss Read. Scripture reading. Miss Cullen. Mrs. Winstone rend ”G<kl Defend N.Z.” in a truly devout manner. All stood in memory of Mrs. Cooke. Treasurer’s rejxjrt. Election of olticer": Pie."., Mrs. Winstohe; Sec., Mrs/ Prussing; Treas., Mrs. Blake; Evangelistic Supt., Mi'S Cullen; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Morgan-Richards and Mowdav: W.R. Agent, Mrs. Pendray; Cradle Roll, Mrs. W'instone; Maori Supt., Mrs. laxke; Back blocks Supt., Mrs. Morgan-Richards; Press Corres|x>ndcnt, Mrs. Blackwell. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Hamilton. Dec. 4. Annual meeting. Mrs. Stephenson Craig presided. Rejxrrt showed gixid work in ail branches. Treasurer showed credit balance. W.R. and C.R. both showed increase. Retiring officers warmly thanked for their services during the year. Officers elected: l'res., Mrs. Gatman; Sec., Mrs. Stephenson Craig; lrt-as., Mrs. Davev; VicePres., Mesdames \lillrr anil Robinson; W.R., Mrs. Bradley; C.R., lira. Tudtej; Literature, Miss Parry; Pianiste, Mrs. Miller; Rep. to N.C.W., Mrs. Geo. Moore; Tea Conveners, Mrs. Harwood. Tauranga. (nxxl attendance. Mrs. Christian presided. Corre spin deuce was dealt with and i g<»xl deal of business transacted. Mrs. Envoy Janes gave a wonderful talk based on “The Love of God.” Afternoon tea dispensed. Bring and Buy stall held. Tetn|H*rance l)<otology ami Benediction. Re-ojaii in March. Taumarunui. November 20. Annual meeting. Mrs. Middleton presided. Mrs. Brock ■conducted devotions and gave -a reading on living contentedly from Phil. 4:11, 12. Roll call, text, pledge, temjx-rfvnce fact. All officers re-elected. Threefold Pledge Cards ordered, ffeuruarv meeting to be a Bring and Buy. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Aramoho.—Nov. 27. Annual meeting. Flection of officers resulted in all being reelected for coining year. Rejjorted that annual social afternoon was very successful. A grxxl programme was arranged and competitions and afternoon tea heljxd to make a pleasant time for all. Bring and Buy stall did gixxl business and the result, £4/4/6, helped us to .meet all our obligation" at the annual meeting. Wanganui Central. Dec. 4. Mrs. Dux field presided. Devotion •, Miss Wadsworth. Annual meeting. Treasurer’s balance-sheet and Secretary’s rejxjrt presented and adopted. Bring and Buy a strong factor in strengthen-

ing the financial position. Election of officers; Pie-., Mrs. Duxheld; Vice-l’res., Mesdames R. Wilson and Goodcy; Treas., Mrs. Chellcy; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Ogg. Afternoon tea and Benediction. MANAWATU DISTRICT. Levin.—Nov. 14. Annual meeting. Mrs. Kennerley presided. Mrs. Finch led devotions, and t*x»k for her lesson “God’s Greatness.” President welcomed Mrs. Ixn,- of Rai Valley, and Mrs. if. Finch, visitors. Pledge. Scientific fart. Articles collected for the Sailors’ Rest. Collection for same. Election of officers. Afternoon tea. Benediction. I’almerston North. Dec. 2. Annual meeting; Miss Jamieson presided. Devotions, Mrs. Wrigley; Consecration Hymn, Mrs. Pritchard; S-v-i»:ihc Fact, Miss Sutherland. Lotion of sympathy with Mrs. Clausen. Regret exmessed that Mrs. Hodder wished to resign from ihe nhee of Corresponding Sec. Reports reeei\‘d were satisfactory. Afternoon tea. IL-nediction. Officers elected: l’res., Miss Jamie -on; Rec. Sec., Miss L. C. Thompson; i «*r. Set , Miss Sutherland; Treas., Mrs. J. S. Si ; W.K., Mr*. Carter and South; C.R Mrs. A. G. Stuart; Hospital visitors, Mrs. Purvis and Mrs. White. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT. Napier. November 18. Annual meeting. Mrs. Lewis i • the chair. Devotions, Miss Gra.u. Solos, Mrs. Ath*-»foH. Reports read ai.d adopted. I-ctter oi thai.ks to Minister of Defence for prompt action re wet canteens in W.A.A.F. at Levin. Scientific fact given. Decided t- hold Jumble Sale in Februaray to raise i.iiids for Maori Hostel. The following resolution to Ik- sent to Ministers. Sunday School Superintendents and Bible Class ' Believing that the drink and gambling e/ils are the root cause ol most ol the misery in the world, and that they are the greate"t hindrances to the coming of the Kingdom of G'd, we urge all professing Christians to awaken to the need of active aggression against* thei ■ foices, and entreats all who undertake CT trch, Bible Class, Sunday School or other le. dersbip to present the whole question of the tragic danger of participation in these evils ,vi earnestly and forcefully to the youth of on* - laud that they shall lx- truly fortified to withstand the onslaughts of tlu- insidious temptations of these evil forces.” Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Donnelly and Manyard; other officers re-elected. Votes of thanks. Benediction. Hastings.--Nov. 27. Annual meeting Repots from all officers and -uperintendents show work well maintained. Increase in membership. Finance satisfac ory; Cradle Roll active; L.T.L. going well. G eat improvement on attendance at monthly meetings. Mis. Paul congratulated on completing thirty years continuously in office. Election of officers and Supts. for coming )ear. President’s address led all to thought on source of spiritual strength. Thanks accorded all outgoing officer" for services rendered during year. Mrs. Chapman Taylor, our President, led devotions for the meeting. Wairoa, H.B.—Nov. 11. Devotions, Mrs. Alexander. S|>eaker, Rev. King. Growth of of liquor traffic, compromising attitude of Christians, even partaking of liquor. No reform at all possible unless Christians took firm stand and set example. Letter from Dominion Reconstruction Committee held bver till Yebruary. Election of Officers:—-Pres., Mrs. Alexander; Vice-Pre*., Mrs. McDonald: “White Ribbon,” Mrs. Edlington; Ciadle Roll, Mrs. McDonald; Band of Hojjc, Mrs. Alexander; See. and Treas. positions held over till February. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Hawera. Nov. 22. Annual meeting. President in chair and led devotions; also welcomed Mrs. Douglas, a former President. T* in|k-ranee fact given. Secretary’s retx>rt and Balance sheet was presented. noth oiiowed g<xxl work had Ix-en done through the year. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. ©. Hartmann; Sec. and Trea;., Mrs. U. W. Barron; W.R. Agent, Mrs. M. Barker; Cradle Roll Supt.. Mis" M. 1111; Tea Hostess, Mrs. Collins; N>cial and Philanthropic, Mesdames Hall. Dixon; Seamen's Rest, Mrs. Hurrell; Notable Days, Mrs. G. Tozer. The branch had met all their monetary commitments, including Seamen’s Rest, New Plymouth. Gratification was expressed that so many pictuu-" painted had come in each month of th» 150 Supplements sent out. Meeting closed with prayer and good wishes.

New Plymouth. - November. Annual meeting. Mrs. Ashworth presided. Good attendance. Devotions, temi>erancc fact. Annual rejxirt and reports of Superintendents. Seaman’s Rest report. Vote of thanks. Election of officers: Pres., Miss G. A. Drew; Vice* Pres., Mesdames Ashworth and Brown; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Wood; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Oliver; Treas., Mrs. Morwood. Snjienntendents re-elected for another year. Benediction. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn.—November '*2s. Annual meeting. Mrs. Brewer presided. Mrs. Kaine, devotions Mrs. Brewer made feeling reference to the passing of one of our foundation members, Mrs. Isaac. She attended our last meeting, and will be greatly missed. All stood in silence as a mark oi respect. Temperance fact, Mrs. Dudley. Rejiorts of L.T.L., Cradle Roll, “White Ribbon,” Treasurer’s, Bible in Schools la-ague. Arrangements made for the C.R. party. Mrs. Si-ed conducted the election of officers: Pres., Mrs. Brewer; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Gittings, Cracknel) and Gill mgs Treas., Mrs. Gittings; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Gillmgs; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Jordan; VV.R. Agent and Temperance (Scientific) Supt., Mrs. Dudley; Bible in Schools League, Mesdames Pearson and Gillmgs; Hospital Auxiliary Rep., Mrs. Pearson. Prayer. Benediction. Lower Hutt.—Nov. 2t>. Annual meeting. Mr-. Swift tcxik Devotions. Mrs. Aldersle) presided. The recent District Executive re|x>rt was given by the Secretary. Decided to get threefold pledge cards. Officers elected Pres., Mrs. Lopdell; Sec., Mrs. Crawford; I'reas., Mrs. Cooper; Cradle Roll, Mrs. Aldersley; “White Ribbon," Mesdames Heyes and Teasdill; Devotional, Mrs. Swift; Birthday la-ague, Mrs. Aidersey. Regret at losing out Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. Cropp, removed to Oamani. Annual rejxirt shows a busy and useful year. Prayer. Benediction. Wellington. Dec. 4. Annual meeting. Mrs. Bade presided. Mrs. Peryman welcomed to chair for election of officers. All officers reelected. Annual report given by Mrs. Bishop. Treasurer's rejxm bowed credit balance. Twenty years' Service Badge presented to Mrs. Perry. Songs. Afternoon tea. Benediction. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Tua Marina. Nov. IS. Annual meeting at Mrs. ltadinau’s. Mrs. S. Harris firesided. Mrs. H. Bateup, Devotions. A grateful letter of thanks from the Seamen's Rest, >ew Plymouth for Donation from union. **!rs. S. Harris read an interesting article, “Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow.” Gifts of clothing were handed in for the Maori Mission work. Rejxirts of the year’s activities showed a busy, interesting and steady progress in tlu work. Balance-sheet satisfactory. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. S. Harris; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Burroughs, Bateup, and Smith; Sec., Mrs. I). Knight; Devotional, Mrs. A. Robinson; Cradle Roll, Mrs. J. S. White; “White Ribbon,” Mrs. H. Bateup; Peace, Mrs. E. Smith (all reelected); Treas., Mrs. W. B. Lucas; Rejxirter, Mrs. S. Harris; Visiting Comm., Mesdames Harris, Smith, Burroughs and Gardiner. Birthday sprays went to three members. Benediction closed a successful meeting. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Linwood.—Nov. 25. Annual meeting. Mis. Mackie presided. G<xxl attendance of m.-rib-rs. Devotions by .Mrs. Mackie. Reports hv Suj>erintendents of each department 'bowed pood work. Mrs. Black gave annual report, showing improvement. Mrs. Turner gave Scientific Fact. Mrs. Beck read the financial statement, which recorded a g»x>d credit balance. Sym pathy to Mrs. C. W. Barrel] in the loss <f her brother. Presentation to Mrs. Roberts, late Treasurer. The cake, which was prtsen ted by the President, was cut by the youngest member, Mrs. and handed round to members. Mrs. Fred Fuller took the chair for the election of Officer-.; the results were as follows:- Pres., Mrs. ('. R. N. Mackie; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Anstice, Fuller, Stokes Jnr., Taylor, and Turner; Evan., Mesdames Anstice ami Robson; Sec., Mrs. Ronald Black;

Treas., Mrs. Beck; * Scientific Fact. Mrs. Turney; Cradle Roll. Mrs. T. Stokes Jnr.; Peace and Arbitration, Mrs. Nuttall; Accompanist, Miss Minnie Snell L.T.C.L.; Band of Hope Mrs. C K. N. Mack it (Supt ), Mn R. Black (Sec.>, Mesdames Dunlop, McDonald, Robinson, Stoke-' and Teague (Comm.); Social Convener, Miss Davies; Philanthropic, Mrs. K. Black; Visiting Comm., Mesdames HDElliott, Huntei, Mackie, Robinson, Stokes,

Summers and Teague; Home Meetings, Mrs. Summers; “White Ribbon,” Mrs. F. Fuller. The meeting closed with the Benediction. New Brighton. November 6. Mrs. H. .d. Hall presided. Good attendance. Dev ttions Mrs. F. Mitchell, scientific tenijwrance fact. .Mrs. H. Hale reported on the Band of Hope social. Visitors apixnuted for sick members. Donation of 10/- and gifts of cakes, etc., in aid of Welcome Club. Rev. D. McKay gave a very tine talk on the attitude of Christian people towards education. M asked, “What is thr purpose of education but the development of character.” Religious and moral education should In- given in all dav schools. He wa< accorded a hearty vote of thanks. Mrs. Fraser, Su|>erintendent of Mental Hospital visiting. I.etter of appreciation to lie sent to Captain Simpson for his help in Band of Hojic work. Hostesses, Mesdames F. Mitchell and Tye. North Brighton.—Nov. IK. Annual meeting. Presided over by Mrs. I). Goldman. Rep.» r is on the year’s work were given by Sec., Treas. (Balance-sheet), Hand of Hojx- Supt., Cradle Roll Supt., Press Reporter and Philanthropic Supt. Mrs. Compton reported that 100 ol word were given out to members of the knitting circle and 37 articles had been handed over to the local residents’ tlub 'or parcels sent to men serving Overseas. Oftioeis elected:- Pres., Mrs I). Goldman; Vf„ Mrs. f. H. Mcllraith; Treas., Mrs. W. Mundy. Benediction. Oxford.—Nov. 19. Annual meeting. Secretary’s and Superintendent’s rejxirts given. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Comyns; Vice Pres., Mesdames Pryde, Hawke, Yritt, Roi, and Fenwick; Sec., Miss N. Waterman; I'reas., Mrs. fones; Evangelistic Supt., Mrs. C. Cross; W.R., Mrs. Hawke; Band of Hoik-, Miss Comyns; C.R., Mrs. Squier; Notable Days, Mrs. L. Jones; Flower Mission, Mrs. W. Mag rath; Backblocks, Mrs. G. Hyde; Pianist, Mrs. Feir.vick; Hume Meetings, Mrs. \V. Johnson; TenijK-rance Fact, Mrs. H. Cederinan; Legal and Parliamentary Press, Miss Caverhill. The President thanked members for her re-electmn and said she trusted all would work together with renewed vigour in the cadse of G<>d, Home, and Humanity. Preliminary arrangements made for a C.R. Rally. Papanui.—Nov. The annual meeting; Mrs. Thornton presided. Good attendance. Sympathy with Mrs. Harrell in the death of her brother. Repirt* from Supts. of Depts. were received. One new member welcomed. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Thornton; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Carr, Elliott, and Graham; Sec., Mis. Tillman; I'reas., Mrs. If.xider. Supts.: Evangelistic, Mrs. Elliott; Cradle Roll, .Mesdames Anderson and Hayton; I’irlanthropic and Mental Hospitals, Mrs. Hawker and Mrs. Thornton; Press Rejiorter, Mrs. Carr; Scientific Fact. Mrs. Hampton; Organists, Mesdames Angus and Hayton. Reefton. November 11. Annual meeting, (io'xl attendance. Mrs. Thompson presided. Officers elected: I’res., Mrs. Thompson; S-c., Mrs. Gilmour; Treas., Mrs. lfallaran; Vice* pres., Mrs. Waddell, Mrs. Absalom; “White Ribbon” Agent, Mrs. Absalom; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. Gard. Treasurer’s and Secretary’s reports read and received as very satisfactory. Mrs. Willis, on behalf of members, presented Mrs. Thompson with a small gift. Mrs. W addell presented posies of downs to tht President, Secretary and Treasurer. Afternoon tea. Rev. Norwell closed the meeting with prayer. Spray don.—Nov. Mrs. Harrell presided. Officers elected:- Pres., Mrs. Ancall (reelected); Vice-Pres., Mesdames Petrie, Pirrett, Geninieli, Denis, Lockwood, Bilclift and Mackenzie;; Sec., Mrs. Walker; Cradle Roll, Mrs. Fehsenfeld; “White Ribbon” and Literature, Mrs. Sun; Temperance Facts, Mr*. Murray; Devotional, Mesdames Gcmmell and D* n Mental Hospital Visitor, Mrs. Gemmell; I'reas., Miss Muirhead. Beautiful posies were presented to Mesdames Harrell and Petrie by Mrs. Foster, retiring Sec. Mrs. Ancall thanked all the workers. Hostesses, Mesdames Clements and Olds. Benediction.

Sydenham. December 4. Annual meeting. President, Mrs. Woodward, ill. Sympathy passed to her, and bereaved friends of late Mrs. Wiltshire. Mrs. Grigg presided. Mrs. Grigg, business manager, sjx>ke of “White Ribbon” l>cing important. Encouraging words by the chairwoman. Officers elected: Pres., M s. Puddle; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Archer, Davies, Thorne, W ells, Srivers; Evangelistic Supt., Mrs. Davies; Sec., Mrs. Drewett; I'reas., Mrs. Brown; Pres- Rep., Mrs. Seivers; C.R., M rs. Filer; Scientific Temperance, Mrs.

Rogers; Notable Days, Mrs. Thorne; W.R , Mrs. Rogers; Musical Convener, Mrs. Weatherhead; Social Conveners, Mesdatms Garhck and Rhodes. Ali rejiorts were encouraging,' and executive are thanked for good work.

Sydenham. - Nov. Cradle Roll social, when mothers and children were welcomed by Mrs. Woodward, President. A number of the children and members rendered varied items. Gifts were distributed, and a vote of thanks accorded the organiser, Mrs. Filer. Ricc.itton. —Nov. 13. Attendance 20. Devotions by Mrs. B. J. James. Welcome to Mrs. Hitt after an absence through ill-health. Keixirts: Mental hospital visited; Lady Galway Guild work, with :-i ecial thanks to Mrs. Knight for sewing done for same; E.P.S. work in the district by Mrs. Holsey I'wo Sunday Schools in district have Temperance lessons each quarter, and one has Temperance 'lessons one Sunday ir the year. Mrs. Griffiths read interesting ietters from “Nurses’ Journal," telling of work among the Maoris and overseas, giving a description of a trip to the Holy Land and the evacuation of Crete. One new member initiated. Hostesses, Mesdames Gundy and Holsey. Woolston.—Nov. 19. (hxnl attendance. Annual meeting. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Ramsay; Sec., Mrs McCabe; Irea-., Mrs. Palmer; 11. Mi R : 11 j ’ Mrs. Falkingham; “White Ribbon," Mrs. Reckingsale; Temperance Fact, Mrs. Anstice - Pianist. Mrs. Sage. Members brought splendid collection of gifts for our Sailors’ Rest at Tiniaru. “Bring-and-Buy” for general funds. Hostesses. Mesdames Beikingsale ami Smith. Compliments of the Season to all W.C.T.U. members. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Ashburton.—Dec. 3. Mr'. Robinson presided and led devotions. Fair attendance. Sympathy to Mrs. Bamll, Mrs. f. Osb • . and rdativgg of late Hon. T. O. Barnett, who had taken much interest in our work. Annual rejiort. Reports by Supt<. of Depts. Treasurer rejxirted substantial credit balance. Miss Jackson gave fine reix>rt of Band of Hojie meetings. membership over 200 ; 50 being new this year. Officers elected: l’r<Mrs. \\. H. Robinson; N ice-I’res., Mrs. McGregor. Mrs. Aitkenhead, Miss Jackson and Sister Mildred; Rec. Sec., Mrs. S. J. Buchlcr;; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Harwood; I’reas., Mrs. G. I ulloch. Temuka. December 3. Annual meeting. Good attendance. Mrs. Hew>on presided. Devotions, Mrs. Douglas. Sympathy with the relative' of the lute Mr. T. D. Burnett. M.P. Regret was expressed at Mrs. Hew son desiring to lie relieved of her office, and Mrs. Grocott was elected President in her place; all other officers being re-elected. Short discussion on work for the new year. Afternoon tea. Benediction. Tiniaru.—Nov. 1. Mrs. Cave presided. Devotions, Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs. Cave and Mis. Miuifie appointed to help one day at the soldiers new Welcome Club. Satisfactory reports of the year’s work were read. In the g<xxl citizenship department members had taken an active interest in public questions relating to the W.C.T.U. and the welfare of women and children. Mrs. Miuifie presented the report on the work of the S.ailors’ Rest for the year and a vote of thanks was passed to all who had assisted during the year. Officers elected: I’res.. Miss W. Fyfe; Sec., Mrs. G. Keen; Treas., Mrs. Thomson; Sailors’ Rest Treas., Mrs. M. Mini fie; Afternoon tea. Benediction. Waimate. N 12. C.R Party. >A. children supplied items and Adjt. Stephenson addressed the mothers. The children were supplied with ice creams and apples and afternoon tea and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Annual meeting. Mrs. Duckett led in prayer. The treasurer reported 77 paid-up members; credit balance of £7/13/5. Cr-dle K<>ll report 8S on the roll. Officers elected: Vice-Pres., Mesdames Duckett, Hoare, Kipjienberger and Hobbs; Sec.. Miss I*. I lev; Treas., Mrs. A. Simpson; “White Ribbon.” Mis. Tooley; Cradle Roll Supt., Mesdames D<»w and Alf . y. S|>ecial vote of thanks to Mrs. Johns whi. had retired from Cradle Roll superintendence after 14 year-.’ service. One new member initiated. Afternoon tea. Benediction. OTAGO DISTRICT Kaikorai. —Nov. 25. Annual meeting. President opened with praise. Mrs. On led in Prayer. Mrs. MacDonald took the lesson. Officers elected: l’res.. Mi-;. Flett; \ ice-Pres., Mrs. Adcock; Sec., Mi- Dobson; I'reas., Mrs. Mastcrton; Sick Visitor, Mrs. Ram age; W.R,

Mis. (Iran**; ILickfilocki, Mr*. Kills; ( R. Mrs. R.ttnaift-; Drvotions, Me*ilanirs ()rr and Mac lK maid ; Orxanist, Mrs. Mastrrtan. Arranirt-tiu-nt mailt- for the C.R. paity i<> I<• hrld »-arl\ in thr New Year. North F.a»t Valley. Nov. 27. Annual rejxirt showed good meeting* field rejrularly. I re«|uent a['i«eal> and protest* to Parliament. v . Imth l>\ gifts and service. Kegret serious illness of President, Miss Gray, and of her sister. F.lection of offueis. I'uMis, ,\. Gray; Sec., Miss G. tnlilis. In .!•„ Mi If. Sanders; Asst. Treas., Mrs. Johnston; VN.IL, Mrs. McLav: Kvangelistic, Mrs. Green; C.R and Birthday la-ague, Mrs. Jofinstoti; literature, Mrs. Me** an; Nice I’re*., Mrsdaines I'eart and Gibson. Oamaru. Nov. 10. Annual meeting; Mrs. Crawford piesided and led devotions. Mrs. (iarden's visit arranged for March. Annual repot read. Anniversary celebration was most ucce-tful. t M«l People's Home had been visited. treasurer's re; art very entouraging, i {/:* - votetl to Maori Girls’ Hostel. Officers elected: l*res.. Miss Cowan; Vice-Pn ~ Mrs. Parker and Hridgnian, and Mis t ' I i«h aid Snivth; Kec. Sec., Mrs. Martyn; Irea*.. Mrs. Snell; C .R., Mrs. Poole. Solos. Afternoon tea. Ilenediction. Port Chalmers. Nov. A well-attended meeting presided over by Mrs. G. Mirams. Few minutes prayer for \\ orld » Peace, ( apt. Wilson gave a most helpful address on the l nconscious Power of F. sample." laeut. Pont rendered two vocal solo*. A presentation wai made to Mr*. Murray in appreciation of her faithful services over many yean. Mrs. Hiett , letter hi appreciation of Mrs. Machel l>oii having been read, drr|«est gratitude was expressed by members for her magnificent lift s work for the Temperance cause. A donation collected for St. John's Ambulance. Afternoon tea. South Dunedin. Mi >. Donaldson presided. Mi -. Prlling, dcvoti mis. Annual re|*>rt. Mrs. Garden, organiser, ti»4. charge. Five new memtiers. Short .uldressrs bv Rev. Tasker anti Mi • Garden. Flection of officers. Mrs. Garden s v.‘-rk in South Dunedin brought a goodly nundier t«> meeting. la-aflets distnbuted. ( ollrctin;*. ( herring effect of welltiihd - its. \ former President, Mrs. Williamson, -re-elected. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. South Invercargill. Nov. 11. Miss McCallum presided over I attendance. Mrs. Richards led Devotions. Pledge. Trm|>era»»ce Fact, Mrs. Keidv. Members urged to attend District ( onventiou on Nov. pi. Arrangement* n .nl< ft r the Rest and Tea rooms at the A. &■ P. S <ov. Members promised their help at the i* * ' s on* l<"‘h days. Mis. I.illicrap gave a n t interesting “ Travel Talk” on her trip to Gm at Britain ard the Continent, illustrating •atm by maps, pictures and fiostcards. Talk much appreciated. Sjxaker thanked. After1' ' tea. Remdiction. National Anthem. Wintoa. N iv. 18. Annual meeting. Preside !, Mr-. J. I). Camiibell. in chair. All pres* it «f-ci ■ s re-elected. At close of meeting Mrs. Young and party entertained with a sin'ial hour, which was much enjoyed bv all. Aftenusm tea. Pledge. Benediction. Closed with all siticiug "G si lie with you till we meet again.”

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White Ribbon, Volume 47, Issue 11, 18 December 1941, Page 8

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 47, Issue 11, 18 December 1941, Page 8

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 47, Issue 11, 18 December 1941, Page 8

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